How much water should you drink everyday???

@yogesh66 (1117)
February 4, 2007 10:54pm CST
How much water should a 21 year old boy drink?
6 responses
@brimia (6581)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I think the recommendation for everyone is at least eight 8 oz glasses of water a day. A good sign of whether you're drinking enough water is to check your urine. It should be almost clear.
@huanghaozi (1472)
• Egypt
10 Feb 07
commonly people including health personnel and cosmetologists say 8 glasses (1500 ml) water should be taken daily, but newer research says there is no such criteria, our thirst indicates how much water we need, and one should not drink too much of water in the hope that a lot of it will do good. but in case of cold weather, we should remember to drink water, as the low temperature decreases our thirst sensation, though we continue to lose water from our skin (known as insensible water loss). and in hot weather, we should make it a point to drinks lots of water, as even an excess will not harm, and lack of fluids can cause dehydration and urinary tract infection in susceptible people.
@kavita23 (2995)
• India
5 Feb 07
some people say a least 8 glasses, but its really just as much as YOU need to. drink when youre thirsty, stop when you're not. when your pee is light yellow/clear you know youre drinking enough. any darker, and you need to drink more water. happy mylot day.
@jhrcsr (348)
• United States
5 Feb 07
If I remember my health classes correctly (and it's been 20 years since I was in high school) a person should drink 8 - 8 oz glasses of water per day or 64 oz water total.
@cjthedog64 (1552)
• United States
5 Feb 07
The standard answer is 64 ounces per day of regular water. If you're in a hot or dry climate, or exercising, or pregnant, drink more.
@loveworld (104)
• China
5 Feb 07
I like drink lots of water ,it is good to health.