Do you think time passes by too fast?

October 24, 2008 1:29am CST
About 25 years ago, I was still trying to learn how to walk (not that I can remember much) and how to talk. I stuttered a lot last time and only managed to talk properly after 5 years old. And now, I'm a full working professional. My parents are no longer young. My relatives are getting older too. My friends are getting married. In the end, I sit down and wonder, time is really passing very fast. What happened 20 years ago, feels like it just happened last week. Do you have this kind of feeling too?
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44 responses
@ReoTwo (194)
28 Oct 08
Yes, Yes, I think time is passing by too fast nowadays. It is almost to the point of being scary. I am a Home Health Aide to the elderly, and I had one client about 5 years ago that told me, "Gloria, time is passing so fast now, if you and any of your friends have anything important to do, you better do it, because it's winding on up." My daughter and close friends have noticed it. I have a sometimes have a bad memory and even I am remembering things that seem like weeks ago, when in reality, it's been months. I have been taking my old client's advice and trying to do what I want and need to do as soon as I can. It seems like I woke up one day and my children were holding my hand, and now I'm holding their children's.
@ReoTwo (194)
28 Oct 08
Hi, thanks for the response. Nowadays, I don't think that it's just a sign of getting older. I hear a lot of young people saying and thinking the same thing. I went to visit my sister, who lives out of town for my 50th birthday in August of this year. Before it can grasp and radiant in the fact of turning 50, I'll soon be 51. (smile) I know the author of the quote, "Stop the world I want to get off), didn't mean it this way but, it fits our conversation.
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• Malaysia
29 Oct 08
But well, we can't really stop the world. :) What we can do is to follow the flow. :D
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• Malaysia
28 Oct 08
Yea, my trip to Europe happened 8 months ago, but it felt like it was last week! =_= A sign of me getting older?
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@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
31 Oct 08
i have been thinking about this for some time now in fact if you consider the way we have moved on from january this year to this month of october,imagine that we are almost in december,believe me time flies so fast we cant even know how to measure it
• Malaysia
14 Nov 08
Exactly! It seems like I was just celebrating New Year in London...and now, it's almost Christmas!
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• Malaysia
24 Oct 08
Yes, I do. I can still remember the times when I was playing with my cousin. We used to change clothes pretending to be a singer on the stage. I would rummage through the wardrobe searching for a suitable dress and a costume for my cousin. But it was all a memory now. But the best thing is we are still close until today and whenever we meet, we would talk about past times and what he had together. Now that I am married but he is not, I urge him to get married so that he too can taste the bittersweet feeling of a marriage.
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• Malaysia
24 Oct 08
Yea, it's good to think back what happened during our childhood. It was such a great and fun time, and sometimes it will make us laugh and cheer up our day. :D
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• Philippines
24 Oct 08
It seems like time goes by so fast when there are things that need to be done, but we have not got much time to them in one day. But it seems so slow when we are waiting for something like for instance our payday because we want something at the store of we have to pay the bills and the money we have in our hands right now isn't enough.
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• Malaysia
24 Oct 08
"money we have in our hands right now isn't enough" - that is what I'm experiencing now. The waiting time for paycheck seems to be getting longer and longer. :(
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• Philippines
28 Oct 08
I think time flies fast but not that fast to what you ar thinking. My own idea of time flying fast is when the last quarter of the year comes. Whenever september steps in, the days seem shorter and nights are longer which makes every single day seem to fly faster than the first three quarters.
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• Malaysia
29 Oct 08
Hmmm my winter time didn't look to be longer than usual days. :D
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@CAdreamer (118)
• United States
24 Oct 08
We all have this type of feeling. Part of the reason as childern we feel like time passes so slowly is cause we haven't lived that long. As we get older more of our lives have been lived. So when you look back it doesn't feel like it was that long ago, cause you inside don't feel that old. But as I said the older we get the more time and memories we have and the fast time seems to go. Even when I take a lazy day I still feel it has gone too fast, cause now a day isn't much time in the amount of days I have lived.
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• Malaysia
25 Oct 08
That's why I'm trying not to have a lazy day unless I'm feeling really really tired. :D Oh, and lazy days do tend to be over quite fast too.
@balasri (26537)
• India
25 Oct 08
Always my friend.Good times,bad times, testing times,fun times,every thing passes by at break neck speed.An invisible hand making everything happen fast.I don't know why is the hurry to reach the finals.
@balasri (26537)
• India
26 Oct 08
In that case the Divinity has to be a little more faster as it is over populated to the brim.
• Malaysia
25 Oct 08
Maybe so that the newer generation can replace us without having this planet becoming overpopulated?
@rsa101 (38194)
• Philippines
24 Oct 08
Well for us who have passed the twenties already times really flies fast. I remember when I was just a little kid I feel that time was so slow as I grew up more often alone and I had to wait for my parents from their work for hours and I feel it was an eternity for me. But when I learned and finished schooling and started working already time just flies by so fast that I don't realized that I am bound for home already and there are plenty of work to be done still.
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• Malaysia
24 Oct 08
Maybe it's because of our workload that we don't realize time passes us by so fast. But there's one thing that will always make us feel as if the time is very slow - waiting for paycheck.
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Yes, and as a matter of fact, the older you get the faster time goes by. In my opinion it is because the older you get, the smaller percentage of your life an hour is, a day is, a month is, etc. That's why when you are 15 1/2 it seems to take so long until you can get your driver's license. That 6 months is a huge percentage of the small life that you have lived so far. When you are 60, 6 months is really such a small percentage of all of those years. Great evaluation. Have a nice day!
• Malaysia
25 Oct 08
Or maybe when you are young, most people around you are adults and you want to be adults faster so that there will be many exciting things waiting for you to do. When the adults told me that being a kid is the best thing in the world, I wouldn't believe. Now, I think I will say the same thing to the younger generation. :P
• Malaysia
25 Oct 08
Yea, kids who used to be so small and fun to play with, are now about my height. =_= Not fun anymore.
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
24 Oct 08
That's mostly the case with some who are already getting more mature. Time that has already passed from them seems not so distant at all. Compared to children with developing minds and still many things to experience, their concept for time is rather limited so impatience is expexted. I recall that when I was still young, I often grew anxious and impatient for things that I was expecting. Now, I really don't even feel impatient while waiting in lines (^_^")
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
27 Oct 08
That reminds me of those two or more hour trips that I use to have with my mom whenever she goes to work, I would always be by the window to look at the scenes that we pass by as the bus runs its route. By the time I was in college, I just sleep during trips (^_^ ) I guess I could say the same thing when buying things. I use to make haste on buying things that catches my fancy but, as we grow up, we don't do that much anymore too (^_^ ) well, some can still buy by impulse but, I guess that's them and their way on relieving themselves.
• Malaysia
25 Oct 08
LOL, same for me. I was very impatient back then since I just cannot sit down quietly. The world should be waiting for me, and not me waiting for them! But that was pretty childish of me (I was a kid after all). Now, even a 30 minutes wait in the traffic seems to be over quite fast. :P Back then, I would've jumped off the car.
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@suruchi86 (1873)
• India
9 May 09
Yes, I also feel that way. However, I think this sense of passage of time is relative. It flies very fast when you are happy and living in luxury. But it can be very cruel and moving extremely slow when you are sad and starving.
@suruchi86 (1873)
• India
12 May 09
It depends on, in which part of the world you are living.
• Malaysia
12 May 09
Well, then it's a good thing that most people are feeling time passes by pretty fast :)
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
25 Oct 08
Hi daydreamer, It is sad but true that time appears to speed up after we are grown and begin life as an adult. The news gets even worse because the older you get the faster it seems to go. I used to wonder how I would past the time after I retired but it flies faster than ever now, I think I must have a birthday about every six months. You are too young to be thinking of such things though, you have a long and exciting life ahead of you, enjoy every day of it. Blessings.
• Malaysia
26 Oct 08
It's never late for one to think something like this. At least, we'll cherish our time more than ever. :D
• Malaysia
26 Oct 08
It's never late for one to think that way. It will actually help one to appreciate life more
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
26 Oct 08
I sometimes think time went by real fast and others yes, I know it took me a while to be where I am. So I guess time is a fast or as slow as my mood is
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Yes, like payday.
• Malaysia
26 Oct 08
Hahah, I think at the end of the day, time will move pretty slowly when we're waiting for something.
• Singapore
29 Oct 08
time passed too fast cause because of my workload i didnt knew my children grew up fast
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@estherlou (5015)
• United States
19 Apr 09
Wait until you hit 50...time seems to speed up even more! LOL. In some ways it seems like it was just a short time ago I met my husband-to-be in the 7th grade. And now, we have two grown children, 5 grandchildren, and will be celebrating 39 years in June. Whew! It went by really fast.
• Malaysia
20 Apr 09
Whoa, you've walked the path which I've yet to walk. But yeah, even at 27, I can feel that time really flies. I used to be such a quiet boy (ahem) 20 years back then. Now, I'm more like a technical consultant. LOL. A very big change and it just feels like it's something which happened not long ago.
@idowrite72 (2213)
• United States
14 Nov 08
My mother always told me that the older you get the faster that time seems to go and I didn't really believe her........but I do now. I think that the older I've gotten the faster the years have gone by. I've watched my parents and an older sister pass away, 4 children grow up and have children of their own, my own career go into retirement, 2 marriages both end in divorce, etc and it seems like much of it was so long ago, although it's all ongoing!! Time does fly, but life is good and it's only what you make of it so live it fully!!
• Malaysia
14 Nov 08
Life is not good, it's great. :D Just make sure we all cherish our remaining time on Earth. :D and live life to the fullest.
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@mjhicks (317)
• United States
27 Oct 08
The world MUST be turning faster and faster every year. How the clocks keep time with it is a mystery. When I was young it seemed like the school year went by so slowly and I could not believe when I was told "When you get older the years will go by faster and faster." Or "Children grow up too fast." Well it is true. When I was in grade school I remember discussing something about how our grandparents got to see the turn of a century and how we would also see a new century. At the time 40 years seemed like forever. Looking back it boggles my mind that I not only saw such but I am now looking back at almost 9 years, almost a decade from the craziness of the Y2K worries. My children are grown, 19 & 22 and the time didn't seem to be going by all that fast at first. It can't be that long ago they were just babies.... Is there any scientific explanation for this speeding up of time as we grow older?
• Malaysia
28 Oct 08
Oh ya, Y2K! I still remember about that! People are panicking all over the place for it to happen and all sorts of preventive measures have appear out of nowhere. In the end, nothing happens, much to the disappointment to the doomsayers across the globe.
@bumba1988 (1220)
• India
17 Dec 08
Hi daydreamer20 Time is like a stream in motion,it flows and flows.Good times pass so fast but the time when you are sad seems just not passing at all.Sometimes I also feel that certain things seems to be incidents of just yesterday.Those are the best or worst(possibly) memories of your life that you cannot forget.
• Malaysia
18 Dec 08
The sad and unhappy time will always be the slowest because we're dreading for the time to passes by fast.
• Malaysia
23 Dec 08
I do have the feelings and I'm glad I have them. To me, it's much better to feel the passage of time, feeling how fast things are happening and changing. It reminds me a lot to treasure every great moments I had experienced and am experiencing. Perhaps life is like a race, everyone is racing to accomplish something in life to make the blessing of life worthwhile. Please don't be discouraged that time's flying, get packed and start enjoying it. ^^
• Malaysia
20 Apr 09
Nice last sentence you got there. Life is a journey so enjoy the ride. Just don't accelerate too much :P
• United States
22 Dec 08
I am still young, but I have noticed that time seem to fly by. When I was a kid, it seemed like I was never going to grow up. Now that I am grown, it seems like time will never slow down again. I think I have noticed everyone around me ageing and this has affected my opinion. I think the best thing to do it to try to live everyday to the fullest and let life move on as it will.
• Malaysia
23 Dec 08
Yeah, as we grow older, we also see other people aging quickly. Our parents and their friends are aging faster than we could have imagined. It's not a very good thing to see, but again, it's something we cannot change.