remarks about fat people
@Hatley (163773)
Garden Grove, California
March 21, 2008 7:43pm CST
I was in on a really fun discussion just now whenone poster put in these unplesant remarks about fat people.
MyLotters do you think that its right for people to claim all fat people are lazy and do not know they are fat and are too blind to see that they are, and that they need to be told to diet?
We are not blind, we do know we are fat, we are trying to lose weight so do not need anyone to tell us to diet, most of us are already under a doctor's care, and if we talked to you like some of you talk to us you would be furious. What are your thoughts on this?
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63 responses
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
8 May 08
Hello Hatley. This is a good discussion. For my many years being a slim guy, I never for once tend to look down on overweight or obese people. And I don't have a right to say that they are all lazy and do not know that they are fat and all. I think that's just degrading remarks and it certainly says a lot about those who insult fat people because it clearly shows how low-level those persons are.
I have some lady colleagues here who complain to me that no matter what they try, they still can't slim down. I do know as what they have told me that these are more towards genes and hereditary. And also because they have a low metabolism. But that doesn't mean that they don't exercise and take care of their meals and all that. So, it is not fair for people to comment someone as fat and calling him or her as lazy.
However, it is alright to give encouragement to them, but as long as the person is willing to hear it. If he or she is happy to remain as they are, then I see no problem of me still being friends with them, no matter what their sizes are. Have a good one there, sweetie.
@superpidge (78)
• Australia
22 Mar 08
It is definitely NOT ok to claim all overweight people as lazy!
They could have thyroid or metabolic problems.
They could have food allergies which make it hard to eat a balanced diet.
They could have an eating disorder that makes them binge or overeat.
They could have an extremely busy lifestyle and just can't make the best food choices.
They could have injuries (that's me!) which make physical activity really hard or virtually impossible.
They could have put on lots of weight in the past due to bad eating habits, but now eat great, but not losing the weight.
There are 1001 reasons why someone might be overweight, with nothing to do with poor diet or laziness, so no one should judge, this overweight person might be fighting a battle you know nothing about.
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@Jaedee (1)
• United States
22 Mar 08
I completely agree. I never understood why people judged people by their size or looks. I always pity the person who dares to tease another because of "who they were". Is it fair that there are so many people who remark on another's size for fun out of peer pressure? There are fewer that stand up for themselves.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Mar 08
That is exactly right.for me its being a diabetic and I was on avandia which caused me to gain forty five pounds in just weeks and I had being losing down to 170 so had to do it all over and more.I was so glad when the doctor took me off avandia and put me on metformin.Now my diabetes is under control and I can work on losing weight.
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@superpidge (78)
• Australia
22 Mar 08
Diabetes is also a common setback to maintaining a good weight.
Also I had a friend who had to take steroid medications for very bad asthma - she was extremely overweight for a number of years.
But then she quit smoking, her asthma improved so she was able to stop the steroids and she lots a ton of weight and now in a healthy weight range.
Whereas previously people were just judging her for being fat and lazy :(
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
8 May 08
Speaking about anyone who is not perfect with disdain is truly ignorant. Show me someone who is perfect please.
People who put others down obviously have self esteem issues themselves and need to go round belittling other people to make themselves feel better.
A person who is fat might not know how to lose weight, may have tried and had no success. It's a well known fact that diets don't work and simply eating less and exercising more is hard to do.
@teison2 (5921)
• Norway
22 Mar 08
I agree with you completely. These remarks are just as rude as it would be if I said all thin people that make rude remarks about others have no brain and should be made do grade school over again, in the hope that they would at least learn something about emapthy and good manners
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@dragonfly242 (1060)
• Bahamas
22 Mar 08
It makes me so angry when people are rude to overweight people. I do not agree that all overweight people are that way because their lazy, that could'nt be further from the truth. It's hard to claim that they are blind to the fact that the're overweight, after all they live with themselves. I'm of the opinion if your not gonna be a part of the solution dont be a part of the problem.Instead of critising.. encourage, and support... Or just SHUT UP. Keep your opinions to yourself unless asked. Fat or not everyone has the right to just be, so let them.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Mar 08
Itis a good motto now allI have to do is live up to it.
@dragonfly242 (1060)
• Bahamas
22 Mar 08
Your son sounds like a smart guy. I love your motto... I dont understand why some people feel as if it's their duty to point out flaws in others, but i guess it keeps them busy...because they dont have to acknowlege their own flaws.
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@thebeing (657)
• Romania
11 Apr 08
hahaha! that's so stupid. i'm sorry, but that is stupid. it's like saying to a really obese person "you're not fat, you're big bonned". Come on! You know, a person with such "genes" can't survive. There are people who are fat because of some diseases. Yes, that is true. But, that could be controlled, too. So, "i can't help it. it's my genes" = "pfff, i'm to lazy to do anything about it".
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Apr 08
well now that is your opinion and i am not going to honor your rudeness with any further comment.

@jennawinseverytime (377)
• United States
1 Apr 08
Those focused on other peoples problems only just dont want to take a look at themselves. Ya maybe someone is a little chubby but that person has been through some events like boyfriends trying to bring them down or there environment overall negatively effected there daily habits, but someone who happened to be born with a high metabolism and has also been through a few things well they just got lucky that there weight wasnt effected because its in their jeans to have a high metabolism, however there ego must be bruised because they spend their life pointing out people who are a few pounds overweight, it keeps them from falling off their high horse.
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@jennawinseverytime (377)
• United States
2 Apr 08
Thankyou, this is a sensitive topic its not easy to be judged so much.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Apr 08
Somewhere I was taught judge not lest you be judged and that has really stuck with me all my life.

@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
22 Mar 08
Unfortunately more people than not are extremely closed minded and it doesn't just go for weight, it goes for other challenges that others may face. I was recently mocked badly about my phobia on another forum and it hurt but I'll just have to think that one they its all going to come back and bite them. I have still a lot of weight to lose but have lost a lot already.. fortunately I am no longer heavy enough for people to make fun of my weight but I still have a long way to go before I can shop in typical clothing stores. But NO people who are overweight are NOT lazy. Many of them have a medical problem, maybe on steroids or have emotional issues which can drive them to eat which does NOT make them lazy, so people need to seriously wake up. Everyone has issues of their own so why in the world would they judge someone else who may have a different issue?

@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
22 Mar 08
Well think of it this way, if someone mocks you for any reason its because they are feeling low about themselves!! Therefore it gives them power to laugh at someone else's challenges. I have to remind myself of that more often because perhaps maybe that will make me rise above it all more easily and quicker.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Mar 08
yes indeed we do need to rise above the pettiness of narrow minded people
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Mar 08
it is so sad when people on here mock one for a phobia but as they say what goes around comes around. we should not judge anyone because we have not walked in their shoes.

@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
22 Mar 08
I completly agree. I am overweight myself. I hate people that judge others because of weight problems. Espically those that say stuff like this. I have had a weight problem since childhood. I have tried and I am still trying to lose weight but it's not always easy
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Mar 08
It is oneof the biggest challenges I have had to face and having a bad foot and an arm that is not working too well has not helped me to lose either.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Mar 08
Sporry to hear that I can understand it would limit you
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
12 Apr 08
I hate people judging other people and criticizing them as if they are not human and dont have feelings! We cant judge everyone and we truly dont know how much effort they have exerted to try to help themselves.
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
17 Apr 08
I also don't understand that way! for sure because different way of raising in the family or was not corrected when growing up! and hurting other feelings is a thing they don't care! pretty sad for them, since I always believe, no one can stand to be their true friend..hahhahah
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Apr 08
I also hate this judging and so many people do it. one of the responders just said something rather asinine and I told him or he that that was their opinion also I asked this person if he or she had ever been taught to judge not lest you be judged.
@sassysammy81 (369)
• United States
31 Mar 08
For one is no ones right to judge me,yeah I'm over weight,so what,yes I know I'm overweight,ggez like I need to hear about it all the darn time.Some people don't wanna change it,but alot of us do.Like me I think I ave tried about everything to lose it,but not much really helps and summer is coming so I hope this is my year to get thin.I don't go around judging or see poster about thin people why should they do that to us?They shouldn't just makes us feel worse like we have the plague or something,we are still people with feeling and people need to remember that.
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@above31rubies (1863)
• United States
22 Mar 08
I used to be one of those thin people who would think of fat people "how did you ever GET like that?" Or I would think how "it isn't that hard to do something about it", or whatever. I NEVER would say anything at all and certainly nothing like what you are describing- that is simply rude. But, I admit I thought some of it.
I did say used to be. Not too long ago, I 'suddenly' found myself 30 pounds over what I had always weighed and straining the seams on pants 3 sizes larger than usual. 30 pounds is nothing compared to some, I know, but it was alot for me. And even with just 30 pounds I was beginning to look fat to others as well.
I realized that becoming overweight was actually very easy. I gained and grew to a size 10 and thought, "oh I should probably think about maybe doing something" but I didn't and even became comfortable with the size 10- large for me. Then I became a size 12 and I thought "oh, I should think about maybe doing something" but I didn't and again even became comfortable with that size. Then I became a get the picture, though with each bigger size I became a tiny bit less comfortable. Then I read the book Eat to Live- it was revolutionary for me. I am now a firm believer that almost every single disease can be cured or prevented by diet alone...weightloss is secondary but inevitable with the proper diet. But even though I*knew* it, it was still SO hard to start to make those changes- I can only begin to imagine how much more difficult it would have been had I been 50, 75, 100 pounds or more overweight...I was only dealing with 30 and it was one of the hardest things I've done!!
I now have a new appreciation for what goes on emotionally. And I also realized that every fat person is at a different stage...maybe they have lost 100 pounds so far, sure they still weigh 300, but if you only knew how far they've come! Or, maybe that candy bar they are eating is their one poor food choice for the day and they have eaten more fruits and veggies by noon than most thin people eat all day. Or, maybe they are still gaining, still saying "maybe I should do something." Regardless it's no one else's business and certainly rudeness is never called for. I remind myself often that "There, but for the grace of God, go I" because getting to the point of being overweight really is that easy and getting back out really is that hard.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Mar 08
thanks I need to lose fifty pounds and I am going to do it as it will help me so much to control my diabetes plus I will look so much better in smaller sized clothes.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Mar 08
thanks and you are most welcome I am really going towork at it.
@above31rubies (1863)
• United States
22 Mar 08
Thank you , Hatley, for the best response. Good luck to you with reaching your goals- YOU CAN DO IT!!
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
14 Jun 08
I definately think it is wrong to make such comments, I happen to weight more than I should, and I work out several times a week. I am probably in better shape than most skinny people, I can work out for hours, am very strong, and very flexible, I am 42 years old, it has just gotten harder for me to lose weight as I got older, I dare anyone to call me lazy.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Jul 08
ladym33 me too, it is so wrong and its hard to lose weight
the older one gets, and we are not lazy.
@sunnflr (2767)
• United States
7 May 08
I think there is an appalling lack of respect for people in many different areas now days. There is a difference between constructive critism, or helpful advice, and rude, condesending statements. I don't know if people think it will help an overweight person if they make fun of them? That it will spur them on to try harder, or what. All it really does it lower an already low self esteem for most people.
I'm sorry if you have to deal with this often. I just don't understand some people.
@elemental69 (1561)
• Ireland
29 May 08
A lot of people are over weight, not by their own hand but because of a medical problem. There are many side affects to medications, or a thyroid problem that make people put on weight.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Jun 08
hi thats just what happened to me was side effects'
to my avandia but now thank goodness I am off of it.
@monishavakil (1019)
• India
22 May 08
to start wiTH i do not like people who make fun of other peoples fattness in any way. you never know some could be genuinely ill so fat. No i would not say all fat people are lazy not at all. some of them have a lot of energy in them.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 May 08
thanks monishavakil that is so true. we do not know why
someone is the way he or she is so why judge.
@twinrachel (215)
19 May 08
I think that it is extremely hard to keep thin and takes a lot of willpower. Some people have been brought up in an environment where certain foods are seen as treats and that has made them crave unhealthy foods. Other people have metabolism problems, addiction to salt/sugar, thyroid problems or other medical problems which make it hard for them to control their diet, lose weight or exercise more. I think it is unfair for people to point the finger and make these rude comments. They should just think themselves lucky that they remain thin.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 May 08
hi that is my sentiments exactly dont make rude
comments and thank your lucky stars you are thin.
@momalisa65 (1971)
• United States
1 Jun 08
HA! I'm FAT and let me tell ya WHY....
I Work TOO much and I don't have time to cook healthy food in my own home.
I'm always grabbing something in a drive-thru and eating it in my van in between jobs!
If I had time to BE LAZY and stay at home, I might actually be able to create a menu of heathy meals and make them for myself... and excercize too!
Ok, it's after midnight and I'm very sleepy...This is the time that I post a comment with whatever comes to my mind without thinking what it sounds like, and someone gets mad.
So let me say I'm sorry right now just in case.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Jun 08
dont be sorry you did notheing wrong. I agree whole
heartedly with you. you needtime to plan good meals.
@Elixiress (3878)
25 May 08
I don't think that there is MANY fat people that cannot see that they are fat, but there are a few, such as the people on programs on TV that are so fat that they cannot move of the bed yet they say "I did not think I was THAT big" wtf? you couldn't get off the bed :o I was shocked to say the least.
I also don't think that all fat people are lazy as some are fat due to medical problems and others are fat as they eat the wrong foods and if you are eating cake after cake after cake no exercise is going to get rid of it. But some people are just lazy, that is not just fat people. I am thin and I have started going to the gym as I would consider myself lazy.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 May 08
Judge not lest ye be judged is something my dad taught
me and that has stayed with me. How are you whodo not
even know me going to judge me just by my appearance?
yes I am overweight and I know that, yes and I know it is
unhealthy and i am under a doctor's care and my overweight
comes from a number of medical causes and overeating is
not one of them at all. so when you see an overweight person
do not be one of those who has to tell that person just
what sort of idiot you think they are, as they might be
able to tell you that you are being the idiot. nothing personal
just my observations.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
13 May 08
How ridiculous! What are people thinking? Correction they definitely must not be thinking AT ALL. Being lazy has nothing to do with whether you are thin or fat, young or old, educated or not. I dislike the idea that one has to do with the other! It has also been my experience that body size has little to do with personality, not much to do with friendliness or lack thereof, and it is a terrible reason for people to make assumptions about others.
From the point of view of a thin person, we do not like it when others make jokes about thin people having eating disorders or being sick, or having hormone imbalances and similar comments. It is just the same as some of the horrid remarks made about people who might be overweight. It would be my hope that people stop doing this to each other because it doesn't solve anything and hurts everybody in the long run.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 May 08
I do think some people just pop off without even bothering
to think and its so hurtful and so rude.