Do they make anything but low-rise jeans??

@rick615 (413)
United States
January 11, 2007 12:17am CST
Ok, I have twin girls who are quite young. I went to the girls section and was looking at the clothes. All the jeans were these things that didn't even go up to their waist. They came out of the dressing room with their hip bone showing half the time and when I tried to grab on each side and pull the pants up, my little angel went flying into the air! (She giggled and asked me to do it again). Am I hopelessly stuck on Prude Planet (when did that happen?) and need to come back to Earth or is there something wrong with the clothes they are making for 8 - 10 year old girls? I need some input here.
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30 responses
• United States
12 Jan 07
I agree with you. My daughters are 6 and 4 and I have had the hardest time finding appropriate clothes for them now that they are getting out of the toddler sizes. I don't buy low-rise jeans because they are unacceptable for a 4 year old. I find them unacceptable for anyone under 18. I did get my 6 year old a pair of mid-rise which was all the store had. They fit her good because of her body type. I also gave in and started buying low rise under wear for her because of her size. Normal underwear are so big on her they come way above her pants and get bunched up. Even the low rise do that on her but not so bad. I also have a problem with the shirts they have out. They all seem to be cut high at the waist. I refuse to let my 6 year old go to school with a shirt that shows her midriff if she raises her hand. We do a tummy check in the morning to make sure (this goes for her shrunken shirts). I make exception in the summer for some shirts. Summer brings up another issue with the short shorts. My daughter already has long legs and is skinny as heck so bottoms that fit her waist are already really short. When she bends over people can see her underwear with some of these shorts out there. I don't know what is wrong with the designers/distributors. This stuff wouldn't be in style if they didn't make/sell it. It is wrong to be on the shelves for pre-teens, let alone preschoolers.
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@rick615 (413)
• United States
12 Jan 07
Yup, the exact same problems. We do the tummy check when we are buying clothes as well. And I also had to learn about little girl's panties a few months ago. How was I to know that there were low rise and mid-rise panties as well as the regular ones? We also gave in to mid-rise briefs for the same reasons you mention here. I am heartened to see that I amnot alone on this subject. Maybe our common sense voice will yet be heard by the fashion designers.
@suedarr (2382)
• Canada
11 Jan 07
I've had the same problem with my 11 year old and I refuse to send her to school in jeans where if she bends over she has plumbers butt. She has a couple of pairs of Levis that give a good fit, but other than that she wears alot of track/athletic pants.
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@rick615 (413)
• United States
12 Jan 07
Kudos to you. I agree whole heartedly. I forgot about te long track pants; thanks for the idea.
@ausnikki (4054)
• Brisbane, Australia
11 Jan 07
I agree with you,some of the clothes made for 8-10 year olds are really inappropriate.Some of the clothes I have seen I wouldn't want my 18 year old daughter to wear.Why would an 8-10 year old need a pair of low-rise jeans?.You are not a prude,or if you are then so am I lol.
• United States
11 Jan 07
I hear ya!! My daughter is soon to be 4 and her pants sit on her hip bones. If she is playing, her behind hangs out. We found a few pants that work for her but the majority of them don't fit right!
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@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
11 Jan 07
My daughter is 4 years old and the jeans I get her are the same way. I can't find anything else. This is how they make jeans now. I don't really have a problem with it because jeans are suppose to be below the belly. I just use shirts that actually cover her tummy and that way no one can see her hips or belly. If you don't have any luck, just make sure the shirts you get cover everything. They should make clothes that fit better for kids. I mean my 4 year old daughter doesn't even have hips yet, LOL! Her pants fall off all the time. What can we do? Have you tried any other stores?
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@rick615 (413)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I tried a few stores the day we were out and got pretty darn frustrated. I finally found a couple of pairs each that both of my girls and me found acceptable, but what a lot of brain damage to get to that end. My girls were pretty understanding....the clerk I was talking to gave me one of those "stupid Man" snears.
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I am totally on your side, here my good man. We are wondering what's wrong with society and why we have such teenage pregnancies, broken homes, std's--and meanwhile we are sexualizing 8 year-olds. I've seen some young girls (young being KIDS!!-7,8,9_--wearing the exact kind of clothes you're talking about, and don't even get started on the tops made to match those pants! My advice? When you got some free time, do some pre-shopping--find some stores that have a selection of appropriate clothing for your daughters. Consider second-hand, or boys clothing. Whatever you gotta' do, man to help your daughters remain decent, while they're so impressionable. And no, I"m not trying to advocate puritanism-- for by denying them the right to appreciate and express themselves will only result in outright defiance, neuroticism, and naughty behaviour, you as a father don't even want to imagine right now. Point is, now is the time to, with Love, teach them their values...
• United States
11 Jan 07
I agree and as a parent, the parent does not have to buy that type of jean for his kid.
@cisco1 (539)
• United States
11 Jan 07
yeah thats how they make these clothes and to me its wrong. now adays that the look and it seem they want younger girls to look sexy. to me that is just wrong and sexist. they should make the same jeans like the guys to their belly but oh well best thing for you is to buy shirts that would cover that area.
@limosonia1 (1559)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Levi's makes a good pair of jeans. That aren't low riders. Usually can find jeans at jc penny also. They also have half sizes which I find is great. I don't like the styles much either. I don't think little girls should be showing so much of thier bodies but between the belly shirts and the hip jeans shopping has become difficult. Why can't they just leave normal clothes for children why make them grow up faster than they need to be.
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@kareng (69183)
• United States
11 Jan 07
You are not wrong to want your girls to be well covered and dressed decently. I would tell the manager that you are highly disappointed in the selections in the store. Ask her why decent clothes are not being ordered for girls of that age. Then purchase. Don't contribute to the sales of merchandise you don't approve of. The more that will do this, will hurt the store and make them realize something is wrong. Btw, they make low rise maternity jeans now. My oldest daughter is pregnant and I couldn't believe it when she showed me her new jeans.
@rick615 (413)
• United States
12 Jan 07
argggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!
• United States
12 Jan 07
they dont make just low rise its just what is in right now and thats what there is mostly but there is always different kinds
@20021985 (109)
• India
12 Jan 07
I think in your country its a trend now....In India they are shifting to low waist but i thing there is time to stop manufacturing normal jean.....but that long shirt idea sounds to have solved the issue
@mjalingo (169)
• Nigeria
11 Jan 07
I think there is nothing wrong with cloth is only that it is the fashion, as the world is changing so also the food, cloth,people and fashion.
• United States
13 Jan 07
There is something wrong with the clothes when they are made that way for a child.
@happymom (31)
• United States
12 Jan 07
My favorite was when I was a room parent at my daughter's preschool last year. At that age, kids are on the floor playing alot, and of course I could see my daughter's underwear. Low rise jeans are ridiculous for girls and women. Only very skinny women look good in them. Myself, they give me muffin top...And I've seen so many overweight women & girls parading around in them with short skin-tight shirts...I think I'm the only one that doesn't want to show off my love handles...Hopefully the style will change soon...
@amyh2637 (82)
• United States
12 Jan 07
Have you tried the Children's Place? Sometimes it may just be called Place or PLC. I buy all of my son's clothes there because they have more traditional sizes than other stores. (My son is almost 5 but wears a size 3 at some store and a size 5 at other but is consistantly a 4 at children's place) They tend to have more traditionaly styled clothing and go up to a size 12-14 I believe. I have already told my husband if we have a little girl she will wear home made dresses until she is 16. I know it sounds harsh but OMG have you seen the way even toddlers dress! I personally buy my clothes at goodwill because it is sometimes the only place I can find with normal jeans. Occasionally wal-mart will have some good ones but not often. I wear a lot of jogging pants and running pants as most of them are cut normally as its hard to "work out" in low cut pants but occasionally I do end up with a low cut pair. I wish you the best of luck in dressing your girls!
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
12 Jan 07
well, i think that's how they make jeans now and we can't really do anything much about it... it is really a pity that young children now also expose to such a thing even though they are still so young... they can't even be dressed properly... there is definitely something that has to be done with the dress-maker to correct this...
• India
12 Jan 07
@onesiobhan (1327)
• Canada
12 Jan 07
I can't find clothes for me that aren't low-rise! And I'm way to old and fat for that nonsense. I think modern fashions are rediculous. I do most of my shopping in used-clothing stores.
@clarity (65)
• United States
12 Jan 07
They have been making them that way for the last 5 years or so. I'm 50 and have to wear them. They are cut so stange that my pants are ready to fall off. I try to shove an extra long top down them, so I don't look too rude. Sometimes you can find some duddy looking stuff in the ladies department. You could try boy's jeans. They seem to have the standard cut on the Wrangler type jean.
@baweja (197)
• India
12 Jan 07
Well, that's called the fashion change's and you also have to change your style accordingly. You can get them long tops/uppers to wear them with low waist jeans. This is the only thing you can do!!!
• United States
12 Jan 07
I agree that the clothes for younger children are getting to "showy". I have a 5 year old and my sister has a 7 year old and a 6 year old. I do not let my daughter wear short skirts, shorts and shirts. My sister on the other hand, lets her girls wear shorts that their "cheeks" hang out the bottom of. I am sorry, but this is WRONG! I would be afraid that some sick person would get the wrong idea about a young girl dressed like that. When I was a teenager, I was 5'7" and weighed 125lbs. Kids at school thought I was anorexic. I was not, I just had a very high metabolism. I never wore clothes then that showed off my body. There is no way I would let my daughter wear anything that I would not let her wear to church. If it is inappropriate for church, then it is inappropriate.