Woman found a bat in her bra!!!

Bat hides in clothing - Bat.
July 8, 2008 2:01pm CST
How spooked would you be?!!!A hotel receptionist was shocked when she felt a vibration in her underwear and realised a bat was hiding in her bra. He does look cute though, but I would be shocked to find him in my bra!! Abbie Hawkins told the Eastern Daily Press she had felt something moving inside her clothes, but assumed it was her mobile phone. Hours later, she discovered a furry stowaway had been keeping her company since she got dressed that morning."Once I realised it was a bat I was shocked, but then I felt quite sorry for it really," the 19-year-old told the newspaper. It looked very snug in there and I thought how mean I was for disturbing it. I did not notice anything as I put my bra on. The bra was in my drawer but it had been on the washing line the day before. Around noon during her shift at a Holiday Inn near Norwich International Airport she "plucked up the courage to investigate"."I just lost my breath when I saw it and I did not know what it was at first," she said. The creature took flight when her colleagues crowded round to have a look at it and flew off into a dark corner of the office before being captured and released outside. "I will certainly be checking my bras every morning from now on!" Miss Hawkins said.
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24 responses
• United States
8 Jul 08
DAMN. A real bat?! Whoa! I'd be scared if I found a bat in my boxers. I feel sorry for her.
8 Jul 08
Just shows that bats find bras comfy aswell!! Must have been a cold night and the bra fitted snugly around him!! Bet he was just as shocked to be pushed out!! Its amazing how she lasted til noon to figure out what it was!!
@amanda08 (647)
• United States
9 Jul 08
seriously... who couldn't tell if you had a bat in your bra.....come on....
@venkygec (783)
• India
9 Jul 08
Woh!!! wheree the hell did a bat come from... and how come she dint feel that bat going into the bra... its crazy...
10 Jul 08
She had hung the nra out on the line and it was left out over night, when she brought it in she didnt realise the bat was there, until she put it on and feel abit of discomfort. Only at dinnertime did she investigate!!!
@momathome (474)
• Canada
9 Jul 08
My mom had a bat stuck in the window one day. They got it out and let it outside. Only to find it the next day flying circles in my sisters bedroom above her head. It came in through a small space between the door and the floor. My sister lost her mind and started screaming. She had my little guy in her room with her who spotted it flying around the ceiling and he was asking what's that, when she looked up and seen the bat she started screaming. lol. They are sneaky little creatures. I would have probably started screaming too!
• United States
13 Jul 08
That's adorable! Must have been a baby bat to fit into such a tiny space as a bra. I can just imagine how loudly I would have screamed upon finding a traveler in my own underwear! Yeesh! I would not have been a happy girl!
• United States
8 Jul 08
ok, now how do you not feel that your bra has a little extra weight to it when you pick it up? and even when she put it on you telling me that she didnt feel that in her bra? She thought it was her cell phone, how absent minded do you have to be to not remember if you put your cellphone in your bra.
8 Jul 08
Its amazing how she didnt notice that she was abit bumpy on one side. Surely she didnt have her phone in her pocket all morning since she works in a hotel!! The mind does boggle!!!
• United States
28 Jul 08
that is really weird. I do not understand how you would not notice a bat in your bra. It kind of seems made up. if i did take my bra off though and saw something alive in it i would freak out though!
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
9 Jul 08
I wonder how someone could put a bra on and not notice a bat, they are not little creatures, she must have gotten dressed in her sleep..I think that is amazing...
@subha12 (18441)
• India
9 Jul 08
wow! its just dangerous. the bats are really something that is very bad things. atleast i is what i think myself. i would have fainted if I saw that. My God!
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
9 Jul 08
I heard a similar story about a woman who went into her bedroom and found a bat lounging on her freshly made bed. She was so shocked that she let out a scream and, in turn, the bat screamed as well. She ran out of the room and closed the door behind her and called an exterminator. However, whent he exterminator finally showed up and went to investigate, the bat had disappeared and was nowhere to be found.
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
9 Jul 08
well that is different.when we had a mouse plague in the country a few years back and we had to check everything before we put them on us especially shoes and dressing gowns.i hate mice at the best of times.cheers sue
• Malaysia
9 Jul 08
It's not cute for me, just scaring... These kind of animals, I'm sure that they have a lot of bacteria. I think it's better for the woman to wash her bra first. How can these kind of features can hide in the bra and then I'm sure you will take a look at your clothes before wearing it right? This kind of incidednt reall seems impossible, but actually all things are possible in the world.
@liquorice (3887)
9 Jul 08
Ah, what an amazing story! It made me laugh and I think it's quite sweet. I love bats (although I wouldn't like one in my bra, lol!), but it was obviously quite nice and snug in there and probably thought it had found a good home for a while. I'm glad that the lady was also concerned about him, it must have been such a big shock at first! . Thanks for telling us about it!!
@zhuuraan (961)
• United States
9 Jul 08
Awww this is so cute! I had to read this one when I saw the title. I think i'd be a little surprised if I had a bat or other such animal in my bra but it is still a cute story. hehe bet it was comfy in there hehe
@maxilimian (3099)
• Indonesia
9 Jul 08
WOW!! Shocked i wonder where is it come from?the hotel must be near the caves or forests hehe, next time watch for your pants, maybe next time there is a snake inside it!! CAREFULL!!
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
9 Jul 08
that is really scary... i will be shouting at the top of my voice if that happens to me... anyway, i am a very sensitive person and i will definitely feel it straight away if there is something hiding inside my clothes straight away... i bet she will be checking her bra from now on before she put it on... take care and have a nice day...
@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
9 Jul 08
Now this is funny! I mean how could you miss something like bat in your bra? How small was the bat anyway? If it was a small bug or something even smaller, it would be easy to miss but a bat... I don't know. It's just of wierd. LOL
@twallace (2675)
• United States
9 Jul 08
Well you have to be careful of hanging your close out on the line. That is something a bat got comfortable in the bra. That's nice it didn't feel threaten or anything and that's a plus. At least she didn't panic and kill the bat. At least it was set free back into the wild. At least now she knows that there are bats that live in her neighborhood.
@snowy22315 (186476)
• United States
8 Jul 08
That would be a shock. I think I would faint. I would definitely scream. I hate things that are from outdoors in my house it would be alot worse if they were in my clothing. I think anything in your clothes would be way nasty, especially a bat.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
9 Jul 08
I'm having a hard time believing this one. In fact, I don't. Couldn't this girl come up with something more believable for her 15 minutes of fame?
• United States
8 Jul 08
Oh my. Haha. Well, at least it was in her bra and not in her underwear. Now that would've been a bit more uncomfortable. Haha.