Christians getting bullied, killed, destroyed around the world
@Radicalpatriot (665)
United States
February 24, 2007 7:50pm CST
Interesting that most of the focus has been on Islam and how is is "persecuted" by the West and Israel. Well, the world media needs to look at the other end of this spectrum: Widespread killing of Christians. Thousands of Christians went down in the 9/11 attacks which are somehow being slowly forgotten as time rolls by. The "rebels" in Darfur, in Sudan, Africa, are simply Christians being killed by Arab Muslims that control the country. Not only are they being killed, the women are kept alive, raped and made to have children that are half-Muslim. Now that is no way to treat a Christian, now is it? Eritrea was a nation in African created so Christians could escape persecution and death from Muslims. The Ethiopian military recently had to intervene as Muslims in Somalia were systematically wiping out Christians. In Algeria, Christians have long been hunted, tortured and killed. Iraq's fundementalist Christians -- some of the oldest Christian congregations on earth -- have fled the out-of-control Sunnis and Shiites. Naturally, Christians aren't really embraced in Israel, though tolerated to some extent. Where do Christians go? America. We are the Christian nation. As the world seeks to destroy itself, America seeks to do the opposite. That is the direction to take mankind. One thing is certain: Christians have already won the battle. Other religions will simply suffer needlessly, since they have already lost. Their ideology is flawed, legacy tainted, children cursed. Christians alone will survive the slaughter, a slaughter that doesn't really have to happen.
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25 responses
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
25 Feb 07
Well... the terrorists do call it a war of religion... because that is what it is for them.
Christians and Islam are neck and neck with one billion followers each.
Lets not forget that the Catholics did their share of massacring in past history... all in the name of Jesus. They murdered millions of Jews, Protestants and Muslims... for the simple reason that those people refused to convert to Catholism. Just read about French and Europeen history. It is in the history books. Or you probably can find it in your encyclopedia. Just put the CD in your PC.
Like I said in another post... we are having a funny war where you are not allowed to say anything bad about Muslims. We are only allowed to talk about terrorists. But we cannot find those because they hide under the houses of good Muslims. And the good Muslims cannot report them without the bad Muslims killing them. It all works perfectly well for the Muslims. They are playing us like a violin.
There is a simple way not to have a war of religion. Simply don't have any religion. The simple fact that one side believe that their religion is better than the other one prove the fact that religion is a farce.
If God had wanted a religion... there would be only one religion. It would be called "God religion".
@Radicalpatriot (665)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Granted the Christians, especially Catholics, have had their day, but the Ottoman Turks certainly had the final word and stabilized the Middle East for centuries before World War I dislocated everything. The big difference in the 21st century is that the Muslims appear to be renewing their Ottoman commitment and we are woefully falling short of meeting that resurgence (hence, the term "insurgents" to characterize the current stalemate in Iraq). Like in World War II, when Germany and Japan were annihilated by overwhelming destruction, the same fate awaits the likes of Baghdad, Tehran, Damascus and Riyadh, not necessarily in that order. The Sunni tribe must be confronted and neutralized by force or we are all headed for doom. No two ways about it. Israel knocking out the Iranian nuclear plants, an inevitability, is the big first step.
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@springborn (295)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Actually, I've heard about the persecution of Christians since I was just becoming a teenager. I am very shocked to have recently heard about persecutions of Muslims. Of course, I haven't heard about any Christian persecutions on the news, as opposed to that of Muslims, but I still know that it happens. There's a book that I think you'll really like. It's called "Jesus Freaks" by DC Talk and Voice of the Martyrs. You should really check it out; it's got stories of persecuted Christians from the first martyr (Stephen; in Acts) up to the Columbine High School shootings. I think you'll really enjoy it, and it gives you a certain appreciation for the religious freedom you have as an American.
@Radicalpatriot (665)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I have heard of this book, and it reinforces the fact that persecution of Christians still occurs widely, and that it is not given a very high media profile. But, biblically, that's the way its supposed to go down. Buddhists have had a similar history, and their persecution, especially at the hands of the Chinese communists, is well-documented.
@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
25 Feb 07
there should be a book on the persecution that christians do.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Christians are bullied, but they are not they only ones. Personally, I do not like any religion, Christianity included. I am Agnostic and I do not like religion because is it full of hypocrisy. None of it lives up to any of it's own hype. Why should I follow a people or follow a religion that has people in it who do not practice what they preach? Why should I be in a religion when I do not believe in any of it? So far, the only theocracy that I like, that is not considered a religion, although to some it might be, is Darwinism, so far it is the only one that makes the most sense and explains everything in words that understand. I can also see Darwinism where-ever I go.

@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Okay, now you are bring economics and the 9/11 Attacks into it which have nothing to do with the topic at hand. You ask why are Christians being bullied, well look at their 2,000 year history, Christians have issues and so do the people who are a part of the religion. It is like Karl Marx says, "Religion is the opiate of the masses. It was create by the upper class to control the masses." If you want to be controlled, if you want to be a puppet, then go and join a religion.
@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
25 Feb 07
You hit the nail right on the head when you said christians don't practice what they preach.Christians preach you should love one another yet look at the hatefulness and bigotry in most of the responses to this discussion! Most of them certainly need to learn what it truly means to be a christian.not that any other religion is any better.all religions hurt people in the name of their religion or twist the beliefs around to suit their own needs.It's disgusting
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@wayken (36)
• United States
23 Apr 07
I have heard that nearly 3 billion people consider themselves Christian in this world, but I doubt most of that number really knows what Christianity means. Just because some has attended a church service once or twice, or believe God exists, it does not mean they are following any doctrine related to Jesus Christ. If someone says they're a turtle, it doesn't change what they really are. These "Christians" that spew hate toward others, attack people because they don't believe the same way, or wiping out cultures (or tried) through hate, involved in molesting or otherwise hurting others, can hardly be considered Christian, no matter what they say, or how many "robed" leaders they have for support. This is NOT the teaching of Christ. Anything that uses Christ, or Christianity, for such malicious purposes is just flat out deceitful and knows nothing of the Biblical God, only their own corrupt desires.
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
25 Feb 07
No it is no way to treat a Christian at all. Oh the Muslim world is trying to wipe out Christians but do you believe that they can win in the end I do not think so and all of these Christians know where they are going to go but do the Muslims the ones that are killing innocent Christians know they think they are going to a better place when they do this but I believe that anyone that is killing others will end up in hell!!
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@Dano11 (173)
• United States
25 Feb 07
BTW, we are not forcing our beliefs on you. You don't have to read this thread, no one is forcing you into anything. however, the Islamic extremists are forcing people to convert to Isalam or die. Chinese government is forcing people to either workship in a government sanctioned chirch which really adulterates the heart of the message of Christ, or else they will be imprissoned, beaten, and often times killed. It is going on world wide, and will become this way in America too.
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@Radicalpatriot (665)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Calm down, everyone! Nobody is forcing anything on anyone. These are simply opinions. There is one contiguous thread, though, and it is this: Islam is currently at war against Christians, and killing them more rapidly tghan Christians are killing Muslims. That is an abject fact. What we decide to do about this is the next logical step.
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
25 Feb 07
being judgemental and forcing your beliefs on others is not very christian.You're highly delusional if you think all christians are going to heaven,especially as hateful and bigoted as the christian population has become.You're lucky if 10% get through the pearly gates
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@Odin27 (63)
• Australia
25 Feb 07
The reason Islam is in the news so much is because it is a topic of world interest, especially with the invasion of iraq and troubles in africa. The media isn't the best source of neutral information. The media is also different in what it focuses on in different countries depending what they think is more in the public interest or a view they want to push.What is happening now with Muslims reminds me of Christianity in the middle ages, though pretty much every faith has had things to answer for through their history.
I'm not sure why you think america is the only refuge for Christians, all western countries have a dominant Christian population of various denominations.
How is the world seeking to destroy itself and how is america doing the opposite? Considering recent events in Iraq/Iran/North korea/China I could see an argument against it.
What battle has Christianity won?
I would be interested to know on what basis you see a religion as being "sound". Are you well versed in religious history and theology? What makes Christianity unique in this regard?
@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I loved your response! It's right on the mark!
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@JackBravo (970)
• United States
26 Feb 07
YOu know, i come from Egypt. And it's about 80% muslims and 20% coptic Christians there. Every year, a bunch of muslim fanatics go and kill some random Copts for no apparent reason. ANd the government defends them. THe last one i heard about is a few muslims took automatic weapons into a church around the time for sunday school and killed a few hundred children in a small village somewhere. It's just sick!
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@Bigdougieb (147)
25 Feb 07
Hmmm. Interesting. Often people forget about things like this are forgotten about when other things are brought to attention.
It is bad the racial and religious bullying that goes on between any religion.
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@fast4ward (228)
• Canada
25 Feb 07
religion is all about power. Get it out of your life and you will see things clearly.
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@empressofdrac (503)
• Philippines
25 Feb 07
i hereby say...kill all muslims...they are the cause of evil on this world...they are terrorists and they are very closeminded...they will kill innocent lives for the sake of their religion...I hate muslims...
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@Radicalpatriot (665)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Empress's point appears harsh, but it is developing into an us-vs.-them (Islamists) struggle. The U.S. has entered the Iraq civil war on the side of the Shiites against the Sunnis (which would make Iran, gulp, an ally of sorts). Though I cannot advocate hating Muslims, there is no denying they are coming after us.
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
25 Feb 07
so much for christian compassion. Stop being so judgemental.There are plenty of evil christians.What everhappened to thou shalt not kill!
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@countdown21 (111)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I understand your sentiment but;
Christian's expect persecution: Jesus said....
"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world John 16:33"
As Christians our mission is to "Know Christ and to get others to know Him".
Yes, we have already won the battle but we want as many in the opposition as possible to turn from thier wicked ways and be saved.
God loves them therefore; as much as we hate the sin, we must love the sinner.
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@cerium (689)
25 Feb 07
LOL.....What does Darfur has to do with Christians??? FYI, all residents of the Darfur region are Mulims. The war is between 2 Muslim groups, so Christians are totally out of this conflict. As for Somalia, what Christians you are talking about? The conflict was clearly between the Muslim government and the so called "Muslim courts" extremists. Again, Christianity was not an issue here. Your ignorance shows.
America seeks to do the opposite??? Now, what about the brave american soldiers that raped and killed a 6 year old Iraqi girl? I bet they were Christians. Oh wait...they weren't following the teachings of Jesus, so they are not Christians, right? WRONG. Based on your stupid logic, they are just as Christian as you.
Also, thank you for showing me that america's war on Iraq was motivated by religion. Hitler's massacres were also motivated by your peaceful religion. But you are too ignorant to know.
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@michelledarcy (5220)
25 Feb 07
I think we should ban religion around the world then all this unecessary killing would stop and people would have to look at each peroson on their own merit rather than judge them according to their own religion.
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@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I KNOW what you mean. I recently heard at church they said that Christians get killed more often then ANY OTHER RELIGION! But who would believe that right? Cause they DONT hear about it? You know why? The news isnt interested in stating facts about christians. And numbers are climbing. I dont have any like statistics for you but I heard over the most recent years it has been going up.
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I am a person who believes in God and the bible but I no longer refer myself as a christian.I'm really fed up with the state of christianity.I was always taught that being a christian involved compassion,understanding,humility,and acceptance,but all I've seen from christians is hate,spitefullness,and bigotry,and christian superiority.
What is happening to christians around the world has been brought upon by their own actions.You can not keep forcing people to live the lifestyle you want them to.forcing christian beliefs down there throat and think they are going to openly accept it.
I highly doubt that christians have the won the battle.From what I heard on the news,christianity is declining.Look what's going in this country.It's a cess pool!people get turned on by watching people get verbally/physically abused on tv,there is no such thing as faithfullness in a relationship anymore,there's a huge rise of babies being born who don'tknow who their fathers are,rape/child molestation is on the rise,etc.People don't need to be looking at America for christian guidance cause they're looking at the wrong place.Just going to church doesn'tmake a person a the lifestyle does and the people in this country are certainly not living the christian lifestyle.Maybe if Christians got off their superior,moral high horse,this so called persecution would lessen a bit.
@Radicalpatriot (665)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Well, then, buy an AK-47 (if you even know what that is), take the next plane to Pakistan and join Osama bin Laden and his pals. He would welcome you if not for the fact that you are apparently a woman. Women in Islam have no rights, or no souls if the Quran nas anything to say about it.

@psmanian (40)
• India
25 Feb 07
Basically all religions are preaching peace and tolerance. All religions are showing the way to heaven. Some extremist thinking that their religion is above all and doing harm to mankind. After all everybody is going to die one day. Understanding this and show mercy to fellow human being.
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@jhartana (1084)
• Australia
25 Feb 07
Christians never done anything wrong. I am not blaming on Muslim as well because I respect their religion as well. What I don't agree is that some extreme Muslim view Christians as their biggest threat. I heard they are killing, torturing Christians and they even burned the Churches. I am sad to see they are doing it without even realizing the value. We are all humans, does not matter what religion we are. I believe each religions have prohibit them for killing others. Anyway, Christian still won the battle despite being bullied and destroyed. May God show His mercy on everyone.
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@fast4ward (228)
• Canada
25 Feb 07
Every religion sucks and only idiots kill or convert people to religion. The Christian religion is not better than Muslim, some Christian priests rapes boys and girls in America too.
I am happy that I have taken the decision to take out every religion out of my life.
If there is a higher power, it is NOT like anything us humans can imagine.
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@boldriq (201)
• Slovenia
25 Feb 07
The bottom line is that the course of the religion depends on their belivers. The christianity is a relativelly peacefull religion, though its intoduction wasn't. The muslim religion by its means should be peacefull aswell, but because of its radical belivers, some of them anyway, the religion suffers prosecution and so many cassulties. And the weird thing is that there sholud be no connection between religion and the politics, yet there is. Everything that goes on in the muslim end of the world is because of the political reasons, backed up by the religion. I think that any kind of religion should exist because of the soothing effect it has on the people in need of an alternate consolidation, than talking to some human. No religion should be used to kill people and I don't think any religion says kill, kill, kill.
@shikamaru (126)
• Indonesia
25 Feb 07
I am moslems. I love in peace, but theres some timewhere you have to depend yourself, your beloved one and your country from people who try to take them from you.
I cant blame if ant christian killed in conflict area if they had involved in those conflicts. everyone can get killed in wars.
But let me told you something, in Islam, war is avoided if there is any chance to get peace. War is the last choice and only for depending yourself, your community and your country from those who attacked. War should been done as quickly as possible to avoid long suffer among innocent people.
In wars, moslem must:
1. not kill ladies, kids or elder people or refugee in church
2. not harm innocent people and wipe out only those who support wars
3. not make any destruction on enemys farmland (food source)
4. not kill animals or trees
5. not destroy any buildings
Thats war the principle moslem must obey. Islam has complete way of life. We arent people who give up if someone attack you unlike other religion whos not allowed to protect themselves. We depend our self if being attacked, but we arent depend with brulatily and "pre emtive attack'.
Please dont blame moslem if they depend their self. We are like a bee. If we stay on branch of tree we will not brake it but if someone attack us we have to fight to depend ourself, and chase the attacker wherever they go until they say sorry or something to make peace.
The world are much more beautiful if many religion could learn to accpet moslem ways as it is and stand together to ride out poverty and spread the wealthy live. Its better then looking for moslem as an potential enemy.
@Radicalpatriot (665)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Sir: With all due respect, Muhammed took a 9-year-old wife when he was still alive. Modern conservative Islam, especially Wahabbi, demonize all non-Muslims, including Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and others. Islam teaches that women have no souls. With these facts in mind, how is it possible to justify anything Muslims teach? Further, Christians are getting slaughtered by Muslims much more rapidly than Muslims are getting killed by Christians? Who can that be rationally explained?
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