Help! Need ADVICE with people who have experience in this.

@mkup30 (494)
United States
January 15, 2007 8:44am CST
For the Mylotians out there with office work experience I truly need your help. I took a job 6 months ago and it is a good job, great manager, no complaints whatsoever. My manager even gave me two extra days off paid during the christmas break as a special favor to me since I was going on a honeymoon with my husband. Now ehre's the problem..A previous interview I went to in another company, well the manager called and offered me the job. I though for sure I wouldn't get it since I went to the interview over 2 months ago. The manager there is very nice, I know him actually from the community and the pay is MUCH better and has many more benefots and opportunities for career advancement. So I need to tell my current boos goodbye after being so nice to me, in 2 months he gave me profit sharing, a christmas bonus, and 2 extra days off paid. he owns his own company, and so I know he will take it very personally by me leaving for better pay. How should I tell him? should i make up a story or be honest? If I am honest I'll have to work for 2 weeks under VERY uncomfortable conditions with him hating me! Please help! Need advice!
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24 responses
@Moodyelf6 (129)
15 Jan 07
I would have to advise you to be honest with your current boss. Explain to him that although you have enjoyed your time with the company, and appreciate what he has done for you, this new position is too good an opportunity to pass up. Tell him that you need to think about the future, especially now you are married, and that this new role will allow for this. I'm sure that he will not "hate" you for this. Chances are, he will understand your position, and it sounds like he's the kind of guy who will support your decision. As the owner of a company, i'm sure he will have made similar moves in his time. On the otherhand, if he does make life difficult for your last 2 weeks, then he's showing his true colours and is not worth worrying about!!Good luck!!
@mkup30 (494)
• United States
15 Jan 07
hey thanks for the advice I didnt think of it that way, if he hates me for doing what's best for me than you're right he isnt really a nice person anyway. But i couldnt sleep last night cuz i was dreading this so much and i am now so nervous and nautious and worried about telling him. ugh life is hard sometimes!
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Jan 07
I really have to agree with Moodyelf6. I have worked for people who really do understand and I have worked for some real sorry people. Honesty is always the best policy and by telling your boss the truth, he will respect your decisions. Good luck with the job change and your marriage.
• Philippines
16 Jan 07
i agree. if your boss really is a good employer, when you tell him about the opportunity being offered to you by the other company,he would be supportive and will instead be happy for you instead of the other way around. a good leader's success would be measured by the success of his follower because of him.
@prasad1961 (5597)
• India
15 Jan 07
If you got the job satisfaction with first one, better stay with the same. Otherwise you may get unsatisfactory experience reg. job satisfaction. Benefits and opportunities were common and can be had with some experience. Community connections and advantages are not good and they were more sensitive. It is my view to see the job as a whole, coz you have to stay for longer relations. Any how this is upto you, if the satisfaction is not upto the mark.
@mkup30 (494)
• United States
15 Jan 07
thanks for the advice. however i do not have much job satisfaction regarding my daily duties. i mean my boss is great but the pay is too low and the job is way below my potential and current skills. I took the job since it was decent and hoping to move up in the company. but now i have an opp. to move up quickly in 2 weeks and to a better job and better company, so I am gonna take it. If you could give me any advice on what I asked though that would be great, thanks in advance!
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@venshida (4836)
• United States
16 Jan 07
You should be upfront with your current boss, He would understand. I don't think he would hate you. It's a job you applied for prior its not like you obtain this job and went out and find something else.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
15 Jan 07
Be honest and let the chips fall. If your current boss started his own business, he should understand better than most why you need to take the better opportunity. It's business not personal and your boss should be able to understand that.
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• Romania
16 Jan 07
I always say honesty is the best policy. If i were you, I'd go with the truth and explain to my boss that a better situation has presented and even though you greatly appreciate all the benefits you've been given in his firm, thinking long term you have to take the other job. I did something like that even though i have the coolest boss in the world, i basically work stress free, i don't need to be on time, my deadlines are very flexible and taking days off with pay on special holidays or whatever is no problem. Still, i told him i had a better offer and i was about to leave the firm, only they raized my salary and i stayed. Hope all goes well for you too
• India
16 Jan 07
the manager there is very nice i know that actuallly from the community and the pay is much better and has many more benefits and oppurtunities for carrer advancement
@sherinek (3320)
• United States
16 Jan 07
You have to come clean with him. Tell him the real story. Some times, who knows, he will give you a raise and benefits to match. Whatever, tell him the truth, you owe him that. If you are sure that the other job has better prospects, I personally think you have to take it.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
16 Jan 07
i still think honesty is the best policy... you should tell your current boss the real situation rather than making up stories which will make you more uncomfortable in the future... tell him the truth and see what is his reaction... if he is a good boss, i think he will understand it and will not put you in a difficult situation...
@lr5451 (224)
• India
16 Jan 07
you want to be honest by heart because of nice behaviour.I am sure he will not mistake you by speaking truth.Even otherwise this is an experience which will help in shaping your future.
@telulas (459)
• Indonesia
16 Jan 07
i think we can share our income..
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
16 Jan 07
you have to tell your boss about it, be honest and tell directly that you have found a better paying job, that yo do not find any troubles with him and that he was very kind to you too. just be open and if he is a very open boss, he will not think ill of you and will even support you.
• India
16 Jan 07
I would suggest that you tell the truth to your boss as it will help you leave the company with a clear conscience. Regarding your current boss feeling bad about it, I don't think he will be very upset about it. These days everyone is career oriented and there is no point in working if you are not. Your current boss himself would have left jobs in his career to pursue something more challenging and rewarding. Moreover, it ain't a taboo to quit jobs these days. So, go ahead and tell him the truth. Your current boss may feel bad about it for first few days, but eventually he will remain a good friend to you as everyone appreciates honesty.
@rajikoshy (741)
• India
16 Jan 07
My advice is as follows: Be straight forward tell the present boss that such a thing has taken place, be open, and also tell him what they have to offer... then ask him what to do, ask his advice, what he says will be the right discussion.
• Australia
16 Jan 07
All I can say is been there done that and it's always better to stick with something you love doing and bugger the money and promotions. Money won't make you happy long term, job satisfaction will :) Hope that helps
• Philippines
16 Jan 07
Tell him the truth coz he'll hate you more if you lie to him and he eventually learns the truth about the real reason why you left the company. He is the owner I believe he will understand your decision as it involves salary and benefits already.
• Philippines
16 Jan 07
its a fool
@whozefa (448)
• India
16 Jan 07
well take a leave foe week from the current job and join the new 1 if u fell comfortable and better profile u can then resign from the current 1, since ur manager is nice person i think he wont stop u or else if even he ispaying the same amt then u can continue here, be clear to your new job manager that u r already on job and need to decide
• United States
16 Jan 07
Hello, I have been an HR Director for 3 years and I can tell you that if an employee's priority is income, and the employer cannot match it, there is nothing more that can be done. It is most surely advisable to provide proper notice, it is ultimately up to the employer to decide whether or not the employee shall work through the notice period, so if situations were going to be so unbearable, your boss would allow you to leave ahead of the two weeks. Perhaps you could assist in securing a replacement for your position to help smooth the waters. Make sure you have a thorough sit down discussion about what your priorities are, and how thankful you are for the opportunities you have been given.
• Romania
16 Jan 07
I guess to be honest is the best way to response to his kindness. Maybe he will offer u some more benefits, or maybe the same like the other, if he dont want to lose you. If he is a good manager he will be smart enough to do that. And because its his company he will try not to loose a good manager like you. And i guess he will pay you whatever you ask. Good luck, and i hope this will help you.
• India
16 Jan 07
money should not comes to picture between you and your maanger, you tell what the current situation is , and discuss with him, finally some solution will be definitely reached