Vaccination Time...
By mpvanwagner
@mpvanwagner (165)
United States
January 16, 2007 11:27pm CST
I am sure a lot of you probably vaccinate your children, however, I have chosen not too. I get a lot of crap every time I go to a doctor, and have even heard people remark that they would not let their kids hang out with mine. My response is that it is my own personal choice and belief, and if their kids are vaccinated, then they should be protected from whatever it is that my son may supposedly have. Anyway, how many of you actually vaccinate your kids? And for what reasons? Have you ever read what they put in vaccines, or the effects it can have on your children? I worked for a Chiropractor and I did a lot of research on various topics after working for him. I read up on vaccines and the stuff they actually put in there is sick! You hear people always telling you about cigarettes, but they don't even give most kids a choice as to whether or not they want these vaccines and junk put into their bodies. I don't mean to dis you as a parent, nor do I think that you should have to choose my way... your choice is yours and yours alone, but I do dis the doctors and health care people who do not fully warn you of the risks involved with getting vaccines. I am lucky enough to live in the state of Michigan, one of the few who still lets you be exempt from vaccines if you wish... I would just like to list a few of the ingredients that you will find in your common vaccine:
Polymoyxin B
Human Fetal Cells
Monkey Kidney Cells
I cannot even pronounce some of these, yet they are injecting kids with this stuff everyday. I just think parents should be informed, educated, and willing to learn both sides before they make a decision. If you want any more info, please feel free to contact me and I can give you some links to help you out.
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60 responses
@skittles46 (388)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I have 3 children and have chosen NOT to vaccinate as well. They are basically poison, and have been proven to not be as effective as they claim. Right with you, the doctors should be required to properly educate parents, and it should be the parents choice. Also, children CAN go to school/daycare without them, mine have, you just have to have the proper form, although there are a few states that mandate certain vacinnes or they can charge you with abuse. Personally I wouldn't live in one like that.
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@mpvanwagner (165)
• United States
17 Jan 07
Oh I am so glad that my first comment was someone who was on the same page. I am sure a lot of parents feel strongly about vaccines, and I don't think they are bad parents, but I am sure I will get a lot of negativity for this. I just think people really need to be informed. My son is only going on 2, so not old enough for school or anything yet, but I have found the waiver forms, and intend on keeping him in everything possible that he wants to be involved in, regardless of whether or not he has his shots. I know they are trying to take away the ability in some states to even allow you to refuse them, but it is getting ridiculous. Child abuse, can you believe that? Yet we are putting cancer causing substances into their bodies! It is a very controversial subject, but I just think it is definitely one of the most important decisions you can make in life. Heck, before the baby even really has a chance to come out of your womb, they are giving it vaccinations right then and there!
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@dangerdvd (320)
• Italy
17 Jan 07
the vaccin is importan for the health of your soon!
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@rdolphingirl (361)
• United States
17 Jan 07
Have you done such research?
Do you realize what can happen to them if they DONT get these "childhood" disease as children ... and end up getting them as adults?
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@mpvanwagner (165)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I have done research... all I am asking is if YOU have done yours. Please don't take that personally, the you is a general as to everyone who does vaccinate. I will not tell you that my choice is correct, it is just what I feel is correct for me and my family. I have read the risks, the benefits, everything. I have also researched the amount of times the disease have presented themselves in the past 20 years, and where they have sprung from. Also, just because you vaccinate does not mean that there is no chance that your child will come down with the disease in a more serious manner. It has happened, just like it could happen to a child who has not been vaccinated. If people could survive these diseases so many years ago, why should our children be any different?
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@skittles46 (388)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I have researched both the potential side effects of the diseases, and the potential side effects of the vaccines. At the very least they are equal, so why take the extra risk? In the cases of MMR especially the vacinne does more damage than the disease usually ever would.
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@lilttownmommie (1473)
• United States
17 Jan 07
this is a good point to discuss, I hate seeing my kids get shots and poked with needles, i cry everytime. I have no choice in the matter here unless I homeschool my children, but with my son it would be difficult and I would have to hire a special education tutor and spend money we don't have because he is visually impaired and adhd. Here if children do not have their vaccinations they are not allowed in public or private schools. I was almost kicked out of school in 9th grade because my tetanis shot had not been updated.
I also did not know alot about the shots when I had my son, all I knew was that I had them as a child and thought that all children had to have them, the doctors make it sound like they will die with out them. I wish I could make my own choice.
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@mpvanwagner (165)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I do not want to make you feel guilty, I understand that it is mandatory some places. Have you checked to make sure though? A lot of schools will tell you that you need to be vaccinated, however you may just be lacking the proper waiver form. Check with your state about its guidelines for vaccines. There are very few states that still allow you to not vaccinate your child, but it is worth looking into.
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@skittles46 (388)
• United States
17 Jan 07
Where are you in the US? There are some states still that have exemption forms to allow them in school still.
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@chigawaga (592)
• Canada
17 Jan 07
i have 2 children and they do get there vaccinations,,,,it is madatory were i live and if i didnt im sure i would have welfare at my door if i didnt..although it does comfort me to know that they are protected against alot of these diseases....i have never really looked up any of the ingredients before and would like u to send me some links if u could....very interesting post and comments that have been made...thanks for the info and hope to get some links..thx:)
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@mpvanwagner (165)
• United States
17 Jan 07
With the overwhelming amount of responses I am getting at the moment, I am trying to give everyone a fair response. I would be more than glad to send you some links, but it will be tomorrow if you don't mind. I want to be sure I am giving you my full attention as well as the best links I know I have, just not on me at this exact moment. I hope you understand, and look forward to being able to share some information with you!
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@mpvanwagner (165)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I apologize for not getting you that information today, I didn't forget, I just couldn't get my hands on the material that I want to send you. However, I did come across a copy, so I will be e-mailing it out tomorrow, just let me know where you would like it to go! Thanks!
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I had all of mine and then some. I suggest every child with allergies and asthma get pneumonia shots as well, it will spare children the pain I had to suffer for twelve years. Get your tonsils out as well if possibe.
@mpvanwagner (165)
• United States
17 Jan 07
Actually children with allergies should be careful when taking them... because they do not know if they could react to something in these vaccines. Also children who have sleep apnea, neurological disorders, or asthma should be extremely cautioned when getting a vaccine. Please do your research. I cannot help but to think you are posting this without actually thinking or having any common sense. Getting your tonsils out also is not a way of staying healthy. Losing any part of your body does not let it function at 100%. I know some people cannot help getting certain parts taken out, but it doesn't do your body any more good than bad to take your tonsils out.
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@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
17 Jan 07
I think the good the vaccination does outweighs anything people can sy against all the supposed additives. Chances are that if you hadn't had vaccinations, you would not be here right now. Polio would have killed you, or mady you a permanent cripple thatwould havedied with the first bout of pneumonia..Childhood diseases kill and you have no right to take that chance with the life of any child. By NOT getting your child vaccinated, you are exposing all children he comes into contact with to deadly disease, especially in places where the water doesn't freeze. Have you seen a child with polio? I have, its not pretty,they can't move, even to breathe and its not right for you to chance crippling or killing children simply because of your misbeguided political views. Besides, your child gets more of those chemicals every time you take him to a burger joint than he would in a shot!
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@skittles46 (388)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I can't and won't argue about the burger joint, we all need to eat healthier but thats off topic currently. I am here, and did NOT receive many of mine. I have a 16 year old brother who did not receive ANY of his. I respect your opinion, but you can't say people wouldn't be here if they hadn't taken them, or the world wouldn't exist as vacinnes are a relatively new thing.
Have you seen a child with severe autism? Or a vegetable because of the damage done to their brain from the vacinne? Those are very real cases as well and need to be presented as FACT, which they are, and parents make informed and educated decisions, not have the medical field forcing it on them.
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@rdolphingirl (361)
• United States
17 Jan 07
On those the vaccines did not even come out til after the disease was almost gone ... how do you figure they had much to do with its decline BEFORE they were used?
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@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
17 Jan 07
They started vaccinating people for diseases like Polio, measles and small pox when I was a child, 50 odd years ago, and it has saved millions of lives. Yet, every year, we still have children and adults contracting diseases people like you say are erradicated. The only disease that is truly gone is small pox. And thank God for that!
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@BellasmamaTiff (2544)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I didn't WANT to have my child vaccinated. But, I live in Illinois and do not have that choice. She cannot go to daycare if not vaccinated, cannot attend school when the time comes if not vaccinated, and I as her parent can face jail time. I wish I did have a choice :(
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@mpvanwagner (165)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I am very sorry for this. I hope my post has not made you feel like a bad parent... I do understand that it is not everyones choice, and there is just nothing you can do... at least you have the choice to opt out of any OPTIONAL ones if they do come in the future... not all are bad though, but just look them up online first to see the risks/benefits of those. I am not against vaccines, just the mandatory ones, because I think everyone has a right to choose.
@thatcrazyqbanita (3312)
• United States
17 Jan 07
although i disagree with you, i repsect your decision and i give you props for not conforming to the norm. i guess you can just get the sickness and fight it out than pay for countless vaccines. but what will you do when the school your kids go to requires they get vaccines
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@mpvanwagner (165)
• United States
17 Jan 07
By all means, if you are comfortable vaccinating your kids, please keep doing so. I am not here to tell you whether or not you should, but I really want to stress that parents know what is being put in their children, so that they don't act so dumbfounded when their children do come down with something serious from it. It doesn't happen all the time, no, but it happens more often than one would think. I was just astonished by what they actually put into this stuff!
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@mom2chriskel (1060)
• United States
17 Jan 07
My kids are vaccinated. I don't have anything against parents who don't vaccinate their children.
But when my first child was born, he was born 10 weeks early. Because of that when he gets sick, it involves ER visits, lots of doctors appointments because his immune system isn't as strong as a normal child's. We've had scares where something as simple as a cold can lead to almost being admitted and lots of breathing treatments. Without his shots, if he was ever to encounter something terrible, who knows how he'd handle it.
My husband has had so many shots because he was in the military and to Iraq. He's had the small pox vaccine and Lord knows what else. He is still here, normal as ever--well normal for him ;-)
Each child and each family is different. I think what everyone has to remember is that what works for one family won't work for another. Vaccinations work for my family. I did my research. Especially on the new ones. We weighed the pros and cons and we still decided vaccinations were best for us.
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@Sarah1977 (495)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I have 4 children, all of whom I did have vaccinated. My children's pediatrician does go to great lengths to inform me about the risks involved with getting vaccinated, and he also lets me know the risks to them if they were NOT vaccinated. The risk for unvaccinated children to contract a serious disease is far greater then the risk that getting the vaccine itself will do harm to the child. Obviously, it bothers me to read some of the ingredients of these vaccines, but you have to weigh the risks. Of course, every parent has the right to decide what they think is best for their own children.
@mpvanwagner (165)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I do respect your pediatrician for telling you, and stressing the risk, however, if you do some research online, you will find just as many sites telling you that it is your choice and not always best to vaccinate, as you will sites telling you to vaccinate or else. Doctors make a certain amount of money off of every kid who is vaccinated every year, as well as schools, and so on and so forth. If you are on any sort of assistance from the government and you decided not to vaccinate your children, they will actually cut down your assistance by so much for every month you leave your children vaccinated. While I understand a lot of people mistake this as concern by everyone, I cannot help but to think about their ulterior motives. this is not saying it is a big conspiracy or anything, I am sure a lot of them really do believe that vaccines help, but only to a certain extent, and it is an ever growing number now a days of parents that do not vaccinate anymore. I am glad that you are at least willing to accept the fact that it is my opinion, and I want you to know that I as well respect yours. Just try doing a little independent research from an unbiased company/website/something, and see what you can find!
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@jwin2003 (242)
• United States
17 Jan 07
good post but what are the risks of not vaccinating your child? they inject you with these to teach your body to fight against them. but what can happen if you dont? can a full blown virus do more damage then inejecting these ingredients into your child? i am not for it or against it for the reason i do not have kids yet but i thought id throw an opinion from the other side out there...
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@jwin2003 (242)
• United States
17 Jan 07
thats good stuff guys.. i actually dont believe in medicine and only take it if im sick in bed for a week because i have to get back to work but if i was financially set i would stick it out and let my body do what it was created to do.. i think sometimes we let medicine become a krutch and rely on it too much.
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@mpvanwagner (165)
• United States
17 Jan 07
Exactly! Your body should be able to heal just as fast... there is a study that one doctor did about the use of antibiotics giving out while a child had an ear infection... they found that there is no significant difference in the amount of time it takes a child to get over the infection, with or without the antibiotics. There was a little less crankiness, but that was about it. Antibiotics are another irk of mine. While they do provide some relief and well being, they are extremely over prescribed. I just think that if we all let our bodies heal a little more naturally, we would feel a lot better physically as well.
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@skittles46 (388)
• United States
17 Jan 07
Actually if you do the studying, most of the risks of the vaccines are just as high and in some cases higher than the risks of actually contracting the disease. Especially in the case of chicken pox, and other less serious diseases. My daughter (7) has had several of the diseases and breezed through them like it was nothing. There was a time not too long ago that they were common childhood diseases, and the majority of people never suffered complications from them. There is no extra risk in my opinion to NOT vacinnating, although there is extra risk to putting chemicals known to cause serious side effects at a higher/equal rate to the disease they are attempting to prevent.
Sorry for the book! This is a strong subject for me.
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@vogue_article21 (131)
• Philippines
17 Jan 07
We'll in my opinion, vaccines are not that bad. Its the healthcare team's responsibility in explaining more about the vaccines. A vaccine is an antigenic preparation used to establish immunity to a disease. The immune system recognizes vaccine agents as foreign, destroys them and 'remembers them'. When the virulent agent comes along, the immune system is thus prepared to respond, by
1. neutralizing the target agent befor it can enter cells, and
2. recognizing and destrying infected cells before that agent can multiply.
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@mpvanwagner (165)
• United States
17 Jan 07
Regardless of my personal opinions about vaccinating, I do understand the benefits of them. While I don't think the concept is bad, I just believe that the harm it can do to your body is just not worth it in my opinion. I just would like to take my chances with my children contracting the disease, without it actually being injected into their body. I just want people to be informed, that is all. Most people know what the positive effects of vaccines are, but sadly, not many know the negative effects, except for the minor ones they tell you about on the sheets they hand out after they give your kids a shot. (headache, diarrhea, etc.) There are just so many worse things out there that could happen, and everyone deserves a fair chance at knowing what they are! Especially with the ever growing population of young mothers... no offense to them, but most of them are just becoming adults themselves (myself included, I am only 20 years old), and they just have never even thought about the fact that there could be something bad in these products.
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@sproutz (260)
• Canada
17 Jan 07
My son does have all his vax and is FINE!! He hasn't had any issues either.
To each their own, right?
Anyways I wanted to say, you've done alot of research on vax, why not so much research on YOUR DOCTOR? If you had a decent doctor your WOULD NOT be getting grief over your decision. If I was, I would def find a better one.
JMO! :) My doctor has his views on some stuff that is different than mine. He says his views politely, I say mine. Child is mine and I am capale of making an educated decision for him so it is my choice. He has never once made me feel bad/off or anything but good about my decisions. You nee da doctor like him. Or maybe one that deals with non vax?
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@mpvanwagner (165)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I am not saying they are going to die or become sick, nor am I saying you shouldn't vaccinate. I just would like everyone to be aware of what is in them,and make their own decisions. Of course it is too late for you, and for everyone who has already vaccinated their kids, but you can still choose to opt out of vaccinations in the future if they are unneeded. I am not against vaccinations completely, just the mandatory ones, because we should all have a choice.
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@skittles46 (388)
• United States
17 Jan 07
The interesting point here is that I haven't been, and my children haven't been, and my 16 year old brother hasn't been, and my nephews haven't been, and we're all fine too. Nobody is trying to say every vaccination is going to cause issues, just that they can. So CAN the diseases, but there is no proof that the complications posed by some of the diseases, are any worse than the ones that CAN happen from the vacinne.
@Bee1955 (3882)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I dont know where you live, but in the US your children cannot attend school unless they have been vaccinated against certain disorders. Polio, once wiped out in the US that vaccinations were ceased in the 1970s, has returned with a vengance and all it took was one sick child to cause an outbreak. TB and tetenus is becoming rampid n today's schools also. Even if you homeschool your children, they do play with others or have other family, dont they? Yes, vaccinations have cowpox and pigs intestines and many other chemical compounds we cant say or understand. Thats why we pay scientists, chemical and medical companies and other researchers for, to keep us free fron disease. Dont place your children in a high risk group to die early. There are far too many "bugs" out there and I dont believe you live in a bubble.
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@mpvanwagner (165)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I want to take the time to let you know I read your response, but I think the other summed it up pretty well as to what I had to say. I don't want to keep beating the same bush here, so I am sure you have gotten the point. I also live in the US (Michigan to be exact) and I have the waiver form, and the DHS here in town actually gave it to me. If it were illegal they definitely would not be handing it out!
@skittles46 (388)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I'm in the US, and my daughter has been in daycare, and could be in school. All that is required is the proper exemption form. Yes I homeschool, yes they play with others, and I feel perfectly at ease with what they may or may not come across, thats what a body's immune system is for. I do my best to boost it, not fiddle with it by injecting chemicals and other animal parts that would normally not ever find their way in otherwise.
As far as the too many "bugs" a lot of us have had a lot more bugs then we'd care to think, and most of them our bodies have just taken care of. RSV is a good example for that, over 90% of children have had it, while a very small percentage suffered any more than normal cold symptoms from it.
@rdolphingirl (361)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I will have to disagree as well ... I am also in the US .. I have a child (one of three) who has not ever been vaccinated , not only has he been in daycare but he WAS in school as well. There are a few states where your statement is true. But that is NOT true in all states. Injecting vaccines into a child does NOT strengthen their immune system , in fact it suppresses it. This makes them much more likely to catch all those "bugs" around. It also makes it harder for their bodies to properly fight the "bugs" they catch. A child who has not been vaccinated is by large less at risk for a wide variety of health problems, not just childhood illnesses either.

@sweets9900 (726)
• United States
17 Jan 07
Personally I all my children have had their vaccines. I also had them as a child. I vaccinate my kids to prevent various disease. To each their own.
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@mpvanwagner (165)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I am sorry if you think I was trying to tell you not to vaccinate. I respect your opinion as you respect mine to not vaccinate. I just want parents to be informed of what is going into their children's bodies. That is all.
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@sweets9900 (726)
• United States
17 Jan 07
Oh no, please don't feel I was upset. I was just saying that that is what I am doing. I respect how you feel I don't have a problem with that.
@everybodylovesleah (244)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I chose to vaccinate my daughter from the harsher diseases. I am afraid that with many people making the choice not to vaccinate these days that one day we will have another outbreak of one of these diseases. I believe the choice to not vaccinate is also based largely on the fact that many people do choose to vaccinate so I think the other parents feel "protected" by that fact.
I do think our safety rests on the fact that the majority of people vaccinate and if most parents decide not to and there was some kind of outbreak, these same parents who now choose not to vaccinate would be going to the clinics and doctors in droves making sure their children are protected.
I see chicken pox, flu shots, etc as pointless though.
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@mpvanwagner (165)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I think that I have tried very hard in my responses to others to let them know that the point of this is not to have them think my way, but only to inform them. There are tons of people who just really don't know. I will never tell someone that their choices are wrong, just explain why I choose what I do.
But what I don't get is why people are so worried about the ones who aren't vaccinated? If your kids are, then what threat do our kids pose to yours? Your kids are supposed to be protected, isn't that the whole point of vaccinating them? The parents who don't vaccinate should be more worried about letting them around those who are vaccinated, if you want to put it that way.
Also, I am not against my child getting sick... in fact he has many cousins, as soon as any of them come in contact with the chicken pox, I am getting all of them together for a sleepover/party and making sure that they all get it at the same time! I definitely think he should experience chicken pox, because all kids do, but I survived, and I am sure that he will as well. Get them, get over them, and get on with his life!
@everybodylovesleah (244)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I think that partly depends on what diseases you are talking about. There were times when some of these diseases were ravaging through nations and the fact that we don't see them either at all or very rarely is due largely on the introduction of vaccinations to the masses. I still believe the only reason people do not feel threatened by some of these diseases is because we see them so rarely due to vaccinations.
I also dislike that many people who choose not to vaccinate think that those who do are unlearned and ignorant. That too is a valid choice and as many people who are blinded by the propaganda that you should automatically vaccinate, no questions asked, there are also those who are blindly led by the propoganda that vaccinating is automatically a negative thing.
@rdolphingirl (361)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I don't agree with this one :
"most parents decide not to and there was some kind of outbreak, these same parents who now choose not to vaccinate would be going to the clinics and doctors in droves... "
I feel most of the parents who choose NOT to are the ones who realize the real risks involved on BOTH sides. (IMO anyway)
Thanks for posting that you agree that chicken pox, flu , etc are pointless though :)
Just a note .... an unvaccinated child is less likely to DIE from contracting one of these illnesses then a child who has received the vaccine for it.
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@lynn3024 (198)
• Canada
17 Jan 07
how about lets talk about whats in our food. I wouldn't want to know. All medication not just vaccines have weird and gross sounding things in them. Where i live we have to vaccinate our kids or they are not aloud in the schools. Even if it was a choice i'd still have my kids vaccinated. They are a wonderful medical break through that prevent my kids from catching some deadly diseases
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@mpvanwagner (165)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I do agree that food isn't the best, however, food is not the issue. How do you know that I don't feed my son only organic food, or something along those lines? But yet you still feel the need to compare two things that are completely different... no one is forced into thinking that fast food is good for you, not a single person out there would honestly tell you they think it is nutritious. Even if no one ever told you one way or another, I am pretty sure people could make up their own minds about fast food and other stuff. However, you put it on the table and your kid is vaccinated the moment it comes out of your body, and from then on you make appointments to get vaccinated, without even knowing you have a choice, or that it could be more dangerous than they lead on. sure, they give you a paper which says fever may occur, blah blah, but that doesn't even begin to explain the risks that are more dangerous and could potentially be involved, because they would most likely have more people walk out right then and there. All I want is for people to know both sides. That is it.
@rdolphingirl (361)
• United States
17 Jan 07
How about you start a discussion about whats in food then?
And once again ... while I am not gonna try to tell you that you are wrong ... it sounds to me like ( IMO ) you have not done much research on vaccines .... Best to ya and your children in any case.
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@bethed (277)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I think you are indeed trying to change people over to your point of view.I am glad that my children had their vaccinations but I am just as glad that they did not have a reaction to the very shots that could be saving their life.
Say what you will these dieases are still around.Some are still very prevalent in 3rd world countries.These vaccinations not only protect your children now but through thier adult lives.
Most dieases move in cycles they become near extinct before they make a dramtic resurgence and then taper off and the cyle repeats.I just hope that when your children are 30 or so and have children of their on that they will not have to pay for a decision that you made for them.

@mpvanwagner (165)
• United States
18 Jan 07
Thank you both for backing me up. If you have read any of my past posts, even to people who have completely dissed me like yourself, I have not tried to make anyone switch their minds. I think it is great if a parent thinks they are doing the right thing by vaccinating, I just want them to know. Everyone who has said that they know and still want to vaccinate their children, then I am all for that. It is not my place to tell you how to raise your children, as I would not want someone telling me how to raise mine. Please do not confuse one with the other.
@skittles46 (388)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I'm not trying to change anybody over to my "point of view". The fact speak quite well for themselves if someone is willing to search them out rather than blindly believe the same people who get $$ in their pockets for each child they inject, are telling the truth.
Regarding the cycle, I would still like someone to explain to me how I am any worse off for NOT receiving the injections as a child? I am almost 30 now, and have had no issues with the few I have caught. As far as the disease cycle goes, you are correct, the interesting thing about it is that the cycle repeats itself, regardless of the vacinnated or unvacinated state of the child. The last several "epidemics" of some of the diseases were in 100% vacinnated populations of school children. Yet they're protected? How does that work?
@rdolphingirl (361)
• United States
17 Jan 07
She has already stated (as have I) that she is trying to INFORM people ... not change them .... I got vaccinated as a child ... but my mother found out later how much harm they do and choose to NOT vaccinate my younger siblings , they are MUCH healthier then I am ... so I think that as valid a question here is will the children who DO get vaccinated resent their parents for choosing to allow them to be injected with this stuff?
**once again please realize that I am NOT here to put down those who genuinely feel they have NO choice in this matter**
I am here to help educate and hopefully stimulate others to do the research and learn the facts involved here before they allow or refuse to allow a vaccine to be administered.
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