Eating Dogs

@mimico (3617)
May 31, 2008 1:56am CST
I just watched a special feature in Discovery channel where dogs are EATEN in China! I'm a doggie-lover so I don't understand how anyone could ever eat such cute furry animals. Pigs, cows, and chickens aren't cute at all so I don't mind eating them. Anyway, in the show, a customer could choose from a variety of live dogs and the price will depend on the kind of dog. Most of the dishes are served fried, but some are stewed. According to the show's host, it tastes like normal meat. But still. YUCK! Even if dog meat is purported to have healing qualities, I would never eat it. What about you? Would you ever eat dog meat? And if you've already tried it, how does it taste like and how much did it cost?
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41 responses
• Belgium
31 May 08
I'm sorry to say but I don't agree with you.. It's just culture and I think we have to respect other cultures. In China they eat dogs - Europe and the USA are surprised In Western countries they eat pork - muslim countries are astonished In Western countries they eat cows - India is surprised Here in Belgium we eat horse - The United Kingdom blames us And so on and so on... So the question we have to pose is: Is a dog life more worth then a cow, pork or horse life?
@raclie (1732)
• Singapore
31 May 08
i saw it before... in china they serve dog meat, fox (i think) and snakes... it is kind of disgusting... but considering that we are not from that culture, we will not understand why will they eat this kind of things... and considering that there are so many stray dogs in china carrying desease, i will not dare to eat it, since i have no idea where they got the dogs from... and since i am a dog lover too, i will never dare to eat it..
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@Galena (9110)
31 May 08
sometimes it's hard to understand other cultures eating habits. as much as I adore dogs, I can't see any way in which eating it is morally worse than eating a cow or pig or chicken. being cute doesn't mean you have more of a right to exist, or more capacity to suffer. I eat rabbit. it's delicious. yes, they are cute. but that doesn't mean you shouldn't eat them. pigs are very cute, actually. and extremely intelligent. on a par with dogs. I wouldn't personally eat dog, but wouldn't condemn it. like any meat at all, the problem isn't the eating of it, but the conditions animals are raised and slaughtered under. in many many cases, with dog meat this is extremely far from the truth. and anyway, carnivores taste bad.
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• Canada
1 Jun 08
I agreed. Dogs and cats are considered more intelligent because they are pets and closer to human beings. Pigs and cows are equally intelligent but they are not pets so people don't consider them as men's best friends. I grew up near a slaughter house. It is said that in the slaughter house cows would cry before they are killed. They know what's going on. Eating dog is considered cruel in the Western world. It is as cruel as eating cow and pig as considered by Indian and Muslim, respectively. There are always cultural bias. Alway try to cut down my meat consumption and eat more healthy vegetables.
• Canada
12 Jul 08
I agree, there isn't really a difference. Anyway cute is more of a matter of opinon i could say pigs and cows are cuter than our "normal" pets and they shouldn't be eaten and kept as pets instead. I think it's wrong eating intelligent animals, like not just like dog intelligent but like what separates humans from other animals intelligent.
• Singapore
1 Jun 08
I think China has quite a reputation in this area. Anything that can be eaten, you can find in China. Dogs is not even the most exotic thing on the menu. Yes I agree dogs are cute and all. How about lambs? Aren't they cute? How about cows? Not cute? Even chickens, ducks, pigs can look quite adorable! Go vegetarian? But wait, look at the vegetables. I look at them and some look so cute that I can't bear to eat them! It is up to you to decide what you want to eat. I, for instance, would prefer not to eat dogs.
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@GardenGerty (162761)
• United States
1 Jun 08
There are children's books that have taken actual fruits and vegetables and given them faces and expressions, for instance, inserting blackeyed peas as eyes in a bell pepper. Looking at those pictures does make you feel they are too human to eat.
• Singapore
2 Jun 08
Yup, I have seen those - but most are usually just cartoonish adorable.
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
31 May 08
I think that is both wrong and disturbing,and I would never eat a dog,because dog's are pets not food,and thats one of the reasons I would never go to places like China or Japan,and why I dont eat Japanese or Chinese food.
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• United States
1 Jun 08
The poor dolphins,that is so sad,and I dont care if the dolphins hurt their sushi market,they have no right to just slaughter the poor dolphins,and that gives me another reason to not eat Japanese food,have a good day ,good luck in your life,and Happy Posting.
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• Canada
12 Jul 08
you know not all Chinese food has dog in it, and if you're scared to run into some in America or Canada you probably won't. All the time its just myths spread around about Chinese restaurants serve dogs in western countries, because most restaurants owners in north America under that in this society dogs play a role as a domesticated pet and most people are appalled by the idea of eating dog. and if you to China most likely the places where tourist go the locals know enough English to help you avoid eating certain meats. and another thing, dogs can be pets and can be food. they aren't just meant to be, i could say sugar is meant to be sniffed not eaten but nothing makes it meant to be.
• United States
31 May 08
I had a friend, Mae, from china who had grown up in the U.S. she told me that when she was like 6yrs old she and her family visited relatives in China, of course during her trip she ate and drank the fare given to her. Years later when Mae is like 18 the family is talking about that trip to China and somewhere in the conversation the topic of eating dogs comes up. Mae said at that moment she commented she had and would NEVER eat a dog. Everyone goes silent, her mom, dad, sister and all her bros. just stare at Mae. She said it was her mom who started with- Remember the stew @ grandma... Mae said she immediatly burst into tears and ran out of the house. No-one in the family talks about it & it's 10yrs later and Mae still has hurt feelings over the incident. IT IS CULTURAL. But as a dog lover the real question is, "If you were STARVING would you eat a dog"? Personally western culture is too ingrained within me and they're SOOO many other mammals I can find to eat than dog. By the way the name "chow" as in to eat, scarf down, munch on, comes from the "chow" dog. Apparently it was/is a very popular dog that gets ate!
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• United States
31 May 08
I dont think I could Eat a dog, because it sounds bad and I'm a very big dog love, but I do understand why they do, I mean im pretty sure some where in the world people are like "Oh My God people in the USA eat cow or pig", and that would be valid, because we eat those things because we want, but in China it's billions and billions of people and if your poor your on the bottom bottom, so I could understand it if it's a starving family or starving people; and like I said I dont think I could do it, but if me and/or my family starving and theres some type of meat walking around, dog,cat,rat, it comes down to you or the animal.
• United States
2 Jun 08
i signed the petition, and also i would rather have plants than pets of any kind for food. no offense, but i could never eat anything that is a pet.
@raghwagh (1527)
• India
1 Jun 08
I am an animal lover. I thinks there is nothing astronishing about China as they eat any thing. On Discovery they show that people eat any thing like insects ants any many things that one cannot imagine. And I think all animals are cute and innocent and beautiful. I have a small question if man eats other animals then why not man eats man?. I dont think humans are cute and innocent at all.
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@kareng (71007)
• United States
1 Jun 08
This has been rumored for as long as I can remember. If you know anyone from China, they will deny it. However, it is true. In parts of China, dog is a meat that is commonly served for consumption to humans. I could never eat dog meat as long as there are other choices. If I were straving--then that may be another story.
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
1 Jun 08
Yes, I believe they have dogs as pets and hold them to high statis. The other dogs are breed for food and is a delacacy. Other countries cows, and other animals are held in high esteem. They eat fish and other things. I guess it's what you grow up with and are use to. I know we eat all sorts of animals. Some people do somepeople do not. I personally will not eat a dog, goat, or a few other things that others really like.
@dhangski (3194)
• Philippines
31 May 08
I wouldn't dare to eat dog meat, even if they pay me one million dollars. Here in the Philippines, there are some people who eats dog meat. It's really disgusting. I read in an article before that even if the dog meat is cooked well, it's still a carrier of diseases.
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• China
1 Jun 08
Not many people in china eat dogs, except for the northeast region. Because there are a lot of Korea Chinese. And those peolple like to eat dogs. From point of view of traditional chinese medical science, the meat of dog is a kind of warm food. It can help people to defend cold weather. I think it might be the original reason of dog-eat culture of Korea Chinese and Korea People.
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
1 Jun 08
It's all a matter of perspective. What we consider food and pets here is not always what is the norm for us but is for them. In India, they don't eat cows, they are sacred. Some people eat rabbits, other think they are pets. So, although I could never do it, I can't deny them what they use as food. With all the people over there, I am sure they need to eat whatever they can to survive.
• Malaysia
31 May 08
Eating animal is breaking rules of China, and most of them eat dog in secrete place, and will capture by police if they found out. But I know that there is a place in Korea which eating dog is legal, cause of their "special" culture.
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• Canada
12 Jul 08
yeah but people kept getting pissed off at Korea so they made a law or something regarding eating canine meat.
@Pindy3 (10)
• United States
1 Jun 08
I am a dog/animal lover and have to say the idea disgusts me. I do eat meat though but not dog meat. Every country is different in their beliefs and attitudes but be your bottom I would look hard at my food if I visited there.
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@jhartana (1084)
• Australia
1 Jun 08
I am not surprised...well it is indeed true that people in China eats dogs. While you think eating dogs is yucky, some of you may or may not even know that they also eat cockroaches, rats, maggots, grasshoppers, scorpions, etc? I've even seen the picture of them. I feel disgusted too and never ever eat any of the above. I never eat dog meat too.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
31 May 08
It's what I hear but not what I like. Someone pointed this out to me which kind of helps me to understand but still I don't like it one bit. It's like India, they worship the cow and won't eat of it, at least not that I'm aware of but we eat the cow and think nothing of it. We think of dogs as loving creatures, which they are but people in China don't think like we do. But please do understand, I'm with you in this issue all the way but am trying to get a point across in how different countries think in different ways but doesn't mean it's right.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
31 May 08
No indeedI would never eat dog or cat meat.I love them 'too much to do that. I have never tasted these meats nor do I want to. Everyone to their own culture. I have read where some people eat monkeys too. not me. I will stick to beef and pork and chicken myself. I do not begrudge others cultures at all, just that it does not appeal. to me. my own opinion there.
@lieanat (1137)
• Malaysia
31 May 08
Chinese believe that any kinds of animals can be eaten, as long as its back facing the sky, not poison, and have healing purposes! I never tried before, but i will not try in the future. It's cruel.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
31 May 08
I personally would not eat dog meat but if I was starving and didn't have any money I am sure that I would eat just about anything. The culture in China is different so it's hard to sit back and judge what they eat. I wouldn't want anyone judging me because so something so silly as what I put into my mouth, one judgment or discrimination leads to another and then the world is worse then it was before it all started.
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31 May 08
ohh that sucks yuck! i don't eat dogs!!! I love dogs very much!!
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