Where have all the GOOD times gone?
By Stephannie
@stephcjh (38473)
United States
March 4, 2008 3:10am CST
I have seen the times change so quickly over the last few years and it seems that life has grown to be more hectic now than ever before. Alot of us do not have time to enjoy life because we are either working every day, financially strapped, depressed or just too overwhelmed by all of the changes we have all had to go through.
It is very hard these days for some of us to actually have a good time because we are always worried about something.
Will we ever get our life back? Is this a normal feeling? Do you think it is just my age and maturity kicking in?
I'm tired and scared of all of it.
Is there really such a thing as "Golden Years"?
Are they really golden? I don't think so for many of us in this day and age.
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17 responses
@gfreedom (22)
• Singapore
4 Mar 08
"Golden years" it depend on how everyone define it.
but on my current status. i think my "golden year" are those when i was still a child all the way to my school days. those are the years i think is the best.
but now we got to think if we will have enough money to use for tomolo and other stuff in our head that we will have to worry about may it be money, family, job, your boss/business" any thing you need it but there is alway an element of "fun" in everything we do. so if you find that element and "Bang" your life should be much better then before
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
5 Mar 08
Very true. I was actually talking about our elderly years as being our golden years though. People are always planning for retirement and such but I really do not think a whole lot of people can afford to retire these days because they will not get enough money to pay for the high price of everything these days.
I know we have golden years when we are young and we treasure those but we can never go back and we must plan for the future golden years if there is such a thing anymore.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
4 Mar 08
It isn't you, times are always changing, sometimes for the better, (technology) and sometimes for the worse, (hectic lifestyle).. Don't know what your beliefs are, but in the Bible, it does say about how things will be and I am seeing it come to pass..
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I am sort of religious. I was raised a Baptist. I know that there are many things in the Bible that are written that have come true. Life is getting very scary these days. I just hope that the rest of my families days can be spent in peace without us having to struggle worse or suffer any longer than we have to. We work to hard to give up on trying, but I sure hope it all pays off in the end.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
5 Mar 08
Well since you know about what the Bible says, all we can do is trust and rely on Him..
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I believe what you are experiencing is very normal. We have kids and the demands are tremendous. We have little free time to sit and do absolutely nothing. The brain and body feel overworked and tired. Life gets better with age, as a rule.
What I observed over the years is there are changes about every decade. Twenty was a blast, thirty I had 2 children, forty I had 3 children and 2 dogs, fifty I had 3 children, 2 dogs and a cat. Here I am at sixty and looking back, now are the easy years. Our kids are grown and we have grandchildren. Medical conditions change they go along with age but that's something we can do nothing about other than deal with things and try to keep healthy. I am at a point in my life where my time is my time. I can do nothing, watch television, work on crafts, sleep or go out and don't have to worry about a babysitter.
For my age I am physically in good shape to move around like I did when younger. My job consists of standing on my feet. So I'm not physically limited.
Your time will come when you can also enjoy the freedom you deserve.
Have a good day,
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I know what you mean. I only have one daughter and she is 16. She will be raised in a couple more years. Life is so fast paced and hectic now than what I remember it being when my mom raised her 4 children. I just hope that after all of this hard work, I will be able to enjoy life at some point and time. I especially want this for my husband. He served 17 years in the ARMY and has nothing to show for it and he is still working. He wants to retire in 11 more years and I want him to not have to worry about anything when he does. I don't mind hard work, but I just wish I could see some light for us at the end of the tunnel... It just seems so far out of reach right now.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
4 Mar 08
I hear you and you know that I feel exactly the same way
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
4 Mar 08
Yes. I know it. It just seems that all of the good times in my life are history and I am unable to grasp hold of them again, no matter how hard I try to enjoy some parts of life.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
6 Mar 08
tommorrow March 6 is my birthday, and I am not doing anything different at all.
@mummymo (23706)
4 Mar 08
I have had a lot of hard times and a lot of worries over the last few years too sweety but I try and pick out the good bits, enoy them and remember them often! I also stay positive that things will get better soon and stay that way for a while! Seize every moment of happiness you can sweety - you may as well as worrying won't make things better but smiling certainly can help make them feel that way! xxx
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
4 Mar 08
That is the same with me. It just seems that there are very few good times anymore. alot of it has to do with my finacial staus and alot of it has to do with time to actually enjoy life. I stay so stressed out and worried about everything, mainly bills. I try to stay positive also and just hope that it all gets better one day soon. I try to stay focussed on making our life better financially and it will give me more time to be happy when I can finally get unstrapped from the debts and actually be able to have a little to spend to go have fun.
@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
4 Mar 08
Life is truly hectic for many of us these days. I am glad that I have my faith that keeps me grounded. I go to church twice a week and that feeds me to help me through the rest of the week. If I didn't have this, I know I would allow myself to be depressed, with never having a moment to enjoy life. I work many hours just to pay the bills. But with my faith and my being fed at church it makes each day new, and able to carry on.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I belong to a church but we live about 45 miles from it now. I had some bad experiences with church is why I choose to worship the lord at home now. I am so glad that you can get something from the church you go to. that really means alot. I always ask the lord to guide me and see me through things and everything usually works out, but I sure miss the days when everyone used to be so much nicer and you wouldn't have to worry about going to the neighbors house and borrowing a cup of sugar. It is too dangerous to do that these days for sure.
@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
5 Mar 08
for me i have the golden years, your right everything is not easy , for the people who's working whole day we dont have already the ime of enjoying our self, just home work, work home, lot of changes in this world already even it not safe to all of us.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
6 Mar 08
Yes. Even my parent was still working until she became disabled. I really don't think there will be such a thing as retirement for my poor husband or myself when the time comes. The government just does not give out enough and the prices of everything is sky high.
@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
5 Mar 08
I mourn for the old days. I feel like somedays I will never get out of a depression, because my life is so complicated now. And then I find myself reminiscing about the simpler days.. and thinking to myself at the same time why the heck did I stress about the things that seem so trivial today?
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
5 Mar 08
Yes. It is a very scary thought but I think it is a very realistic thought with the way things are changing these days and the pace it is going at also.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
5 Mar 08
I feel for you. that is how I feel also. I stay depressed. I work all of the time now and do not have time to enjoy life at all because I am so scared that if I take a break, it will all pass me by. I am very scared to see what the world will be when I get to my golden years. I think the world will be mainly run by computers and robots.

@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
6 Mar 08
Hi stephcjh. I know what you mean. We were all so absorbed with chasing our own rainbows that we just to forget to sit back, take 10 deep breathes and simply enjoy our surroundings.
In my case, there's always this thing at the back of my mind that either I do it now or never. I guess, you can say, that I like to finish all I must do before reaching my golden years.
It really depends on how your perceived "golden years." My idea of a golden years is seeing myself living in a small cottage, raise 10 bunnies, and silently applaud myself for all the accomplishments and failures I did in the past.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
6 Mar 08
Hello there.
you are exactly right. I always feel like I need to be doing something constructive with my life to try and stay up with the ever changing times.
I am one who keeps on working also to achieve my goals and be as productive to my family as I can with our household and life.
I like your perception of golden years.
My golden year perception is to have all of the bills paid off, accept for the utilities of course and be able to have a little bit of money in the bank, and be able to buy some small things or jusst be able to go out and enjoy life. I would love to be able to actually sit back and kill time just listening to the birds sing while drinking coffee.
There is no time for it now though because the times are rough, bills need paid, and the world is getting worse economically and technology is bomming faster than ever before.
There is not even time to breathe right.
@jeanniemay (1798)
• Philippines
5 Mar 08
I'm still yet to start my productive years. I don't also know how I feel 25 years more..
Life is quite complicated as they say but as long we put our LOVE to rule in, we will enjoy every moment of it, with the people we care, we them that we love!
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
5 Mar 08
Yes. Life is very complicated. We have to treasure every moment that we can when we are not struggling or working all of the time.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
5 Mar 08
"And I remember how things use to be...we can have it all again..."
"And I...would give any moment...for those endless summer nights..."??
I know how you feel Steph. And don't worry I feel my own age and maturity kicking too, in my own unique way.
At the very least we still have the memories and how we felt.
And the future isn't that grim. There are plenty of other events to go through, good times to experience, and memories to make.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
5 Mar 08
Yes. I am very happy to be able to have some memories of the good times. the times ar eso bad in my life right now, it just does not seem possible to see the light of dday or good times any time soon, but I sure hope that I am wrong about that.
@joyceshookery (2057)
• United States
5 Mar 08
How sad a picture you paint, steph. We can't allow the negatives in life to outweigh the positives.
There's a saying I heard that I'd like to share with you. It goes, "We don't stop laughing when we get older, we grow older when we stop laughing."
I don't spend a lot of time worrying about things -- especially if there's not a bleeping thing I can do about it.
You can get your life back if you make that your choice and priority. Find joy in small corners.
I don't know about the golden years. I think they could just be whatever we choose to make of them -- both good and bad. I'm going to be as happy as I can be one day at a time.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
5 Mar 08
Yes. I know it, but it just gets so discouraging and it totally stresses me out. I like the saying you have quoted to me, but there really isn't alot of time to laugh. It is all work, most of the time.
I spend alot of time worrying while all at the samne time doing something to make it all better.
I think there is something we can do about alot of things even if it is not the totally fulfillment we are looking for.
I try very hard every day and I do take some time out of each day to try to be happy, but most of the time, I am too tired to enjoy life because I work all of the time physically and mentally.
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
4 Mar 08
you are right to feel this way but i must tell you that it is not just finances that brought about all the stress we experience even technology is a problem,havent you noticed that the more technology try to make our lives simpler the more complicated it becomes?the more technological breakthrough we have the more disaster there is and all these are enough even life is no longer as safe as it use to be ,our lives have been turned into a stereo type of fast ,these ,fast that and almost everyone has been turned into a kind of zombie,we just have to consciously take back our lives
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
5 Mar 08
Yes. I have noticed it all. It has made our lives more hectic and it is harder to get ahead in life now and have the time to actually enjoy yourself. I feel so robotic these days. I feel like every day is the same thing. Work, work, work and no time for play or enjoy things anymore. Everything is so expensive these days, and no one can afford to take the family out for a Sunday anymore drive because gas is too high also. You can barely afford to buy groceries.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
5 Mar 08
I think so too. It is a daily struggle to keep everything the way it should be. We are always thrown alot of twists and turns. There is always something to do to make sure everything stays on track.
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
5 Mar 08
yes you are right but really i believe we have to consciously wor our way to always ensure we are able to put things back the way they ought to be

@drsaurav (13)
• India
5 Mar 08
we have now entered the rat race, everybody is running here and there but dont know where, the complexity of life is getting deeper day by day despite being the fact that we claim to simplfy things on sceintific and research grounds. But the bare truth is that we are going away from natural life. our own mistakes are leading to disaters. we are playing with the nature, moral values, norms of society.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
5 Mar 08
A rat race is absolutely right. I don't know if i am coming or going alot of times. I think i have to work all of the time instead of making time to enjoy life. I feel like i am wasting time if I am not doing something productive for us. I feel I will get behind and never get caught up because everything changes so quickly.
I hate all of the changes the world has made over the years. It wouldn't bother me none if we all went back to farm house, log cabins and horse and buggy.
@gardengrrl (1445)
• United States
4 Mar 08
Hey, Steph!
I think you're really feeling it because you're at the peak years of family labor, if that makes sense. As your kids move through their school years, there's just SO much STUFF that has to be dealt with, it's a wonder you have time to breathe!
Plus, these are uncertain times for our society, too. It's hard to work up a good party hearty when you're worried about job security, fast-rising prices, etc, etc.
Keep in mind that, in order to have truly "Golden" years, you have to lay the foundation for them now. Pay a bit of attention to your health, keep putting pennies in the piggy bank, pay off your house. You have a long way to go yet, but the time will fly. Keep your "eyes on the prize", and you will get to enjoy your life a lot more once your household is just the two of you again.
Remember too that life is cyclic. Tough times may grind on, but they will come to an end. Knowing there will be good times again is one of the things that keeps me passing the open windows!
Be well, big hugs!
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
5 Mar 08
Amen about having time to breathe. I work alot of hours every day of the week and my husband also works 7 days a week right now just so we can make it. We are always trying to prepare ourselves for the golden years while we still have the ability and our health to do so.
We are streadily trying to pay bills off and never go into debt for anything ever again. We know how hard it is to pay off things, especially a house or second mortgage.
It will be nice to get my daughter raised and for my husband to retire so we can sit back and enjoy the fruits of our labor some day, I hope.
I will be so glad when the tough times do pass. We try so hard and it is very discouraging at times.
I will stay headstrong and keep wproking to reach the goal though.
Thanks for the nice tips and comments. they are greatly appreciated.
(((Hugs back to you)))
@cortney09 (1345)
• United States
8 Mar 08
I think that one of the big things, is people never slow down. I mean it's amazing how people never stop, even for two minutes. I think that we miss so much by being in a tremendous hurry, and sometimes with nowhere that has to be gotten to in such a hurry.