Well cut me off at the knees and call me Stumpy!

Regina, Saskatchewan
July 17, 2009 12:32pm CST
I've been more active here lately, and I feel like I'm stuck in a yellow limbo. If I'm 'away' for any length of time my rating goes up! If I post regularly, it goes down! And that yellow blob above my avvy is starting to get on my nerves! Like most seasoned users I have a certain 'following' or group of friends that show up regularly in my posts (thank you, she said taking a bow), and as I've been trying REALLY hard not to piss anyone off, I can't see them all negging me. So. I feel like I've been cut off at the knees and am stuck with 80/100 for the duration of my lot life! So. Call me Stumpy! BUT. If I have to beg to get out of my yellow funk, I will. Who wants to see me beg? LOL
23 people like this
32 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
17 Jul 09
oh man I never even noticed it I guess mine will stay I think its red for it hasnt moved for a year or more guess I wont get back to 10 the blue!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
18 Jul 09
awwwwwww no Yeloow is the color of the sun so put on a happy face!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Jul 09
5 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
17 Jul 09
At least the color of your star compliments your avvy. LOL Mine just makes me look sick! ROFL
6 people like this
17 Jul 09
Hi sparky, I understand how you feel like my one been with me for a long time and it has not move a inch, I jst think it will be with me for ever and yet I see some users who have not been here long has got a lovely blue one, I wonder why, we old timers are still laggangusing on this number. Love and hugs. Tamara xxxx
7 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
17 Jul 09
You look so pretty in red though tamara. I look sick in yellow and it makes me feel pissy! ROFL
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
17 Jul 09
I don't want to see you beg, I just want you to get of the yellow Star But do you know I am stuck to, I think I did try to get yours changed but I just can't move mine to yours and yours to mine
5 people like this
• United States
18 Jul 09
You must be a zombie, oh no what are you eating to stay up and talking, walking...oh I know it's the "plusses" that why you need them...
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
17 Jul 09
When I'm cruising around the lot, I always plus my friends responses even when I don't take part. So I just don't understand what the 'new' criteria is for our ratings...............thanks for the effort Gabs. Can always count on you!
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
17 Jul 09
I'm waiting!!!
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
17 Jul 09
Hiya, stumpy. Not only are you smarter than a 5th grader, but you can disguise yourself as one. But hey I can go on a plussing tour of myLot for you. :-)
6 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
17 Jul 09
OMG! The tears are running out of my eyes I'm laughing so hard! You just may get BR for this dawn! Thanks for the 'tour'! Higgles and a big + for you!
10 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
17 Jul 09
I figure if I can keep convos going under each response, and they all get plussed I just may go up half a point by the end of the day! ROFL
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
17 Jul 09
hehehe and I'm not even awake... Well here is a hug back and a big old plus for you! lol
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
17 Jul 09
Just what will you do to beg? I want to see! I always plus you so I don't know why you stay so low.
6 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
17 Jul 09
I really really don't get it either. I'm beginning to think our ratings aren't just tied to who plusses us, but those that we plus too. I come to so many discussion from email and don't even see the rating boxes on discussions. I always plus responses, but often miss the discussion rating itself.
11 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
17 Jul 09
Sparks begging......... - It was a bad hair day, what can I say? ROFL
Heck, I was on the phone with the hubs while I was responding to you, so here's a pic of me (on a bad hair day) begging to be let out................
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
17 Jul 09
Cute picture :) I don't understand the rating star at all. I was a ten a few days ago then I went and upset someone and now I am a nine. So long as I am making money, I guess I won't worry about it all too much LOL
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
17 Jul 09
Dearheart.... I always (+) you and those who are like um.... part of the family. I only use the cursed (-) for those trolly pushy creepy folks who deserve it and the rest of the folks get not a darn thing. I don't know about my color or my rating among my fellows but then I'm still young with you all so who knows. I am trying to be a mix of you, MYKL, and D.J. when I grow up but people seem ok with me being Chimes or TL. The drama of being me... *sigh* Lov ya!!!! (+) all places I can....
• Regina, Saskatchewan
17 Jul 09
Well I wouldn't want you to be anyone other than TLCHIMES! So there! You'll find as you spend time here among a myriad of characters and personalities that facets of YOUR OWN personality and character will emerge that you never even suspected. That's the beauty of this site if we pay attention...........it elicits from us, feelings, responses, ideas and sides to ourselves that otherwise could stay untapped for the rest of our lives. And if we pay attention we GROW, and not necessarily into someone else, but more into who 'all the parts' of we as individuals are. For me, for example, this place has brought out my sense of humor to such a degree that it spills over into how I perceive and deal with my 'real' life, and for that, I'm eternally grateful. So be YOU. ALL THAT YOU CAN BE! LOL There's absolutley NOTHING wrong with that!
10 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
17 Jul 09
Thanks Lori...................see TL? We are unanimous that you being is the best you can be!
8 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
17 Jul 09
LOL, that should have read "...you being YOU is the best..."
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
17 Jul 09
I am always giving you positive ratings. I think we should make sure we are all taking time to rate our friends. The rating blob can be annoying. Do not want to see you beg......
• Regina, Saskatchewan
17 Jul 09
LOL, well thanks sweets! And damn, I was just practicing a good begging routine too! ROFL +rating for you!
11 people like this
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
17 Jul 09
I'm waiting!!!
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
17 Jul 09
Well....I ain't heard one word of begging!!! If all else fails, you'll BEG me to shut up!!!!
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@jwfarrimond (4473)
17 Jul 09
I've been stuck on 9 for ever and I used to be a 10. actually I don't take much notice of it and I never check to see what my actual rating is - what's that you say, why's my nose getting longer??
5 people like this
17 Jul 09
Gave you a +
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
17 Jul 09
OUCH! Your nose just poked out my eye...............LOL Well that solved the problem, because now I can't even SEE the ugly yellow blob above my avvy! ROFL
8 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
17 Jul 09
Me for you too!
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@Riptide (2756)
• United States
17 Jul 09
I always plus all of your discussions and responses, but you if you insist on begging, I won't stop you LOL. I have no clue how this rating system works. I don't think I ever seen a 10 above my name, but I kinda like my pretty pink star lol. It seems that ones star can fall overnight, but it can take weeks to get it back up. That just makes no sense and I doubt mylot will ever give us an explanation how it works LOL.
@Riptide (2756)
• United States
18 Jul 09
LOL Damn, that topic didn't last long Strong LOL. I didn't even notice I was back to green LMAO. That's a pretty color too though, but I do prefer pink!
3 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Jul 09
SH, I read your discussion, but didn't respond as I'm trying really hard not to find myself deleted. lol I'm trying to reach a certain level of earnings for this month, so I'm counting every penny. Rip, I really hate pink as a color. Probably because it clashes horribly with red hair! LOL At least I can see the green...........but a blue would compliment your avvy better! lol
6 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Jul 09
You know I think the mylot algorithyms are just ignoring me! LOL I've been plussing you too and yet, you've lost your pink and are down to green! It doesn't make sense............ I'm beginning to think that the 'rules' governing ratings have changed. We are rated not just on plusses, but on our overall participation and quality/tone of our discussions and/or responses/comments................. I really don't care what my rating is, I'm just sick of being yellow. As I told tamara, it makes me feel pissy and that can't be good for my rating! ROFL SH...I see you're now yellow too. Welcome to piss poor ratings! LOL
7 people like this
• United States
18 Jul 09
Ahhhh chit, Stumpy! at least ya ain't green! hahahaha!
4 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Jul 09
Another conundrum............HOW did you get to green? LOL You been missed darlin'. Where you been? I hope you're gonna stick around awhile!
5 people like this
• United States
20 Jul 09
awwwww! *sucks big hickey on Sparks forehead* I missed you too! *wipes slobber off screen*
2 people like this
• United States
17 Jul 09
NOT ME, I like it better when u are sassy.
5 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
17 Jul 09
LOL. Me too! I'm often told I'm much funnier when I write than I am in person! ROFL
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
17 Jul 09
Now, now, sparks, calm down. You know your friends will come to your rescue without you having to beg. Of course, knowing you, it would be interesting to watch. Isn't that an interesting phenomena, how our ratings change, either when we're here a lot or if we're not here for awhile. I can't explain it. My rating has gone down before when I wasn't here as much as usual, not up. Well... I did just have a thought... perhaps one of your "admirers" is actually a troll in disguise! You know how they love to latch onto people who have no problem saying exactly what they feel. But, your friends will come to your rescue! Heck, I can't do much of anything right now so I would be honored to help get you out of your yellow funk! (I really don't like yellow, anyway... it makes my skin look pale and sickly! ) Oh, just so you know, I'm NOT the disguised troll. Dissing you would be like dissing myself... we're so much alike!
• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Jul 09
My dad used to say the same thing about me.........'your mouth starts working before your brain can think up a good lie"........and then he'd say, "but you sure can think up a good story!" ROFL See, I KNOW I have good friends here who only plus me, so that's why I just don't understand why my rating (80/100) hasn't changed. It doesn't make sense and that's what's got my curiosity up.....I don't really care about the rating itself, it's the mechanics of how it works that I'm interested in........
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
17 Jul 09
YOU a troll? Be still my heart! Not a chance. You're too honest. I had a troll, but they seem to have left me alone lately. However, you raise a good point. Perhaps it IS someone on my list and I just don't know it..........nah! I know everyone on my list pretty well and I can't see it being one of them. But then, stranger things happen here than that eh? LOL
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
18 Jul 09
True, true! The world is indeed a very strange place; not all bad but not all good, either. You know, you're right about me being too honest. I've had this malady all my life: my mouth starts working before my brain can think up a good lie. You've received quite a lot of plusses and not just from me, I've noticed. See? You have a LOT of friends, some of whom are even partially sane! I hope you get rid of that yellow funk soon!!!
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
17 Jul 09
Heyyyyyy Stumpy!!! I ALWAYS PLUS YOU!!! However, YES, I'd LOVE to hear you beg!!! .... I'm WAITING!!!
• Regina, Saskatchewan
17 Jul 09
Begged Myself to Death - Am I pathetic enough now? ROFL
LOL..........I'm all begged out, so this is me now:
7 people like this
• United States
18 Jul 09
I don't know that I have commented on many of your discussions, but I have read them, i will start to give you ratings, something I haven't really done. I am sorry, and I wouldn't call you stumpy!! Congrats on having so many myLot posts, that is pretty exciting. How long have you been a myLotter to have over three thousand posts. And, regardless of what people rate you, you should be proud of that!!
• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Jul 09
Nope, don't believe I've seen you before, but I'm glad to see you now! LOL Welcome to the lot. I've been here on the lot on and off over the years since the beginning practically. As sparks, I've wracked up over 3000 posts in just about a year I guess. Check my profile, it'll give you a more accurate date. lol I don't visit my profile all that often. Thanks for the compliment and I hope to see you again!
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
18 Jul 09
Guess I haven't been paying much attention lately because I haven't seen many postings from you or you'd have more +s coming your way. Anyways, here's one.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
18 Jul 09
yea, I battled ( & bribed ) my way back up to a (9)
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Jul 09
Well I went up a point last night, so that's a start. lol But who do I bat and bribe.....................
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Jul 09
Hey Uath, good to see you. It's been awhile. I'm kind of hit and miss here, but lately I've been more active. But I've been this horrible 80/100 for so long, and it doesn't make sense anymore regardless of my participation. You're looking good though! LOL
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
17 Jul 09
Alright Lady...get down on your knees and put your hands out in a pleaing way and beg, you heard me...beg...okay I'm no goddess but you know a few so you could ask them instead...but in the mean time...start begging... Okay, okay I give in I'll do what I can...you know I can not stand to see my friend on her knees... you won't be able to get up and with my back I can not help you up. I'd pull and wind up on the floor with you...ROTFL
3 people like this
• United States
17 Jul 09
Hey, I just remembered...I always go through your whole discussions giving you a "+" rating on all of the things you post. Alright, who's the culprit gving my friend the "-" ratings? You need to stop it. If you really and I mean really don't like what she has to say then stop coming to her discussions. You trolls will not be tolerated...we will find you!!!
3 people like this
• United States
17 Jul 09
Wait a minute remember I changd my mind...we women have that right you know. Spontaneously changing our minds is a womans right. Yes, even on discussions that are not yours I plus everything you post, lol. I even plus everyone that I recognize the name if they do not have a 10. I just don't like seeing anything less than a 10 on the people that I know or at least know their name.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
17 Jul 09
For moonbeam - Aren't I cute? LOL
LOL moonbeam, YOU of all people making me beg?*sob* OK, just this once, and just for you........LOL And I'm smiling because I'm so happy you + all my responses!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
17 Jul 09
Hey there Sparks!! lol Sweets, I've worked on your star so darned much but it's not budging!! I don't know why but I haven't given up but damn it all to hell, it won't come up!! ARG!! No need to beg, they'll probably just laugh at you anyways so no, I would not beg. I'd just ride it out till they go away....
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Jul 09
Wowza have I missed you! And not because of my ratings either. I hear you got to meet Oreo! You lucky girl you! Bet it was a blast! Is she as terrific in real life? I'll bet she is! I got meet Moondance, and Cats, what a thrill to finally meet a mylotter in person! You're on the top of my list when we can travel south of the border, so get ready woman! LOL And I know you rate me positive all the time...........love you for that! I just wish the algorithyms would pay attention! LOL
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@littleowl (7157)
17 Jul 09
hi sparks, you have no need to beg,you are fine as you are, the star and rating shouldn't mean anything to you cos you are loved by your friends here so should be enjoying it...I definitly don't want to see you beg! lol...LoLo
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Jul 09
LOL, thanks sweets. I've discovered that begging's not my forte anyway! ROFL I don't really care about my rating, I'm just sick of the color yellow!
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
18 Jul 09
Hey Sparks! I really don't understand how the ratings are working these days! I always plus you and everyone else who's discussions I respond to so I just don't understand why the ratings aren't moving! I used to have a 99/100 and I went down to a 98 and haven't move since! I know to you that is annoying, but people tell me they plus me and it never goes back up again! I plus you all the time just because so I know that others are doing the same so something just isn't right here! You should have move up a long time ago from that yellow star! I don't know what to tell ya because you sure should be a blue star by now! We'll just have to keep those pluses coming!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Jul 09
I've been hovering at 80/100 for nearly a year! And I KNOW very few of my posts or responses deserve a negative response, and I KNOW my rate me, so I really really don't understand what's changed in the rating system, that I should stay so static.........
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• United States
18 Jul 09
Spark- LOL. I can't see any of your friends rating you negative, even we don't see eye to eye on certain political issues or what not. I do know that I sometimes don't rate fast enough, forget to rate, etc. I get caught up in trying to just answer my pile of email notifications that I miss a step. I'm guilty, I forget to rate lol. I'll try to be better in the future for rank sake. However, that said, many wise older users on here constantly remind me that the rank doesn't matter. It's what you say, how you say it, and if you make an intelligent post. I think you do that very well, and sometimes with a bit of extra passion. Keep on posting. And just remember you can't please everyone, nor should you try. Namaste-Anora
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Jul 09
I don't care about ranking or rating really, or I'd be whining and complaining about being such a low number in my own categories! LOL I'm just at a loss to explain WHY my rating is stuck on 80, when my participation here tells an entirely different story............it's got me curious and that's a very annoying thing if it's not satisfied! LOL
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