What makes a woman beautiful?
By miamilady
@miamilady (4910)
United States
September 28, 2009 9:49am CST
In your opinion...
What about a woman makes you think she's beautiful?
Is it her eyes?
Her legs?
Her breasts?
Her derriere?
Her lips?
Her hair?
or does it go a little deeper for you?
Do you look past superficial things and concern yourself with the core of the woman's being?
Are you more interested in her mind?
Her Soul?
Her Spirit?
something else?
Does there have to be a little bit of both?
This question is for women AND men.
There is no right or wrong answer.
I'm just wondering...WHAT makes YOU think of a woman as beautiful?
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33 responses
@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
28 Sep 09
A genuine smile is always the first thing that makes me look at a woman and realize how beautiful she is.
You see plenty of women who are sexy and sultry and inevitably quite good looking, but if they have a sour look on their faces they're just attractive -- not beautiful.
A big smile where even the eyes are smiling has turned every woman I know into a beauty at some point in her life.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
29 Sep 09
Hey miamilady! I think that coming from a woman's standpoint
it would have to be a combination of everything. When I say
that a woman is beautiful I am looking at her overall "look"
which would include her eyes, hair, body, attitude, mind,
spirit, soul, personality! But most important would be the
way she treats others and how she feels about herself inside!
She would have to be intelligent and caring and be self confident.
But, the most important thing to me would be that she would have
to know how to put other people first in her life!
@Archie0 (5652)
29 Sep 09
true beauty doesn't always mean on the outside. being beautiful means being beautiful inside and out. think of it this way, you have a very pretty face but you have a very ugly attitude. you have to match your attitude with your face.Of course you need to be neat & well-groomed and not overly made up. Good luck.
@jeanne94668 (478)
• Philippines
27 May 10
this might be a bit weird for woman's point of view but for mer what makes a woman beautiful are the following:
eyes - as the saying goes, it is the window of your soul
smile - it shows what kind of person she is
legs - physically attractive
body - physically attractive
skin - it shows what lifestyle she has, and how she takes care of herself
speech - shows her intelligence
personality - most important, for if you're not a good person it would definitely be a big factor for your ugliness
@charmz1005 (679)
• Philippines
15 Nov 09
For me a beauty of a woman depends on her personality, attitude, and perception to life. Although I can't deny it that looks are also important to but this are only secondary. The important thing to a woman is how she looks to herself, believing that she's beautiful makes her a true beautiful woman. Happy mylotting! 

@in4net6rix (112)
• Kenya
2 Oct 09
I judge a woman's beauty by the words that come out her mouth. A beautiful woman is one who is respectful with her choice of words. The way she relays the words also matters. A beautiful woman grooms herself well. Her choice of clothes and shoes reveal alot about her character.They dont have to be expensive. They have to be well coordinated.
@msmuir (30)
• Jamaica
15 Nov 09
Lets be honest here a woman's physical features does make her More beautiful especially if a guy is asked this question.However some people do have some really nice personality which do make them beautiful.It is not only the physical attributes that make a woman beautiful but it does count though .:)
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
29 Sep 09
A woman with intelligence! I am not sure if Hermione from Harry Potter counts, but I find her intelligence attractive, mind you she is beautiful as well, but that comes across as shallow I guess. I love a sense of humour to me that is very important. You can get beautiful women but they don't have anything upstairs, and looks fade. Warmth for me is also important, some women exude warmth. But obviously looks do count, because the chemistry has to be there. But primarily intelligence is definitely numero uno.
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
29 Sep 09
I guess we are all first attracted to the physical side of people. I like to look at the eyes first. But more important to me is the inside of the person. I have known a lot of beautiful/handsome people without any kind of inner beauty. And I have know just as many ugly people who were wonderful human beings. Too bad many of us only see the outside of a person instead of the total person.
@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
29 Sep 09
An ugly personality makes any person ugly no matter what they wear or look like, therefore the thing that makes a woman look beautiful is a beautiful personality, cares about others and treats others equally and with respect.
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
30 Sep 09
it depends on the woman, person or individual. everyone is different and has something about them that makes them stand out, whether it is their face, body, personality, intelligence, talent, spirituality, helpful, a true friend, funny, story teller, party person, extroverted, etc.
analyze yourself and try to find out who you really are and what makes you special and stand out from the crowd. that is what really makes you beautiful. ur uniqueness that no one has but you. and then bring it out more.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
29 Sep 09
All of the above.
However, her life and morals, her relationship with God is required. A scummy person, is a bad person regardless of anything they have right.
They can be as beautiful as possible on the outside, but if they are not beautiful on the inside, it doesn't matter.
@kid221 (150)
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
Hi Mia.. In my opinion, beauty is all about the person's personality. It is more of her personal traits, attitude and behavior. And I will also add her academic standing - the more witty she is, the more beautiful my woman.. Long hair, sexy body, white skin,and a beautiful face doesn't equate beauty for me. There are many beautiful ladies but very unkind to others. There physical beauties are negated by their negative traits. I believe that beauty is more on the positive personality of the individual. It is only a bonus to have a beautiful physical self..
@txddawn39 (47)
• United States
29 Sep 09
Physical appeal and attraction certainly come to play where beauty is concerned. But, I am an intellectual, so that by itself can make anyone look beautiful to me regardless. Women or men have to give great head. Haha! I search for inner beauty, faith, and values. Their character and disposition make them beautiful, too.
@anweshadas (372)
• India
29 Sep 09
I think the contrasts present in a woman make her beautiful, like she can look very fragile but be very strong at the same time. She can be emotional and supportive. She can be headstrong yet kind hearted. And apart from these of course every person's soul adds to his/her looks. Some people's behaviour and conduct makes them so appealing
@barbiejune (125)
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
What makes a woman beautiful is her heart. Her eyes reflect those of mercy and grace. Her legs support her daily fight for survival to touch other people's lives. Her derriere makes her sit in comfort appreciating what she sees. Her lips speak words of kindness and those to rebuke which is wrong. Her hair, even when carried by the wind and tossed, frames her true beauty. She thinks with gentle thoughts but acts with courage. Her heart is her soul her mind is her spirit.
A woman with the heart of fulfilling her essence to care for, give life, and inspire is a beautiful woman.
@zackyo7 (301)
• United States
29 Sep 09
For me it would be both. But what I look for most is someone who is gentle, kind, respectful. etc. all the good qualities that a true lady should have. Eye candy is required but the woman just needs to look normal. That sometimes determines the difference between love and lust. P.S. I really can't make a decision as to which part I love the most. Women are just plain beautiful truly a work of art.
@grandpa_lash (5225)
• Australia
29 Sep 09
Those physical things, and attitudes that emphasise them, can make a woman eminently desirable, but that is not necessarily the same as beautiful. Beauty, for me, comes from the less physical elements. But non-platonic love, for me, requires both in equal measure.
@voldrox (7191)
• India
29 Sep 09
To me the most beautiful girl is the girl whom i can trust with everything, who will love me for the person i am, who would care for me and will be always open to listen to me, someone who can understand me quite well and is willing to be there for me always.... is there anyone such out there?
yes there are!
superficial beauty helps to hide the ugliness inside
i am not saying that is the case always, but don't fall for it!
you can find the most beautiful person in the most average looking one
to me beauty comes from within!
@patofgold23 (5069)
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
the strongest attraction in a woman is her personality...
how she carries herself...
;;;of course the brains matters a lot too...
all these i mentioned overrides any superficial beauty there is.