When would you rather lose power?

@vivasuzi (4127)
United States
January 16, 2007 3:51pm CST
Some of my friends have lost power around here due to bad wind storms knocking out power lines! That stinks especially since it is soooooo cold outside right now. But then I started thinking about the time we lost power on the hottest day in September. It was impossible to cool down.. So would you rather lose power in the Summer or the Winter? I choose Winter b/c it is much easier to Warm Up than it is to Cool Down. In the winter, you can grab piles and piles of blankets and cuddle up in your bed. However in the summer, there seems to be not much at all you can do to cool down, other then cold showers (brrr). What would you prefer? And based on what you chose, how would you keep warm? or keep cool?
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47 responses
• Canada
17 Jan 07
At one time, I would have had more trouble answering this question LOL However, after living through Quebec's ice storm back in the late 90's, I can truthfully say I'd rather be without power in the summer. We lived for 16 days without electricity OR running water (because we were in the country and had a pump and danged if it wouldn't run without electricity - and we had no generator). I had two young kids (around 8 and 5 years old) and just to wash them or their hair, meant getting water from the neighbor's well (which we lugged back and forth in big buckets on the kids' sled), heating it on the wood stove (which was our ONLY saving grace... it was one of those old-fashioned kind with the oven and all) and then sitting them in front of it to try to dry and keep warm. We used wash water to flush the toilet. The kids slept in their snowsuits, hats and mitts in their beds with more blankets on top. In order to save meat and such from the freezer, for as long as possible, it was hung in the trees outside in multiple plastic bags (to ward off the deer). It looked like a funky Christmas thing goin' on! It was definitely a bad time. I'll take my chances on a power outage in the summer instead LOL
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• Canada
17 Jan 07
Yep, you're right about the candlelight! My kids were getting up from the dinner table and going to bed every night at like 6:30 PM because there was nothing to do and candlelight wasn't really bright enough to read by or anything. If nothing else, they sure got a lot of rest during that time! LOL ;)
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
17 Jan 07
Well that's a bad incident! I guess I was assuming not-so-horrible weather and also not that many days. The most I've ever lost power was 2-3 days so I can't imagine 16 days without it. One thing I miss regardless what season is the lights, after awhile candle light just doesn't cut it. At least you had that wood stove! In your case, summer sounds better :) But in general, I still think Winter would be a little easier to handle. At lesat you could put your food outside to keep cold! In the summer, your food just goes bad no matter what you try to do. Thanks for your story!
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
17 Jan 07
Yeah we used to try and play bored games but that was usually a bust. However, I just remembered my mom bought some battery operated flourescent lights a few years back. We've only used them a little bit, but if you really want some light, they work great! Plus I think there are some you can buy that are rechargable, so after the power is on, you can recharge them for next time.
17 Jan 07
I would rather lose power in summer. We don't have an air conditioner so it really wouldn't matter. In the winter, we have a wood burning heater so we will never be cold. So heat is not a problem, but without power would be a night without the telly. At least in summer you can stay outside longer.
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@lisado (1227)
• United States
17 Jan 07
No air conditioning?!? UGH! I'd melt! I guess I've been spoiled. I really can't take the heat anymore, so anywhere we move to has to have central air. Having a fireplace or something would be nice, but as long as I have air, I'm good. :)
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@snowflake5 (1579)
• United States
17 Jan 07
The solution is to bury power lines underground, which is what we have here. It reduces power-cuts. We get temporary power cuts when the electricity grid is overloaded, but they last a few minutes at most. But we've ceased to have power going out because of the weather.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
17 Jan 07
That must be nice. Actually our power doesn't always go out b/c of weather... sometimes it's a company issue. Or that one time where it went out across half the country! Boy was that a long weekend. I don't think they'll be burying them around here anytime soon, since they are EVERYWHERE and they'd be going digging in everyones yard, the street, it would take forever. Maybe in 100 years!
@kareng (69613)
• United States
16 Jan 07
That would have to be summer for me. You can always dress lightly in shorts and thin shirts and stay in the pool :) Winter - our home is electric only so no heat from furnace at all if power goes out. It would be fireplace only and that would only be if there was firewood here. My hubby is not a fan of the fireplace.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I love the fireplace! But unfortunately ours is Gas so it needs power to run (at least to be turned on). Actually, it's possible we can turn it on without power but I'm not sure. I should mention we have a very humid heat up here so it's worse than it is in the south. And you can't sleep in the pool! I think that's my biggest issue, I want to be able to sleep and when it's too hot out it's almost impossible.
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I would rather loose it in winter as we heat and cook on a coal stove in winter. In summer, it is too hot to have a fire so I cook on electric. Oil lamps also give off heat so it can get pretty hot in summer without power.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I wish I had a coal stove... at least then if we lost power in the winter I could still eat! I should buy some oil lamps too for backup, good suggestion. Thanks for your vote! Looks like most of us would rather lose power in the winter.
• United States
17 Jan 07
Definitely the summer. Absolute no brainer for me. I hate being cold. I rarely turn on the air in the summer anyway.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I don't know if I can live without the AC all summer, I've been spoiled by years of technology! However, I hate when the AC is too cold so that it feels freezing in the house. I just like enough AC so I'm not sweating :)
@trish32 (1471)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I would rather lose power when it's cold. I have been in both situations when it was very hot and when it was very cold without power and it was much easier to have everyone cuddle together under blankets to keep warm than it was to attempt to cool down when it was 90 + degrees and humid out and no power for fans, a/c, etc. We also have a fireplace, so that is a source of heat for us if we lose power.
@pendragon (3348)
• United States
17 Jan 07
The summer definitely.I'm here in New England, and it's 9 degrees out right now, with a high of 20 today, which with the wind will feel like - 1 degree, soooooo,lol, yeah, I'd rather be hot.I think the cold is an awful way to go!
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• India
17 Jan 07
first of all i do not like power cut due to any reasons i would be more comfortable if there is a power cut during winter season in summer season if there is a power cut we can not comfortable
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• United States
17 Jan 07
I've lost my electricity in both the summer and winter. For me summer was worse for the things in the refridgerator but having 2 little kids, winter is worse for us. It is much harder to keep them under the blankets and keep them warm because they want to play. In the summer, after the storm is over, we just go outside and sit on the porch if it gets super hot. But normally we keep the AC really cold in the master bedroom so if the electricty goes out in the summer we pile in my room because it stays cooler longer. Plus in my experience the power comes back on quicker in the summer then it does in the winter, especially if you have an ice storm.
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• United States
17 Jan 07
I would rather lose power in the winter, because like you said you can allways cover up with blanketts or if your lucky and have a fireplace you can turn that on. Also there are many heaters that run on other types of power.
• United States
17 Jan 07
If you're lucky enough to have a fireplace, great. A couple winters ago, we had an ice storm where we lived that knocked out our power on Christmas day. We had no electricity for about 24 hours, and obviously that meant no heat. It was FREEZING cold. Our kids sat there with layers of clothes on opening their Christmas presents, and they were still cold. That is rotten!!
@sweetee (420)
• Australia
17 Jan 07
We are in the middle of summer here in Australia and we lost power yesterday when a bushfire damaged an electrical transmission main. it was a 40 degree (celcius) day and was unbearably hot.. I ended up sitting in the bathroom with my children putting puzzles together on the tiles.. I would prefer power cut off in winter if need be..
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@kminer (101)
• United States
16 Jan 07
Oh my goodness - you really got me thinking. Yeah, I'd personally rather warm up with a blanket. But then I got to thinking about the kids. It's hard to keep them "confined" under a blanket and they might be super cold. Hmm .... I hate being hot and sweaty though.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
17 Jan 07
Your kids would be better in the winter I think. They could make a tent out of blankets and pillows and use a flashlight to play :) Or they could run around and warm themselves up. I've seen kids when there's no power in the summer and they are draggy and lazy. It's hard to keep them up and going when it's just soooo hot!
@manmaxman (850)
• India
13 Feb 07
i also lose power in bad wind storms knocking out power lines but few day some time power cut is also .................done by the govrnment
• India
17 Jan 07
when the person who is gaining power is more powerful than me
@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I'd rather lose power in the summer. In the summer, as much as the heat sucks, you can sit in a cold bath tub. You can sit in a kiddie pool. You can walk around in virtually nothing, if you like. You can make a paper fan and wave it at yourself. You can sit in the shade and hope for a cool breeze. There's a lot you can do to try and keep cool. In the winter, if it's 30, 20, or -10 degrees or below outside, you're pretty much screwed if you have no heat. Sorry, but bundling up in blankets when your house is as cold on the inside as it is on the outside, is pointless. You're going to freeze your butt off. It's uncomfortable, and there is NO getting warm.
@Justonce (114)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I would also rather it be winter. We have gas heat and we was able to stay warm that way and we could cook our meal with gas heat. And you didn't have to worry about drinking hot drinks, just set them outside for an hour and you had a cold drink. In the summer time you don't have anything to keep you cool. And you have to go out and buy ice for your drinks to be cold. So I Agree if your going to lose power its better to lose it in a mild winter time. Or go buy some back up power.
@aiguy01 (588)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I'd much rather lose it in the summer. In the winter if your power goes out your pipes can freeze and break causing thousands of dollars in water damage. My power was out for three days once and I had to keep the fireplace burning solid to keep the pipes from freezing.
@bethed (277)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I would rather it be summer.I have two kids and a swimming pool.I would throw us all together in the pool and just lounge around.In the evening times it cools off slightly anyway.But at least you could go outside and walk around and enjoy the day.But when it is unbearably cold you can never get warm.Some part of you is always cold.If you have electric hot water you can not even take a hot bath to warm up.At least during the summer the water would be room tempature so you could bath and have hygiene.And my kids would never stay cooped up under covers with nothing to do but look at each other.
• United States
17 Jan 07
winter. we have a fire place that we can use to get heat, in the summer in Oklahoma, it can get pretty darn hot and its hard to cool off w/no a/c! our power went out last year for a few hours and it was miserable.