HELP...I Need A Schedule
@creativedreamweaver (7297)
United States
December 27, 2006 2:06pm CST
I used to be a very organized, time oriented person, lately (the past 4 years) I don't know what has happened to that. I have a lot of irons in the fire as they say. I am a stay at home wife/writer. I need a schedule that will help me get all my housework/chores done every week. We have a pretty small house, two bedrooms, one office, living room, kitchen, dining room, bathroom, and laundry room. I want to make my husband happy, he is a very organized person, and likes the house to be CLEAN. How do you all do you clean everything in one day, do you do one room a day? Please help me.
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60 responses
@audraac (109)
• United States
27 Dec 06
Hello Dream, I have learned that for some reason men like a clean home and for it to be organized and for us women to keep it that way. I think the easiest way to keep organized is to use plastic totes for certain things (mail, toys, shoes), it might help out a little bit. I think the only way to accomplish this is when you wake up in the morning set your mind to go through all the rooms and set a time limit on each. If the house is small try to make sure the kids stuff stays in their room, play pen etc. not the front room. As far as yours and your husbands room make sure to keep everything hung up that needs to be. Try to make sure after he leaves in the morning that your room is the first thing done, then go to other rooms in the house. LOL ;0)
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
27 Dec 06
Thanks Audra. That is a good suggestion about doing our room first. We are lucky...we are older and the kids are grown. My son is the only one that lives here, but he sleeps in his own camper, so is just in the house to use the computer and eat and shower and such. It just feels like I can't seem to get it all done and keep it that way. I will do really good for a week or two, then everything gets all fuddled up again. I like your advice though. I will do our room first, definitely. Thank you.
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@audraac (109)
• United States
27 Dec 06
At least if you do your room first the hubby can't say too much. And totes work really go for the younger kids. Although if you have toys go through them every other month will help. Keep motivated by maybe taking a walk right after so that when you come home you are refreshed to a clean home. I try to clean before I leave anywhere cause I want to rest when i get back.
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
28 Dec 06
That too is a really good idea, about taking a walk afterward. Thank you. Yes, he does like the bedroom fresh and neat, of course so do I. Thanks for your advice and help.

@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
28 Dec 06
That does help Lakota, thank you very much. No, I don't want hubby to pitch in. He works hard enough as it is...50 hours at his job and then another 15-20 on his his own business. He is the hardest working man I have ever known. We have so many knick knacks, dusting them all is a real drag, but he doesn't want to get rid of any of them, lol. Thank you for your daily suggestion, I like it.
@audraac (109)
• United States
28 Dec 06
Hey dream if dusting is a problem, try getting, setting up a glass case, china cabinet etc. to put them in. I know space is limited. If you are handy or do crafts of any type, make a shadow box or something that will releave some of the dust and you can display it better. If your not too crafty search around at thrift stores or Joann's etc., hobby lobby for a good deal on shadow boxes, glass cases etc. That might help.
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
28 Dec 06
Yes, space is a real issue in this house, and hubby "HATES" changes. He won't even let me move the furnature. He is really a sweet guy, just does't like things changed up much. We do have one china hutch that hold antique glassware from his grandmothers, but the rest of the stuff is all on shelves...there are shelves everywhere, lol.
@msqtech (15073)
• United States
8 Jan 07
I think it would be better to set aside a part of each day to do the menial chores then be free to be completely creative in your work time. Number one make it a schedule which doesnt create stress some flex time to relax or unwind from one thing to another. Also do things that need done in order so you have an easy way to accomplish them regularly I would do the sweeping and dusting one day the wash another etc...
@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Yes, msqtech. It does free me up creativly when the house and chores are done. I really can't seem to work at my full potential in clutter and mess or knowing that I need to be doing something else. That's a breakthrough. Thank you very much. I really appreciate your input and reply.
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I feel like I am so far behind right now, that I'm never going to get caught up. And now I have all this extra bookwork and tax preparation stuff to do. UGH! Calgon take me away. Thank you for your input though, if I figure out a trick, I'll let you know.

@mirage108 (3402)
• United States
28 Dec 06
I have a cheep Palm and I plan my schedule out and when it is time for me to do something my palm tells me it is time to do something, it keeps me organized. and I get to complete everything I need to complete
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
28 Dec 06
I don't want a palm or a pda. I need to see the schedule before me on paper, so that I know what needs to be done and I can check it off. Thanks mirage for the suggestion though. I am glad those things work for some people, I kind of wish I was one of them.
@Tweety2035 (662)
• United States
28 Dec 06
Best thing to do is to make out a schedule for yourself and to follow it.You basically have to disipline yourself again.
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
28 Dec 06
Thanks that is a good way to put it, but for myself, I need it a little more detailed. What is freetime? LOL, Thank you for your response. I appreciate it.
@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
28 Dec 06
That is what I am trying to do, is to figure out what that schedule for myself should be. I can dicipline myself to follow it again, once I put it down on paper. Thanks for your response, I appreciate it.
@Libertarianz121 (36)
• New Zealand
28 Dec 06
Wake up in the morning, go over everything you need or want to do, then go like this:

@tawnabelle (27)
• United States
28 Dec 06
i had a very similiar question because i too am in your same situation. someone had metioned a site to me and ive been doing it for a couple days and i am already noticing the difference. try good luck
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
28 Dec 06
I am so sorry, I hope you don't feel I stepped on your toes. I did a search and didn't come up with a question on my keywords. Please accept my apologies. So you like the flylady site? I will have to check it out. It is really helping? Thank you very much, I am going to the site first thing in the morning. Thank you for replying. Have a wonderful New Year.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
28 Dec 06
There are two things that I find help me. 1) is everything has a place and every thing in it's place. if it is always put in it place it is easier to find and that saves time. 2) Make sure every thing is put away before you go to bed at night. then each morning give everything a light once over. then chose one room to do a deeper claening in. Have one day for vacuuming whle a load of clothes is doing.
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
28 Dec 06
Thank you dee and jess. Both are great suggestions. I like the way you organized it jess. It sounds like what I am looking for, only I will have to do some minor tweeking. Thank you both very much. I like both of your replies.
@jessn0622 (4)
• United States
28 Dec 06
I would suggest making a list of everything that needs to be done for that week. Each day you should have one big task and a few smaller ones. Allow one day for no cleaning project but perhaps and organizing project or a full day of errands. This is my schedule. I am a stay at home mom and I watch another baby during the day. I work part time at a local resturaunt so this is what works for me. I work at night, so when I work is when you would have dinner and relax with your husband.
Monday- Laundry, iron, put away all clothes. Organize shopping list for week, plan meals for week. Clean out fridge. 9:00-11:00 12:00-1:00 Lunch, pay bills, watch a little TV. 2:00-3:00 Do a general pick up around the house.Do dishes and prepare dinner 4:00-5:00
Tuesday-Grocery shopping and general errands
Wednesday-Clean bathrooms
Thursday-Vaccuum and dust
Friday-Clean bedrooms
Saturday- Find one organizing project to do (organize pictures, clean out a closet, bring clothes to Goodwill, etc.)
Sunday- RelaX! Do dishes and general picking up only!
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
28 Dec 06
Hello I am a stay at home wife/online seller and it is just my husband and I and we have a small hone 3 bedroom, 2 baths, living room dining room and kitchen and this is how I work out my schedule sometimes things come up but I usually try to stay to it.
4am-5am get up fix breakfast husbands lunch and see him off.
5-6 clean up kitchen including dishes, and sweeping of floor. On Mondays and Fridays I mop the kitchen floor all the other days I just sweep.
7-8 I have my prayer and bible study time
8-9 I straighten up the master bedroom and make the bed and work out for 30 minutes.
9-12 I work on the computer.
12-12:30 I have lunch and do the little bit of dishes that I use.
12:30-2 I dust and vacuum all rooms, and clean the bathrooms. The guest bath I clean 2 times a week the master I straighten and clean almost everyday.
2-4 I work on the computer until my husband comes home and then I spend some time with him before I fix supper and clean the dishes afterwards.
NOW you may be asking when do you do laundry. I usually wash 2-3 times a week and I throw a load in while I am doing other things then I either hang them outside or throw them in the dryer in between other jobs. Then when I am finished with supper and washed the dishes, while my husband and I are watching tv I fold and iron clothes.
I hope that this helps This is just how I do it. You should sit down with a piece of paper and write down everything that needs to be done everyday, things that need to be done once a week, things that need to be done twice a week etc. then get a planner that has each hour of the day and pencil not pen what you want to do and when. Also make sure to take some time for yourself each day for me it is my bible study because if you don't you will burn out I know I did.
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I like yours. I especially like that you make time each day for bible study and worship. I know that has to be a priority in my morning routine. I do laundry all the time too. That is one chore that I don't have a problem with really. I really may borrow a page out of your book and use this type of schedule for what I need. Thank you so much. I appreciate you sharing your schedule with me.
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
28 Dec 06
That isn't exactly what I meant by a schedule. I don't ever want to own a PDA, sorry. Thank you for your response though.
@Bunny2 (2102)
• Australia
2 Feb 07
I am much like you - I used to work fulltime and every Saturday morning I would clean the whole house (I was also 25 years younger!!) Now I am at home, an aspiring writer, and do work part time outside the home. Actually, since starting the part time job I get more done. I think the more time you have the more time you waste. Just like I procrastinate in my writing (oh muse, where are you??) I also procrastinate in housecleaning. However - our bed is always made no matter what. And I always clean the kitchen counters and sink, and tidy the bathrooma and toilets in the morning before either going out or sitting down to write.
I have three teenage sons and they are in charge of their own rooms. If they're untidy, then I just get over it. I close the door when people come.
I have a set pattern for laundry - I wash every day and every day has a dark wash. I wash towels on Mondays and Thursday (hey we're clean when we step out of the shower, so why wash them every day??) and I wash the floors every Monday morning, after the weekend. If I have to I also wash them Friday/Saturday if people are coming over. My elder twin does the vacuuming every two weeks for pocket money (how long will that last? He's 17 now)
Dusting - there is no pattern here - usually once a week or every two weeks.
Light fittings and ceiling fans - I do them when I change the batteries in the smoke alarms, which I do when Daylight Saving kicks in (November usually). So once a year only. Usually they're not that bad.
We have two bathrooms and I clean them simply - spray a cheap bleach and leave for 20 minutes (with exhaust fan on) come back and have a shower in there. All sparkling clean! I alternate them so they're not done on the same day - or if I do them the same day then someone else will have a shower to rinse it out :)
I hope some of this helps :)
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
13 Feb 07
Thank you Bunny. I try to do that, it just never seems to work out quite the way I like it too. I appreciate all the time and effort you put into your response. It is great the way you have divided your cleaning chores up. I am going to try to put some of them to the test for me. Thanks again.
@adnan82 (672)
• Pakistan
7 Feb 07
this is not a big prb ...wat i have seen is ...cleas the house daily .. is ..not a prb ... if u have to do it all alone.... then it will b a prb ... so . make sure bedroom n bathroom shud b clean daily ..n office room.. as u said...they are in daily shud b clean at nite.. it gets dirty whole day of cooking..
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
13 Feb 07
Thank you for your response. Cleaning is definitly an ongoing process, you are right there.
@abilbrey (114)
• United States
28 Dec 06
I am astay at mother of 3,all under the age of 11, I find that if I clean one room a day completely including closets it make my life much easier and I just surface clean the other rooms. It is a good idea to have a basket you take for room to room to pick up and put up things that have been misplaced from room to room. i have a calendar on the frig. to remind me of appointments and shopping lists. The phone is close to the frig which make it easier to write these appointments down when they come in. Hope this helps. It is a everyday challange
@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Yes it is msqtech. I understand the everyday challenge thing. You seem like your doing a great job though. I like the idea of carrying a basket through from room to room. Thank both of you for sharing. I appreciate it.
@trouble4u2avoid (2915)
• United States
2 Feb 07
It sounds more like you lack motivation instead of planning, you PLAN to clean but you just don't have the MOTIVATION. LOL I have those days too! Anyways, what I do is really weird and crazy but it works. I come from a family with 6 kids. My MOM had this little game we played to motivate us into cleaning. I will say it was more fun with 7 people running around!
My MOM had an egg timer. She would set it for 10 minutes. So we had 10 minutes to clean the living room. The goal was to finish before the timer ran out.
Now as an adult, I make it a point to spend 10 minutes in each room. I also set the timer for my computer time. Say 1/2 hour and than 10 minutes for a room.
I think cleaning sucks! I might as well make it interesting! It's amazing how much can be done in 10 minutes if you put your heart into it!
@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
13 Feb 07
Hmm, that isn't a bad idea. Ten minutes, then 1 hour on the computer, then another ten minutes cleaning. I like that. I know I can get a lot done in ten minutes. I do it when hubby is on his way home from work. Thank you trouble. Your suggestion is fantastic.
@cjthedog64 (1552)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I have to keep up with it everyday. The main stuff like dishes, laundry and bathrooms have to be worked on every day. Other stuff like throwing away garbage/clutter is ongoing too. I kind of do the flylady thing too. Spend a little while concentrating on a certain room or area. It's impossible to get everything clean at once (unless you have company pulling in the driveway!) so you have to just do it little by little. I deep clean rooms when I can, and then just tidy up until I get around to another deep clean.
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I like the flylady program, but it is a little more in depth than what I need. I am trying to figure out ways to tweak it for my particular lifestyle, but still working it out, lol. Thanks for your response and input. It is appreciated.
@vipul20044 (5793)
• India
28 Dec 06
I can understand for an instance that when you do get loads of stuff on your shoulders you tend to get a bit low
But hey relax what you need to do is just give priorities to everything
From what is the most important to what is less important and i guarantee life will be easier for you
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Thank you for your response. I think maybe I have been too relaxed, and that is part of the problem.
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I can understand your problem. I too am a work at home mom now, with 3 teens. I can pretty much do what I want, when I want with no husband to have to appease. My suggestion is that you try to set your alarm and FORCE yourself to go outdoors for something. Whether it be a walk, just to go get the mail in the morning (leave it in there overnight if you have to and it's safe), or even go to a little restaurant and buy a 79 cent cup of coffee. Getting out starts your motor running.
I'm lucky, I just do as I please at this point and hey.. if you visit and my house is a wreck.. .I keep the cleaning stuff under the sink! LOL
Good luck. And honestly, I do find that getting out first thing in the morning makes me feel more alive and ready to go for the day.
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Getting up and out is a good idea. I don't drive, so I would have to go for a walk or something. But the fresh air is always stimulating to me. How in the world do you deal with three teens? I like your philosophy though. Thanks for your suggestions and your input.
@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I am amazed at how dirty the house gets while I am at the computer or writing at my desk. It seems there are a few of us on here that seem to be in the same boat. There have been some good sugesstions though. Thanks for your input. I appreciate it.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
2 Feb 07
What I have found helps is 1)dishes done following each meal and with meal prep, wash up as you go. This keeps things to a minimum. When the dishes are done the benches should be cleared and all stuff put awy. Leave the dishes to air dry and at the end of the day relax and have some "me time". Just before bed, put the now dry dishes away, sweep the kitchen floor and strighten /tidy the living room. That way, first thing in the morning the kitchen and living area will look wonderful. In the morning, fling back/shake the bedcovers and let the bed air, perform your hygeine ritual make the bed and tidy the room. In the bathroom use one of those spray on shower sprays every few days to stop soap build up. I also find a quick wipe of the shower does wonders each time someone uses it...(so have your shower last). Choose a day to have a good vacuum each week, another day to do the kitchen and bathroom mopping. That's the house pretty much taken care of. Who does the shopping, the garden and outside chores like car washing etc? Maybe your son could pitch in. Keeping things tidy as you go is so important for a happy house. It doesn't need to be spotless but if it's tidy it pleases the eye, and calms the soul. It does for me anyway. Cheers.
@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Thanks MsTickle. I have been trying to keep the bathroom really clean, that one doesn't seem to be a problem for me. Unfortunatly, I do the yard work and gardening. My son has moved out as of last week. He didn't like to help out. I like the idea of letting the bed air out for a bit in the morning. I really appreciate your advice. Thank you for responding.
@msmonkeyfeet (789)
• United States
2 Feb 07
I'm also a stay at home mom but instead of an 18 year old I have an 18 month old. Cleaning is a never ending battle it seems here! I've found that it helps a lot if I make a list of things to get done the night before and then cross them off as I do each one. I don't bother trying to put time limits on things because my son is just all over the place..sometimes he naps, sometimes he doesn't, sometimes he'll play on his own, sometimes he's stuck to me like glue. So I just take it one step at a time, and if some things aren't done at the end of the day, no big deal, there's always tomorrow! I also try my best to multitask as much as possible. Like, after I throw in a load of laundry I'll give my son lunch and while he's eating I'll vacuum (so he doesn't chase the vacuum around) and by the time I'm done it's time to swap laundry loads! It might also help to designate certain days for certain things, like one day is JUST for laundry and another day is JUST for dusting and vacuuming or something. Good luck!
@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
6 Feb 07
You certainly do have your hands full. Your son is adorable. My daughters son is 14 months now. And he is like yours, always following and trying to "help". I too do my best to multi-task, but have a tendancy to get sidetracked. I am going to try doing one room a day for a while and see how it goes. Thank you for responding. I appreciate it.
@kiddygurl (803)
• Singapore
1 Feb 07
I am a one room a day kind of person.. If you do 15 minutes of cleaning each day, eventually it'll be organized again.. Just don't quit before it's completely clean.. Well, and don't make so much mess on the other part of the house in the meantime because otherwise, you will just rotate on what you have to clean..
For maintenance, I do small cleanings everyday.. Put things back to its place right after you're done with it.. Clean right away if you drop something on the floor.. I like the idea of doing small things rather than waiting for them to accumulate.. For example, I would do dishes right after each meal so that I don't have to schedule a dish day and spend 1 hour doing dishes only.. clean the toilet bowl once you notice that it's a little dirty.. Just do a quick cleaning.. It doesn't have to be more than 10 minutes to clean your toilet bowl or wipe your sink.. Then you can schedule a big, more detailed cleaning every so often..
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Great advice Kiddygurl. Thank you. That is kind of what I've been trying to do. I just need to figure out what time of day is better for me to get to it. I have a real lack of energy in the afternoon, but it picks back up around 9:00pm. I don't know what's going on there, other than the medications I take. I really appreciate your ideas, and it sounds like it will be very useful to me. Thanks again.