What was your rabbits name? Tell stories about your pet.
@surgeprotector (144)
United States
January 4, 2007 9:31pm CST
We have one called Chewy. Unfortunately it's a good name for him. He chews on things he's not allowed to and he doesn't seem to learn that. I'm not sure how to tell him what is OK and what is not. He's eating our carpet when we let him loose. What was your rabbits name and what are some stories you can tell?
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18 responses
@blackhawk27 (78)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I had a rabbit named Fluffy (pretty original eh?). The family got him when I was in 5th grade, and we had to put him to sleep right after my senior year of high school (I'm a senior in college now). He was the only pet we had aside from our dog (but we gave him away when I was very young, so I didn't have a chance to remember him at all). He was a holland lop, and very cute. He only chewed on stuff sparingly. He was a house rabbit, so we potty trained him and he romed the house as he pleased. However, aside from rarely chewing stuff, he had a knack of knocking over his food bowl, water bowl, and anything else that was in his way (he mainly resided on a short ledge in our family room). He was cool because he would mark all of us and knew that we were his. He knew when we were going on vacation or leaving for an extended period of time would let us know by thumping really loud and very constant. He was a pretty smart rabbit. When I graduate and have a steady job, I will probably look for another one just like him, cause we all miss him to this day, still have photos of him lying around.
@surgeprotector (144)
• United States
7 Jan 07
cool, they can indeed be potty trained, they're clean animals
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I have one rabbit who is 10 years old, his name is Sunny. His previous owners thought he was a she, and before his name was Sunflower. I thought Sunny was better fitting. But, he should have been basket chewer or something, because that's what he loves to chew. It's hard to teach them what to chew and what not to. I just keep anything sacred off limits. And I've found they like certain things even more than furniture. Sunny loves wicker baskets.
My other rabbit is probably around 1 to 2 years old. I found her outside. She loves to flop over, and has earned her name of Floppy.
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@surgeprotector (144)
• United States
7 Jan 07
nice, 10 years old, that's good
i had one before that was 8 years old and then got sick
it's true about the baskets, they like them
mine has a basket full of toys and he always ends up yanking it and throwing the basket upside down
@hariharbhat (1312)
• India
5 Jan 07
We don't have a rabbit. I like the rabbit. It is a very nice animal.
I know one story about rabbit and tortoise.
@Withoutwings (6992)
• United States
17 Jan 07
When I was a little girl, before we stopped celebrating, my uncle brought a box with some baby chicks and baby bunnies from his farm over to my aunt's house for Easter. Both my aunt and mom were quite mad at him for the chicks. My brothers, cousins and I thought they were so cute. There was no way we could keep them living in suburban Ohio. Our moms did cave in on the bunnies though. I got a bunny and my cousin Val got a bunny. I gave him some ridiculous long name, like he was a thoroughbred. I don't remember the whole thing but it was Velveteen Bunicula Sausage something (after those stories about the vampire rabbit). We all called him Bunbuns for short. He was a beautiful white and gray color with a silver triangle near his neck. He had a really nice pen in the back yard in the summer, and indoors in the winter. We let him run around in the yard and eat clover all the time. He also got carrots, lettuce and other veggies. We let him run around the house too. He chewed off the feet of about ten of my barbie dolls. GRR! He lived to be very old. Older than most of my uncle's rabbits. I think it's because he was so well fed and had a lot of excercise.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
5 Jan 07
We have one bunny named Mr. Bobbers. He got his name because when we got him he loved to bob his head, looking a lot like those little dolls you get for in your car. He would also like to sit on top of shoulders and bob his head looking like a parrot. He has chewed some things like cords to the blinds or the curtains when his cage was too close. He loves to tease the cats. They will lay on top of his cage and he'll go up on two legs to poke them in the belly. Of course the cats look down at him but by then he's flat on the bottom and they can't figure it out. He even gets along well with the dog :)
@surgeprotector (144)
• United States
7 Jan 07
hehe that's funny, my rabbit goes at curtains and stuff too
@mcmomss (2601)
• United States
9 Jan 07
We have a rabbit names Scooter. We recently got another one, but when we put him in the cage with Scooter, they seemed to get along ok, but then we started to see them fight. The new rabbit was beating up on Scooter so we had to get rid of it. Luckily we have friends who used to have rabbits and they took him.
@surgeprotector (144)
• United States
12 Jan 07
once they mark their territory it's hard to get another rabbit in there
@Celestialvie (679)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I'm crazy about rabbits. I love them. They're the sweetest... really :) I've had about 15 and maybe even more. I named all of them. Like Liberty, Eiffel, Taj, Nile, Sahara... etc. They would usually chew on anything .. Sleep on our chairs, turn their plate upside down. LOL. I love them to pieces!
@surgeprotector (144)
• United States
12 Jan 07
all those things sound very familiar indeed.. mine would jump on a kitchen chair and sit under the table on the chair
@surveygirl2003 (169)
• United States
17 Jan 07
My bunny's name is Hoppy. Simple enough when he was a baby bunny he kept hopping away. For the first year I thought he was a she. We don't let him out much because our dog loves to chase him. He's learning to fight back and actually slaps and hisses at the dog when he tries to get in Hoppy's hutch while I'm cleaning it. If I'm holding both Hoppy and the dog they will actually snuggle.
@starfish07 (56)
• Malaysia
21 Jan 07
We got our first rabbit named Yoyo last year. This has no special meaning and we just feel that the name is cute for him. My rabbit likes to chew things like newspaper, books, and once he ate my poster! Sometimes he will jump up to the sofa and he wanna rob my biscuit. It scares me because I was not noticed it. He even ate our apple and banana when we were away but I still love him very much.
@surgeprotector (144)
• United States
26 Jan 07
:) they will do that, you have to know that to begin with
they are adorable though so no wonder you love him
@sophie011 (26)
• United States
9 Jan 07
I have a dwarf rabbit Lolita shes 2 years old now,( I had another one for 5 years). And she's an explorer, loves to hide in any spot she finds where shes not allowed, its amazing how she find places I dont even know existed. haha. and of course a chewer and a player, she is destroying her litter box I actually had to do a hole on each side and a wire it to the cage so she would not shake it and spread everything around! I notice that everything the store sells for rabbits doesn't work, I always have to invent something so she does not get her way haha. But I love her, she very sweet and caring, always finding a way to call my atention just to look at her and pet her.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
9 Jan 07
I almost had to use your idea for the litterbox with my Floppy!
I got her trained to a small kitten litterbox initially, gave her a bigger one and she just digs it up. So she's back to the old one. Even though, she moves it. But the second one, she likes to dig stuff out of it and never uses it.
My 10 year old, Sunny, has a high backed litterbox. Works great for him because before he always sprayed over the box. It really helped. It's the triangle shaped one. I have one that isn't like a triangle too, but I haven't had pets be able to get the idea on something like that.
@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
9 Jan 07
I have a norweagan dwarf rabbit that is about five years old now. He is only about three pounds. I bought a little stuffed squarell, that plays "I aint getting nothing for christmas", well my rabbit likes it sort of. I put the squarel on the floor and push the button. The squarel had a nut in its paws and it goes up and down as well as the tail moves. When the squarell is singing my rabit hides in the cage but when it stops that is a different story. The rabbit goes over and rubs on it. Then he tries to take the nut away from it. He will get up on his back legs and put his front legs on the squarels head and try to knock it over. He likes the tale of the squarel and he does chew on the hair. I like to hit the on button about this time and the tale smacks him in the nose and off he runs till the song is over and out he comes at a run. He knocks it over and runs aways again. This is funny and it goes on for hours. He doesn't seem to get board with his new toy and I love watching him with it.
@pam3636 (24)
• United States
12 Jan 07
My bun's name is Cisco. (I also have a chinchilla named Poncho, they are buddies!) My bun bun came to me from my Mother In Law. She saw the bun chewing on her tulips. It was around easter, and was probably a pet set free by some irresponsible owners. Now she's mine! She's a sweetheart. I had her fixed when I first got her, she was pulling out her fur and seemed miserable. Now she's fat and happy.
@hcromer (2710)
• United States
16 Jan 07
I have a lop eared bunny named Charlotte. She is around six months old now. When we first got her we were amazed to see that even though she had never been house trained, that she would always use the bathroom on puppy pads. At first she would give kisses freely, but now she will only give you a kiss if you have just eaten papaya enzyme tablets.
@surgeprotector (144)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Yeah they are very clean and easy to train. Thanks for sharing.
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@Signal20 (2281)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I have a rabbit, not sure what kind, he's got the floppy ears but they're kinda short. His name is Haas, short for Hasenpfeffer(German for cooked rabbit). I thought it was a bit more un-original so that's why I went with that, kinda tongue in cheek lol. Don't have any major stories to tell about him. He likes to chew things as well, think that's what all rabbits do. I do get how some people let them have the run of the house, mine chews on the couch, rug, anything lying around, even your jeans if you're holding him lol. Everything except his wooden chew toys in his cage-go figure lol.
@surgeprotector (144)
• United States
7 Jan 07
yes, they chew on a lot but the least on their toys, i have noticed that too lol
@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
4 Feb 07
I have a norweagen dwarf rabbit. He is only about three pounds. His name is Baby Boy Bunny. I call him baby. My daughter has him thinking he is a dog. He likes to play tug of war with his blanket. He also takes and throws his hay out of his cage one peice at a time because he knows it bothers me. He is a handfull.
@twistedangelwings (350)
• Australia
31 Jan 07
I wanted a rabbit for as long as I can remember really. I've happily had Thumper since last easter. Completely unoriginal name, but it just really popped out of my mouth just after I brought him and it just stuck to him. It was a relatively unplanned purchase, with it being a case of seeing him, falling in love with him and buying him. So, while I was carrying him in his box on the way back to my car (loaded with other shopping items) he kept hopping around in the box and thumping on the box, which undoubtedly kept tipping it so I was concerned about dropping it. I found myself saying "stop thumping on the box." So from that turned into... "that is what I'm going to call you Thumper." And that shall be the story of Mr Thumpers naming. A rather cheeky fellow who insists on tipping over his food dishes and trying to sneak out of his hutch when I have the door open (cleaning, no food whatever) as soon as I turn my back like clock work. :) Wouldn't change a thing though.
@dedicatedlgfan (23)
• Canada
3 Feb 07
I didn't own a rabbit, but I saw one at the store once. It was completely white with bloodshot red eyes, and even the pupils looked red = /
I wanted to name it "Bunnicula" after this book about a vampire rabbit I used to read as a kid.