Stay at Home Dad needs help with Potty Training
@spreadingtheword (643)
United States
January 18, 2007 9:53am CST
I have a 22 month old little boy who is a crazy little thing who I love so much. I also have a 7 month old little princess, so it gets a little crazy around here. I have tried many different things, but they don't seem to work. He started to go about 3 months ago, and was doing it about 5 times a day for about a week or two. Now, he doesn't want anything to do with it at all. He always tells me when he goes to the bathroom, but it is too late when he tells me. I would just love to hear some tips from anyone else who has gone through this tough time. Please help, as I just want to try and do my best with him!
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63 responses
@cajundharma (641)
• United States
18 Jan 07
This is totally normal. It's fun an and novel for a week or two, then gets boring, so they stop. He might go back and forth several times before he gets it. 22 months is pretty early for him to be starting, as boys potty train later than girls. I wouldn't stress out, just continue to encourage him to use it several times a day, maybe with a sticker chart that after five successes he gets a small reward. It sounds like you're doing a great job as a stay at home parent, so go easy on yourself :-) He'll get the hang of it when he's developmentally ready.
@spreadingtheword (643)
• United States
18 Jan 07
Thanks for your kind words! I will just keep on trying and try not to get upset.
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I can see how this can seem pretty tough but its pretty common.
You need to limit his fluids so you can predict when he's going to need to go first. What he is doing is deciding he's going to do things his way, so you need to institute greater control.
When you limit his fluids and can predict when he will have to go, then you take him each and every time he should have to go so that he gets a little schedule in his subconscious. Then you have a way to remind him to stop what he is doing and go potty.
You have to be very consistent and not relax until he stops having to be reminded and goes on his own for about 2 months, but it will work eventually.
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@rdolphingirl (361)
• United States
18 Jan 07
here I would have to say I totally disagree ... increase fluid ... and give him more chances to try and see that it works out ok.... reducing fluid intake is NOT healthy .... our bodies need a lot of water to keep running right and stay able to fight off germs and such!
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@independent_inAK (274)
• United States
18 Jan 07
No, don't decrease fluids. I don't think you can really control or predicts when they will have to go.
@peetred (272)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Yes, I would have to say NOT to decrease liquids. THis is not healthy at all. Increasing them sounds like a better idea, except you can limit them after a certain time in the evening so that they are less likely to have an accident at night.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
18 Jan 07
It's great to see a dad wanting to take care of the children the way you are. With my boys at about 18 months old Every time I or their father went to the bath room we took the boys. We just went more often than we would other wise. It won't take long. Do you have him in those pullups. They are just like the disposable diapers and hold the wetness awy from him. Get him some training pants.That way when he wets or messes himself he will be uncomfortable and want them off. Those pull up are a deturrrent to potty training. Something that helped my grandson was we moved close to a play ground and he went to play and came home with wet pants. I told him if he wet or messed his pant again he could not go there to play. He never wet or messed his pants again. He was about 2 years old. Good luck, hope this helps.
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@jamie11982 (1658)
• United States
19 Jan 07
you could also get him Big Boy undies. my oldest son wouldn't potty train unless he had the same type of undies that his daddy had. Try that one and see what he does. That's the best type of undies is not the pull-ups because the kid will think that they are still diaper's. I know because this is what my second son said to me when i told him that it was time to train. We had an arrguement that lasted all that day about if he was going to wear his "ups" or his brand new tiede whities. I won that time.
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@spreadingtheword (643)
• United States
18 Jan 07
We got those pullups that get cold when they go, but they have not really helped much. I should probably take him to the potty every time I go, as I don't do that now. He sees me go about twice a day, probably not enough for him at this age. Thanks and I will try the little things, but not push him too hard.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
19 Jan 07
My oldest was very east - the first time! After a couple months of being potty-trained, we moved across country and put him in a diaper for the long trip. What a mistake! We should have stopped every couple hours to let him keep going. It took me about 6 months to get him back out of that diaper! One thing that kinda worked for us was a gumball machine. We gave him a penny to get a gumball every time he went potty.
Good luck!
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Oh, and my youngest took FOREVER! He wanted nothing to do with it at all. I tried every "trick" I could think of.
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@spreadingtheword (643)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I can see how that would backfire on you, but I probably would have done the same thing you did without giving it a second thought. I am sorry to hear that you had to experience it first hand. Thanks for the tip!
@everybodylovesleah (244)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I have not potty trained myself, but my mother who has potty trained 3, gave the advice that everytime they use the potty, everyone who is there go in the bathroom and clap for the child and make a big to do about it. This is positive reinforcement to go to the potty.
Hope you haven't tried that yet and it helps some!
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@spreadingtheword (643)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I tried that and he really loves it! However, he just stopped out of nowhere. He has a Big Brother Bear (I think that is what it is called!) potty and a fake handle on it to flush that makes music. Whenever he peed, we did his pee pee dance LOL. Basically, he just stood up and went crazy stomping his feet, which is a lot of fun. I still tell him this, and I will continue to try it. Thanks for the advice!
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@XxAngelxX (2830)
• Canada
18 Jan 07
Potty training is such a difficult time, but the key is repetition. When I was potty training my children, I basically took them to the bathroom every 20 minutes. It seemed to take forever at the time, but looking back now, it really didn't take that long. My son only took two days and he was trained, and my youngest daughter took a week. I have potty trained a few other children and this method always seemed to work. Good luck :)
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@spreadingtheword (643)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I will definately try this method. I was taking him to the potty every hour or so. I probably need to get on a better schedule, but it can be hard at times with my 7 month old demanding attention as well :D
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@birthlady (5609)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Give him a treat (sugarless!) every time he makes it to the bathroom on time. Make him feel proud of himself for making it to the bathroom on time! Boys seem to resist being pushed toward potty training, but if you can make him think its his idea, then he'll be happy to "show off" and earn your praise!
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@spreadingtheword (643)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I can tell boys don't like to be pushed. He is a very independent little guy, and is very stubborn, which is all from his mom, and I pick on her all the time about it. Of course he gets his good looks from his dad:D Anyways, I will have to try and make him feel as though he wants to do it. He is great at so many things, like brushing his teeth, which he asks to do, praying, which he does on his own and gets a little scary at times. One time when he was praying, he stopped and looked at us and shouted with both hands in the air NO! NO! NO! and then went back to praying and he always says Amen after he is done his babbling. Most things are his idea, so I guess I need to make the potty his idea as well :D Thanks a ton, as I now realize something that was right in front of my face LOL
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@tamra2 (259)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I know this has been said many times already, but really, I think you are starting too soon. I have 3 girls, 1 boy, and ran a day care center for 5 years. Despite the common belief, potty training is not and should not be hard. It is pretty much a natural thing, much like learning to walk, talk, and feed themselves. Do you have to "train" a baby to do these things? Of course not! They start doing it because they mimic what they see going on around them. I think because it is called "training" people think it is a job. It really is not. He will pretty much figure it out on his own. The average age is about 3, sometimes a little later for boys. It's great that he has already tried it a few times at his age, but you should really just relax. Keep suggesting it every so often, when he is ready he will just start doing it.
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@spreadingtheword (643)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I just wasn't sure. He keeps saying when he is going, so I thought he might be ready. It sounds like I need to just let him take his own course too it. Your words are true about training, as I wondered about the effects of it myself.
@spreadingtheword (643)
• United States
19 Jan 07
That is a new one but sounds like fun! I will try that one as well.
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@deedles88 (297)
• Australia
19 Jan 07
A popular tool with potty training is, get your child super excited about going! I know it sounds silly, take them out and let them pick out some underwear, it doesnt matter if your son wants fairy ones, as long as he really loves them. That way, he wont want to get them wet ;) If that doesnt work, take him in, even if he doesnt need to go, and just talk to him about anything. Let him take in his favourite book if need be. That way, he might be more confident, and relaxed. I hope that helps!!
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@spreadingtheword (643)
• United States
19 Jan 07
That does sound good. The best thing I have about him going is his pee pee dance, which he likes to do. I do let him take a book in with him, and he sits good with the book in there, he just doesn't go. I might go out and get some big boy undies. Thanks!
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
18 Jan 07
My little boy is pretty much potty trained now, although not night trained and he does his bowel movements in a diaper (he'll come and ask for one..) every kid is different. I know with our son, the main thing was to keep the focus on him staying dry and clean. If we focused too much on the potty, he wouldn't go, because he had all the power, but we could ask him throughout the day, "are you dry?" and if he was, we would praise him and give him a small treat, and then when he would go on the potty, we would tell him, GOOD JOB, you went potty to stay dry and clean.. and when he would start backsliding a little on it, we would start rewarding him for staying dry again.. otherwise, you can only reward him when he performs, and sometimes they won't do it. Also, I would suggest you take a couple of weeks off, and then start again, maybe it will help. It takes a lot of time, it's been 2 months for us.. and he's doing pretty good.. but he still has accidents some times. GOod luck!
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@spreadingtheword (643)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Sounds good to me. I try and encourage him as much as possible and give plenty of praise. We do a dance :D when he does go pee pee, and I like doing it as much as he does I think..
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@dopey22girl (3319)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I work with children and have found that a lot of children do that. At first they get really good at it and you think they're potty-trained then bam they don't want anything to do with it. I guess just work through it. Don't yell at him for having an accident, but be slightly firm. Also, when he does go on the potty, maybe you could have a chart. Every time he goes he gets a sticker, and when he gets a certain amount of stickers he gets a treat. That will make him more eager to fill up his chart, thus causing him to go on the potty!
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@spreadingtheword (643)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Sounds great! I could never yell at him for having an accident. I can be firm with him, though, about not wanting to make a mess. Thank!
@cradleOFjheffd (920)
• Philippines
19 Jan 07
hmmmm. i think that will be a challengging role for me as a new daddy. by the way my son is 4 months old. im really excited when hes ready enough for that training.
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@spreadingtheword (643)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Congrats and best of luck to you. They are really great to have!
@deberooney (418)
• United States
26 Jan 07
Maybe you could make a star chart...after he has a certain amount of stars he can have something special. Another *trick* that worked with my son was throwing cherrio's (cereal) in the toilet. This may sound silly,but it helped him so much with his aim! He also thought it was fun. Good luck...he will come around soon:)
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@spreadingtheword (643)
• United States
2 Feb 07
I have heard the cheerios thing and I will do that when he is ready. We decided to back off and just let him go at his own pace. Who knows, maybe my son and daughter will both be potty training at the same time! That would be a blast... :D
@barbiedoll1973_tn (123)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I would say that he is not ready to be potty trained after all he is still very young I have a almost 2 year old that I need to get potty trained but its very hard wow I am wondering how I am going to get this done..
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@spreadingtheword (643)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I wish the best of luck to you as well. He tells me when he goes, so I think he may be ready. I don't know, really, so I thought I would try and see what other people experienced, and everyone is so helpful.
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@maxine553 (107)
• Canada
19 Jan 07
I only have boys so I can only give you the advice I have for your son.
I had a step stool by the toilet so he could reach and I kept a small bowl of froot loops in the bathroom and my son would thow 2 froot loops in and try to sink the froot loops. My hubby had to of course show him, after that he was always so eager to go and I and my husband would follow and encourage. Potty time was funny. I even have a video of my sons trying to sink the froot loops as he was just very silly about it. best of luck and if you use my idea let me know how it went!
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@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
19 Jan 07
I think the key is if they are not ready don't push them. Both my kids were 2 1/2 and they trained quite fast. For both of them I put a piece of bristol board on my fridge and everytime they went they got a sticker. They enjoyed filling up the bristol board so they got the idea really quickly. But I tried my son at 2 and he wasn't ready. So I waited till he was 2 1/2 and he picked it up like that. So good luck, be consistent and he'll get it sooner or later.
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@mchoneyz (35)
• Australia
21 Jan 07
Well it's hard to answer this question because first of all every child is different! And secondly, It was pretty easy to toilet train my boy.
All I done was put him in underpants during the day (nappy at night till he got the hang of it!) And kept saying to him every 15 minutes - "Do you need to go?" "If you need to go, tell me won't you" "You cant wee your pants" I got sick of saying this over and over, and he probably did too, but he started to go more adventually!
And a few times I did raise my voice when he had an accident, and It was then that he actually became really good at it!! ( I'm not saying yell at your child though!) lol.
Maybe if he has an accident, you should leave him feeling wet and yuck so he knows it feels horrible and will want to go to the toilet again - praise him lots when he does, and tell him he is such a BIG BOY! And even give treats and tell him he'll get more if he keeps being a big boy.
Hope this helps a bit! But I think praise is the key - he needs to feel good about it when he goes, but also let him know it's not okay to wee in his pants, and as hard ans messy as it is! keep him in underwear during the day!
He will get the hang of it!!
Good - Luck!
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@simplysue (631)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Don't worry about things getting a lil crazy :) Things get crazy here too and I only have one in diapers. All children will train in their own time. If you try to force the issue chances are that he will rebel and it will take longer. If it makes you feel any better, my lil man just turned three and is only going on the potty at home during waking hours. If we go somewhere, he needs a diaper and when he goes to bed he needs a diaper. You actually have an advantage in training a boy being that you are one.LOL. Let him come to the potty with you when you go. He is your lil man and wants to do everything Daddy does. If he isn't interested in the potty back off on it for a while and reintroduce the idea again in a month or so. Don't get discouraged because 22 months seems to be early judging from the posts here. If you can train him at this age....great, if not, please don't consider it a reflection of your parenting skills as it really doesn't have much to do with you but everything to do with what your child is ready for.
@apky12 (769)
• United States
27 Jan 07
He'll do it when he's ready. It seems like all kids go through the phas before they are 2 when they want to try potty training and then they stop. My 18 month old has been potty training for 3 months now. He does it almost every single day. My 2 1/2 year old doesn't want to do it at all! It will be fine. Take it in stride.
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