religion and holidays at school
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
United States
December 8, 2006 7:29am CST
my little brother came home from school a few days ago and was telling me about some songs that would be played at his band concert and one of them was away in a manger... a religious christmas song! Now would someone please explain to me why religion has been banned from school, and you cant celebrate holidays like christmas, kwanza and Hannahka(i know i butchered that sorry) for instance no parties,no decorations, no christmas music but then at holiday concerts the kids play songs like away in a manger, silent night and so forth. I think the schools need to be more consistent with what they allow and dont. you cant just halfway ban something but allow it when you want. What do others think? Have you experienced or witnessed a situation like this? What do you think or feel about it?
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31 responses
@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
8 Dec 06
Yeah either the school should ban it or allow it, no in betweens. They either should include all holidays or make it as generic as possible with only winter songs. Personally, I don't think it is right for schools to only have religious Christmas stuff.. if schools insist on doing that, then all holidays should ALSO be included unless it is a known fact that only Christian children are attending the school. Otherwise, it should be generic, which would be the best of both worlds really.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
8 Dec 06
All countries should give up their culture and traditions, or just the U.S.?
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
9 Dec 06
exactly it should be one or the other, you cant have both. and no flowerchilde not just the US, everyone. Who gets to make these decisions anyway? Have you ever heard the phrase "you cant have your cake and eat it too". Dont these people realize how connected most of the things in this country are?
@joshdale08 (2320)
• Philippines
8 Dec 06
know what? that's suppose to be the next post i'm going to make here. but now that you srted it, let me put in my question, too. why, in the first place is religion banned in western schools? i've read a lot about this in write ups and i felt so sorry that someone had to start this. why isn't praying allowed? what's to it, anyway? i've always believed that you should give thanks before and after you do something. and what? no christmas decors, too? how really, really, sad!
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
9 Dec 06
its not just western school anymore. its spreading out of control. As for not allowing prayer thats just rediculous.This whole country has gone nuts. This country was founded on the freedom of religion and now its the government trying to take all that away!
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
3 Feb 07
exactly! make it fair to everyone dont discriminate for fear of offending one because you end up offending more
@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
8 Dec 06
Songs like Away in a Manger and Silent Night have been staples in school Christmas programs since the beginning of American schools. Christmas (and I emphasize the "Christ") is a Christian holiday. Since our country was founded as a Christian nation, it is traditional to sing Christian carols at Christmastime.
The community of non-believers that has infiltrated our country has pushed for the removal of everything Christian from the schools and everywhere else in society. I have never seen a school in our area that banned either kwanza or hannukah. In fact, when I worked in high school special ed., we always celebrated both of these holidays.
I'm very tired of the standards that say that if something is offensive to someone (and everything seems to be offensive to someone these days) then EVERYONE has to abide by their wishes. Personally I LIKE hearing the old Christmas carols at Christmastime. And I seriously hate the people, like the ones on here, who keep insisting that although they make whatever rude comments they want to about Christianity, Christians shouldn't mention religion at all.
I would suggest that these people either move to a country where people don't celebrate Christmas or else just ignore what others of us choose to celebrate. What made this any more YOUR country than it is MINE?

@rosebug23 (1906)
• Australia
9 Dec 06
Right you are Jewish but if say 10 Christian children went to a school in Israel who those children be expected to conform to your way and not celebrate Christmas and not have Santa so the parents of those children would just have to have their Santa and Christmas in their own home the would not expect the school to change for them so why do no Christians expect our schools to change for them . I do not mean to sound as though i am discriminating against non Christians i just think that if you live in a Christian country you have to except our ways
@debbibet28 (110)
• United States
9 Dec 06
It's not the non-believers that have infiltrated the country and removed everything Christian from schools, it's the fact that it offends the people, like myself, who are not Christian but another religion. Why should my child be made to feel bad becuase the does not believe in a person who isn't real (Santa Claus) Her teacher made her write a letter to santa and when I read it I was almost in tears, she apologized in the letter for being Jewish and not celebrating x-mas. Now that is screwed up. And then they are asking her to sing a x-mas song. Now when I was in school up north, we did a holiday program and sang holiday songs.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
9 Dec 06
I don't have a problem with the songs being there but if they are going to allow that then they should allow other holidays to be celebrated, ones that aren't Christian. This country was founded by heritics...people who did not want to follow the religion of their country and came here to get away from persecution. We should honor that by giving all religions the same respect and not just centering on one or two.

@sun_flower714 (445)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I don't think they should half way ban it...they shouldn't be allowed to ban it at all. Why are we teaching our children to turn their backs on things at school? They need to learn about as much as they can about everything they can...not just what the government wants them to learn. Especially when it comes to religion, God and is a fact of life...either you agree with it or you don't, it doesn't matter it will always be there whether you like it or not so instead of banning anything people should learn how to LIVE with it. Thanks for your post, have a great day!

@sun_flower714 (445)
• United States
12 Dec 06
LOL! I don't know about all of that...have you read some of these people's posts? LOL. But I don't know why people just don't listen to us... :)
@moonflowerpixy (536)
• United States
9 Dec 06
That is the sun that should light the days and nights! I am in 100% agreement on this point of view! Maybe the school system should belong to mylot!!

@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
9 Dec 06
When I was in choir, band, and orchestra, we played songs from my ethnicities and many religions. It's different than decorating the school for just one religion or practicing your religion at school. Learning cultural songs was just part of the learning experience. As long as it wasn't limited to a single religion, I thought that it was okay and I'm an atheist. I like some religious songs, they can still be nice songs despite being religious.
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
9 Dec 06
My school's choir did the same thing. I have sang in many languages, about many topics and about many religions. I think you're right. It is about the learning experience. Its not like the kids are being forced to practice a certain religion.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
9 Dec 06
Exactly. That's the key part, they aren't practicing the religion or having the beliefs shoved down their throats as truths.
That's what I hated about private school, and I only went for preschool and kindergarten. They only taught us about the bible, we were forced to pray before each meal, and they didn't tell us this was merely a belief system, they pushed it on us like it was fact. It is not.
@rosebug23 (1906)
• Australia
9 Dec 06
Right you are Jewish but if say 10 Christian children went to a school in Israel who those children be expected to conform to your way and not celebrate Christmas and not have Santa so the parents of those children would just have to have their Santa and Christmas in their own home the would not expect the school to change for them so why do no Christians expect our schools to change for them . I do not mean to sound as though i am discriminating against non Christians i just think that if you live in a Christian country you have to except our ways
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
9 Dec 06
I am actually not Jewish thank you I'm Catholic... A huge difference
@Mommamea (1215)
• United States
29 Jan 07
Schools have to follow the law we understand. We are different individuals that make up the school staff. That being said it is the discression of the school on whether it would be offensive to the children or families that attend that school. The state would not shut down a school for such acts so the staff does this not worrying about the state even finding out. I think they should teach the children about any religion when it comes up. Religious acts that occur should be dealt with as any other subject. Not that a teacher should take it upon herself or himself to voice their own opinion but should stick to the facts. How else will the kids learn about the world and it's people if it isn't taught?
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
29 Jan 07
Why is it the school that gets to decide what is going to offend someone else? How would they know? It seems to me they would have a bias opinion and would judge based on what is offensive to them.
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
9 Dec 06
Ya the first palce i dont see where the government has ANYTHING TO DO WITH what happens in our schools..and our beliefs..This country of ours was born..ONE NATION UNDER its ONE NATION UNDER BUSH????BULLSH@t!!!!i cant wait for him to leave office..hes ruining our country..and as for religion in sachools..who cares
? for those that dont belive IGNORE IT..dont ruin ours..
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
9 Dec 06
The government seems to think they can control the people by controlling everything, our schools, our religions...etc. Theyre all out of their minds. I wonder if Bush realizes he is a President and not a King or Dictator
@The_Eagle_1 (1121)
• Australia
9 Dec 06
I will state that I respect peoples rights to believe in their religion...but bible bashers were run out of towns in days gone by!!
If schools are to teach religion, which one! which ones??
It should be up to the parents to spend prime time with their children and they (the parents), if they believe stongly enough in their religion be the ones to educate their children in their religion using the "monkey see monkey do theology"! NOT THE SCHOOLS....
Children find it hard enough keeping up with education demands in and out of class now....
As many religions are intolerant of each can they stand up to be counted for their beliefs??? Whatever happened to lead by example??...Does this mean I will burn in hell??
Will the people burn in hell that have lost their wives and children in the name of religious beliefs burn in hell for, excuse them, turning their backs on religion?? And instead become bitter and revengefull and totally confused by the preachings of their religion??? Oh that's right...God / Allah or whoever meant it to be a test for that person...PLEASE!!
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
9 Dec 06
the only schools that should teach religion are the religious school, for example where I live we have the Fredericksburg Christian Academy.
@carysmemories (153)
• United States
9 Dec 06
Well, first of all, in regards to prayer, it is inward in your thoughts, so it can't be banned by anyone because any person can talk to God when ever they feel like it. Secondly, Christmas can be celebrated in schools, but other religions need also be represented. My husband works at a school and the staff could not have a tree in the teachers lounge because one person of another religion said that the tree offended her. If a symbol of her religion was also on display, it would not offend anyone who celebrates Christmas, so why does it go the other way? My son's school celebrates Christmas and has a tree in the cafeteria as well as wreaths made by students. He's has a Christmas party in every grade. Religion is not banned from schools, at least where I live.
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
9 Dec 06
maybe talking to God can not actually be banned but the act of praying has been. I dont understand why celebrating Christmas is such a huge deal, I mean no EVERY other religious holiday isnt celebrated but I think that is because many not of that religion or culture do not know how to properly do so. I find it better to not celebrate something that to do so improperly and end up insulting someone and getting accused of trying to be something i'm not. Other religions and cultures are respected of course but I dont expect non Christians or non Catholics to celebrate my holidays. I dont ask them to believe in my gods so why am I expected to do so for theirs?
@ravibabli (1557)
• India
9 Dec 06
You're right but things are all screwed up between tradional and the moralists now. I think it's odd that you didn't mention the fact that the pledge iof allegiance has been banned in Northern California Schools due to the line "one nation under God". If that isn't the stupidest crap I have ever heard to do away with a tradition that I always thought was beautiful when school started each morning. But up there in assemblies everywhere kids will be singing away in a manger, and silent night, along with Rudolph the red nosed YUK!, That's how it is, stomp all religious beleif and ceremony out of our childrens lives everywhere else but lets keep them believing in the biggest mercantile industry scam going a guy with a Big white beard and a red suit and of course PRESENTS! It's too hipocritical to do anything more than laugh because if you point it out and make an issue of it they will take the religion right out of Christmas and all our children will be left with is the Man with the Red suit. No wonder santa claus is more recognizable to a 7 year old than that old cartoon of "Uncle Sam".
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
9 Dec 06
I might actually like this reply from you if someone else had not already said this exactly word for word.Please dont bother responding if all you are going to do is copy someone else's response. I'd prefer to save the space for someone who cares enough and has enough respect for me to read the discussion and post their own individual opinion and not simply copy someone else's work.
@pcballer63 (87)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I know what you mean. My sisters school does the same thing and i dont really understand. Neither do i understand how you cant celebrate your birthdays in school ne more...when i was younger my mom would make cookies or something for the class and now they cant bring them.... I understand that part because someone could bring poison in.... But they cant even bring in an empty bag of candy....I think some of their rules are just plain stupid if you ask me.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
9 Dec 06
I think having a birthday party for each individual student wastes a lot of valuable learning time. That's probably why schools cut those.
We only did birthday parties in private preschool. When I went to public school (thank goodness!), they didn't have time to do any of that nonsense. With 50 kids in a classroom, that'd be possibly 50 days with time taken out for a stupid party. Keep the parties at home where they belong.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
8 Dec 06
It's all beyond me. It's because we're supposed to be diverse. But we are diverse. Why does eveyone focus on the US where we're very diverse and all allowed... But some other countries unless you follow the state's faith, you can be imprisoned and even killed! Imagine telling a Muslim country they had to give up their culture and traditions! And don't forget to change your history books. Democracy sprang from christianity, but we're throwin' off christianity, and soon after, democracy will fall by the wayside too. [Mark my words.]
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
9 Dec 06
all allowed huh? ok then maybe you have the answer to why america is trying to ban ANY sort of religion. why america is trying to take the foundations this country was built on away from us, from our children, from our history?
@vipul20044 (5793)
• India
8 Dec 06
Well there should be this thing .
Either totally ban thing or allow it completly
If in mid way you say that you ban something and then you boast that no you will celebrate it, then what is the point
This indeed shakes the roots of religion as well as its spirits
There is no point at all of banning it. This is totally being done by people acting like hypocrites
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
8 Dec 06
You're right but things are all screwed up between tradional and the moralists now. I think it's odd that you didn't mention the fact that the pledge iof allegiance has been banned in Northern California Schools due to the line "one nation under God". If that isn't the stupidest crap I have ever heard to do away with a tradition that I always thought was beautiful when school started each morning. But up there in assemblies everywhere kids will be singing away in a manger, and silent night, along with Rudolph the red nosed YUK!, That's how it is, stomp all religious beleif and ceremony out of our childrens lives everywhere else but lets keep them believing in the biggest mercantile industry scam going a guy with a Big white beard and a red suit and of course PRESENTS! It's too hipocritical to do anything more than laugh because if you point it out and make an issue of it they will take the religion right out of Christmas and all our children will be left with is the Man with the Red suit. No wonder santa claus is more recognizable to a 7 year old than that old cartoon of "Uncle Sam".
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
9 Dec 06
I didnt know about the California thing. I had only heard a little of it. I totally agree with you though
@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
9 Dec 06
maybe it only happens in the US then but I know it happens all over this country
@yannefranco (341)
• Philippines
12 Dec 06
holidays are really fun, iu get to spend the day at home resting! weew!