Run the A/C or Not Run the A/C that is the Question!!
By mamacathie
@mamacathie (3928)
United States
May 30, 2008 4:15pm CST
Ok, Mylot friends, I need help. It is 102.7 here right now and it is 10 degrees cooler up here where we live on the hill than it is down the hill. It has gotten hot in the house. I had to turn the A/C (air conditioner) on. I hated to have to do that but my grand-daughter is so hot-natured and was asleep. With utilities going up like they are I need help. Do leave the a/c off until it gets hot in the house and then turn it on to cool things down or do I leave on all the time. Some say it uses less electricity to leave it on rather than let it get hot and turn it on. I thought the last I read it said turn the a/c up to 82 or higher if no one is home and then kick it down when you get home to cool the place down. I have to cut corners everywhere I can and I need to know what the best way to save energy is going to be for this summer if the temps are like they are today already. Thanks in advance and God bless you.
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18 responses
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
30 May 08
Sounds like the place that I left, Arizona! I hated that horrible heat. But we could keep nice and cool with an evaporative cooler because the humidity was so low. Do you have those where you are? It costs way less to operate than a/c and it's healthier for you. If you're in a dry climate, you should consider one of these!
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@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
30 May 08
I have never heard of that, ah, evaporative cooler, thingy. We have high humidity so it probably wouldn't work too well here. It usually isn't that hot here in May but whew! it has gotten that way about 3-4 days this week. It about made me cry to have to turn the a/c on. Thanks for your post and hope you are feeling better.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
30 May 08
Thank you, my day has improved a lot! No, the coolers won't work with humidity, I just thought you might be in a dry climate because of the high temp you listed!
I'm SO glad I'm in a milder climate now! 

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@jsitko (1169)
• United States
30 May 08
You are getting a jump on the hot weather there. Here in Pa it is still cool enough to have the windows and doors open. I am not looking forward to this summer much like you and paying the cooling bills. It is hard enough to pay the heating bills in the winter. We don't get much of a break between the two. Both winter and Summer I try to cut the bills as much as possible. If we are not going to be home the air conditioner is on at 75 and when I get home I bring it down to about 68. My husband still likes it cooler but I try to control it a little more. In Winter the heat goes down to 65 and then up to 68-70 when I get home. The electric co. has sent us a message with our bill to keep the conditioner running most of the time, it does take more power to cool off a warm or hot house. Hope it helps. Enjoy the Summer.
@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
30 May 08
Oh, ok, well, that helps me a lot. I hope you have a blessed summer and thanks for the information. God bless you.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
30 May 08
I will be avoiding using mine at all costs this year to save money. I have ceiling fans in every room so that will really help me out alot with keeping it cool in my house. So far we havent gotten to hot yet but summers just starting here.
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@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
30 May 08
It usually isn't that hot here at this time but whew it has gotten hot fast! I will turn it off after while because we will be gone until around 10 or 10:30 because of ball game and it will be cooler by the time we get home so the house will be cooled down. I am trying to think of every way possible to not run the air conditioner. Thanks for the post and God bless.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
31 May 08
I live in a hot area so I do know how you feel with this. We fought turning our a/c on but it's on now. We have it set at 80 during the day and at night we turn it down to 78. It still feels hot in the house but not as bad as outside. We have added darker curtains to help keep out the heat. Last year our bills were in the 300's or more but since then we've added the curtains and we had the a/c unit worked on (it had a few pieces go bad) so we are hoping they won't be as bad as last year.
Something also to try to do is to use other things to cook besides the oven. Turning on the oven really heats up the house. If you do have to use it try to do it when it's cooler in the house. That way it won't make the a/c unit kick on more.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
6 Jun 08
it's amazing what you can do without an oven isn't it? I know we use our microwave, crock pot, and other small appliances more then ever to help with keeping the heat and the energy bill down.
Good luck 

@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
1 Jun 08
Oh, I have done this. I have only cooked what I could do in the toaster or microwave so I didn't have to turn the oven on. I have cooked what needed to be cooked in the oven early that morning while it was cooler and then warmed it up in the microwave.These are great ideas, thanks! God bless!
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@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
1 Jun 08
We have used a fan all we could but it got way too hot and had to turn the a/c on for a bit. It is not having to run all day long but it is running some! Thanks and God bless!
@lissavalerian (247)
• United States
30 May 08
Hi! Wow! I have to wonder where you're at! Do you live in the city or the country? I don't know how useful this advice is going to be, because it really depends on how much control you have over where you live, but if you're able to, you really want to try to keep your home from getting hot in the first place. If you can block the sun in the first place, then your AC won't have to work so hard - so shading the house. Planting a tree that will block the sun and shade the house is a great long term solution, but that obviously won't help in the short term. Planting some quick growing vines on a trellis on the side of the house that gets the most sun will help shade the house and that will mean that your AC will have to work less hard to cool it in the first place. Again, of course, this all depends on where you live, etc. Do you have any kind of window awnings or shutters that can block the sun from getting in thru the windows, since windows are a primary place where you have heat loss?
Sorry if my advice doesn't pertain to your situation. I live in south florida so believe me I know all about hot hot hot summers.
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@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
30 May 08
We live in the country, the real country. LOL Like the old saying, "You can't get here from there." LOL No, I don't have any shutters or awnings that I am sure will help. We are building a deck on that will help but may not help this summer. Thanks so much for the help, and believe it or not we are in Kentucky. God bless you.
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@lissavalerian (247)
• United States
2 Jun 08
I can believe it! I'm actually FROM Kentucky. I can remember how darn hot it can get there too!! Anything you can do to block your home from the sun even hitting it in the first place would be really good, anything that casts shade. I always think of quick growing vines, because thats often a quick solution. A trellis on the side of the house that gets the most sun will create shade on the house itself. Of course circulation fans inside the house will help the air to circulate, but are only useful in occupied rooms and actually waste electricity in unoccupied rooms since the cooling effect of a circulation fan isn't in the air, but on your skin itself. It changes the perceived temperature of a room. (Cold Showers will do that too! :-) )
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@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
31 May 08
It looks like you already got your answer.
We just have window units to cool down our house, but our summer is really pretty short. I'm probably not as concerned about the amount of electricity we will use this summer as I should be. We have extremely high propane bills in the winter ($300 some months for a 1500 sq. ft. house!), so our electric bill will seem fairly small in comparison, or at least it did last summer.
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@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
1 Jun 08
I don't know what our summer is going to be this year with it so hot already! Oh, I dread it! Thanks for your comments and God bless you!
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
31 May 08
Do you really need AC at 102.7? Just curious... I think it is better to switch it off when not in use, then switch on later.
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@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
1 Jun 08
I would say I did need to turn the a/c on at 102.7 because my grand-daughter was dripping with sweat when she woke up from her nap. Thanks for the post and God bless!
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
31 May 08
I don't use an air conditioner at all. I had one once and got rid of it. Not only does it spike up the electric bill but it just makes adjusting to the heat all that more difficult. We have had days where I've been tempted to invest in one but they pass quickly and we just deal with it. Last summer, during a heat wave, I visited my friend for coffee. She had air conditioning. It felt so good. when I left tho, my apartment seemed more unbearable that it did before.
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@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
1 Jun 08
I have to agree it does make the heat more unbearable. That is how I feel but my husband just gets so miserable and cannot breathe well if he gets really hot so I have to keep it comfortably cool in here for him. Thanks for the post and God bless you!
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
30 May 08
Hi mamacathie... who ever told you to leave it on all day told you correctly because when the heat gets so high it's that much more the A/C has to cool down the temp so turning it on and leaving it on all day keeps the temp the same. Another thing to do is to change the thermostate to a simple digital kind. Not with all those fancy buttons and such. You don't need that plus they break down much easier than a simple one does and it keeps your temp at a steady degree. Say you set your temp to 80 and it gets warmer to 81, your A/C will kick on and cool it back down before it gets any hotter. The analog type waits till it's about 83 or 84 or higher before turning on and cooling which is like throwing your hard earned money out the window. I'm sure you don't want to do that, right? lol Not especially now with the prices of everything going up and up.
Hope this helps!! Good luck!
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@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
30 May 08
Thanks so much. Yes we have a digital thermostat and will be setting it for summer. I can understand what you are saying. It make a lot of sense. Thanks for the information and good to hear from you. Hope things are going okay for you. God bless you!
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@snowy22315 (186509)
• United States
21 Jun 08
I'm not sure about what is the most money saving but i try to use my ceiling fans until it get's to be about 80 and I cant stand it any more than I run the Ac until it cools back down. I cant sleep if the temp is more than 74 or 75 in the house.
@jalucia (1431)
• United States
31 May 08
I'm not too sure about the best way to run the AC. But, what probably happens is that the hotter it gets the more work the AC has to do, thus burning more energy. I don't know if running it all day would help. Sometimes it is so hot outside that running the AC, depending on what type you have, still doesn't make you comfortable. Maybe you could find alternatives that will help keep your house cooler than it is outside. Darken your living area so that the sun isn't beaming in, keep your use of your lights in your house low, maybe a good fan would do the trick and use less energy, maybe when it's hot outside you guys could close off certain rooms so you don't have to worry about cooling them down, spend more time doing outside activities or activities outside of the house... I'm just brainstorming, some of these ideas might not work so well for you. I'm sure all types of suggestions can be found on the internet. Good Luck ... I can't stand the heat!
@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
1 Jun 08
My husband can't breath in the heat so we have to have it cool inside for when he comes in. The heat doesn't bother me that much. Thanks for all the tips. God bless you!
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
31 May 08
It's cheaper to only use it when you need it, unless you are turning it on and off constantly, then it's better to leave it on, low, and use the room air and not outside air (use the circulate button).
We don't use air and I never plan to. I just turn on fans. What works better is an attic fan. It pulls all the hot air out of the house. It's great!!
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@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
1 Jun 08
Yes we have vents in the attic and the fan is on circulating so that does help out a lot! Thanks and God bless!
@amyandrob501 (240)
• United States
31 May 08
We keep ours set on a timer, even when we are not home it still comes on. We are all hot natured people and if it gets over 75-76 degrees in the house, we are all miserable.
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@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
1 Jun 08
Is your electric bill extremely high? I like our timer and how we have it set. God bless you and thanks for the post.
@kareng (70295)
• United States
19 Jun 08
I have turned the thermostat UP here and have the ceiling fans all running on HIGH. I leave the AC on during the day. I have a daughter who is back home now so just trying to leave it up higher than normal. So far my bill hasn't gone up but this next bill may be a while new story. Stay cool!
@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
1 Jun 08
We have a programmable thermostat that changes the setting on whatever time schedule we determine. Thankfully, it rarely gets over 100 degrees F here. I keep the windows covered on the side of the house where the sun hits and I use the attic fan to pull cool air up from the basement. I open the windows at the top rather than at the bottom. For some reason that helps. We have ceiling fans in most of our rooms.
I know what you mean when you say you dread having to turn it on. Utilities are taking a bigger bite; gasoline is taking a bigger bite; groceries are taking a bigger bite. There aren't many crumbs left!
I usually manage to only use the AC two months a year. This year we may have to use it more if they start the road construction in front of our house as they have been promising. There will be too much dirt and noise to leave the windows open.

@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
20 Jun 08
We have a similar situation in our area too.
The summers are so very hot here.
I try not to run my oven or anything that would overheat the house,
especially between noon and six pm.
That will keep the house from overheating.
If you can leave a back window open and get some cross current going,
you might be able to turn off the air conditioner in the morning or
early evening.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
18 Jun 08
I'm the same way. I can't afford to run the AC. In So Ca, it gets triple digits often. Here's what I do. If by myself (no kids as I have the same situation you do with hot-natured little grand daughters!) but I will open all windows early in the morning. I turn table fans on to circulate the cool air. Depending on the direction of the sun, meaning which way it rises and sets on our house, come about 11am it would start warming up and I'd close the windows on the east side of the house, pull curtains and blinds. I even put in an extra set of thermal curtains behind the blinds and other "decorative" curtains to keep some heat out. Then as it warmed up on the west side of the house, I would close those windows, pull curtains etc, all the while keeping the fans going. Then as is starts to cool down on the east side of the house, I would start opening windows again. Night fall, I'd open the ones on the west side of the house. and then leave most of the windows open all night - to a point with "breaking and entering" in consideration. LIke only open half way with a stick in the window cutter so it can't be open any more than that.
Sounds like a lot of work, but really it isn't. Just watch your times and feel the heat. Thing is, once it is hot inside you have not hope! SO the secret is to not let it get so hot inside in the first place. No it is not cool and comfy, but it is liveable and manageable and I sure breath easier when the electric bill comes in!
When I have the girls, I do turn it on for them, but do the same thing and close up at 11am and keep the AC set at 75* and the fans going.
This week so far, it has been triple digits for 3 days now and in this case, I do have to run the AC, however, I keep it at 78*- 80* and the fans going and organize myself to do work in parts of the house that are coolest throughout the day.
It does work.