Just an August update

@shaggin (71950)
United States
August 24, 2024 3:22pm CST
Earlier in the week my husbands one beagle started not eating we thought it was a rotted tooth and got him to go vet. It turned out to be Lyme disease and even after treatment and my husband feeding him liquid food with a syringe and giving him fluids for his failing kidneys he still died last night. My oldest daughter who lives with her boyfriend left for a week vacation. They are all staying in a huge rental house in North Carolina. She is so excited. He is driving her and he doesn’t like driving on the highway and almost never does so I am one worried mama. It’s a 10 hour drive. He has autism and I am worried this is going to be a bit much on him. Thankfully his parents are following behind so if he does get overwhelmed they could take over. Today was my son’s first game. It’s a football game but he plays base and guitar for the band. New this year they started a marching band and the songs they played at half time were Rush. I really enjoyed watching this. Tomorrow my son, my youngest daughter and I are going school shopping and a final ice cream shop visit for the summer. His first day of 11th grade is Monday. The photo is unrelated and is just to brighten up the post. It is some flowers I have seen this summer.
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14 responses
@GardenGerty (159885)
• United States
25 Aug
When I read your FB posts I always think the local Chamber of Commerce should hire you. You find the neatest places to go shop. And lots of fun things to do.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
27 Aug
@GardenGerty that sure would be a fun job for me. There’s a site called Macaroni Kid where they share local events and things. I thought that would be a good fit for me but I’m not sure if I they have the job available in my area and I feel Ike I wouldn’t be a very good writer. I may look into it more when she gets closer to school age .
@RasmaSandra (78025)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
24 Aug
Sorry about your loss, Poor beagle, I hope you daughter had safe journeys and will have t nice vacation, Congrats to your son with joining the marching band, Best of luck with the school shopping,
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
28 Aug
@RasmaSandra she is having a great time. She has sent me lots of photos . My son only picked out one new shirt for school. He is so picky.
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@snowy22315 (177350)
• United States
24 Aug
Safe travels for your daughter. Couldn't she do some of the driving?
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
28 Aug
@snowy22315 no she doesn’t drive. She was born with nystagmus.
@kaylachan (66088)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
24 Aug
Animal loss is painful. At least you two tried. Sometimes it's just their time. We did our best for Chilly, and all our cats. But, respected when it was their time to go. Glad the rest of your week seemed to go well.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
19 Sep
@kaylachan it definitely can be a hard and painful decision when it comes to our pets dying. When my 16 year old cat had to be put down I was sad but was relieved knowing she had lived a nice long life.,
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
19 Sep
@kaylachan aww free of pain too it sounds like it
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@kaylachan (66088)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
19 Sep
@shaggin We had to do that for mama cat. It was not easy I am sure. Broke my heart, because Mama cat purred before her moment came. We think that was her way of being at peace with the decision.
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@LindaOHio (171927)
• United States
25 Aug
I am so sorry about your beagle. I hope your daughter and her boyfriend have a safe trip. Lovely flowers. Have a good day.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
19 Sep
@LindaOhio they sure did have a wonderful time I’m so happy for her. She just texted me today that she was officially diagnosed with autism today. We had thought for years she had it after my son was diagnosed and I learned about it. Didn’t really need a label but she wanted to have it ruled out or have it offical.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
19 Sep
@LindaOHio I think she’s happy to have it confirmed.
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@LindaOHio (171927)
• United States
19 Sep
@shaggin I'm so sorry. It sounds like your daughter has made peace with the idea.
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@MarieCoyle (34574)
24 Aug
I am sorry you lost your dog. Lyme disease often has devastating effects on both people and animals. Sounds like you are a busy mama as usual, and spending time with your family. I have to ask what a school shooing is? I am sure it's not a shooting, so I was simply curious.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
1 Sep
@MarieCoyle thank you for pointing out my typo I appreciate that. It was supposed to say school shopping. I have fixed it now. Yes I know some people who have had Lyme disease and got very sick. Many years after my brother in we had it he got Belz palsy from it.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
7 Sep
@MarieCoyle no worries about what you wrote I was happy the mistake was pointed out to me.
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@MarieCoyle (34574)
1 Sep
@shaggin Oh gosh, I wasn't meaning to point out a type...I just wanted to rule out the school shooting thing, so I am really glad the word is shopping! Yay! Please forgive me, if I asked in the wrong way. Yes, Lyme disease is mean and can have lasting effects.
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
24 Aug
I'm sorry your family lost their pet dog. That is sad. Hope the rest of your weekend is nice!
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
19 Sep
@kareng sadly animals just don’t live long enough
@marguicha (220291)
• Chile
24 Aug
That´s a lot of news. Some sad and some good as life is.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
7 Sep
@marguicha gosh I forgot I had so many comments to reply to. I have Covid currently but am nearly better it didn’t hit me as hard as the first time I had it two years ago.
@much2say (54914)
• Los Angeles, California
25 Aug
I'm so sorry about your beagle. Happy and safe travels to your daughter and her boyfriend. Sounds like a busy and exciting time for all the family!
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
1 Sep
@much2say September will be even busier. It’s been a nice but very busy summer. I like keeping busy though when so much of it was fun things. My daughter and her boyfriend just got back from vacation tonight . I had been so looking forward to seeing her tomorrow but my son is sick and my little one woke up this morning with a fever so I better stay away a few days.
• Philippines
25 Aug
Wow there so many things that are going in your August. Enjoy every moment, and sorry for your pet. God bless.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
26 Aug
@luisadannointed it was the month of my birthday as well. The whole summer was really busy.
• Philippines
28 Aug
@shaggin happy birthday and may you hve a more joyous and lovely new chapter this year. God bless.
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@wolfgirl569 (102597)
• Marion, Ohio
24 Aug
Sorry about your beagle. They are fun dogs. You have had a busy time
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
19 Sep
@wolfgirl569 they were very sweet dogs.,
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@sallypup (59945)
• Centralia, Washington
25 Aug
You and your family are very busy. I'm sorry to hear about your Beagle. I hope you have fun with your daughter when you go school shopping. Very pretty flowers!
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
19 Sep
@sallypup I’m always busy so I don’t get here very much. Sad to see I hadn’t gotten back to so many comments yet.
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@noni1959 (10018)
• United States
25 Aug
I'm so sorry about your beagle. I hope your daughter's trip is fun and they arrive there safe. How fun to see your son's first game and hear the new band. Ice cream is always a fun shopping trip. Enjoy!
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
1 Sep
@noni1959 they arrived there and they said the traffic on the highway wasn’t any worse then the area we go to get groceries. I’m such a nervous driver I don’t think I could have done it myself so I think her boyfriend did a great job!
@JudyEv (335364)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Aug
I have your daughter has an enjoyable time. Does Lyme disease transfer to humans? I hope not.
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@shaggin (71950)
• United States
26 Aug
@Judyev no it can’t transfer thankfilly but we have so many ticks around that a lot of people get hit by them and get Lyme disease too. I’ve never heard of anyone dying from it but some get debilitating sick with it sometimes for years.
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@JudyEv (335364)
• Rockingham, Australia
31 Aug
@shaggin I know they thought we had it here once but I haven't heard anything about it now for some years.
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