Defending the ignorant (the KKK)
By dextrophobia
@dextrophobia (155)
United States
January 14, 2007 2:18pm CST
I saw a program yesterday that dealt with white supremacy in many of the southern states. One part depicted a white supremacy rally by the KKK. Protestors were there to speak out againt the hate of this organization, which is very necessary. But I also saw police and riot squads there to protect them. I understand protect free speech and blah blah, but to protect ignorance?
My heart went out to everyone that had to witness that, ESPECIALLY black men and women who were on the police and riot squads who had to sit there and take that garbage. I think that the law enforcement may have been there to see to it that it didn't turn violent and out of control (more for protection of innocent people because of the rage and unfomfortability that such groups as the KKK can evoke in people)
Is it our right to have to defend this ignorance?
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31 responses
@nuttmeg (440)
• United States
15 Jan 07
Heh, being that I'm part black, I can definitely say I'm against the KKK or any hate group, for that matter, but I also believe in freedom of speech. If anything, I almost pity the ignorant morons who get into this sort of thing, but there's really not much that can be done about it without jeopardizing decent groups that wish to speak their minds, and who should be able to. And really, not letting them talk is, in a way, letting them win.
While I think it sucks royally that people who would otherwise be affected by what's being said at these rallies and them having to be there to "protect and serve," it's probably best in the long run and I really think they're there to protect the people who are against the rally, itself. If a riot were to break out, the KKK would have been quite happy with that outcome, and that's really what their whole objective is in the first place. I think the best thing to use to get back at these fools would be to just ignore them, but that will never happen.
@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
14 Jan 07
If these people want to rally , why dont they feed hungry children? Why arent they at the nursing home , where many are lonely and have no visits or luxuries? Why dont they help grow food ?
Why dont they stop promoting terrorism?
They are just as guilty as the terrorists that go arround threatening people and trying to force people to believe what they believe.They gang up on innocent people and slam whoever is on their list for today.I have no sympathy for anyone who is destructive and refuses to contibute positive things to our world. Hasnt there been enough senseless killing.....they need to wake up because the world is sick of war mongers....
The people and the planet need actions that actualy acomplish good. Most of the people they target are actualy doing more for the world then they have ever thought about.
Hypocrits and liars they are and they will face the real supreme being one day.....and I wouldnt want to be in their shoes. Life is temporary, eternity is forever.
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@klttl3s (40)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I agree that there is not much difference between protecting the KKK and protecting terrorists. The KKK hasn't been as violent as it was in previous decades, but they still leave a mark, even if it is more of an emotional mark rather than a physical mark. It's kind of sad to know we have all these laws and worries about terrorism, when we have terrorists like these in our own country and we protect them!! It's like it's OK to be a US citizen and hate other US citizens but not OK to be an Arab and hate US citizens. That's messed up.
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@sunrisekn (1466)
• United States
15 Jan 07
Tough discussion, however, what we call ignorance anad hatred, they call a way of life. I feel like they truly don't know any different. Some of these people come from generations of hatred, while others are recruited in. I personal think that the police and riot sqads are their for the protection of the innocent not the ralliers. It's a shame that law enforcement has to used to protect ignorance and well as innocence.
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
15 Jan 07
of course i can see how you feel. i think it is more likely that the police were there just in case a riot breaks out. although i probably feel some of them would've like a few free punches at those guys. i just don't believe there are people like that still around. it is true ignorance.
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@medooley (1873)
• United States
15 Jan 07
While I totally disagree with that the KKK believes, as Americans they still have rights and two of those rights are free speech and the right to assemble (if done legally). Just because the majority of society does not agree with their believes we can not take those rights away from them.
The police were not there to protect the KKK in general, they were there to protect the community. They were there to make sure that nothing gets out of hand, which it could easily do had they not been there.
You said that "...because of the rage and unfomfortability that such groups as the KKK can evoke in people..." to me this is hog wash. If you can stand there an listen to some fool talk out his butt with out resorting to violence, in my opinion you are no better than the KKK. Violence is never the answer, and if there would be violence against the KKK it would probably just strengthen the KKK members believes... not that they probably need to be strengthen anyway. Education is the only way we are going to stop racism and it starts with each and everyone of us.
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@xair88 (80)
• Pakistan
16 Jan 07
Well, the police was there to protect everyone over there. It is the duty of the police to provide security, and it was doing just that. And as mentioned earlier, the police does not discriminate: If an anti-white rally was being organized, then the police would be there as well. That shows that the police does what its supposed to do.
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@mikeyr6000le (2123)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I don't they were defending the ignorance, just the people. There is a difference. They maybe ignorant, hating people but they are people. Free speech and fredom to orginize to prtoest averything likew that is their right to do so. It is their right to show their ignorance and not be harmed. I know it sucks but they are people and have their wrong opinions, in my opinion they are wrong.
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@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
7 Feb 07
I believe the KKK has every right to believe what they wish. I live in America where it is not against the law to hate someone or think what you will. I may not agree with the KKK. But I won't stop them from free speeech. If we do try and stop their free speeech. WE are just as bad as they are. PLus, what mkes you think the supressing of their speech we don't like would stop there? It won't. It would only get worse.
If we don't stop and protect them or let them have their right to speak their mind. It would be discrimination. That is against the law. Plus it makes us just as bad as them. That is what they do disciminate. Do you really want to be as bad as them?
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@queenajasmina (449)
• United States
15 Jan 07
i saw that on tv the other day too and i just kept on going with the flicking of channels. I just didn't feel like being angry.yes it is a shame and what is so messed up is that cops do protect people who are doing wrong still to this day. If you saw the movie "16 Blocks" you will have one example of what I am talking about. It was a good movie though
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@inked4life (4224)
• United States
15 Jan 07
As much as I hate these people and everything that they stand for (BTW, if they are so proud of what they believe then why are they covering their faces with those idiotic looking dunce hats), they do have the right to freedom of speech, no matter how foolish, ignorant or misguided they look in doing so.
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@david2005 (798)
• Canada
20 Mar 08
No matter what a person believes we must protect them cause they have there rights to freedom too. Everyone always talks about how the whites hate the blacks but you never hear about how there are black people out there that hate white people. I think that hatred no matter what race it is towards is just morally wrong and the people that have hate towards others because of race should end up getting some help.
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@akumei1269 (1749)
• India
15 Jan 07
The state its duty to curb violence and mobs . I think that is why the law enforcement mechanism was in place during the rally by KKK. I don't know much about the motto of the KKK. But from the lttle I heard about them , they are somewhat racial in naure . And inthe world of 21 st century , such a thinking nothing but meniac . Ignorrant of the rational world order .
If we go by the history , the black poulation in the USA was ushered in by that class of white people who capitalised on ignorance of the black population of Africa . They were brought to USA for the benefit of those exploitative white people . Fortunately , after much struggle the black population got their human right .
Then where is the logic that those black people should again be exposed to further exploitation ?
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@limosonia1 (1559)
• United States
15 Jan 07
There cause is one of ignorance. Nobody should go not the police and not anybody that doesn't believe in it. Let them have thier rants and free speech but if there is nobody to listen then it will be harder for them to rally and hopefully just go away.
@dawn5679 (266)
• United States
15 Jan 07
Unfortunately it is there right to freedom of speech but instead of going to these rallys to protest what they are doing shouldn't we being going to the capital and protest that the freedom of speech be revised?
how about there is still freedom of speech but you can't be having a racist rallys? why not banned the KKK from the USA? and then every time there is a rally instead of the police protecting them they can arrest them instead? I don't see why anyone would go to these rallys to protest them anyways because your never going to change their minds or the way they think but if you go to washington DC you might be able to change the law about freedom of speech for the KKK.. Anyways thats just my opinion.. thanks for listening.
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@HighPriestess (739)
• Melbourne, Florida
15 Jan 07
Public stupidity, this is not a new thing. I would rather have them meet out in the open, than meet in the woods in the middle of the night. Expose the darkness to the light, and the darkness dissappears.
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@flamingpope (7)
• United States
15 Jan 07
well, i agree how the KKK is ignoriant anf all, but they can really do anthing anymore, so far besides rallies, you dont here any more about them, there just standing there rallying, which no action/power behind the rally, so the rally is basicly useless, you dont need to defeat them, time already has
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