Valentines Day, Is it necessary for couples to celebrate?

@chavezrmc (6095)
January 27, 2011 9:15pm CST
What do you think, do couples of years together need to celebrate valentines day? Is it romantic to keep on celebrating this even if you luck financial thing? This is a one day affair once a year, don't couple deserve a special time for each other?
18 responses
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
28 Jan 11
I personally like valentines day. Its a day where the focus is on love. One doesn't only spend valentines day romantically, my daughter although grown is still my little valentine. Couples should take a day and dedicate it to each other whether they have money or not.
@chavezrmc (6095)
• Philippines
28 Jan 11
that's sooo nice, how i wish i can have a father like that. Yes its not only for lovers but its for everybody. Family, relatives or friends as long as love is present.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
28 Jan 11
Yes one of the things i would do with my daughter's mother was to give a small teddy bear and a small heart shaped candy to my daughter together as a couple and ask her if she would be both our valentine. It was fun and my daughter would get so happy.
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
28 Jan 11
I think, celebrate Valentine's day can be done anytime. Not necessarily and fixated on only one date. In celebration of Valentine's day the most important thing is warm back again the fabric of affection that already exists. Because the most important thing is to warm back again the fabric of love, it means returning to the desire and our way to maintain warm ties of affection
• Malaysia
28 Jan 11
I could not agree more with you... It is not to be fixated on any one day...Love is to be cherished and celebrated every now and then, and not being concentrated on only one day...
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
29 Jan 11
no, i dont think so. we have very little money so we dont really do much for that day. we celebrate our love every day by helping each other and doing little things for each other and we also send each other a free e card every working day (we have been married for 23 years!)
@cupcyke (363)
• Philippines
4 Feb 11
If you have financial problem then why celebrate it? There are many day for the whole world to celebrate. For me, celebrating valentines day is not important as long as you care and love each other it doesn't matter.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
4 Feb 11
It is not necessary, but I think it is a nice thing to do for each other. For most couples anyway, it depends a bit on what the couple is like too, of course. But most people should do something small for eachother on Valentine's Day at least, I think!
@raj7shot (838)
• India
28 Jan 11
For lovers each and every day is valentines day only.They are celebrating it on all the day in a year. But feb 14 is some spl day thats all.. But there is no difference in their love apart from the other days.
@sajuman (1854)
• India
28 Jan 11
now,we have somany days...friends day,mothers day,black day,health wise let they have a day..if they wat a day to celebrate their love then why should we oppose it..let them do..and enjoy..this is my personal opinion...and personally i dont want my love to be celebrated..that is all
@SimpleBB (1329)
• Philippines
28 Jan 11
Celebrating any occasions doesn't mean needed to extravagant. It depends on the value of the events you have to celebrate. It is the memories or the value of the events that matter most. Valentine's day are for couples who love each other much. Couldn't they make the event memorable to them if they could not celebrate it just for the reason of financial constraint? There are so many ways of showing to your partner that you value his/her presence in your life. You're in a relationship for sure not only for the money, so you can even make someone feel their value to you...with or without money. Celebrating Valentine is no much difference in celebrating anniversaries or Christmas or New Year. The essence of these events and most of Valentine, is the presence of love between concerned parties. The significance of having time spend together with a person special to you. You want a romantic celebration? What's the purpose? To let that person feels that he/she is important to you, so you can just spend dinner at home and go to bed having the feeling just like the time you were deeply inlove with each other. Hugs and kisses which comes together with your intense feeling of love can be feel by your partner for as long as the feeling is ginuine. Happy Valentine's day..everyone. Spread love amidst this time of crisis.
@EdnaReyes (2622)
• Philippines
28 Jan 11
It's not compulsory but any girl would be thrilled if she will be treated as special on this special Day for lovers. Yes, it's mainly for commercialization but the spirit and mood on this day is for love and lovers so why not enjoy it,with or out the fuss of having grand dinner or gifts. Like Christmas it's the spirit that matters!
@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
28 Jan 11
yes i think so although i haven't really celebrated it yet with my boyfriend ever since day one hehehe. we have been together for almost 7 years and its a long distance relationship. he just comes home to me every year every time he accumulates his 3 week vacation from work. he lives and work in the US while i am here still taking care of my papers to be able to go there and be with him. but i still long for that time when we can actually celebrate it together. he just went back home from his vaca with me here last week Jan. 21st, and he wont be coming back home here again till the last week of Feb, next year :( we will miss it again heheh but its okay, kind of :[
• Philippines
28 Jan 11
For couples,everyday should be a valentine's day to keep up with the relationship.A simple gesture would do the trick - a single flower or a bar of chocolate.It doesn't have to be expensive.What's important is the thought!:)
@hlgmdt (300)
• Philippines
28 Jan 11
Hi! I think it doesn't do any harm if we set a particular day for couples. Of course, couples could always choose when to do something special for their loved ones. They could do it anytime of the year. However, we know that with our fast-paced lives, we get to be so immersed with work and other responsibilities that sometimes it's good to have one particular day which reminds us to take a break for a while and show your special someone how much you love her/him. In terms of the financial thing, the celebration doesn't have to be grandiose. A dinner a restaurant will already work for me.
@Chriz24 (66)
• South Africa
28 Jan 11
I think valentines day is there to celebrate love between two people but we make an effort to show our love for each other every day. I dont buy any cards or gifts as i think its a money making effort but sometimes i do get flowers. We might go for dinner cuz last year i was working or we might just stay in and cuddle up with a movie.
• India
28 Jan 11
i think that valentine day is only for matter should not come between this is a one day the couple have a right to enjoy the whole time with each other............
@chitchat (179)
• United States
28 Jan 11
I think if you've been married for 25 years and both husband and wife are very busy with work, kids, etc, Valentine's Day is a good excuse to spend quality time together that they may not otherwise do. Valentine's Day is a good reminder for those busy couples to appreciate each other.
@fabjonah (140)
• Philippines
28 Jan 11
i believe its still necessary to celebrate valentines day. its a celebration of love! this something that make your relationship alive. i guess, its not necessarily to make it expensive. maybe you and your partner will dine out to your favorite restaurant, or cook your much loved foods at home and eat together with matching candle light. any simple things that you both shared before i guess will work perfectly.
• China
28 Jan 11
In my opinion yeah it's necessary to celebrate the day for couples. It makes couples relation more strong and cheerful that day they can realize how much they love each other. And i don't think so for celebrating valentine day needs much money. Because valentine day is not for only giving gift or doing party. The main part is love. This day one can realize to other how much she/he loves there partner.
@livecenter (1136)
• Malaysia
28 Jan 11
I think it is not really necessary for couples to celebrate Valentine ...No offense, I am not saying that it is not appropriate, although I am not in favour of it , but it just like you are concentrating your love only for a day...I believe that every day is a day for us to celebrate our love to someone, and not just for a day... livecenter