Why doesn't anyone ask any thought provoking questions?

November 18, 2006 1:15pm CST
I'd like to read something with a bit of substance not just what is your name or how old are you!
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22 responses
• United States
18 Nov 06
People are tyring to get quick and easy responses and I cant say that I blame them
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• United States
18 Nov 06
is that how you racked up such a high number? I can't seem to. I'm so selective.
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21 Nov 06
Quick and easy responses don't mean you get paid much though!
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@lenywp (1963)
• Australia
18 Nov 06
I absolutely agree with you!! There should be some real conversations going on, other than just questions that are beiing asked over and over again! :)
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@4277886 (138)
18 Nov 06
You are a comedian. Seeing the lighter side of things can't be all bad.
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21 Nov 06
What was that response all about?!
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@lenywp (1963)
• Australia
18 Nov 06
I absolutely agree with you!! There should be some real conversations going on, other than just questions that are beiing asked over and over again! :)
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• United States
18 Nov 06
yes, I posted something like this a while ago. haha. people insist on asking other people about the most random stuff ever. and it continues to get more random!
• United States
19 Nov 06
I do think some of us do tend to post topics that are more in depth. Check out some of my topics, you mind find some you like. I think the ones with the quick response questions are just trying to do quick posts, in order to increase their postings and earnings. Those of us that are not here to make a quick buck tend to be a little deeper with our topics and our replies.
• United States
19 Nov 06
OOOPS typo, it should read...you might find some you like. Sorry about that, I hit submit, right as I caught that.
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@supersach (1523)
• India
21 Nov 06
I don't think that we need provoking questions but I would say that we need better questions to answer in general.
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• United States
18 Nov 06
That is understandable but I think in this website people r just looking to make a quick buck or so
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19 Nov 06
But don't you make more money for answering in depth questions?! Surely Mylot aren't stupid enough to pay out for single words answers!
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@Aali311 (6112)
• United States
18 Nov 06
Yes you and me both, maybe you should start some discussions as such. I will.
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• United States
18 Nov 06
I agree but when i post something asking peoples opinons very few people reply to them so i basicly try to stick only to relying to discussions people have already posted
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@FlaKNMB (831)
• United States
20 Nov 06
Check "discussions with no responses." It's where all the thought-provoking questions are. People who ask the silly questions get all the answers. At least, that's the way it seems to me. Ask, "Am I pretty?" and you'll get 257 responses. Ask about world peace and you might get one.
@bam001 (940)
• United States
18 Nov 06
I would love to see some thought provoking questions too. I think a lot of questions allow for opinion writing only, but still, it is great writing... it makes us think...not just when we write a response but also when we read the responses of others.
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@atticus (1379)
• Italy
18 Nov 06
i'm new,but i've had the same sensation..well,we could talk about why we r still using petrol in the 21th century...coz we r stupid it's not allowed as answer....
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@briggsy13 (136)
• United States
19 Nov 06
ok ask a thought provoking question and then we can give you answers with substance!!! Just teasing, not being a smart alec!!!
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• United States
19 Nov 06
Okay. I am new to MyLot,and I hope that I am not being out of line by sayng simply,that YOU should ask some thought provoking questions. That would,IMO,create some thought provoking answers.
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
19 Nov 06
it was my first question on this site...hmmm...it seems like nobody cares...they just keep posting, hoping to make money...i am not sure if i like it..will see...I agree..i am here more for live trilling questions...
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@tickedoff (672)
• United States
18 Nov 06
seasons greetings - picture of holiday sign
you can go to my profile and check out some of my posts and feel free to answer them. I am trying to come up with a new Brain teaser. At least mine don't ask how old you are or what do you like to drink. HA,HA, feel free to browse.
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@nancygibson (3736)
• France
18 Nov 06
These questions are out there, I keep trying to start more in depth discussions myself but I think most people find it easier to answer the simple ones so they appear more prominent. Best thing to do is just to favour the more in depth topics and slowly the balance will shift.
@kokopelli (4842)
• United States
18 Nov 06
visit my discussions, you might find a few there :)
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• United States
18 Nov 06
yes, me too. but most are finding it hard to come up with a good discussion that is original. How many discussions have you stated? I will go take a look, OK!
@owlwings (43914)
• Cambridge, England
24 Nov 06
I think far too many people don't actually have anything more interesting in their minds than questions like 'When is your birthday' or 'What is your favourite colour'
• United States
18 Nov 06
I agree. What would you like to ask?
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