Is Marrage Anything More than a Piece of Paper
By Bytemi
@Bytemi (1553)
United States
January 4, 2007 6:34am CST
My boyfriend and I have been together for 1 1/2 years now. We have both been previously married and divorced (we did not know each other at the time) and I guess I have been a little hardened by that experience. We own a house together, we share a bank account and our kids are already calling each other sister. Over the Holiday season, we received a lot of questions about making it legal and committing to each other. Have we not already done that, by living together and buying a house and supporting each other. I guess I just don't see what difference a piece of paper will makes.
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83 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Look, if it aint broke dont fix it! seriously....if neither of you are interested in getting legally married then dont bother...marriages these days seem to be more for the guests than the actual couple and I think thats b.s especially if the couple never really wanted to wed in the first damn place but were presured into it...Sounds to me like you two HAVE commited to one another and to your kids and if youa re all happy then leave it at that...
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@Bytemi (1553)
• United States
4 Jan 07
There are legal issues involved in not being married and I understand those issues, I just don't think it is worth it. You pay $6,000 for a bueatiful wedding and 10 years later you spend $20,000 on getting out of it. Where is the sense in that.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Dont have the bid wedding. If you like a reception at your home then so be it. No where does it say if you love each other you gotta spend x amount on a wedding.
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@Bytemi (1553)
• United States
4 Jan 07
When I got married the first time, I wanted the big wedding I wanted all of my friends and family to come and celebrate the wonderful love that I found and honestly, when and if I do get married again, I think I would feel the same way, I don't think it really has anything to do with the expense, but the difficult involved in getting out if something goes wrong.
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@Hayzat (68)
• Malaysia
5 Jan 07
Hi, it s all come down to ur understanding n wordview towards the meaning n perspective of marriage. Marriage as i believe is something sacred in all religions, and also scoiety throuhgout human s history. It was, and it s still n firmly believe will ever remain so till the end of this world. If u juz look at marriage as the formalization of ur relation with ur spouse, then so it be. Worse still when people see it as a burden n troublesome since it brings u all the legalobligation n duty particularly when divorce happen.Look at marriage as the TRUE, SERIOUS, n WELL-THOUGHT manifestation of luv that u enjoyed with ur spouse. A true luv will make u to have all trust n hopes towards the succesfull of the marriage. U r hoping that it will give u happiness until the rest of ur life. The gud thing bbout it is that, it s not a MERE HOPE but confi9dence towards it. If u put the unnecessary reserve of 'worrying' n non confidence towards the luv u urself vowed with ur spouse, then i serious beg u to seriously re-consider ur relation with ur spouse, it s NOT A TRUE LOVE. Believe in ur love, n GET SERIOUS bout it. What s so problem bout marriage anyway, it juz doesnt make sense altogehter to vowe ur love but then 'fearing' towards the loyalty of ur luv n also ur spouse's.Again GET SERIOUS
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@Bytemi (1553)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Just out of curiousity and you are the last response I have received on this subject, but how do you know how serious or afraid or worried I am. I am acutally not worried or afraid at all, honestly I would get married tomorrow to my boyfriend if I thought I was ready but I am not. I still have issues that I need to get over and together we are working on that. I see problems where there are none, I expect reactions that I don't get, but I do get, if that makes any sense. These are my issues from a bad marriage and I need to work through them so I don't create another bad marriage. My orginial question was why does everyone want to force their views on us and try and make us to something that we are not ready for and the one thing that I have learned, is that people that don't even know us want to force us to make a decision, so why shouldn't my family and friends.
@Hayzat (68)
• Malaysia
5 Jan 07
hi. erm things r getting clearer after u clarify the situation or rather ur problem. I m sorry to know that u d a previous-broken down marriage. Nyway., i agree with u that no one shoul ever force us or even f\give any kind of pressure on us to get married with sumone, eventhough he mite be the best guy we ever have in this life. Marriage life is a serious one. need preparation . See u again ya
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@Bytemi (1553)
• United States
4 Jan 07
No you are right, I just don't think health insurance is a good reason to get married. It would be like marrying the wrong person because you were pregnant, 9 times out of 10, the family would have been better and strong if the marriage never happened. Again old fashion thinking, baby make marriage, when it is suppose to be marriage makes baby.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I think the marriage is a way of saying i trust you. I was divorced also and afraid of marriage and am no longer. My man would have been fine the way things are cause he loves me with or without the piece of paper but by my agreeing to marry him i showed trust. He knows now that i trust we will grow old together. If you are sure its right then it shouldnt be an issue to make it official. If you look at it as just another piece of paper then why not go ahead and make it finall it wouldnt hurt lol unless hes a biter.
@Bytemi (1553)
• United States
4 Jan 07
It is just a sheet of paper and no it probably would not hurt anything, but what happens when that sheet of paper makes you the property of the person you married and they change and becoming controlling and abusive, then what. You end up getting your feelings hurt and the courts get involved. Without the paper, you split everything and go your separate ways, with the paper, your tied together for at least 6 months if not a year while a court decides yes this marriage was a bad idea.
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@Sawsen (793)
• United States
4 Jan 07
It's not just about a piece of paper. Marriage is something sacred. It is a religious belief. In Islam, marriage is half of a person's belief. Getting married is something that I think all people who are with someone who strive to do, because it validates your relationship in front of God, and in front of the world.
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@Bytemi (1553)
• United States
4 Jan 07
And who is to say that I need a sheet of paper from the state to tell me that God has accepted my relationship. I do not believe in the beginning when there was Adam and Eve or whom ever you believe started the Human race, that there was a court that said you are not married go and propergate. A marriage license has nothing to do with God, God lives in my heart, not in a court house that issues me a sheet of paper.
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@manifest (22)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I don't think it really expands on your love for one another or anything of that nature, but it just binds you to one another legally and serves the same purpose for religious reasons.... other than that, I don't see a real difference and this is an entire different topic, but I think it's crap that people who don't want to marry cannot recieve the same government treatment as those who do....
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@lilttownmommie (1473)
• United States
5 Jan 07
For me marriage was not about the paper work at all, it was about us showing each other as well as everyone else how much we loved each other and wanted to be together. We had been together for almost 3 years before we got married and had lived together for over a year, we even had a 3 month old daughter and my son called my husband daddy before we ever were married. Just because we lived together didn't really show us how much we cared for each other, my husband really showed me how much he loved me and wanted to be with me when we got married. Even though we only went to the court house, it was somewhat of an emotional security for me, to know that if he was willing to make this commitment then he really wanted to be with me forever, and I know that it doesnt mean forever because of divorce ect but if you knew my husband you would know that he meant forever. So yes to me marriage is alot more than a piece of paper.

@lilttownmommie (1473)
• United States
5 Jan 07
it wasn't really a test, but I felt that my husband truly loved me when we were married, before it was like ok, if he up and decided he was tired of me then he could put me out just like that. There wasn't any real commitment.
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@jmp824 (741)
• Philippines
5 Jan 07
Commitment first before any documents or marriage papers. Anyway, what is marriage without commitment? If you cant just commit, then why marry and make your relationship legal? Legality means that you have the sole right over your partner. And for security purposes also. YOu have someone to call your own 'cause you legal proofs to show.
if you both done all those things that i think you are already both committed to each other, then proceed to the next step, make it legal and made known to everybody that you have legally binded each other.
@angel_1202 (129)
• Canada
4 Jan 07
Well, in law, marriage is pretty much a few pieces of paper. To me, it sounds like you and your boyfriend have a good relationship going, and your kids and families get along fine. If you don't want to marry, don't. The legal thing marriage does is that if one of you pass away, the other can inherit whatever was left (should you have no will).
In religion however, marriage is a commitment/promise to your spouse to care for each other and stuff like that- stuff you seem to do anyways. To get married in a religious point of view is just to get your marriage reconized by the church/your religion.
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@Metallion (2227)
• United States
4 Jan 07
See if you aren't willing to get married then maybe you aren't that committed. I mean what is the big problem with getting married. It's not cost, you can do it cheat at the Justice Of The Peace. Is it that you are afraid of officially being committed to someone? Remember right now your boyfriend could leave you and cause severe emotional harm to your children and you couldn't even get support from him if he was helping you financially while you lived together. At least you can get that when you get divorced.
Also what if you are in a hospital and on life support, guess what your "boyfriend" has no legal right to be in the room. He also has no claim to the property have if you would pass away.
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@Bytemi (1553)
• United States
4 Jan 07
You make some very good points, however, I don't need a man for financial security if I can't give it myself then I don't need it and even if we were married my daughter is not his responsibility she is my ex-husbands responsibility and I would never expect my boyfriend to support her. I have a Living Will and POA (power of attorney) giving my boyfriend the legal rights to make these decision and see me in the hospital without the piece of paper called a marriage license and as for the house we own it as joint tentant in common with a surviorship agreement, so if something happens to one of us, the others interest is automatically given to the surviving person. There other ways around these stupid rules that the state and federal government put on people.
I am absolutely committed to him and he is to me and I love his daughter and he loves mine. Not getting married has nothing to do with money, we could just go to Vegas and rent witnesses and be done with it. I just don't see what difference a piece of paper is going to make.
@prettypinkbug (437)
• United States
4 Jan 07
It sounds to me like you really are afraid of that little "piece of paper". If you are really that afraid of committing to this person legally, then maybe there are issues that you are still needing to deal with, either in this relationship or from your divorce. If you are trully in love with this person, you shouldn't be worried about committing legally. It's just the next step in your relationship. No, it doesn't actually prove anything to be married, you basically are right now but, if you are that worried about something going wrong later down the road, maybe you should take a look at your relationship and see what it is that is making you feel that way.
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@sharksfin (1091)
• Philippines
5 Jan 07
"For me" it is more than just a piece of paper. It is something sacred. It is supposed to be the bond of a stonger relationship. It's what's formalising an informal engagement. Once upon a time it really was something. It really was important. But generations change. Things and people are becoming less traditional. Or must I say, people are so into their own opinion nowadays. So into independency. Why would people settle on a bonding relationship when they can in fact go on without the official seal? To most, it is just impractical. Why? Because we witnessed failed relationships. Our own parents, our neighbors, our friends...celebrities...politicians...How easily they can just get away from relationships even with that paper. There's divorce anyways. But filing divorce could be really such a hassle. Wastes ones time and finances. so, why the need? better not wed. I find nothing wrong with living together. We are all entitled to our own opinion and decisions. In fact, it is better than putting up with already failed relationships pretending their still workable but in truth it's already marred long before. And the kids suffer. It's all a matter of open-mind...really. I am neither pro nor against it. Just that I can tell the advantages and disadvantages of everything because I keep my eyes open.
It may seem that it is just a piece of paper because people don't believe in it anymore. If we don't have faith in something it becomes useless. It becomes none important. We are the ones giving value to something. So, the bottom line is, it could or couldn't be anything than a piece of paper. It all depends on how we take it.
@tibbler (229)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I some times think that marriage is nothing more then a piece of paper. So that the men can controll you. There are some men that think if you sign that paper your signing over your life to them. They can do what ever they want to you. Not True. I don't even know why we have to sign that Paper any ways. Whats the point..?
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@missybeme (19)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I agree with you. It is completely just a piece of paper. Now of course for insurance and finance purposes, its worth a little more but in terms of your relationship, no. Marriage is a commitment, which is in the heart. A piece of paper cant make you commit or not. Plus, think about homosexual couples who cant legally marry but consider theirselves married becuase they have commited relationships and families together, just like you!
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@Sir_bobby88 (8231)
• Singapore
5 Jan 07
I do think that paper matters a lot yea especially when your kids grow up and register in school yea , the school will look upon kids with single parents as "Most probably will cause trouble " so it is better that you at least get the paper if you both still love each other and for the kids yea
@rubypatson (1840)
• India
5 Jan 07
In our country we value marraige a lot, We dont believe in this live in relationships, even if the marriage goes through any rough patch yet the couple stick together, divorce is also rare and family attachments are more here, so i guess we believe in marraige
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@runsgame (2031)
• India
5 Jan 07
@anne_143god (5387)
• Philippines
5 Jan 07
Maybe if you really love each other you have to get married to legalize your relationship.
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@NancyLobo (680)
• India
5 Jan 07
Marriage is not just a piece of paper it is a commitment for life, if people are unfaithful then they are doing something wrong. marriage was ordained by God he did not want man to be alone so he had made the institution of marriage so that families will be formed and he considers it as a sacred thing which he blesses and sanctifies.
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@Bytemi (1553)
• United States
5 Jan 07
OK a lot of people have made this statement and I love religion and I may have to start a new discuss on this because I really enjoy learning about different religions, anyway God did not create marriage man did, I looked in the bible, actually 4 different dominations and no where in it does it say that God created marriage, he created man and woman.
@defeated (141)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I think marriage IS just a piece of paper - not have a marriage certificate doesn't change the way you feel about the other person.
On the downside though - that house you bought together could be a problem if you do go your seperate ways....maybe you should check into the legal ramifications of that?
Good luck in whatever YOU decide - do what feels right in your heart :)
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