How should you give affiliate links?

How should you give affiliate links? - A picture of a 3D rendering of two people shaking hands. Photo source: .
May 30, 2008 6:07am CST
Often, I get spammed by "friends" whom I have varying degrees of friendship with. Some are complete strangers. They will write to me and give me all their affiliate links. Some will just give me the links without any opener while others would write a flourish statement of how they are helping me by giving me their affiliate links - so much so that I am unsure whether I should just fall down on my knees and thank them. The rare few politely ask if I might be interested and if yes, if I would please get back to them. I like this last category the best. If you ask me nicely and I am keen, I will write back and actively ask to have your link. I feel this should be the way to do things despite a somewhat lack of efficiency for the "friend". When people push things to me just because they have my contact, I get put off. Even if I happen to be interested, I usually make it a point to remove their affiliate IDs and sign up from the root site. How about you?
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38 responses
@gberlin (3836)
30 May 08
I agree with you. Take the time to ask me if I am even interested before giving me an affiliate link. In other words don't ask me to take time to view your link if you are not willing to take time with me.
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• Singapore
30 May 08
Good way of putting it.
4 people like this
• Canada
30 May 08
I am new here so I haven't had that happen to me just yet. I have had it happen on other sites though and it is annoying to say the least. I tend to start ignoring them all and am probably missing out on a couple of good opportunities ... but I just can't be bothered to check them all out. You are right if someone asked me to get back to them if I was interested then it might just spark some curiosity in me LOL
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• Singapore
30 May 08
Well, I was talking about it in general, not exactly at myLot per se. :)
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
30 May 08
For me it's a quid pro quo or in other words I scratch your back you scratch mine, if people ask me to sign up to a site then I automatically think it's only fair that if I do that they in turn sign up for one of my sites! But trouble that backfires, I mean, who makes the first move? And if you sign up are they going to do the same and it's like a partnership isn't it, where in an ideal world it's 50/50 but most of the time you find you are doing all the work and the other is not bothering so it ends up 90/10 on your part. It makes me mad when I sign up and work real hard for someone and they don't even bother signing up in return, I mentally make a note and a black cross appears by their name! But you have got it right sometimes I will check out the site and delete the persons referral, but sometimes with sites that have random referrals you could be signing up to a stranger, so sometimes it is the better the devil you know!
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
30 May 08
And they are friends? Hmmm I know where you are coming from on this one! It does hurt yeah believe me I've had this happen to me a number of times, I wise up now and I am sure you have to! Trouble is I can be just as devious, true friends would help you out my friend not fob you off!
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@patgalca (18424)
• Orangeville, Ontario
30 May 08
I have two friends who refer me to sites, and I refer back. Unfortunately they don't sign up and I do. That kind of hurts.
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• Singapore
30 May 08
Lol wolfie, that sounds so much like an exchange! Alright it IS an exchange.
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@ambkeb (782)
• United States
30 May 08
If they are indeed a friend I might look at it. If they start sending me stuff constantly thats a different story. I wont even read it, usually wont even open them up just autimatically hit delete. Same with people I dont know. Spamming people in my opinion is disrespectful of ones privacy....
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• Singapore
31 May 08
Yea, quite a bit depends on who's sending.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
30 May 08
That's pretty rude. I never give affiliate links unless someone asks--which is probably why I don't make any money! I know some of my survey sites offers an incentive for referring others but I just give the site, not my link. That's stupid, I know, but I feel that they will think I'm using them. I can't help but think of MLMs when I think of affiliate links, something that will eventually collapse and leave the ones on the bottom with nothing.
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• Singapore
30 May 08
LOL, which is also why I s*ck at referrals!
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@cjgrooms (4456)
• United States
30 May 08
I don't have a problem with them sending the link if I'm interested i look at it if not i just delete it. Although it is much more polite for them to inquire before sending it along, i don't think they are being purposely rude they just haven't learned their manners yet. Or they could have sent it by mistake (lord knows i have hit wrong buttons more than once).
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@GardenGerty (162838)
• United States
30 May 08
It is a matter of manners and socially acceptable behaviors. Some people have not learned it yet. I get friend requests and I approve them, but cynically, in my mind, I ask "How long til they send me a link?"
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• Singapore
30 May 08
LOL GardenGerty, you are indeed cynical!
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• Singapore
30 May 08
Oh yea, I just brought this out to discuss as a passing remark of sort. It doesn't bother me that much since I have received so many that I am pretty much numb.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
30 May 08
Sometimes I get an invite to be a friend, just so they can send me their affiliate links! I did get carried away once and sent out some links when I thought I happened upon a sure get wealthy scheme, but alas it was smoke in the wind anyway and I learned my lesson! I do try to make money on the internet (my own tiny business) but the info and links are on my profile and I figure if anyone is interested they can find it there.. - That's funny about signing up at the root site!
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• Singapore
30 May 08
Yea, that would be too much. Ask to be friend then spam you the next day.
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@patgalca (18424)
• Orangeville, Ontario
30 May 08
If I'm not interested I just ignore it. If I am then I will sign up under them and thank them. Life is too short to get worked up over the small things. The beauty of the internet is that you CAN ignore people, not like phone calls or people knocking on your door (though I do try to ignore the phone calls using call display screening). With the computer I can just press 'delete'. I rarely have anyone come back and bug me again and again.
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• Singapore
30 May 08
Yup yup, no point getting worked up or anything.
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@rx4life (1930)
• United States
30 May 08
It annoys me to no end when people just voluntarily send me all of their referral links....urghhhhhh...I agree whole heartedly with you on this subject. If they want me to be responsive they need to ask if I am interested and allow me to make that decision. If they don't ask first and I am interested then like you said, I will go to the site and sign up on my own rather than use their link!
• Singapore
30 May 08
Yup yup, at least ask first.
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@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
30 May 08
I don't like any pushing of things or overloading my messages/e-mail. I do appreciate it when someone will ask if I am interested/ if I am they send me info. I just hope that people would not be offended if I did not pursue the opportunity. It is just like the fact that I have a blog which is listed on my profile and I feel if someone is interested they are welcome to stop by and read/comment on it.
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• Singapore
30 May 08
Yup yup. I just ignore if I feel annoyed and usually they just spam and forget about me anyway.
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• United States
30 May 08
I don't have friends who do that. I would not appreciate if they did, and I never do it.
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• Singapore
30 May 08
That would be cool.:)
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@derek_a (10873)
30 May 08
I often tend to e-mail affiliate links to my friends directly from the site I have signed-up with and can usually include a note with them. Sometimes however, I know a friend would not be interested so I don't e-mail them. I have usually enquired before hand if they are into mlm programs on-line. I have found a few programs very good and have really paid, then I will e-mail them before hand before sending the link.
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• Singapore
30 May 08
That is at least more "personalized". If you know someone might be interested, then it is still fine.
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@terri0824 (5058)
• United States
30 May 08
I have to agree with you! It's like a pushy sales person. I steer the opposite direction. I put all my referral links to other sites on my profile pages and if someone is interested then it's by their choice and not by me pushing it on anyone. What I don't like is when someone adds their referral links to my profile pages through comments, it's those comments that I will delete. Have a great day!
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• Singapore
30 May 08
Except that it is not online pushing instead of offline. :P
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• United States
30 May 08
the way i do it is this. i wait till one of my friends IM me to see how im doing. we chitchat for a while. then they ask me "what's up" or "what am i doing" or some similar question. and the think is im always on myLot tapping at something. so i tell them exactly what im doing and more often then not they have joined. so i don't spam them. i peak their interest by telling them what im doing when they ask. i also leave the link in my away message on my messengers. ive had a couple of people join just off of that. so im creative.
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• Singapore
30 May 08
Yours is cool because you are *talking* to them. It is different from just spamming their inboxes.
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@nilzerous1 (2434)
• India
30 May 08
From my experience in low/free Internet promotion strategies, what I have learnt so far is that do not push anybody anything for simple reason that you have one contact email address of that person. Instead of that just float the information around that you have such and such information/products/services, and if someone is interested, then only unwrap your envelop. I read a wonderful article in this regard. Never ask people to do this, or do that. Simply because this will ignite negative feelings in your prospect client. Instead of that be generous, and try to establish your credibility. People will seek for your help, if necessary. Regarding receiving email requests, or please check my website request - my hard researched studies suggest that this yields only fraction response. Most of those Emails find a place inside spam folder immediately. Now when can you approach a person with your stuff? If the person is very well know to you, or if you can sense what the person is looking for - then approach him with your stuff, if relevant. Otherwise, never do so. It is a complete wastage of time. I must say such ethical promotion yields wonder in the long run, and only in the long run. It needs proper planning by locating your target audience, then chalking out strategies on how to reach them, and finally you need to simply pass on the message to your target group without pushing them. If done, success will come.
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• Singapore
30 May 08
tsk tsk - You are in the running for best response!
Excellent response. I agree.
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• India
30 May 08
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@GardenGerty (162838)
• United States
30 May 08
I am not signing up for much lately. I really like it when they will let me know, either directly, or in a discussion, that there are some good and profitable links on their profile. I have been naughty and signed up from the root on some things I learned about on another site. Sometimes I sign up here, then find that the program just is not to my taste at all. I would call the spamming people opportunists, not friends.
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• Singapore
30 May 08
On a side note, good links are really hard to come by. Who wouldn't want to make some extra money?
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@bieke81 (1067)
• Belgium
31 May 08
I always ask before I send them out. And if you say yes, I'll only send you one link, a link to a page where you can find all my links. If you're interested you'll join, if you're not you don't. I'll respond every question I can, that someone might ask me. I think it's not only polite, but when you 'spam' your links, even to friends, you're in the possibility to have your account removed from the site.
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• Singapore
31 May 08
Oh yea, a place with all your link is neater. :)
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• United States
1 Jun 08
I never email them, but on mylot if I want someone to check out my links I will tell them they can take a look at my profile if they would like where I have a ebook that has a description for each link. But if they can't explain it or ask you politely it would find the way to the trash in my inbox.
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• Singapore
1 Jun 08
Yup, that would be cooler.
@Gollywog (1092)
30 May 08
Its nice to share with friends, but most people do it in a way only to make you a refferal and gain by it? I do the same as you! Sign up from the root site if I think they only want to use me.
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• Singapore
30 May 08
Yea! I hate being made use of. So if you want to give me your links, send them on... but I will just remove your referral ID LOL.
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@Gollywog (1092)
30 May 08
Sorry I dont have any links. lol. I would only have a link to a site that would benifit everyone not just myself? But I havent a clue of any .lol
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• Singapore
30 May 08
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
31 May 08
I have a website with all my affiliate links. In my signature, under my name, it says, "Visit my website at..." That's it. Once in a while I will tell people how I am making money online and if they want to know how, visit my site, but only if I am conversing with them about something else. I hate spam, so I don't do it. I have gotten a few friends and family to join, but not many, as I have not made so much yet that they believe it's true or worth their time. Once I get more big bucks (due soon), maybe they will change their mind.
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• Singapore
31 May 08
Yup, I think that's fine.
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