How often you drink soda in a day?

Hello kitty cake - chocolate cake
January 10, 2011 12:03am CST
We went out Friday night with friends. We play billiards until midnight. Then after the game we eat for midnight snack but not snack anymore but I think its extra calories and weight. We order noodles and plus pork sizzling plus rice. The first thing we did is to drink the soda since we are still waiting for our order I've noticed that; Based on 1.5 litre Orange soda- 2577 calories Coca-cola- 3575 calories As I remember when I attended trainings they said that we only burn men: 2000 calories Women: 1500 calories in a day. Plus we eat late at night and then when we get back home we slept. In every 500 calories its equivalent to 1 extra pound. Do you know how many calories is that? I think its just a junk and additional in our weight.Useless to eat late at night then a bad soda. So now I don't wonder why I gained much weight and my belly are there. How about you? Do you compute your daily food intake? Do you know about this? Thanks! God bless!
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17 responses
• United States
10 Jan 11
I take spurts of time where I count calories. I get all bogged down in it though. I know sodas have tons of empty calories so I dont' drink them very often. I try to stay away from some of the more high calorie foods that don't provide lots of nutrional value into my diet.
13 Jan 11
Yes I know you Macdingolinger like my other discussion I know you really don't like junk foods and still prefer and choose those food with nutrition and vitamins on it. Its very advisable for you and also those parents who really needs much nutrients because of your age. We will never hide those changes in your body and can't formulate enough vitamins. Good day! God bless!
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• United States
13 Jan 11
Yep! You got that right!! After 50 you start thinking you might have done things a little differenly when you were younger to preserve what you have! lol!
23 Jan 11
Yes I know that. So better to start being conscious and keep myself healthy as early as now than being late. I want to enjoy my life while healthy than who those people who eat what they want and sooner or later they become sickly.
• United States
10 Jan 11
Wow, it's amazing how many calories we actually do consume on a daily basis. I used to actually sit down and count the calories and compute my daily food intake, but personally I just don't do it anymore, even though you should, the most I do is when I am grocery shopping I do study the nutritional information, to see which is healthier in order to make a wiser choice. The last time I did it for the fun of it, we were sitting down in Denny's with the kids and my husband was playing with his new phone so he started calculating all the calories we were about to start consuming and I got so disappointed , it's incredible the amount of calories some nachos and half a burger can have.
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13 Jan 11
Also look at those calories, energy (sugar)and MSG. You have to be aware of those things. Too much of those are also harmful for our health. Don't be so exaggerated in food counting but monitor what food you always eat. OH like in Mcdonalds. Large fries + burger + large soda = more or less 1900 calories We will be surprise. Really disappointing why it has much calories but we're not still full. Good day! God bless!
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
10 Jan 11
Soda is really bad to drink. It has no nutritional value at all. I read that a can of soda has 16 teaspoons of sugar in it. Still I do like to drink it once in a while, just not every day. You're better off drinking water instead.
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11 Jan 11
Me too, still there is a time that your craving for something and wants to eat. Still if there's a chance I do drink them but not too much. I just don't know why. May be because I've heard that you will pay everything we done in the past. So when we reach the 40' we will suffer many diseases whether we like it or not. Im just afraid if that would happen. Good day! God bless!
• United States
10 Jan 11
I went through a time when I was younger and drank too many cokes and ended up in the hospital!! I do drink cokes still but not near as many as I used too, and a few years ago when I went to the doctor I was told that if I wanted a coke try and only have one per day if you just have to have one and limit 2 cokes a day but sometimes I get so tired of them!! I really like sweet tea but I know that is not much different than drinking cokes, And I do like water but I like my water with ice and lemon or lime in it!Have a good day!!
11 Jan 11
Well I want to inform you that coke is not a water.LOL You drink so hard and your body can't work with it. Enough amount of all things are good. Excessive of all things are not good enough. Still we have to think whats the advantage and disadvantage of all things to achieve a good result. Better to stop drinking soda anymore. Convert it into juice or water with lime or lemon is a good idea. Good day! God bless!
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
10 Jan 11
I don't drink soda every day. I do drink it quite often though. I don't think it is good to drink too much soda. Your body has a way of letting you know when enough is enough.
11 Jan 11
Just like how God created us perfectly. I can say that our body is really an expert. Our knows how to regenerate a new cell, skin and so on. How we feel thirst, our heart beats etc. Its just about people who might so excellent who discover those things that can harm us too. So if we will go back from the past we will notice how natural are they and how long they lived. Good day! Good bless!
@zaga_cleuth (1407)
• Philippines
10 Jan 11
I don't mind thinking about calories and pounds etc. that is related about weight gain or loss. Maybe because I'm really blessed to have a great metabolism. Thanks to that. Whatever I eat, I drink or do, my size remain constant, even my weight. It only plays from 50-52 kgs. Speaking of soda, its very frequent that I drink soda. And it is really a good thing, aside from I avoid too much sugar in my body, too much carbon and calories, it really helps me to be dependent only to water. Just like junkfoods, soda are just tongue teaser. Adds flavor to our daily meal. But, still if I were to choose between soda or water after meal, I choose water.
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11 Jan 11
Your just so lucky that our still young. When you get older and reach the 40's you can't say that anymore. Have you notice those oldies who just eat few foods from now and then? Just what I heard life starts at the age of 40's so just wait for the right age and you will see what I mean. Have you heard about what you eat is what you are? Water is so good in our body. It helps to flashes out all the bad toxins. Good day! God bless!
• United States
14 Jan 11
i rarely drink soda anymore.maybe once or twice a week,if that. i'm usually so busy during the day i burn that right's eating pure junk like twinkies that get a lot of people in trouble.
15 Feb 11
yeah its true. Who often eat and drink junk foods is like attracting your health into danger. May be all people knows that its harmful for their health but still we can't avoid those foods because of the taste. But what we have to do is to control ourselves. We often drink water and ate different vegetables so no one here has a major illness. We live healthy just like my parents want us to be. Good day! God bless!
@verabear (796)
• Philippines
11 Jan 11
I don't count my calories but I see the value in being aware of them. There was a time when I was able to shun soda from my daily diet but lately i've been drinking a lot again. Thanks for reminding me to stay away again.
23 Jan 11
Its all about self discipline and determination on how you want to achieve something. Lose weight without any strategy is very hard to all of us. But I want to share you what we are using and keep us healthy while in good shape. Its Herbalife. Have you heard it before? Visit my website Good day! God bless!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
13 Jan 11
When I was younger I used to drink way too much soda. Now that I am older, I tend to drink a lot more tea and water than I do soda, but I am still drinking soda on a daily basis (I think because I am addicted). I only drink about two cans of soda a day now compared to when I was younger and used to drink six or more cans of soda a day. I haven't been on a scale, however to see what kind of difference my change in consumption has made on the scale.
23 Jan 11
I still remember when I was 10 years old I really love to drink soda in a day plus a chips. Then my snack would be great after that. Now a days I refuse to drink soda. If I do only about 6-8 oz. Just a little of it and not really my choice. I do also monitored my weight. Since we have a weighing scale here at home. Then I have a tape measure on my purse. Good day! God bless!
@vicereine (451)
• United States
11 Jan 11
I don't really count my calories as I have done it in the past and I just felt miserable with what they said I should consume. I did however drink way too much soda during the day and I had to cut it out completely. I didn't cut it out so much for the weight thing though as I did for my health. I found that it had actually been giving me severe headaches and extreme dizzy spells so I just cut it out of my diet and I feel a lot better. The weird thing is I am not diabetic in any way I just can't really drink a lot of soda, sugar is fine just not soda, strange huh?? Any how I hate doing the whole calorie counting thing so I just try to eat small portions and healthy, seems to be working for me so I think I will stick to it.
23 Jan 11
I don't really count my calories too. But I want to live healthy just like my parents. They lived from the province and very natural. In that way on their age as turning 56 yrs old and 59 I can say that they don't have any diseases. Soda is really not my favorite too. But sometimes I miss the taste and crave for it. If you really hates to count calories better to eat more fruits and vegetables and also drink more water. Its a good diet by the way. Good day! God bless!
@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
11 Jan 11
I drink like one or two sodas per day I just can't stay away from them because they are so good a meal always taste better with soda. Never a good idea to drink a lot of soda though because it's not good for ones health at all very bad it's better to drink water instead because when you drink water it always washes out the fluids of your body oh wait it washes out something anyway it's better to drink water than soda. I guess I should start tommarrow, but what I don't like about drinking water is that I have to go to the bathroom more and that's no fun at all. For me soda doesn't make me gain weight because i have a very high metabolism so for me it doesn't affect me in the weight category and I am glad that it doesn't also food it never has made me gain any weight at all in fact I have lost weight which is not so good for me because I feel to skinny now I only weigh 98 pounds I need to gain some weight I use to weigh 110 pounds don't know what happened there anyway soda is delicious, but no good to drink a lot of it.
13 Jan 11
I don't know if you are really decided in drinking water than a can of soda. But I what you to know that in drinking soda you are just putting yourself into danger. Your underweight because you are lack of nutrition. You have to improve your eating habits. Eat more nutritious food then more water. Your lucky right now because your metabolism is well functioning but until when? What will happen to you at 40's, 50's and 60's?? Remember what you eat is also known as who you are. And what you will be in the near future. Good day! God bless!
• India
12 Feb 11
No i don't take soda any more, doctors advised to go for tea with more milk, so I take several cups of tea from morning till i go to bed, it is made from pure milk, in which tea leafs are boiled, strained and 'sugar-free' is added, i am diabetic lol..i always take tea hot only.. Thanks for sharing Cheers. God bless you, have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘Bhuwan’. .
@RamRes (1723)
• Argentina
15 Jan 11
At work I'm used to drink it. My office has taken the decision to buy the drinks for all the employees for the lunch, and everyday we has to choose between a variety of sodas and juices and of course water. I take the soda often, and I'm happy with it. I'm not worried about the calories, it's pointless to become paranoid counting, but some moderation on how much you take is needed. I drink it for lunches and maybe some days at home for dinner. Normally in the meantime, I take water.
15 Feb 11
May be you think I'm paranoid in counting my calories and keeping myself healthy. Well its not like that. We have our own choice and decision so we're free to decide what we want to do or to eat. Like what you said in your office you have a choice what to pick for beverage and I can say you whether you eat everything when you get older you will pay for it. Not now of course we're still young. We often drink juice and water not for sodas anymore. We just don't want to drink it because it has lots of sugar. Good day! God bless!
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
11 Jan 11
i am a big cola drinker, but i drink diet. that does not make it better, it just means that I am not getting as many calories from it, but i tend to snack when I am drinking soda, adding calories I would not normally eat.
23 Jan 11
Good luck for your future health condition. It might be a cause of any major illnesses. You will never know until you will experience and realize all this things. So much sugar is not really good for our health plus acid and flavorings. Good day! God bless!
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
11 Jan 11
i don't really like to drink soda as my stomach will rebel to it if i do... so i rarely drink soda... water is my favourite... that's what i love to drink the most... everytime i go out to eat, i always have to ask for water even though i had drink something else like tea or juice... but water is still a must for me... take care and have a nice day...
13 Jan 11
Me too, I don't take it. Soda is not my favorite. When I drink it I can breathe. Water is also y best friend. trying to drink many of it as I can. I don't really love tea because it makes my teeth color yellowish. Juice a Pineapple juice is one my favorite. Good day! God bless!
• Canada
10 Jan 11
I know this sounds horrible but we are very addicted to our Pepsi's. We go through a ton of Pepsi. In one month we collected a full garbage bag of CRUSHED cans. There is only the two of us drinking and the occasional guest who has a can. We both have decided this new years that we should drink less, purchase less, and defiantly recycle EVERY can that we do. When we filled that garbage bag we were both sick to our stomachs thinking how could we drink so much of it. But then we grabbed another can and watched TV. lol
13 Jan 11
its sounds so funny but really not. Its your choice so i don't nee dot say anything about it. just wait for the time that you both feel the result of drinking tons of soda. We're still young and can't feel the effect in this young age but how about later? When we get 40's, 50's, 60's?? Good day! God bless!
@buggles64 (2709)
• United States
10 Jan 11
Once upon a time last year, I kept track of my calories on a website...I quit going there because of the immature posts. I haven't been tracking my calories like I should and have gained some weight back! I drink diet soda, but should give it up again...except I don't want to right now. I also should be drinking more water, which is something that I really should be doing and I want to do. I have to get back up to 100 ounces a day. My body really needs that water, and if I drink more water, I drink less diet soda.
13 Jan 11
Yes your right we really need much water. Like what I've read drink more water as you can it doesn't matter. It is very natural and healthy. Simple minerals and vitamins from the water makes us stronger. Isn't it so amazing? Diet soda still has a sugar on it and it also contains all the regular soda has. just try and try until you can do it all along. Soon Im sure you will be surprise on what happening to you. Good day! God bless!