Do you think our country is ready for someone like Obama?
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
United States
February 20, 2007 5:35pm CST
Don't getting all PC on me. He is the epitomy of everything we have never had in the White House so far. He's Muslim, a man of color and while we have had the youth there before it's not typical of what we Americans vote into office.
Do you think America is really going to bring someone so completely "outside the box" as a president?
Personally I don't think America will be that accepting of the differences. The color factor may not be a huge issue in many people's minds but I think the religion factor is huge for most, simply because he is non-Christian (although he likes to remind anyone and everyone that he was brought up in a Catholic school LOL).
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32 responses
@Smith2028 (797)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I agree that our country won't be as accepting as we should be. Lets look at the facts:
Mitt Romney, a white mormon who has been the leader of a northern state has had to answer questions on his being a mormon.
Hillary can't be spoken in the same sentance without "first woman president"
Obama is an African-American and everyone lets you know so.
The mere fact that these facts are brought up are evidence that the US is not ready. I personally have no problem with any of the 3 scenarios presented. As long as the candidates match my ideals, they get my vote.
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@clownfish (3269)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Hey, Hockeygal! I'll probably get flamed for this, but I fell off the Obama bandwagon. I loved the speech he gave when he announced his intention to run for president, but I am just too afraid of his muslam/islam background. I just don't know enough to be confident that the US is first on his agenda.
Personally, I'd vote for Hillary if ONLY to get Bill back! He's learned so many lessons from his presidency, I think he would influence Hillary to do a lot of good for us! :-)
@clownfish (3269)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Oh, you know who I wish would run for president? Arianna Huffington! I just adore her! :-)
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
21 Feb 07
LOL.. well I don't think you should get flamed at all. I think you're being very honest and I think most of the Americans would say the same thing if they would be honest.
I too don't think I'm ready for him in the Whitehouse. It's just a little too close to home of the enemy for me to be comfortable and the odd part is, I'm not sure why I even feel that way because I have Muslim friends that I love and trust with my life. I guess when it comes to my country and its safety I'm not so sure I'm ready for that kind of change.
Personally, I like Hillary. I think she's a WITCH with a capital "B" and speaks her peace. She tells it like it is and to be honest while I think it might be a little tough getting other countries to accept her as a head of country I can bet my last dollar she would show them who's boss! LOL I like that bad a$$ attitude. And hey, who hasn't had a tromp under the desk at the Whitehouse? I'm pretty sure there aren't many who can HONESTLY raise their hand! (I mean of presidents LOL)
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I would not vote for Obama or Hillary. I am pro-life and they are both pro-choice. Interesting that Obama was raised as a Catholic and is a Muslim now. Both the Catholic faith and the Muslim faith are against abortion. By the way, Obama's wife is trying to get him to quit smoking and asked if you see him smoking to give her a call.

@tecklebuggg (209)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Yes he attended college in the US... but what about his time in school in the middle east?
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@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Obama is NOT a Muslim!
He is a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.
My hesitancy with Obama for president is that he doesn't have a lot of experience. He's only two years into his first Senate term. He can say whatever he wants about what he believes or what he would do, but he doesn't have a very long track record to show what kinds of things he would support and vote for.
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@clownfish (3269)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Me again. Okay, I stand corrected. I just did some research and read that claims that Obama is muslim have been denied by Obama himself and that even though his father was a muslim, he was not close with Obama and didn't influence him in that way.
Okay, I suspend judgement until there is something more definitive. I apologize if I have mistakenly believed rumors. :-)
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@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Clownfish, I was just referring to the intro to this discussion, where it says Obama is a Muslim, which is not true. Unfortunately, many people on Mylot just read part of the discussion topic and they'll assume he's Muslim and not bother reading some of these responses that show he isn't.
I think the Obama-is-a-Muslim is something right-wingers have been saying to decrease interest in him.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Personally I can't see why religion has to be a factor. Isn't it seperation of Church and State? Then what does it a matter if he's christian, hindu, pagan, jewish or muslim? It shouldn't. What should matter is if he can do the job or not. I don't see why politics and religion have to mix so much in our country. It shouldn't. It should be about the qualifications of the candidate, their past experiences, what their platform is, and not what their skin color is.
Whoever gets in though it won't matter. You'll have at least half the population complaining about it. You'll hear how who ever got in can't do the job, how could anyone vote for them, no one did so it had to be rigged, etc. It's just how it goes with who ever is in the office.
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@clownfish (3269)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Hi! The way I see it, it's not about any of those things. It's that the US is in a war (even though it's been declared as over) with Iraq, most of which are muslim/islamic. Think of it this way, during the McCarthy Era, would the US have elected a communist as president? No, that wouldn't have been a wise thing to do. So, it should be understandable that there is a fear of electing someone who is a muslim/islamic into the White House at this critical time. Would it be seen as a wise thing to do? Probably not. :-)
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@clownfish (3269)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I think any intelligent body of people choosing someone to represent them must look at all the issues and possibilities. It's the only wise way to choose a leader. :-)
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@Zhughu (9)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Actually, hockeygal, I personally believe that America is ready for someone like Obama. Infact I think Obama is the perfect person to kinda calm this country right now in the full wake of Iraq. He's smart, charismatic, knows what he's talking about. Even more so, he's refreshingly optimistic for a politician. First, I don't think he's a Muslim, he's a Christian. He even used a Christian song for his Democratic campaign. The whole Muslim thing was something I think was overblown by the media because of his middle name and 'cause his dad was Muslim (yeah big deal, he hasn't seen his dad since he was 2). The truth is that since America is not yet fully color-blind, his biggest challenge is that he's a simply a black man.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
23 Feb 07
You know, the funny part is.. there is an author out there who is black who comments that Obama is NOT African American because his father comes directly from Africa! LOL So there's even issue with the blacks as to how "black" he is! Talk about ridiculous!
@lucie225 (157)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Exactly, America is not color blind and that is what he has against him. That is the sad truth. Let all the canidates talk behind a screen and scramble their voices then let people vote. I think alot of folks would be surprised who they would end up voting for by not knowing, just knowing thier stand on America and such. Color should not matter!!! In the long run though sadly, it always plays a part somewhere from people.
@clownfish (3269)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Another thought, I think the election might boil down to Gulianni and Clinton, if Gulianni announces his intentions to run. I think Gulianni has a great reputation from his days as Mayor of New York City and I think that would give him a great chance of winning as well.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
21 Feb 07
But you know what I think might kill his options? When he was Mayor he really put it to his wife by not only dumping her right after his bought with cancer and her standing by him so strongly but he ticked off a lot of women. I know it doesn't sound "fair" but there are some women that hold a grudge, mainly I would guess they'd be more like "women's libbers" but they would definitely swing the vote towards Hillary, along with a lot of other Dems that are ready to kick out the republicans from office. Between her Democratic background and her atttitude, while Gulianni is a "good ol' guy" type that might be a bit too much "good ol' boys" for a lot of women.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
23 Feb 07
If he is NOT Muslim why would he take his oath using the Koran? He has dismissed his "muslim" background simply in hopes of gaining votes from those that have issues with a Muslim in office at the whitehouse. He definitely IS Muslim and being raised in a Catholic school and attending a Christian church now that he's looking towards the presidency does not make him suddenly not Muslim. If he were Christian he wouldn't even consider taking the oath using the Koran instead of the bible.
@Salerno867 (133)
• United States
12 May 07
that was rep. keith ellison of minnesota who wouldn't take an oath on the bible.
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
22 Feb 07
Unfortunately for him, I think the fact that he is Muslim will prevent him from being President based on the feelings of many people in this country. I think people will be more reluctant to vote for him based on his religion. He is probably a very nice, intelligent and caring person but I think people will end up voting for someone else.
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@clownfish (3269)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Hi! Now, that's a thought, if Hillary ran for Pres and Obama was her VP. That could work! :-)
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@clownfish (3269)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I thought Obama was a democrat. Did I make a mistake?
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
21 Feb 07
LOL.. that would be a LOT of firsts all around... first woman, first black (or half black), first muslim and first time a democrat and republican ran together? LOL
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@janet069 (663)
• United States
22 Feb 07
Obama does not have the experience needed to be president. With that said, Bush has us in such a mess we need someone who can hit the ground running and know what they are doing. Obama needs a few more years before he gets enough experience to do that.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I agree that he is too inexperienced. My question was merely based on the fact that as much as we Americans love to say we are PC... our actions say otherwise, quite often! I don't think the American public is willing to welcome someone that truly is so much "outside the box" from what we've accepted in this position previously.
My topic said nothing of what I believed of him etc. but merely questioned if the American public itself was ready to accept such drastic changes.
I think the answers alone here prove my point. So many spent time arguing as to if he was or wasn't Muslim that few even mentioned if he knew what he was doing, etc. THAT will be the issue at hand when voting time comes and people will be unwilling to accept the questionable aspects of his religion. Right or wrong, I really think this is how the American people will handle it all.
@bkwiatv1 (605)
• United States
21 Feb 07
If you seen the press confrence thingys he had when he first announced his presidency. you know he is ready as a president. I like how he composed himself when the protesters came. and how his entire family was with him when he was talking.
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@4ftfingers (1310)
21 Feb 07
why does everybody think he's muslim, he's not and has never been! he was never really concerned with religion until his twenties when he started to get invloved in the united church of christ - !christ!
i think it's such a shame that you have people saying they don't trust him because of his muslim backrground, when he has nothing to do with islam
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Well first reason is that he said his oath to office on a Koran. A Christian would never do that. To a Christian the bible is .. well the bible! LOL
Plus his background does say that he was muslim. Of recent he decided to denounce his muslim heritage simply because it would be detrimental to his running for the presidency.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Well first reason is that he said his oath to office on a Koran. A Christian would never do that. To a Christian the bible is .. well the bible! LOL
Plus his background does say that he was muslim. Of recent he decided to denounce his muslim heritage simply because it would be detrimental to his running for the presidency.

@lucie225 (157)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I think that the US is ready for someone else! White, black, man, woman whatever. America needs help and a leader who is about us the people and not about everyone's problems in others countries and such. I understand defending our country and getting the bad guy, but why is it our place to help them with thier government when ours needs just as much help. Then on top of that, our soldiers getting killed over thier government, oh it just burns me up... Back to reality and the topic at hand, America needs a new light and I think that a whole new aspect on the future of this country may lay in the hands of the unthinkable as some may call it. I personally don't care and do think that we are ready for a change, a BIG change and if it means a black person, wonderful, a woman that's even better. And I do think that regardless of thier religion, just as long as they do the job, it should not matter. That is not our buisness. Some things just should not matter when it comes to certain things in life. race, sexuality, religion... How is him being a non-Christian gonna affect our government I mean really. He is not trying to be a preacher. Why should he be downed because of his color? We all bleed the same. Hmmmmmm, maybe I shouold keep these feelings to myself and not post them but I am because for people to see skin and religion as what is gonna make or break our government, then that is bad. What if you could not see the canidates just hear what they have to say? Then have to vote then what would you do? Think about it people!!! I don't want to offend or anything like that but come on... Clinton, "he did not inhale," so what? That is not our buisness, his personal life, yeah it was entertaining but really did it really affect the way he ran this country????

@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I personally don't think the American people are willing to truly be that "open" about things. As much as we love to say we're politically correct and such it's a proven fact that we are far from it when push comes to shove.
I do think religion is an issue with anyone in our political system, whether it's supposed to be or not.
And face it, some people WILL vote based on color. BOTH ways... there are some blacks that will vote for a black candidate simply based on his color as well as some whites that will NOT vote for a black candidate based on color.
As much as we'd love to believe none of it matters.. it does still matter to many. That's my point... will America truly accept the differences.
My personal opinion on Obama is that he's not nearly ready for such a position. Based on his background and nothing more.
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
22 Feb 07
Awesome post! I could care less what color he is or even what religion he is. G Dubya got in cause Christians voted him in cause of his Christian morals. Even after things went to heck in a hand basket they continued to support him due to his Christianity.
People will vote based on religion. I am not saying I would but people do and will.
Honestly, I want a woman. That would really shake things up!
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@NordCat (123)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Yes, I absolutely agree with your concern. I have democratic views, and I think Obama is awesome, and I liked his speech. But all my friends told me basically the same thing:
americans are too conservative for someone like that... And of coarse, republicans are the strongest party now. I dont think he has a chance (alas).
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@pagli84 (1850)
• Netherlands
21 Feb 07
personally, i would love to have someone like obama as president because i think its time for a change. we need someone who's not the stereotypical white, anglo-saxon, protestant male president. ive really become disgusted with our foreign policy over the past few years, and i think someone like obama could make a huge positive difference in the US and the world. unfortunately, i dont think the rest of the US is ready for such a change. they've been used to seeing this specific image of the president, and i dont think they want to change the status quo yet. i mean, kennedy was the first president that really stepped away from the specific mold because he was catholic as well as young and good-looking. i think the US isn't really ready for a woman either. its really unfortunate and disturbing. hopefully, the US will prove me wrong and elect obama or hilary or someone outside of the stereotypical mold, but i really don't have my hopes high.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
21 Feb 07
He's intelligent, he's articulate, he's charazmatic, but he;s inexperienced. I couldn't see electing a first year senator to the presidency. That wouldn't make sense at all. He would get eaten alive internationally as well as domestically. I personally just can't stand Hillary. I'm holding out for Guilliani.
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@ILANEDRI (1921)
• Israel
21 Feb 07
To tell you the truth, I don't know who he is, but you said that he is a Muslim.
I am sure that he won't be selected to the next USA president, because of his religion. USA has suffered from terrorists attacks, not to mantion 11/1. I am sure that just because of it, he won't get voted from people.
@AuthenticPeach (283)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I agree with you. America is very conservative and is religious to a fault. Maybe in a few years this country may be ready for a change but I don't see it happening soon. He would be a great President but some may not understand his religious beliefs. Hey if he makes it excellent if not Hillary is great too.
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@rarrimalion (674)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I don't know if he's "it" but I do think most Americans are ready for something different. The majority of the American public is sick of a radically conservative political regime and are just looking for a type of change.
There ARE a lot of closeminded people around, but they are definatly in the minority.
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@texaschristian (4)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I think there may be some confusion. According to this senate speech that Obama gave, he is a Christian.
He professed his Christian faith at the Trinity United Church of Christ on 95th Street in Chicago. I would cut & paste the relevant portion of the article but since I just registered it won't let me.