I'm inlove with my bestfriend but i need and love my gf?

September 7, 2010 12:37am CST
Is it possible what i am feeling right now?I feel something special for my bestfriend (a girl) we have been bestfriend for 4 years and i still need and love my girlfriend i feel the same for both of them and i don't know what to do. My bestfriend knows that i love her but she doesn't respond to it but we just tried to forgot what i have told to her and we remain as bestfriend again.
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21 responses
• United States
7 Sep 10
I believe we can care for more than one person at a time. I do not think it is love for both. Perhaps you are interested in the excitement of someone new but yet feel the caring for your girlfriend. Write down all the pros and cons for each as seeing it in writing may shed some light. Good luck
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• United States
7 Sep 10
Ooo... the good ol' "Pro/Con" list. I love this list, and it really does work. Write down the pros and cons of the two ladies that you are with. After that, see what you can and can't handle on that list.
• Philippines
7 Sep 10
i lol on that, but while thinking their pro's on cons i only thought the cons will be my girlfriend will get sad when i leave the country but my bestfriend will be happy.
@joddie (173)
• Philippines
7 Sep 10
hi jeremy! Can you explain please why will your girlfriend will be sad when you will leave the country and why will your bestfriend become happy. I don't get it.
• United States
7 Sep 10
You know what this is, right? This is a dilemma! Okay, you have your girlfriend, whom you say you love with all of your heart, and you have your best friend, who you also say you love as well. Well, there is only one way to go about this. Find out which woman is right for YOU! You know what I mean by this, which one are you most compatible with. Who do you feel the most comfortable with? Who can you share your secrets with? Who can you turn to? Who makes you feel like your on top of the world? Who is the women that makes you feel like you can just be you? Do you feel a lot of passion with that woman? Do you feel a strong connection with her? (This connection better be so strong that you feel empty when she is gone.) Which woman literally gives you that "butterflies in your stomach feeling"? If the woman you are with is an answer of "yes" to all of these questions, then that is who you should be with. When I first met my boyfriend, he was an answer of yes to all of those questions. I didn't even have to second guess, I knew that he was the one.
@srganesh (6339)
• India
7 Sep 10
The situation is really tricky. There is always a minute difference between love and friendship. One must be careful to maintain that limit. It is understandable is you have no lover and your friendship turning into love. But here, you are having a lover already and seeing love in your friend. This is quite natural but shows your disloyal to love.
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@krupesh (2608)
• India
7 Sep 10
You have an oscillating mind.You cant love both at the same time.Friendship love is different from the other.When did you get your girlfriend?Was it before you became a friend to your best friend or after?If it was before that you should not have thought about loving your best friend. Just think about who is the best who can make you happy & decide on that particular one.Even now you have time left to decide.
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@rjjavier (42)
• Philippines
7 Sep 10
you seem really confused with both of them...i used to have a guy bestfriend and he also told me that he loves me..but he didin't have any girlfriend so i accept it,unfortunately the feeling is not mutual and i ended up hurting him..i was thinking that time i dont want to lose him so i accept it. how about you? i know you both love them but there will always a girl who you love most...what if one of them says goodbye?who will you choose?does your girl know about this bestfriend of yours?
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@sayariza (146)
• Indonesia
21 Sep 10
your best friend rejected you .. forget making her as your gf.. never make your best friend as gf it makes many problem in the future.. Friends of your best friend could be your friends too if you have any problem with her you could have any problem with her friends too (and some of the are your friends too)
@zapatee (477)
• Philippines
18 Sep 10
sometimes platonic love and romantic love can be confused. check you heart, jeremy0529. personally, i believe in the possibility of loving two or more persons at the same time, but definitely not of the same kind of love (romantic), that's like cheating your own heart, lol. relax and figure things out first. then decide who it really is, best friend or girlfriend?
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
14 Sep 10
Hi Jeremy, I have never had those kind of feelings for two people at the same time but I have heard that some people do. I have been confused with my feelings at times. If I were in a relationship and suddenly started having feelings for someone else then I would take a closer look at my relationship. Do I really love this person? Is there something within the relationship that could be improved upon? The fact that your friend did not respond when you told her how you felt makes me think that she does not feel the same about you. So now you have to decide if your really do love your girlfriend. If you do then I think you should put all your energy into strengthening your love so that you don't feel tempted to look outside the relationship.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
9 Sep 10
It's normal for a human to feel inlove with any woman. Most of the guys like us even we have our legal partner still we love another woman. I love my wife but I also love my ex who happen we have a constant communication until how. How I wish I have 2 hurts to love them both. In your case you should choose who among them has a great impact with you. Don't follow me because it's bad.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
9 Sep 10
You must be wishing that you can split your heart in two but that's wishful thinking. You can only choose one between the two. Having two at the same time makes you a two timing basturd.
• Canada
10 Sep 10
I don't know what you should do as I don't know any of the people involved. This kind of happened to me once, only I hadn't known by bf very long. My gf (who had mental problems) controlled the relationship by alternating between pressing hard on the accelerator and pressing hard on the brake. She kept dumping me and then wanting to get back together a few days later. Eventually she dumped me for a bit longer than normal. I got to thinking why I was messing around with my gf when bf seemed perfect for me. However bf had never had a boyfriend so I thought she probably wasn't interested. I decided to put subtle moves on bf and if she objected to apologize profusely and hope we could still stay friends. The result: so my for gf, I've been happily married to bf for 18 years!
• Portugal
9 Sep 10
jeremy you need to find out who is most important to you. is it your bestfriend or your gf? if they would leave forever which one would you miss more? and if your bestfriend loved you too would you leave your gf to be with her? thats the way for you to know who do you love really. bcs be with your gf just bcs she loves you is not a good reason if you love your bestfriend. you just need to find out who you love really and you should ask time to your gf. you should tell her what is happening and ask her time to put your head and your heart right^^ just be honest with your gf^^ even she be sad a bit she has to understand bcs we all sometimes have doubts and if she cares about you she will wait till you decide bcs you were honest with her^^
• Philippines
8 Sep 10
for me you need to talk both of them...if you tell that to your girlfriend if she's open minded maybe she will understand what you fell for your bestfriend because at the long period of time 4 years that you and your bestfriend always be together there have a possibilities that both of you and your bestfriend developed to each other. for your bestfriend maybe she have the same feeling for you but she hesitate to tell you what she feel for you maybe because she knows that you really love your girlfriend.
@richard03 (133)
• Philippines
8 Sep 10
this is kind of confusing, but the best thing to do here is you have to decide right away to avoid hurting yourself,GF and your BF, or shall i i say to prevent further more damage. your in a situation that is very hard to decide, dont just think twice. and i think you should follow your heart... PEACe!!!
• Philippines
8 Sep 10
you know what you are being confused to your feelings for both of them let's try to discover your true feeling for both of them if you need space to realize who is your true love have time for it and your being unfair to your girlfriend in that case, if you have decided who for them to choose be honest to yourself as well for them also to avoid being unfaithful boyfriend
@jeffyryi (78)
• Philippines
7 Sep 10
It seems you're confused. :D Situation like this might turn into more complex if you insist on enticing with your bestfriend. If your girlfriend is really important to you then try to give yourself time to think and try to consider taking care of one's feelings. Being careless is not being responsible especially when you're in a relationship. If things will happen you will probably hurt your girlfriend as well as your bestfriend, come to think of it.
@rhej25 (18)
• Philippines
7 Sep 10
what a feeling! hehe. . ur in love with two special girl at the same time. but its actually happening..i think you must check your feelings first. .i believe one of that two girls weighs more than the other. .be careful so that you wont regret in the end. .think first the pros and cons of our decision. .
• Philippines
7 Sep 10
you need to to talk to them now and explain what you really feel. You wont lose anything, if she's your bestfriend she will understand and if she really your girlfriend she need to understand what you feel right now. You'll never know, you might get two GFs. =D
@dags_03 (42)
• Philippines
8 Sep 10
nyahahah...your in the state of confusion. But I think you just cant love both person at the same time or your just amaze by your bestfriend's effort because she's there every time you need her. I think you should ponder on it whether you choose your bestfriend or your girlfriend. Weigh everything. Goodluck ^_^
• China
7 Sep 10
I think maybe you will lost your bestfriend?and hurt your GF’s heart