Does coffee make you more productive?

@Fleura (30018)
United Kingdom
July 22, 2024 9:53am CST
It’s an established idea isn’t it, that a coffee or two is what’s needed to get us going in the mornings and help us think more clearly and get things done. Does it work for you? I guess it might work if I lived in Italy, where many people stop off for a quick espresso standing at the counter of a café on their way to work. For me at home though it doesn’t help me get things done at all – quite the opposite in fact. Although, these days, I do enjoy a coffee in the morning, I like to take my time over a drink so a mug of coffee means that I dawdle over finishing that rather than getting on with practical jobs! For desk work it’s OK, but for anything else I have to make sure I get it done first before I sit down with a coffee. What about you?
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20 responses
@porwest (87794)
• United States
22 Jul
I am with you on this one. I am not sure if it makes me more productive, but I have to have it and do every single morning.
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• United Kingdom
23 Jul
And what about the coffee?
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• Ahmednagar, India
23 Jul
The same applies to me as well, Jim. As I said in my above response, being active doesn't mean being more productive. To me being active is just not feeling sleepy or not feeling boring. I am on another level when I more productive. At such times, I don't even need a cup of coffee or tea. And as you said, you have to have it every single morning, it's just that our mind has gotten used to it. Without having a cup of coffee, our mornings just don't start.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
25 Jul
@abhi_bangal Without coffee, I am as good as stalled. lol
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@Chellezhere (5652)
• United States
22 Jul
In my 20s, working in offices, I drank at least 32-ounces of espresso a day. Over time, I eased off that to something weaker (I took my coffee black). Then, last year, I gave it up entirely, except one day a few months back. We got a new property manager, so there was a "Meet and Greet." Wen I got to the community room, knowing I was avoiding things for my upcoming gastric sleeve surgery, one encouraged me to partake in some coffee and doughnuts because I had been "so good." So, I had one doughnut, then HAD to have a cup of coffee. That resulted in my needing two more of each. I WAS BOUNCING OFF THE WALLS! So, I do not do that anymore.
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@Fleura (30018)
• United Kingdom
22 Jul
Wow! I can't say I get that effect. I've even tried drinking decaff instead; it's the little ritual of having the drink that I enjoy.
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@Fleura (30018)
• United Kingdom
23 Jul
@Chellezhere It isn't the same is it? Even the good quality stuff is still just not quite 'right'.
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• United States
23 Jul
@Fleura I have not had any coffee since that day a few months ago, but tried decaf in the past. I could drink it solely because I used mind over matter and focused enough on the aroma not to be bothered by the (lack of) taste.
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@xFiacre (12867)
• Ireland
22 Jul
@fleura It makes me more productive in the bathroom. Years ago my wife decided that coffee was making me fidgety in bed even though it didn’t. So I gave coffee after a final double espresso in Turin at Caffe Roberto on 17 March 2009 and took no more till another double espresso in a caffe in Piazza del Duomo in Syracuse on March 20 2017. No difference in fidgetyness was detected.
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@Fleura (30018)
• United Kingdom
22 Jul
That was a long period of abstention just to prove a minor point!
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@JudyEv (337535)
• Rockingham, Australia
23 Jul
I would mostly take my time drinking a cup of coffee. Time and again, I have coffee while I myLot and find I end up with half a cup of cold coffee.
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@Fleura (30018)
• United Kingdom
23 Jul
Oh yes I am dependent on the microwave to reheat my coffee at least once!
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@pitsipeahie (5014)
23 Jul
I get things done through out the day just fine without coffee.
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@Fleura (30018)
• United Kingdom
23 Jul
I suspect I would get more done without the coffee too!
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23 Jul
When I started taking coffee I felt that it does make ypu more productive, activates your brain and make you feel fresh, but with time I think this thought lost somewhere and now I just emjoy having coffee.
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@AmbiePam (90723)
• United States
22 Jul
I’m not a coffee (or tea) drinker, although I did try to “get into” coffee last year. I was trying a coffee with added health benefits.
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@much2say (55118)
• Los Angeles, California
22 Jul
I used to think that it did! At the job where I first started getting into coffee, my boss would make it super strong . . . but then again I'd dump a lot of sugar in it plus eat a heavy sugary pastry along with it. Maybe it was more the sugar that got me going . Forever now, I've been having it black . . . and only on weekends . . . during relaxing mornings. For me, I don't think I need it to perk up energy or focus.
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@wolfgirl569 (104153)
• Marion, Ohio
22 Jul
I don't drink coffee.
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@RasmaSandra (78786)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
23 Jul
I no longer drink coffee I always have a jug of iced tea in my fridge,
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@Dena91 (16570)
• United States
23 Jul
More productive, not sure. Less cranky, absolutely
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@LindaOHio (174650)
• United States
23 Jul
When my husband is home, he makes me a cup of decaf coffee in the afternoon. Other than that, I don't drink coffee. Have a good day.
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@dgobucks226 (35362)
23 Jul
I think in the very short-term caffeine makes you feel more awake and focused. Which may help with productivity. But when it wears off it causes the opposite effect. So, drinking coffee all day becomes counterproductive. I know if I drink too much, I have an afternoon "crash" where I become really tired.
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@dya80dya (36414)
22 Jul
I think it would work for me if I didn't have anxiety. Without it, I feel very tired. I don't have much energy to do things.
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@GardenGerty (160242)
• United States
23 Jul
I only think it makes me more productive if I am in top shape to begin with and have had enough sleep and a good meal. Then it will enhance my activities.
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@popciclecold (38205)
• United States
23 Jul
I don't drink coffee anymore.
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@abhi_bangal (4934)
• Ahmednagar, India
23 Jul
I am not sure how much productive coffee is to me, but yes it deprives me of my sleep. When I say "deprives", it doesn't literally mean I am kept awake. But it's just that if I am feeling boring or sleep, a cup of coffee really makes me more active. But to me being more active doesn't mean being more productive. Hahaha...
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@Orson_Kart (6656)
• United Kingdom
23 Jul
When I had to get up early in the morning for my daily commute, I had to have a strong caffeinated coffee to kickstart my day. Now I can take or leave it in the morning, depending what plans I have for the day. I can easily do without tea and coffee.
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@LeaPea2417 (37336)
• Toccoa, Georgia
23 Jul
I like drinking it in the morning.
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• United States
22 Jul
I have to agree with the dawdling over that cup of coffee in the morrning. I know it helps me get rid of that morning brain fog but it doesn't make me want to jump up and do things
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