Another visit to the emergency room
By imsilver
@imsilver (1665)
February 16, 2007 2:41pm CST
I swear, by the time my childen are grown up we are going to be on a first name basis with the entire staff at our hospitals emergency room. LOL. It seems that my kids can never be injured during doctors hours. They seem to wait until at least 1/2 hour after the office closes so that I have to resort to going to the emergency room. And I totally hate hospitals. I get so anxious just walking into the things.
Last night my daughter was at a friends for a sleep-over. At about 10 pm the husband there came banging on my door (they don't have a phone). He told me that I had to go and get my daughter because she had cut her foot pretty bad on a bedspring while the girls were jumping on the bed. Being vehicleless I was lucky that they only live in the apartment building across the street. So I go running over there and find my daughter sitting on the edge of the bathtub crying her little eyes out and the bottom of the tub just covered in blood. Her friends mom had wrapped about 3/4 of roll of toilet paper around her foot and wrapped it all in a towel but the blood was still seeping through. My daughters friend told me that she had broken a glass in her room the day before and THAT is how my daughter cut her foot.. jumping off the bed and landing on glass (who doesn't clean up glass as soon as it breaks - especially in child's bedroom!!!)
So anyways, my daughter is 7 and not exactly light anymore. I made it only from the 3rd floor of the apartments to the maid door packing her in my arms but then had to piggyback her from the apartments to our place. When I got her home I tried to take off the wrappings to actually see what was going on but as soon as I moved the toilet paper the blood just started pouring again. I called the emergency room to see if there was a doctor on. They wanted me to wait 45 mins!!! Not likely. I told them I was bringing her in and that was that. Luckily I have a big strong boyfriend. He piggybacked her the 3 blocks to the hospital.
The cut is right down the center of her foot... from the balls of her feet until about 1/2 down her heel. It wasn't a gapping wound so they didn't put any stitches in. Just used about 6 steristrips to hold it together then slapped a bunch of gauze on it and wrapped it up.
Now I have to come up with ways to entertain her as she isn't supposed to be walking much. Good thing we like to scrapbook.
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12 responses
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
18 Feb 07
Oh my. First, that is one nice boyfriend who will carry your daughter three blocks! Thank goodness there were no nerves or muscles severed, that could have been disasterous! I remember when my children were small, it seems they had an aversion to taking ill or being injured during a physician's office hours. There was some unwritten law that said children could only be sick or hurt after 5:00 pm and on weekends!
@mom2chriskel (1060)
• United States
17 Feb 07
Oh the poor thing! I'm glad you live so close to the hospital. We live 25 minutes away from the hospital and that would be a long
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
17 Feb 07
Yup, and it's a good thing that she is not hurt that badly. When she gets older, she will think that it was pretty cool. I hate the emergency rooms also. And, we are the same way. It is not only very stressful, but so are their bills. These things just seem to always happen at the most inopportune moments.
@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
17 Feb 07
Sorry to hear about your daughters accident. Sure hope she is doing better.
When my 4 children (2 boys,2 girls)were youngsters and dare devils, I spent a lot of time in the ER also. There was one nurse who knew my children by their first names. It seems she was always on duty when I had to take one of them in, which was quiet often. Skating accidents, biking accidents, skateboard accidents, tree climbing accidents, pool accidents. etc, etc. If there was a way to get hurt they would find it.
And "who doesn't clean up glass as soon as it breaks-especially in a child's bedroom!!!" A parent who doesn't know about it, thats who!
You must know that children don't always tell their parents about these things.
They will clean up (as best they can) the mess themselves rather than take the chance of getting into trouble.
Books,Coloring books, puzzles, memory games and video games can be your best bet when it comes to entertainment.
Best of health
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
17 Feb 07
sounds like you realy had a time of it ,I myself raised 4 girls and believe me i know where your comming from ,all you can do is talk to her about being more carefull (probably wont do much good though)and tell her shell have to cool it with the overnighters for a while also!good luck!
@larainefan24 (95)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I can't believe the other parents wouldn't have already had the glass cleaned up, that's awful! Your poor daughter, I know that's painful! I hope she gets better soon, and is not too bored. I once knew a little girl who cut her foot badly, she was about 3, and her parents still had the stroller she'd outgrown, so we'd stroll her around the neighborhood. But I see your daughter is 7, so that's not much help. She sounds very creative if she likes scrapbooking, that sounds like a good mother-daughter activity.
@blueskies (1186)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter's foot. I would be very upset with the parents of her friend that they did not personally supervise the cleanup of that broken glass! Of course, maybe their daughter never told them about it...
At any rate, I'm glad you were able to get your daughter taken care of relatively quickly. Foot injuries can be so painful. Have fun scrapbooking. This is prime "mother/daughter time", so enjoy it :)
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Wow, sounds like what I did when I was a kid. I was playing with a glass soda bottle, when glass bottles were still the norm at the kitchen sink. I was standing on a large chair to reach, and the one slipped and I dropped it. It broke leaving a huge pile of glass on the floor. I had been told several times to quit playing with the bottles but I didn't listen, so when it broke, I freaked out and jumped from the chair, my foot landed right on top of the broken bottle. I cut my foot pretty bad.
@angelagomes77 (198)
• Singapore
17 Feb 07
oh my...I hope she is feeling much better now. I remember when my girl cut her foot. She was at a friends pool in a condo. there were at least 5 other kids there. I was at the BBQ pit with some other parents and 1 kid came running back and said she had cut her foot pretty bad in the pool. (apparently this had happened 3 times before and the stupid management didn't think it was serious enough to get it fixed!) when i got there, her foot was bleeding all over...into the pool(horror of horrors). she too didnt need stiches but couldn't walk much for days.
@Bizziebod (3497)
17 Feb 07
Oh sorry to hear about your daughter - My daughter broke her leg when she was 2 1/2 she was just out of nappy's (diapers) at the time aswell! Because she was so small she couldn't have crutches so she had to be carried everywhere which was a real nightmare! I had to find things to entertain her too as she wasn't suppose to walk on it (although after about 3 weeks she managed to walk ok!) We used to do sticker books and painting and stuff like that - which must have stuck with her as she's now in art college! Hope she gets well soon!