You be the judge....orbs or dust?

My son and grandson with something unusual - is this an orb? or simply dust?
United States
January 11, 2007 6:03am CST
Ok, I know that most of the time what most people think are orbs in a picture is nothing but dust. You be the judge on this. This is just one picture that was taken on Christmas Eve at my house. What you see in the picture happened several times that night, but this type of thing was only seen ON my son, and only when he was in the picture.We even moved the camera around, took pictures at different angles, etc. The one in question in this picture is on my sons arm just above his elbow. Tell me what you think!
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40 responses
• United States
11 Jan 07
It would help to be able to see the picture but if it were 'dust' it would happen in every picture and not just on the same person all the time. One thing for sure it is an unexplained situation. We took pictures of my nephew and his family at Christmas and he had a clear round circle on his face in every picture no matter where he sat and it was not on anyone else, so go figure. Maybe it's just a camera issue that could be explained by a photographer? It would be interesting to find out for sure.
• United States
11 Jan 07
I felt the same way, that if it was dust, surely it would have shown up on someone else that night, but it didn't...thanks for the response
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• United States
12 Jan 07
*****I posted a few more pix in my photo's section if anyone wants to check them out ***
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• Pakistan
11 Jan 07
ok!!! I checked tht its a great pic but the spot mean white spot on your sons arm is just a spot but I think some time and its also the Christmas day,on the Christmas day there are some fairies are around the world and so on that piont of veiw may be.... you can say tht this is the spot show a fairy or may be ghost coz the fairies and ghost ae shown in the pics like these spots or shown in the smoke,foke etc....!!!! But Iam not so sure about it tht its realy is...!!! but I have to need some investigate that....!!!!!
4 people like this
• United States
11 Jan 07
No, there's nothing on his shirt, we took many pix that night, and no matter how many people were in the pic, he was the only one that something showed up on. It didn't stay in that spot. Sometimes it was on his chest, sometimes on his other arm, etc.
2 people like this
• Pakistan
11 Jan 07
okey one thing more can you tell me and tht is 1st you have to check your son's shirt which he is wearing in this pic I think this is the spot on your son's shirt....!!!!plzzz observe it closly then I will tell you how its happen????? I am deadly sure tht its nothing please check my point then I will tell...!!!!
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• Pakistan
13 Jan 07
okey no porblem can i know the which camra you use?????? And is it cheep one or what......!!!!!!! If you wont mind can you send the other pic to my email so i can investigate it more......!!!!!
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
11 Jan 07
It may also just be a light anomaly that happens a lot, and just in one spot. Not sure how else to explain it. If it were a ghost, he would have felt cold chills.
• United States
12 Jan 07
Well, you wouldn't neccesarily feel cold chills in every instance. It wasn't just in one spot, in different pix it was in different spots, but not on anyone else. Thanks for responding.
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@Desdemona (1301)
• Canada
11 Jan 07
Ya, I saw nothing either. Am I missing something? Usually orbs in pictures are very well defined. I know with my pictures that they are very clear and spotted right away. Maybe re-post a better quality picture or circle the orb/dust/whatever it may be.
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• United States
12 Jan 07
These did get bigger at times and move to different areas of his body. thanks for responding
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@kareng (69193)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I don't see the orb either. It doesn't appear to be very well defined at all. The ones that I have seen in pictures have been very visible and larger.
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@thekiwi (588)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I dont know, it is hard to say...I think if it was dust there would be more than one orb? but whos to say its not your camera's fault?! You know? This could be an orb i am not saying it isnt....But it is possible! :)
• United States
12 Jan 07
yes, it COULD be...we may never know..thanks for responding
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@aiguy01 (588)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I hate to be skeptic but.... Usually there are many different light sources within a room the flash on the camera included. Sometimes there are surfaces which do not look reflective such as your couch fabric that actually are when stretched or deformed to a certain angle. If you son had stood up and walked away the material would not be similarly stretched or deformed and may have lost it's reflectivity. Also sometimes a car passing by outside can create a momentary light source and generate a reflection. To eliminate reflection simply turn off all lights, shut off the flash, pull the drapes and retake the picture. It it still appears then you are much closer to having an unexplained phenomena.
• United States
12 Jan 07
I appreciate your comments, but these moved, got larger, and did not show up in one single picture on anyone else, no matter where they were sitting or is hard to explain...thanks for responding
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@MySpot (2600)
• United States
4 Feb 07
I've noticed that orbs seem to be most prevalent during the Holidays too, especially Christmas time!
• United States
4 Feb 07
Really? I never heard that, but now that I think about it, I guess it would make sense as the holidays are a very spiritual time. Thank you!
@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
11 Jan 07
This picture has been doctored . what did you use , photoshop ? Besides , the white area is obviously a faded part of the underlying towel or rug with the mans picture , this faded area was exeggerated using photoshop . There are no orbs . Where are the other photos ? Please not to take offense, it's just my opinion .
• United States
12 Jan 07
well i can tell you that these pix have NOT BEEN DOCTORED IN ANY WAY! We looked at these pictures after every one was taken, and I can assure you that i would not stoop to something that trivial...actually i do take offense, because you said they WERE doctored...none of us even HAVE photoshop. The white area i am talking about is on my sons sleeve, not where his arm meets the blanket underneath him. Please do not accuse others unless you have proof...I'm not a liar or a cheat.
@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
12 Jan 07
Hey I am sorry for wording my reply that way I meant to say it looked that way ,of course I have no way of knowing for sure . I will examine it again , this actually is an interesting subject ,because if entities may might cause unexplained appearances on film, I wonder what else could they do , if they wanted to ?
• United States
11 Jan 07
orbs? - could this be orbs of my husbands dead grandparents?
Do you have any other pictures that have the "thing in question" in them but maybe a clearer view? I believe in orbs only because my mother in law had some family pictures done at a local park in November and in 1 picture there was an orb beside my father in law, if you look really closely at the picture you can see eyes and a nose in the circle, it was kind of eerie, but there was a picture taken right before and right after wards with no changes i position, lens, lighting, or anything and none of the other pictures had this spot. I also have another picture from my digital camera that is kind of eerie, i was trying to take a picture of my daughter and husband at my husband's grandparents grave on Christmas Eve, my daughter kept looking at something over my husband's shoulder at smiling at cooing at it (She is 5 months old) and we never saw anything, and it was strange my husband's nose was cold, but our daughters felt as if she had been in a heated room the whole time. But here is how the picture turned out, and it was like this 3 different times.
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• United States
12 Jan 07
That IS a good pic...very interesting..children see so much more than we do, and it's a shame. Thank you for responding...i'll post more pix soon as i can
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• United States
12 Jan 07
that was definitely a strange occurance!...I've never had anything like that happen, ...thank you for sharing all of that wit us.
• United States
11 Jan 07
Kool pic, thanks for sharing. is this the whole pic or a close up? if it's not the whole pic, could you share it too? I rated you a +
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
1 Feb 07
It looks like dust. Maybe it only appeared on your son because of the color that he was wearing. I have found that when I get something like that, I will recreate it but have the person move over a foot. If everything is the same except he moved over and the dust spot is now in the middle of his would be dust that is reacting to the flash and his shirt color. But if it appeared on the same spot of his shirt everytime...I would be looking at the shirt to see if there is some chemical that reacts or reflects the flash. Most orb pictures can be explained. If you have more pictures, please attach more. I would love to see. :) It is hard to tell from one picture.
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• United States
1 Feb 07
actually, i have more pics uploaded in my pictures section..go to that and look if you'd's not easy to see in the pics, but i'm just asking for everyone's opinion. Thanks a lot!
• United States
11 Jan 07
I would say that it's an orb. If it was just one picture, it could be dust. but you said this was just one of many. That makes me believe it's an orb.
3 people like this
• United States
12 Jan 07
thanks...that's exactly what we're thinking...i appreciate your responses.
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11 Jan 07
ahahhahahaha i agree, hey do you want to be my friend. I am still new here and looking for some friends to chat to. Thanks. Kind Regards, Mike
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• Australia
12 Jan 07
Hiya, i have had the same thing happen in a photograph.. the explanation was so simple... And with your pic being taken on christmas day makes all the more sense. Your son had a tiny bit of either "glitter" or something shiny maybe from a decoration or gift. You couldnt notice it on him in reality as it is so little but when you take the pic , the glitter even though is so tiny reflects out into the pic :)
• United States
12 Jan 07
very interesting explanation, I don't think that's the explanation for these pix, but could well be of a lot.Thank you
• Australia
12 Jan 07
P.S and that is why it only happened when your son was in the pic :)
• Philippines
11 Jan 07
i really couldn't see it well.. Digital cameras always has this.. in our pictures we had around a ratio of 1:50 with orbs.. with the advent of digi cams, orbs also were noticed.
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• United States
11 Jan 07
We took many pix with the same camera, and I could understand better if they were everywhere...but on no one but him.
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@aiguy01 (588)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I hate to be skeptic but.... Usually there are many different light sources within a room the flash on the camera included. Sometimes there are surfaces which do not look reflective such as your couch fabric that actually are when stretched or deformed to a certain angle. If you son had stood up and walked away the material would not be similarly stretched or deformed and may have lost it's reflectivity. Also sometimes a car passing by outside can create a momentary light source and generate a reflection. To eliminate reflection simply turn off all lights, shut off the flash, pull the drapes and retake the picture. It it still appears then you are much closer to having an unexplained phenomena.
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• India
12 Jan 07
maybe some good angle is guarding him always coz it didn't cause him any harm!!
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• United States
12 Jan 07
oh of course not, i personally think it was very comforting. thank you
@tanya6 (333)
12 Jan 07
i think personally that orbs are present in this picture! i myself have had a few freaky experiences. things in my home have spontaniously moved them selves! i 2 have also pictured orbs. all these things began 2 happen after i had played a ouija board. has anyone ever played a board in your home?
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• United States
12 Jan 07
no, don't even own one...but we are a very spirit filled family...obviously in more ways than one, huh? you for responding
• United States
12 Jan 07
I am a believer in the paranormal and one thing I don't get that often is orbs, because for the simple fact they can just about be anything, from dust, moisture in the air, bugs etc..etc. In this case I would have to see more of the pictures before I would call it one way or the other, but it's very possible that your son my have a spirit that likes to follow him around.
• United States
12 Jan 07
i usually don't hold much credit with orbs either...thank you for your opinion...
• India
12 Jan 07
its just a speck of dust thats all i dont see it as a orb
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• United States
12 Jan 07
thanks for your opinion
• United States
13 Jan 07
I think it's just the fabric of his pullover. It looks like a meshy-shiney-silky fabric and may catch and reflect the light differently. See if it appears when he is wearing other clothes, but I think it's just a fluke. I DO believe in the "other world," but this just doesn't look like a visitation to me -- of course you never know!
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• United States
13 Jan 07
actully, there really wasn't anything silky about his shirt..but it was interesting anyway...thanks for your opinion
@dracone (125)
• Philippines
13 Jan 07
i really don't know.. maybe he's got dust just above his elbow? lol!... do you have friends or family members who are on the 'other side'? or do you have weird things going on at your place aside from the pics? if yes, then maybe...? you answer it...
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• United States
13 Jan 07
yes there are many family members on the other side, and this type of thing seems to have always been around our family..who knows!...thanks for your opinion