Does it bother you when people *hover* around you?

@maezee (41988)
United States
March 18, 2009 11:47am CST
Does it bother you when people *hover* around you? I was at the library the other day on a computer, using the internet, and this guy was literally breathing down my neck waiting for my time to run out. I was so annoyed and ended up saying something to him. Does this make YOU uncomfortable, too? In what kinds of situations have people *hovered* (either physically, or emotionally/personally) around you too closely? What do you suggest doing? Is it inappropriate to SAY something to that person?
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28 responses
@Reesers (1387)
• United States
18 Mar 09
Yes, it bothers me a lot. I have a friend that did that when she was visiting. She checked her email and then when it was my turn, stood right by me and tried to look at everything I was doing. She would ask questions about things she saw, like who is that? What's that about? Each time I would tell her it was nothing. After a few minutes she finally got the hint and backed off. If it was something that concerned her, then I would have told her. Otherwise, it's none of her business. I have another friend who likes to hover but in a different way. She's gone to all my friends pages on My Space and then asks about them as if she knows them, which she doesn't. She's always on me about something, as if she wants to be just like me and do what I do. It makes me very uncomfortable but there's really nothing I can do. She has problems mentally and I try to keep that in mind, so I usually just give short answers or won't say anything at all. Other than that, it's usually people waiting behind me in line. I don't know why they feel they must stand right on top of me.
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@maezee (41988)
• United States
19 Mar 09
What's nice about where I live is that people stand at least a good 2-3 feet behind you when in line at the supermarket (unless they're new to town or It's the "Minnesotan way", as we call it. So luckily I don't have to deal with that, but I can honestly say I'd hate to have someone breathing down my neck at the supermarket (or..anywhere, for that matter). I have a few friends like that, too, who are "copy cats" and try to dress/act like me occasionally - which is a little weird and flattering, I have to admit. But I've never had someone look through all of my friend's myspace pages (that would be too weird!). Crazy. Thanks for giving me your input! It sounds like you know how to deal with these types of people without getting irritated..Go you!
@krupesh (2608)
• India
18 Mar 09
Defenitely you have the right to say them to back off or wait for sometime as it was YOU who first used the internet.He should wait or should ask you how much more time it would take for you to complete.Just standing there and staring at you doesn't make sense & it even makes one angry.
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@maezee (41988)
• United States
19 Mar 09
Thanks for your response! I agree..Standing and staring doesn't do anything. I wonder why they don't ask how much longer I'll be on for! That would be a great idea!
@Gesusdid (1676)
• United States
18 Mar 09
theyre like undercover nosey spys or something epsically in a libray type setting , like if you want to use the computer , and u bring you ipod with the headphones , and if its a tad bit too loud where they can hear it , theyll super hover over you , like litterally be on your back almost ! ugckkk i hate that , it bothers my personal space
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@maezee (41988)
• United States
19 Mar 09
Me too! That's exactly how I feel. When I was on the computer, I was on myLot responding to a question..But I didn't want the weird guy to know that! Sheesh!
@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
18 Mar 09
OMG YES! I work in an 'office' but it really isn't an office. I have a desk that is set about 5 feet back from a counter so it's an office and a reception area. People will hang out at that counter, 5 feet away from me, and just hover. I ask if they need something/someone and they say 'no, I'm just waiting' and then continue to stand at that counter right in front of me. It drives me crazy! We have a customer lounge where people can sit and read a magazine while they wait but some people just feel the need to stand at that counter. I hate it!
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@maezee (41988)
• United States
19 Mar 09
LOL that's definitely annoying! I would feel really uncomfortable in that situation. Ugh. People. Thanks for responding
• United States
18 Mar 09
yeah, it does bother me when people watch behind me or look to see what I'm doing. To me, I'm thinking," You can't go find something to do yourself?" Or if I'm being watched I feel like I'm being pressed for time. Sometimes I do say something, other times I tell myself to get over it. I guess it's a issue that I got to deal with which I don't feel like explaining right now because that's not what you asked.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
19 Mar 09
You can explain it anyway, if you want, feel free. [EM]hAPPY[/EM] Thanks for responding to my initial question though!
@marc1874 (83)
18 Mar 09
I am more the person who does the hovering, i tend to hover over my father when he is reading the newspaper, only because i'm too impatient to wait for him to finish with it.
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@maezee (41988)
• United States
19 Mar 09
I think that's a different story. At the library or supermarket (or in some other public place), do you hover so closely that people can feel your breathing on the back of their necks? I certainly hope not. lol. Thanks for responding nonetheless.
@pitstop (14738)
• Australia
18 Mar 09
Another situation I find a similar thing is in supermarkets and some stores when the store people follow you or hang around close to you and keep asking "what do you want". i prefer it if they stand quietly and have a badge or ID so I know I can ask them if I need something.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
19 Mar 09
I haven't had that happen to me yet, but I can imagine that it's no fun.
• United States
19 Mar 09
It really bothers me when people hover. I hate it. It makes me feel uncomfortable and it makes me feel like they are paying attention to every little thing that I do and it makes me uncomfortable enough that it makes me mess up what I'm doing when people are hovering around me. I don't think people realize that it cuts into my personal bubble and that bugs me. Keep your distance.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
19 Mar 09
I have a "personal bubble" too. And hovering is in direct violation of it. . It's annoying, I agree. Thanks for responding!
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
19 Mar 09
I think it would depend on whom was behind me. If say, for example, that my husband was behind me and breathing down my neck I may not mind it at all! But, if it were a stranger I may just get annoyed with it and have to say something to them. Or at the very least give them a dirty look. It was rude for this guy to do this to you. Sounds like he was trying to hurry you up on your way. So, what exactly did you say to him? That is, if you don't mind sharing it on here.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
19 Mar 09
LOL you make a good point, of course it depends on who is hovering around you. . Friends/loved ones: good, strangers: bad. I said "Excuse me, do you mind? I'll be done in about 5 minutes, if you want to wait and I'll let you know". So, it's not like it was that rude. Thanks for responding!
@EliteUser (3964)
• Australia
23 Mar 09
Hey, Yea I hate it so much, especially if you are going at a shop and just looking at some stuff and then a sales assistant comes along and then asks "Can I help you?" or "Are you alright over their?" this just irritates me. Also for example, when I am at school and trying to do my work, a teacher comes a long and just starts to stare at the computer screen behind me. This really tends to annoy me, and at times I feel like hurling insults at the teacher. I think it is appropriate to say something to that person, especially if you feel uncomfortable.
@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
19 Mar 09
Yeah, that seems to bother me alot. My son does that from time to time, standing or sitting right behind me breathing down my neck, whew, go on as I tell him. I will be done when I am done. Another thing that bothers me, is if I am in an isle of a store, looking at something someone will stop behind me and stand and wait, huff and puff, waiting for me to move, it drives me nuts. Makes me wanna get nasty but I just hold my tongue and move on. No point in really having nasty words exchanged over their impatientness.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
19 Mar 09
"No point in having nasty words exchanged over their impatientness" - that's a great way to put it! I have to admit, that when someone's "in my way" at the supermarket (like in an aisle, and I'm waiting to get the same thing they are), I'll just kind of hover around, I suppose, and pretend like I'm looking at something else until they finish. . Now that I think about it..It's probably something people find to be annoying! Thanks a lot for responding!
@nikky28 (1572)
• India
18 Mar 09
Yes I feel uncomfortable when people hover around me and especially when I don't know them well. Some people do it on purpose and I absolutely hate it. I like to keep a fair distance and I would want them to not probe into my personal space. I hate it when someone sneaks up behind to see what I doing on my computer, or what I am reading on the newspaper. I hate that.
• United States
19 Mar 09
Absolutely YES! It bothers me that people can be so rude, especially strangers, to hover around. Nothing I am doing is their business. I get a really uncomfortable feeling and can even start perspiring. It is at this point that I do say something to them. I feel that is perfectly okay to mention that it bothers us. Maybe, just maybe, they have no idea that they are being so rude. I like to give people the benefit of doubt, but really, who does not know this?
@maezee (41988)
• United States
19 Mar 09
LOL well I guess people can be surprisingly ignorant of the annoying things they do on a day-to-day basis (who would've known)? In a way, I feel bad snapping, but at the same time, as you said, it's totally rude. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, too, but ugh.. lol. Thanks a bunch for responding!
@lolwat (13)
19 Mar 09
I absolutely hate it. It's horrible. I thought i was just paranoid but people standing right behind me really makes me want to turn around and confront them.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
19 Mar 09
Yup..Glad we're on the same page! Thanks for responding!
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
yeah it does actually. but i don't talk to them or say something . but i am actually pissed off. i totally hate when some body do that to me. i can't stand those kind of people. i would just wish that they will just give me some space. but there is nothing that i can do about it. sometimes people or many times people are just like that.
• United States
19 Mar 09
Yes, I greatly hate it when people hover. It's even more annoying when family members do it, and they do it when I'm on the computer. They try to read everything I write, and see everything I do. I usually say, "Go away, your invading my privacy!"
• United States
19 Mar 09
I hate that to. One of my bosses does that when he decises to come into the office that day. He has a printer in his office but I a color printer so he is always sending things up to my printer so he can come and see what im doing. He does this especially when I have a big assignment from my other boss(who happens to be his wife). He will come to the printer and read what he has just printed out and will stand and hover over my chair. The supply closet is near my desk too and he will come and just look around but I can tell he is staring at me and looking at what Im doing. I can't stand it.
@Archie0 (5652)
19 Mar 09
Yes i have seen this happening with me too, but i am bit soft cornered and get very concious to say anything to anyone, there is this girl in my college with whom now i just been far and enough.She is like always hovering around me like a flea.she is always so concerned about what i do, why i am doing it, she always naggs me to come with her if not then she will just stick to me whever i go. i feel so pathetic when this happens it is so irritating, once or twice i ignored her in college but then she harrased me more than usual. she use to give me 50 missed calls or more,sms texts un limited why i did this to her and things..i use to be very tensed it was a mental torture for me actually... but luckily we had a fight over something and she was the culprit she ended saying sorry and all but i got a chance to leave her friendship and i did not leave
• United States
19 Mar 09
Yes it is the worst. It happens ALL the time in Egypt. Cairo is so overcrowded that people have no choice but to hover. I hate to go to the supermarket because of this. Every time I stand in line tbe next customer is behind me either jabbing their cart into me or breathing down my neck angry. It is so uncomfortable. It also happens if you want to use public transportation here, get ready for not only hovering but some real physical contact to get on the bus and get a seat!
• India
19 Mar 09
I don't know whether it's just me or what but it really bothers me some times that sales associate can come up to me and ask if I need help. It makes me feel like they think I'm going to steal or some thing. I understand that its their job. I think it is the most common issue with most of the people.