why do teens leave parents?
By humaaaa
@humaaaa (1386)
December 24, 2006 4:32pm CST
Mostly in western countries children when they grow may be around 18 they don't like to live in the same home with their parents or just want to go away from there and live alone with their boy or girl, which they already have.
They don't ever come back or ask for anything from the parents for living, they just go away earn for them selves some also study by their own and work part time to earn sufficient for their food, house and spending on education.
Do you what they do is correct? Is that what our parents deserve from us? These teens can gain alot while livig with parents, because seniors have good expereince in dealing with everything. Teens think they know better than their parents and can handle everything by their self
The ones who made us walk, who taught us how to talk and did everything for us even they changed our dippers don't you think they deserve our love.
They helped us when we needed them, now when they need us we are leaving them at old age?
We should live with them and serve them for as long as they live.
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108 responses
@kpisgod (994)
• India
24 Dec 06
u from pakistan,me from india
all westerners arntlike that though there is a high percentage of people who are like what u said.I personally feel that when one is capable of living ones own life and able to take care of others, first thing to be done is take care of ones parents.
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@royrules1 (180)
• India
25 Dec 06
leaving the parents until u can learn the world so then after them the rest of the life u can be with them to gether but living seperately brings u more reposibility but the sepration should not be permamnent jus for the time to learn
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@ladygam (562)
• Philippines
25 Dec 06
Actually, when you get down to the basics, it's all about taking responsibility for yourself and not imposing the task of taking care of yourself on your parents because they, as parents, have already done their part in taking care of you when you were growing up.
If you are able to make it on your own in a big, wild, cruel world like ours, then your parents did good in bringiing you up. Your parents would be very proud of you if you are able to show them that you can make it on your own.
@hemtata (284)
• India
25 Dec 06
This is going on in Western countries for ages. So today's parents have also behaved the same way what their kids are doing today. In western countries the old parents can still survive without being looked after by their children due to government run social securities. So there is nothing wrong what the children are doing.
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@s1n2a3k4e580 (222)
• China
25 Dec 06
Actually, I don't konw if this right or wrong. Now, I am only 26 years old and I still live with my parents, and I am happy about that. For those kids, who leave their parents to live on their own at 18 years, I don't blame them for that. Actually, if I were the parents, I also hope my children can be self-made when they reach 18, and not live under my protection. I think this is good for their growing. I will provide them with some necessary stuff and money, and give them my hands when they meet difficulties. I love them, so I don't expect they will return that kind of love to me. Those love is unlimited. When I was alone and felt loney, I hope they can be with me, but I don't blame them if they can't do that. Actually, I am not gonna live just for my kids, I got my life and they got theirs.
But, being a son for my parents, I feel that I have responsibility to take care of them when they got sick or something, and I will take out time as much as possible to accompany to them. For me, being with my parents is a very enjoyable thing to do!
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@onesiobhan (1327)
• Canada
25 Dec 06
Um. No. Not always.
I left home at 15. Not 18, 15. Because my parents were psychopaths. And it was entirely the right thing to do at the time.
Don't presume to judge people who leave before *you* think they should. You have no idea what it's like for them.
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@Bofia29 (36)
• United States
25 Dec 06
teens want to leave their parents because they've been living in the same place their whole life. They want to go out and try new things. They want to prove that they can earn a living for themselves. when you marry, you don't want to live with your parents
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@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
24 Dec 06
there are pros and cons, of course,,,it's true that they couldnt be with the parents to take care of them...but they could learn how to be independent and take care of themselves..i've stayed with my parents for the last 29 years and i've grown to be rather attached to family...now that i'm staying with my bf and his family, i still havent got use to it hehe
@what_now (554)
• Canada
24 Dec 06
Living off of your parents won't teach you what life is? As soon as you step outside the shelter of your parents you realize life is so different and so are people. People can never be as responsible as they would be living on their own.
I must point out you are very wrong about we people(by that i mean the ones in western countries as you mentioned) don't talk to or be in touch with our parents. We keep talking with them and the love and relationship thing is there and we support each other if its essential. But we just don't live together.
I don't know where you are from and how everything works in your country but what makes you think kids living with their parents is a better idea then them living on their own and being able to make decesions for themselves and get a taste of this world? I am pretty sure whatever the values in your country are, you people do move out too? Do you guys still live off of your parents when you are married? I mean come on, when would be the time to take responsibilities.
You know maturity is something that can not be taught. You can not keep you children with you all your life. You have to let them go intentionally or un-inteninally, you are not going to live forever so the sooner you TEACH them how to ride a bicycle the better cause you can not hold the bicycle forever to keep them from falling. cheers
@lafavorito (2959)
• Philippines
25 Dec 06
I actually agree with what_now. When I was living with my parents, I often expect someone will do my laundry, cook my food, help me find things that I misplaced. But when I decided to move out and it is much harder to be on your own, you need to do chores after school and work, it is very tiring but liberating. I felt the need to grow up faster and be mature in order to fulfill all my responsibilities, eventually only then I realized that I will never learn the true meaning of responsibilities if I'm still living with my parents.
It is right to move out from our parents' house to learn more about the world, they are still our parents and we should keep in touch but we can't stay forever under their care. We should learn how to take care of ourselves once we reach the age of majority , let our parents relax and take vacations.
@whitefox (1347)
• Italy
28 Jan 07
I live in a western country and I tell you that the other country customs cannot be judged above all if one comes from various cultures. Everybody is free of spending its life how wants. Furthermore live alone does not mean to forget its parents and not take care of them
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
25 Dec 06
Well, I disagree, that children should "always" respect their parents wishes. Some parents are neurotics, possessive, twisted, warped, abusive, etc... A good child should show Love to parents who gave their best.
But there's other things to consider. A) Economy. You gotta' go where the work is. And how you supposed to help your parents if you can't help yourself. What about your own family's needs? B)Your own needs. It's fine and dandy to stay at home and help the parents out, but not if it's making a martyr out of you or causing resentment. C)Some parents want their kids to get the Hel* out ASAP.
Seriously, I agree fully with your ideal. But in the real world, we've got to be able to stand on our own two feet, and go where the economy and opportunities await us. Then, you have to consider your spouse's parents as well. You'd have to be very wealthy (and tolerant) to be able to put up two sets of parents in one household.
@smaj57 (5)
• Pakistan
25 Dec 06
David U also right but u are talking in cases, humaa is talking about over all western culture, obviously everybudy need financial or economical growth but isn't mean that u forget ur parents responsibilities. In conclusion life is set of priorties when u give periorty to UR partents than ur CHILDRENS also give u same response.
@IshidaMitsunari (1026)
• China
25 Dec 06
Respecting parents is one thing. Living with them all our lives is another. Respect has nothing to do with living with our parents. Children can respect and love their parents and still live away from them.
@sarthak007 (12)
• India
25 Dec 06
teens leave parents bcoz dey think dat thier parents hav restricted dem a lot.and dey want more freedom to do anything
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@Artsimba (1334)
• United States
25 Dec 06
That's very true, however, things happen for a reason. Maybe in some cases some people look forward to being independent, young and old.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
14 Jan 07
for me the reasons are clear. A teenager will want to expand the horizons of their lives. Indipendence is something that is eagerly awaited by most teenages simply because it allows them to experience the adult world for the first time.
As long as the teenager can com back when it goes wrong, i dont think there is a problem with teenages leaving home, infact with life expectancy increasing (in the western world at least) i think it is quickly becoming essential that they do
@chaitrakrishnan (181)
• India
25 Dec 06
Yeah you are right... why do they leave their parents and even they dont care about them.....
In western countries only this happen,i can say only one reason for this is their culture and habits. for example consider a child always first brushes his teeth and then will have his break fast 'why is it so' who has taught him to brush and the have break fast that is only by looking at his parents the child is following them.... here also the same thing happens. He develops an attitude only by looking at his parents only...........
some say that 'children have to learn how to manage things and money at age of 18 itself so leave him alone' its correct but they should not learn how to leave the parents.......
@charmante (16)
• Romania
25 Dec 06
I don't think that that's what they do ,of course that there are exceptions but still they have to think that without their parents they could't be borned
@samimkardar (828)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Actually in western countries, they teach the children for their rights from very early ages, a 7 or 8 year old child know if his/her parents put any pressure on the child they may call the police to complain against them That is the reason that make the child uncontrol by the parents. Although they need guidence of the parents in this age,
On other hand Parents also become carelaess about their child, they want to enjoy their most of the time with their partner. Infact the oversex life have made he parents irresponsible and careless from their children.
There are alot of other factors who disbalance the social life in west.