My Mum is home now. (11/9/2024)

@sharonelton (27557)
Lichfield, England
September 11, 2024 6:52am CST
My Mum is home now. Yesterday Syd said Mum was coming home today and he was going to fetch her at 10:00am. He went off at 9:57am to fetch her, and he came back with her at around 11:00am. Well, they stayed in the car for a few minutes, and then came in around 11:15pm, just when Homes Under the Hammer was starting. I told her the story of when she went into hospital from my point of view, about Syd not being able to remember anything about it, and she said she didn't think it was that bad. I also told her that Syd didn't close the freezer door, the one near the window, properly and it was defrosting, and when I closed it properly again it froze up and stuck the top freezer drawer so I couldn't open it and I had to get my kitchen knife out and hack the ice away so I could open the top drawer! He did it again last night and I had to close the door properly again, but this time it hasn't frozen the drawer shut, so that's good. My Mum has been telling me little stories about the other patients, what they've been getting up to and everything. Apparently Barbara, who was in the bed next to my Mum, has had a stroke, and she swears at the nurses! My Mum said she was always F-ing and blinding! And the lady across from my Mum always wanted to get back in bed when the nurses wanted her to sit in her chair. One day, when the nurse had gone, she got back in bed, covered herself up so she couldn't be seen, and stayed there for the rest of the day! So next time when the nurses wanted her to stay in her chair, the cleaner came and swept under the bed and the nurse told her to keep the bed propped up so that she couldn't get back in! My Mum saw her sitting in the chair looking at the bed trying to work out how to get ontop of it, and she couldn't! My Mum probably won't be coming shopping with me today again because she's not up to all that walking yet, so I'll go on my own again. Hopefully she'll give me plenty of money. She's going to give me a shopping list so there'll be more to get. What is happening in your corner of MyLot land? I hope you are all well. Have a nice day.
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11 responses
@xFiacre (12821)
• Ireland
11 Sep
@sharonelton That’s great news, but how inconsiderate of you mum to arrive just when Homes under the Hammer started!
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@sharonelton (27557)
• Lichfield, England
11 Sep
Thank you very much. Yes, that was very inconsiderate of her!
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@rakski (114604)
• Philippines
12 Sep
that is great news, your mum is home
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@rakski (114604)
• Philippines
12 Sep
@sharonelton welcome
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@sharonelton (27557)
• Lichfield, England
12 Sep
Thank you very much, that is very kind of you.
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@sharonelton (27557)
• Lichfield, England
12 Sep
@rakski Thank you.
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@Orson_Kart (6600)
• United Kingdom
11 Sep
Good to hear your mum is home, and glad Syd remembered this time that he had to pick her up. Your little family is back together again. Shame you had to tell tales on Syd, but I guess your mum should know rather than not. I love cherry bakewells too. Naughty but nice!
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@sharonelton (27557)
• Lichfield, England
12 Sep
Thank you very much. I'm glad too. Yes, it was a good job he remembered! Oh, I love telling tales on Syd! He does do some stupid things sometimes! Yes, my Mum should know. I'm glad you like cherry bakewells. I like the apple and blackcurrant pies!
1 person likes this
• United Kingdom
12 Sep
@sharonelton I like the apple and blackcurrant pies too. Mr Kiplings I presume?
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@sharonelton (27557)
• Lichfield, England
12 Sep
@Orson_Kart Yes, absolutely Mr Kipling! I'm glad you like them too.
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@JudyEv (335364)
• Rockingham, Australia
11 Sep
That's great that your Mum is out of hospital now. I'm hoping Vince might get home tomorrow.
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@JudyEv (335364)
• Rockingham, Australia
12 Sep
@sharonelton Yes, I picked him up this morning. We are both glad he is home again.
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@sharonelton (27557)
• Lichfield, England
12 Sep
@JudyEv That's great! My Mum's home, Vince's home, everything's well with the world.
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@sharonelton (27557)
• Lichfield, England
12 Sep
Thank you very much, that is very kind of you. Is Vince home yet?
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@nela13 (57357)
• Portugal
11 Sep
I didn't know your mom was ill, I am glad she is back home now.
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@nela13 (57357)
• Portugal
12 Sep
@sharonelton Gall stones are very painful. I'm glad she's better now.
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@sharonelton (27557)
• Lichfield, England
12 Sep
@nela13 So I've heard! She had terrible pain when she went in hospital. Thank you very much.
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@sharonelton (27557)
• Lichfield, England
12 Sep
She went into hospital 4 weeks ago this past Monday because she had pains in her side. Turned out it was gall stones! Syd can't remember anything about that Monday! He was supposed to follow the ambulance to Burton hospital but he never turned up! She was transferred to Samuel Johnson hospital in Lichfield two weeks ago as yesterday and I went to see her for 2 weeks on a Thursday and Friday. She came out of hospital yesterday morning and she's doing well. She's still got the gall stones though. They said they'd leave them for now and see how she goes. Then if they start causing her pain again they might remove them.
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@arunima25 (87217)
• Bangalore, India
11 Sep
Glad that your mom is back home. Yes, she will need rest for few days to get fully better. You two seem to have a lot of stories to share and entertain each other. The lady's story sounds funny. . They had to bring that trick to keep her away from the bed
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@arunima25 (87217)
• Bangalore, India
13 Sep
@sharonelton Moms are like that. They will see the spots which others cannot see. I can relate to her as a mom
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@sharonelton (27557)
• Lichfield, England
14 Sep
@arunima25 Oh, we can all see it! And the stain on the front of the other cushion where she spilt her tea!
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@sharonelton (27557)
• Lichfield, England
11 Sep
Thank you very much. She wants to clean the sofa where there's a stain where she wet herself. Yes, the stories my Mum tells are very entertaining. That story was very funny.
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@AmbiePam (89335)
• United States
11 Sep
I’m so glad your mom is home and better. Things sounded awful before she was taken to the hospital. Not much going on here today. I have a lot of organizing to do, so that’s something.
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@AmbiePam (89335)
• United States
12 Sep
@sharonelton Today I am just preparing for my niece and nephew’s birthday party tomorrow. We leave in the morning to make the 2 1/2 hour drive to celebrate my niece’s 5th birthday and my nephew’s 9th birthday. Their birthdays are three days apart, so while they get to celebrate on their actual birthdays, me and my dad and stepmom come down to have one big celebration too. I have already wrapped their gifts, but now I’m trying to find something I bought for my oldest niece (she’s 13) so she wouldn’t feel left out.
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@sharonelton (27557)
• Lichfield, England
14 Sep
@AmbiePam I hope the birthday party went well, and I hope your niece and nephew liked their presents. I hope your eldest niece liked her present too, and she didn't feel left out.
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@sharonelton (27557)
• Lichfield, England
12 Sep
Thank you very much, that's very kind of you. Yes, it was pretty bad. I hope you enjoyed your day, even though there was nothing much going on. I hope you managed to do your organizing.. What are you doing today? Anything exciting?
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@snowy22315 (177351)
• United States
11 Sep
I am sure you are happy to have your mom home again. She can help keep an eye on Syd.
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@sharonelton (27557)
• Lichfield, England
12 Sep
Thank you very much. Yes, I'm happy to have my Mum home again. Yes, she can! Make sure he closes the freezer door properly!
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@celticeagle (164392)
• Boise, Idaho
12 Sep
Sounds like a book in the making.
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@celticeagle (164392)
• Boise, Idaho
12 Sep
@sharonelton ......Not necessarily. Just thought it sounded like an interesting story.
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@sharonelton (27557)
• Lichfield, England
12 Sep
Ah? You want me to write a book about this?
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@sharonelton (27557)
• Lichfield, England
14 Sep
@celticeagle I'm glad you find my dull, uninteresting life interesting! Thank you very much.
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@RasmaSandra (78025)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
11 Sep
So happy your mum is home again, Let her recover at her own pace and when she can I know she will be happy to go shopping with you again,
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@sharonelton (27557)
• Lichfield, England
12 Sep
Thank you very much. Me too. She was going to go to the hairdresser this morning, but she cancelled it because she was feeling shaky, but she's hoping to be fine to go to the luncheon club at Church today. Then I might be able to do some painting. She should be going down town tomorrow to put her repeat prescription in and I presume get some more money out.
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@LindaOHio (171927)
• United States
11 Sep
I'm glad your Mum has returned home. Getting a new battery put in one of our cars and having the tires pumped up. Have a good day.
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@sharonelton (27557)
• Lichfield, England
11 Sep
Thank you very much. I hope you can get that done soon.
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@LindaOHio (171927)
• United States
11 Sep
@sharonelton You're welcome. The car now has a new battery and pumped up tires.
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@sharonelton (27557)
• Lichfield, England
12 Sep
@LindaOHio Thank you very much. I'm glad to hear that. I bet you're relieved.
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