Real Ghost Stories (anything paranormal welcomed! )
By R3fl3XioN
@R3fl3XioN (3187)
154 responses
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
6 Dec 06
Okay the house Im living I think has spirits. My bathroom upstairs the water will start running only when I am here alone. Thats one In my kitchen only one cabinet door will open only when I am infront of it, so that it will hit me in the leg. One time my cats were in one of bedrooms and door locked I could not let them out. My husband had to take the door off its hinges. I was on the computer one day this just happen a couple of days ago the clock I have on the top of the computer came down I mean it flew right into my lap. What do you think?
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@R3fl3XioN (3187)
• France
6 Dec 06
You must leave your house :D.
It's very strange.
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@micheller (1365)
• United States
6 Dec 06
i would move out of that house becasue soon or later it will probably get even worse. the spirits are probably trying to tell you they do not want you there.
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@ineedaname (957)
• United States
7 Dec 06
I don't know how you stay there. That would scare the snot out of me. My hubby is out of town all week and I wouldn't be able to stay there with my kids. You are brave.

@dalilac1 (862)
• United States
6 Dec 06
I love this kind of stuff as well:) We have a few ghosts/spirits as they like to be called with us all the time. I have seen 3 of them, one is a little boy around 3 or 4 he loves to touch things and move them, its like a game with him.
There is an older man who wears a yellow fishing suit, he stands over top of my children when they are sleeping.
Also an older woman who wears a long flowing dress from what to me looks like the 1800's she loves to open my cabinets and put pans on the stove, we joke and say she is hungry.
While living on a farm last year I went to take pictures of the newborn calf, and when I upuloaded them to the computer there as you can see in the picture below, if you look to the right you can make out a face.
I love having them around they have become part of the family:)
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@R3fl3XioN (3187)
• France
6 Dec 06
Ghosts are your children :D ?
Have nice day.
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@suedarr (2382)
• Canada
7 Dec 06
In November 1999 myself and two friends were doing some research at the Toronto Reference Library. The building is open concept and about 5 stories tall so from any floor you can easily see below to the others.
We were followed over the course of three different floors by an impeccably well dressed man in black.
It was getting late so when we first noticed him following us we thought he may have been part of the security staff getting ready to hustle people out for closing. We all three noted there was something off or weird about him.
When he followed us to our final stop (the map floor) my friend and I decided to confront him and ask why he was staring and following us. When he was approx. 6-10 ft away we whirled around and started towards him, and at that moment we both look down and saw his shoes for the first time. They were old, with huge holes, could have even been two different ones covered in fresh mud and grass or hay!!!!!???? It was very weird!!! The rest of him was perfect, very clean, very well-dressed and normal .... but those shoes!!!!!
As we advanced upon him he bolted down a set of stairs and vanished! We were at the stairs within 1-2 secs and he was gone just like that with nowhere to go in an open concept building. It was like he just disappeared in the space of a few seconds! We were a bit shaken to say the least. We kept looking for him as the library was getting ready to close, but with no luck. My friend was the first in a nervous laughter to say maybe he was a ghost when we were safely in the car.
I investigate claims of the paranormal and if you are interested you can check out our blog and websites here.
@deedles88 (297)
• Australia
7 Dec 06
I always lived in a 'haunted house'. Since i was about 5.. My parents recall me talking to them, and things like that, when I dont even remember it! After a while, i got used to the comings and goings, and it didnt faze me. Like one night, i fell asleep on the couch, and I woke up and looked around the room and saw a young man sitting at my desk, writting on the paper! I shut my eyes so fast! i opened them and he was gone, I walked over to my desk and there was nothing there. I moved out of my house and moved in with my boyfriend and his mum. His dad (Peter) was killed in a motorbike accident. His mum was into the ghost stuff, and the 'orbs' and things like that. One night, we were watching "Most Haunted" on foxtel and she said that she had something to show me.. I was a bit nervous.. We went over to the computer and opened a file. I scanned the picture, it was of her ensuite bathroom, and i didnt notice anything weird. She told me to look in the mirror. I nearly fell over!! in the corner, plain as day, was the face of her husband Peter!! It was taken a few months after he had passed.. It was the most amazing thing ive ever seen! There is no way it could be photoshopped or anything like that.. Another time, when I was living there, i walked my boyfriend out to his car at 3.30am.. he started work at 4am.. i had come back inside, and gone to the fridge and grabbed a drink, i was looking at all the pictures on the fridge, there was a picture of Peter there.. I heard a noise down near the front door, I thought my boyfriend must of forgotten something and i looked around the corner and saw Peter, standing at the front door! He was pale, but he was there, as plain as day. I just starred for a second, then i shut my eyes and opened them again and he was gone.. I was terrified! I slept with the lights on :P Finally, my boyfriend and I moved house, and i fell pregnant. I was about 5 months pregnant, and i was walking out of our room to get a drink, and at the end of the hallway there was Peter, again! I nearly jumped out of my skin! I sqealed and ran back into my room and woke my boyfriend. He came out with me, and there was nothing there. I told my Mother In Law and she loved it, she said that he was watching over us and the bub.
Our daughter in now 8 months old, and i swear she see's Peter all the time. She will concentrate on something and start laughing and smiling and everytime we show her his picture, she laughs at it and reaches for it. I know it sounds weird, but every night when I put her to bed in her cot, I go over to the chair in the corner, and re-arrange it, so the pillow is in the corner and its nice and comfy, i like to do that so when Peter comes in to watch over her, he has somewhere to sit.. Its weird, but I feel its something that I have to do..
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@shellyhuang (399)
• Canada
7 Dec 06
When I was a kid, I guess I was so bad at that time. One day, an idea came to my mind, before I went to sleep, I sticked some shining luminous things around my eyes. What I thought is this could scare my mom since she always came to my room at the midnight to check me. The fuuny thing was I never heard the screaming from my mom, and when I waked up in the morning, looked at me in the mirror, nothing on my face, later I found those luminous things on my bed, I guess I was rolling over while I was sleeping, haha
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@demos4582 (390)
• Indonesia
7 Dec 06
well, i've had seen ghost at the night of my sister's party. first i tought that person just geek that my sister invited. but sudenly when i blinked just once, that person disapeared!!
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@coolguy_ar (113)
• India
7 Dec 06
Well...this once kinda happened to us in our village...We guys,planned to go out just to check out a ghost,that peopl said haunted a place..It was nine in the night and an open area,with a this haunted house in the middle!!!All of a sudden,we saw something move inside it....THe worst thing was,the thing moving had a candle with itself...
THat was the last time we guys went around doin that stuff!!!
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@Kaorin (756)
• Australia
7 Dec 06
There's a building in my neighbourhood that is haunted. It's an old bluestone building thats the only surviving building in the area from about the 1930's (My area has become suburban over the past few years, but about 10 kilometres down the road it's entirely rural)
Anyway, this bluestone building was originally a catholic church. The strange thing is, ever since I remember, the building was being brought and resold, constantly. Within a few months of one set of people or group moving out, another would move in...
It's been a presbyterian church, a greek orthodox, a christian church and even privately owned yet, like clockwork, it's resold a few months after new people have taken over.
It's a beautiful building, but apparently it's very much haunted. The spirits aen't malicious, but mischievious, and like to mess with peoples minds. Moving things around, blowing out candles, tripping people up, and making funny noises during silent periods. I think they might be children, as they're very immature. I've been in there before, and I'm very in tune to these sorts of things. They were everywhere. Its a wonder the people bore through it for months...
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@linusv2006 (209)
• Philippines
7 Dec 06
another elev story from the previous co.i've worked for.some gals who were riding w/ the elev girl was shocked when someone rode on the 9th flr and went out in another flr.when they've reached the gnd flr,they screamed from the top of their lungs coz the person who juz left the elev was floating =)
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@linusv2006 (209)
• Philippines
7 Dec 06
another,my bro-in-law who used to come home late at night during his bachelor days saw a white lady from a distance where he was walking to get home.he tried to cross the street and walk on the opposite side of the road to avoid her but instead the lady flowed in the same direction.that scared the hell out of him so he run away.luckily,he was able to get a ride =)
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@Willowanderer (37)
• United States
6 Dec 06
My freinds and I were in the Greenfeild Village Museum, in one of the old houses when there was a sourceless flicker of light in a sunfilled room (like a camrea but we were the only ones in the house) and then there was an insupressable feeling of panic. We couldnt' get out fast enough.
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@JashleyB (1441)
• United States
7 Dec 06
Wow, that's a good one!!
I think there may be a spirit in our house now because I keep seeing things out of the corner of my eyes that aren't there and I feel random burts of cold air.
But, my ghost story is from back when I was a kid. I was asleep and suddenly I woke up. I looked to my left and there was something standing in the corner of my room across from the bed. It looked like a person but was kind of fuzzy around the edges...Anyway I conered my head up and was terrified the rest of the night.
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@deepika_mona (1338)
• India
7 Dec 06
same here i have also never seen a ghhot before n as i dont belive on ghost and all As there is god there r no ghost
@Island_Geko (3759)
• Canada
7 Dec 06
I have no spirits in my place but I go have something mischeif happening....I put something down and when I go to pick it up it is gone so I have to continually tell what ever it is the give it back and it usually it does happen.
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@bonnielass (484)
• United States
7 Dec 06
What a great conversation. LOl most of my board besides just chitter chatter has to do with the paranormal. I would say that someone was just interested in what you where doing. Pretty fascinating yea.
For those that feel weird in a house and not right. Well there are ways to protect yourself. Get sage and sprinkle it in the 4 corners of the house. Also close your eyes and put a warm white light coming from the inside of you..let it reach out growing all around you and your loved ones. This is your very own protective that you can use anytime. Sage is a very old way of clearing a house and keeping it safe. Its gone on for ages and so is the your own white light. If anyone has questions please don't hesitate to ask me.
As this is a topic me and my friends love.
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@nobodyspecial (1011)
• United States
7 Dec 06
Salt on window sills and in doorways is also supposed to be good.
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@abednego7 (1060)
• Philippines
7 Dec 06
I have watched a feature regarding this topic i think in HBO where they went to some reported hunted house. They left a camera for a whole night and found nothing. On scientific basis, there's none such thing. What bible says is those who appears as ghost is actually a demons who mimic those who passed away to scares us. Somehow they get some sadistic high when they see people get frightened. warning: don't try to communicate with them. There's one thing they like other from scaring: Possess to human body and abuse it cuase they don't have their own flesh.
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