A mixed sort of day
By Fleur
@Fleura (31366)
United Kingdom
February 25, 2024 5:14pm CST
@TheHorse asked ‘How is your Sunday shaping up?’ so here’s a report of my day.
I woke up early, but I was so warm and cosy I didn’t want to get up, so I snuggled down again hoping to go back to sleep. But of course I didn’t, just spent an hour and a half lying there and then got annoyed I had wasted that time!
I felt better after I had my morning coffee and wrote the last letter I had planned.
Watched a few YouTube videos on how to do various things, then after lunch I put on my overalls and went out to tackle my latest car problem.
Not sure if I mentioned before but the blower has stopped working. I hoped it might be something simple like a fuse but no… The heater still works but the heat just sort of diffuses out (eventually), making my eyeballs feel hot on a long journey but other than that it’s impossible to direct heat anywhere and most importantly, I can’t clear the windscreen on days when it gets condensation. So basically any time it’s raining (which seems like almost all the time these days) or cold, and especially when a streetlight or another car’s headlights shine on it – I literally cannot see a thing.
Most days I don’t need the car, luckily, so it just sits there, but when I do go anywhere it’s usually raining so every time I get back in I’m bringing more water in with me on wet coats, umbrellas etc and this just makes the whole thing worse! And the fact I can’t dry it out means that now, the seatbelts and the back seats have actually started to go mouldy!!
I couldn’t buy a new part for my car as they simply are not available (presumably because at 19, it’s too old). So I looked around and found one for sale on eBay from a breaker. I asked if it was right for my make and model and they said yes, so I ordered it and it came about a month ago. Of course since then it has rained and rained and rained, with a few freezing days in between, the days have been short as well and the only times when it was dry in the daytime and not too cold I was either booked up all day or we were away. So today was my first chance.
After watching a couple of videos, I went out to tackle the job, which required removing the whole glove compartment. This was a bit of a pain but in the end, not too difficult.
Then it was time to remove the motor. I couldn’t figure this bit out at first, I had to go back and watch the video again and I ended up removing a few bolts that turned out not to be necessary, but in the end worked it out and found it was quite easy. And that was when I found that the ‘new’ part isn’t right at all. It’s possible it might fit in the space and do the job but the main problem is that the electrical connection is totally wrong. So now I have bits of the car interior all over the place and can’t fix the problem after all! Bother. I hope I will be able to find the correct motor somewhere and then it should be just a five-minute job to put it all together again (and hopefully it’ll work) – but I’ll have to let you know in due course.
After that it looked as if it was going to pour down with rain, but since I was outside already I thought I would try and do a bit of work in the garden. I weeded the last part of a flower bed and planted a few plants that have been waiting ages for some attention. I even planted the last tulip bulbs that I hadn’t managed to get in the ground due to all the wet. It kept looking as if the rain was coming, and a few drops would fall… but then it passed again so I managed to get them all in, hurrah! I don’t know whether they will be able to do much after this long wait but they certainly have a better chance than they do in a bag in the kitchen!
So that’s my day – not too bad but a bit frustrating. How was yours?
All rights reserved. © Text and image copyright Fleur 2024.
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15 responses
@JudyEv (348959)
• Rockingham, Australia
26 Feb 24
I don't know how many times we've been told something will fit but it doesn't. It might fit but the screws are slightly out or the hoses are on the wrong side, blah, blah. YouTube videos can be really helpful if you find one where the operator's hands aren't hiding what he's doing! lol
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@Fleura (31366)
• United Kingdom
26 Feb 24
The big issue with this is that the original has a sort of 'socket' type electrical connection (or whatever you would call it on a car) and the other has some wires with a 'plug' type connection. Obviously that is never going to work.
I've contacted the people I bought it from to see if they can help (and of course I'm hoping they will take this one back and give me a refund!)
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@Fleura (31366)
• United Kingdom
26 Feb 24
Videos are really useful for so many things because you can see stuff in real life, as it were, but for a vehicle I do miss having the manufacturer's workshop manual, because it clearly shows all the parts, tells you what tools to use, and you can take it to the car with you! As it is I have to keep running backwards and forwards to the house to watch the next bit!
I did wonder whether I should try to make a video. I found two, one showed how to replace the motor but it was all done silently (apart from music) which of course is great as no language barrier but sometimes you could do with a bit of clarification. Also it was a LH drive car so everything was the opposite way around. The second one was a guy showing how to remove the glove compartment to get at some other part. Except he had some objection to removing the little side panel (I think he thought prising it off with a screwdriver might damage the finish) so instead he spent ages on some really difficult work-around. Once I'd figured out what was going on I wanted to say 'Just take the panel off!' It's so quick and easy and doesn't damage anything.
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@TraveOnWorld (854)
• Georgia
26 Feb 24
I remember watching a video once on how to change the window winder handle, but they neglected to mention you need a circlip pliers for the job, so I almost broke my fingers till I decided to watch another video which cleared up the mystery. Since then - multiple resources

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@snowy22315 (186877)
• United States
25 Feb 24
Geez, I would have gone to a mechanic. If it isn't something I can put fluid into such as oil or coolant or the like..I am lost.
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@LadyDuck (472506)
• Switzerland
26 Feb 24
My goodness what a mess. We had a very old sport car until 5 years ago. There was a garage specialized in finding parts of old cars. When we had to replace the front windshield he sent emails to many different places and after two weeks we had one brand new from a demolished car.
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@LindaOHio (184822)
• United States
26 Feb 24
How frustrating. I'm glad your garden work went better. My day was bittersweet. I got to see my husband. He was pretty alert but still talking about odd things. Have a good week.
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@Orson_Kart (7139)
• United Kingdom
2 Mar 24
I’m impressed you had a go at changing the motor. Shame it wasn’t a direct swop. I used to maintain my own cars back in the 70s and 80s when I had old secondhand cars that were forever breaking down. Nowadays I buy new and keep them for about 4 years before replacing with another new model. I usually buy an inclusive service plan, so do nothing other than top up fluids and blow up the tyres if needed.
Connectors are a pain as there seems to be so many different ones. Was it not possible to cut the one off the duff motor and attach it to the new one? Did the old or new one contain the resistors? I hope you can get a suitable replacement as it’s a necessary comfort, especially on long journeys.
P.S. I have a vision of you looking like Kylie Minogue when she was a ‘car mechanic’ in Neighbours. 

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@Orson_Kart (7139)
• United Kingdom
2 Mar 24
@Fleura That’s close enough
Weirdly, I’ve just seen Kylie closing the show at the Brits, and thought of you. Obviously.
Are you sure the 1st motor is actually faulty? Can you not test either in isolation? If you’ve got a multimeter you could check for voltage and also the resistance of the motor, or stick 12v directly onto the motor. It does sound like power isn’t getting to the motor, unless you’ve got two duff motors?

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@Fleura (31366)
• United Kingdom
3 Mar 24
@Orson_Kart Well no, of course now I'm not sure and maybe the original one is actually fine. Apparently there may or may not be a resistor somewhere, depending on the model, it's all getting a but complicated.
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@Fleura (31366)
• United Kingdom
2 Mar 24
I never saw Neighbours so I can't comment on that. I did have overalls and a ponytail, is that anywhere near
Well the people who sold me the replacement motor gave me a refund, and I did manage to get another motor from a different breakers, and I managed to fit it quite easily - but the thing still doesn't work! Must be some other problem but I'm not sure how to find out what it is!

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@cttolledo (5451)
• Legaspi, Philippines
26 Feb 24
Its okay life is just like that.. there are bad days there are good ones
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@Tampa_girl7 (52166)
• United States
26 Feb 24
Car problems are always frustrating. Our Sunday started out nice, but got a bit stressful after a telephone call.
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@xFiacre (13360)
• Ireland
25 Feb 24
@fleura That sounds frustrating. I stood for a long time figuring out where to plant what in my new back garden. Soon be time to plant the first early potatoes, I usually have them in around St Patrick's day if im planting them in bags in a sheltered spot. Chioggia beetroot will go in during the first week of April.
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@TraveOnWorld (854)
• Georgia
26 Feb 24
Can I compliment you on that clean engine?
I've never managed to keep a car engine that clean. Hope you can get that part! Our day was cold and windy.

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@Fleura (31366)
• United Kingdom
26 Feb 24
Luckily, most of the time I only go to places around about, within 5 or 6 miles of home, so I cycle everywhere. For longer trips or if I have a lot of stuff to transport I can borrow my partner's car.
We keep wondering whether we could manage with one between us but of course Sod's law says we will both need it at the same time!
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