I think a fellow mylotter jinxed me!

@MarieCoyle (34598)
September 13, 2024 8:40pm CST
@NJChicaa ... Did you jinx me with the key fob thing? Last spring, one of my 2 key fobs had to have a battery, I was at my daughter's house and it just died--I couldn't even get in my car. My handy son-in-law of course has a box full of every type of batteries known to mankind, and in just a few minutes, a new battery was installed and I was on my way again. I was a happy camper. Fast forward to today. Leaving the medical center with my son, the key fob I had in my hand would not work, not at all. I remembered the spare was in my purse ( I always take a spare when I go out of town) so I dug it out and it let us in the car and we started up and went home. I have a spare battery at home for the fob that was dead. We got home, I got out the spare battery, and yes, it was fine, so both fobs were working, right? Five minutes later, the car alarm went off--and it's in the garage. The keys were both on the hall table, no one was touching them. Finally got the alarm to stop it's insanity, had to take the new battery out of the one I put in a few minutes earlier. Hunted up another battery, and finally, a fob that works without weird side effects, and tomorrow I will get more batteries so that the other one will work, too. I've never known a car to blow through two batteries in two different fobs in the same day, but it happened here today. Brought back NJ Chicaa, and her woes with her key fob. I won't say I don't like the fobs, and I do love the push button start, but sometimes, I miss just a plain old key. Sometimes, electronics are not really timesavers, but it's what there is, and I do like the push button start thing. So you ever wish some things were still ''old school'' sometimes??
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16 responses
@AmbiePam (89335)
• United States
14 Sep
She DID jinx you. It’s best I stick with a plain old key. Sure, my dad has to have three extra keys for when I misplace my own, but still…
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@MarieCoyle (34598)
14 Sep
I have to wonder if she snuck in and gave me her old cranky batteries!! Like I said, it’s very convenient to use the fobs, but not good when they don’t work!!
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@Kandae11 (54851)
14 Sep
It's Friday the 13th.
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@MarieCoyle (34598)
14 Sep
I forgot about that, you are correct. I remembered about 30 minutes ago. Hopefully, since it's nearly 11 PM here, nothing else will go wrong.
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@abhi_bangal (4821)
• Ahmednagar, India
15 Sep
The gist of your story, to me, is that you have very caring son-in-law. He made sure that his mother-in-law shouldn't be in trouble and he did the necessary battery installing thing immediately. I think you are a blessed lady to have such a caring daughter and a wonderful son-in-law.
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• Ahmednagar, India
16 Sep
@MarieCoyle Oh wow... That's so pleasant to read. There are hardly any families these days where one gets to read what I read. You have for sons, actually I'm sure you know in what sense I'm talking about. Two daughters as well. Beautiful family there I see. You are definitely more blessed
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@MarieCoyle (34598)
16 Sep
@abhi_bangal I am very, very proud of my children. They all put themselves through college, and they are nice people. I know that sounds like I am bragging, but honestly, they are very kind to me and I know how lucky I am to have them in my life.
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@MarieCoyle (34598)
16 Sep
I'm even more blessed than you know! I have TWO wonderful sons, and TWO wonderful daughters. Plus I have a sweet daughter in law (wife of my oldest son) and 2 very kind and helpful son in law's. I know that's not always the case, and I am very thankful to have them.
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@jstory07 (137926)
• Roseburg, Oregon
14 Sep
Yes like the old window crank. You just roll the window down with it. Without having to turn the car on.
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@jstory07 (137926)
• Roseburg, Oregon
14 Sep
@MarieCoyle I think older cars were easier to fix when something went wrong.
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@jstory07 (137926)
• Roseburg, Oregon
14 Sep
@MarieCoyle My Dad could tune up a car by sound and he was always right.
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@MarieCoyle (34598)
14 Sep
My ex husband has old Ford Ranger truck, in Florida. I think it's a '96...crank windows, 5 speed, no pizazz or zip, but that truck starts every time. It's been everywhere, and it just keeps on going, and going.
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@LadyDuck (467868)
• Switzerland
14 Sep
Oh my goodness blowing through two batteries surely is not normal. Many times electronics are not really time savers, but they make us think they are.
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@LadyDuck (467868)
• Switzerland
15 Sep
@MarieCoyle - I have a battery tester, I always check first if they are full charge. It happened to us to be unable to open the garage door while we were in Milan to visit my mother. It was a Sunday, all stores were closed and the spare battery I had with me, I am glad that our niece could come to rescue us.
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@LadyDuck (467868)
• Switzerland
16 Sep
@MarieCoyle - I always had a battery with me, but it was no more good enough to open the door.
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@MarieCoyle (34598)
14 Sep
It appears that the two batteries I used, while not outdated according to the package, were weak. I bought some new ones today and now it's all fine. I know what you mean. Electronics do not always save us time, nor are they all always very convenient.
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@Dena91 (16509)
• United States
14 Sep
I wish most things were "old school"!!! Especially when it comes to cars. Glad you had the batteries on hand.
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@MarieCoyle (34598)
14 Sep
I learned the hard way on batteries. I try to keep some of what I use for stuff here on hand, they never seem to die until you don't have the ones you need...luckily, no adult child was here and had raided the battery storage, yay!
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@GardenGerty (159885)
• United States
14 Sep
Fobs are convenient, but I like to be able to use the regular key in a pinch.
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@MarieCoyle (34598)
14 Sep
Mine does have a key inside the fob if I need it.
@Orson_Kart (6600)
• United Kingdom
14 Sep
We are so reliant on batteries now, it’s worrying. Our gas meters now rely on batteries, when in the past it was all mechanical. Luckily they are meant to last 10 years and the energy company will get alerted to the need to replace when needed. Hopefully the gas doesn’t get turned off before the battery gets replaced. It’s something I worry about.
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@MarieCoyle (34598)
16 Sep
Oh, that would be a worry. No one wants to have the gas turned off!
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@wolfgirl569 (102597)
• Marion, Ohio
14 Sep
My truck just uses a key.
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@MarieCoyle (34598)
14 Sep
We grew up with keys, they still seem normal to me, Eva.
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@RasmaSandra (78025)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
14 Sep
Glad you at least got it all figured out, Sounds a bit like a jinx, Many times I wish for things to be like they once were but considering the fact that my life is online I sure am glad for my PC,
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@MarieCoyle (34598)
14 Sep
I am just very thankful to have a good, paid for vehicle that is reliable. It's a necessity for me at this point in my life.
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@sallypup (59950)
• Centralia, Washington
14 Sep
I am pretty old. But I have never had to deal with a key fob. My car's ignition is happy with a metal key so I use that when I decide to drive it.
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@MarieCoyle (34598)
14 Sep
I actually do like the push button thing...and I discovered that if the fob does not work for some reason, you can just take the fob itself, and push the button with it. I could remove the manual key from the fob, but I don't have to.
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@JESSY3236 (19641)
• United States
17 Sep
lol My mother lost her key fob and missed alot of work. She finally found it under the washing machine. But that wasn't the first time she lost it. She had lost it months earlier. She freaked out. She wanted me to pay 30 dollars for a locksmith. I refused and then I found it outside beside the back steps.
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@MarieCoyle (34598)
19 Sep
If a person loses both key fobs, it is often hundreds of dollars to get a new one. Not a cheap venture.
@nela13 (57357)
• Portugal
14 Sep
That is great that you had a battery. Some old school things would be fantastic nowadays.
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@MarieCoyle (34598)
16 Sep
We put in two brand new ones today, to be sure that this won't happen again.
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@LindaOHio (171927)
• United States
14 Sep
Our cars still start with a key. I don't think I'd like the push button start. I'm glad you solved the problem. Have a good weekend.
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@MarieCoyle (34598)
14 Sep
I do like it. If the key fob is in my purse, I don't even have to get it out to get into the car, or to start it. Sometimes, that's convenience.
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@allknowing (132681)
• India
15 Sep
Fob s whatever they are did land you in trouble. Ask that myLotter to stay away (lol)
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@JudyEv (335364)
• Rockingham, Australia
14 Sep
I'd be happy to have wind-up windows. If the electronics fail, you can't get the windows up and down. I find that a worry.
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@MarieCoyle (34598)
14 Sep
Plus, replacing those nifty little window motors is expensive. I often think, how lazy are we, that we cannot roll up a car window anymore with a hand crank? I kind of liked the old style, myself.
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