Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse!

March 1, 2007 8:21am CST
My wonderful model son who has never been in trouble and always been sensible has got his girlfriend pregnant!! She is also 16.. they have been together for two years and I love her to bits but am so, so upset about all of this... I only found out two hours ago, my Mum has come to get my other kids and now I am just sitting crying in my room.. I can't believe it.. they are so young and it's all I can do not to bang their heads together and scream.. when they told me he burst into tears and she just smiled, she has known for three weeks and she called him at work today to tell him whereupon he collapsed in shock and has been sent home!! He has just started life and got himself a fantastic job; she is a clever girl and is going to University .. whats going to happen now?!! has anyone esle been through this as a parent? And by the way I don't blame either of them, they are both to blame equally. uuuuugh kids!! Desperate for some advice, please help!
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18 responses
@smacksman (6053)
1 Mar 07
Congratulations, granny!! Whooo they are so young but with the support of you and her family and a healthy and loved baby things can work out all right. My kids are in their 30's and no children in sight so I'm jealous of you!! I'd love to be a grandad!
2 people like this
1 Mar 07
Jealous of me? I am 36 years old!!! i have a two year old and 9 nine old and my son insists he doesn't want this child but he will stand by her because he wants any child of his to be with the mother and not have to live on welfare like we did... if anything, I am proud of the way he is handling this situation Thanks for the posts... it's really helping XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Mar 07
What a mature son you have! I can't think of a 16 year old I know who would make such a mature decision. My heart goes out to you and to your son. A similar situation happened in my family, and I think at some point (now, only hours after you found out is probably not the time for you!) you just thank God that everyone is healthy. I hope everything works out for you!
@crosa125 (1483)
1 Mar 07
what can you do really do love?nothing,they want the kid,and they are going to have it,however they don't even know what they want from their life and now they brought some one eles in this life,i do really hope and wish is not going to happend like the rest of them, few years down the road they go separate way then the poor kid is going to suffer,and why always the girl family know first god knows,did the plan it?....remind them what they wish for when that kids non stop cried and didn't let them sleep....don't worry they be alright,i don't really know would you be alright or not?....hey isn't cool you are going to be grany so soon?
@loved1 (5328)
• United States
1 Mar 07
That would be a really tough situation. My oldest is only 11 so I can't tell you I know how you feel, but I do send you hugs. Sometimes things like this seem major at the time and a year from now you will see that everything turned out alright. Can you find the time to make a list of things about this situation that you are thankful for? It will be a hard task because I am sure you don't feel like doing that, but do it anyway. Things could always be worse! At least they weren't killed in a car accident or your son has not been diagnosed with cancer. Many young people have babies and turn out to be fine parents. Your task now will be to help them prepare for this new arrival and to set your attitude so you can see this as a blessing. I know, easier said than done. =) I will be praying for you and your family. Keep your chin up, this too shall pass. Your myLot friends are here for you.
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
1 Mar 07
I havent been through anything like that because my kids are so young,but i do talk with them about life.I know you are hurt and i can imagine the pain you are feeling.Now that it has happened all you have to do is pray.You will have to be supported of them both.The young lady should continue with her education and your son should continue with his job.I hope this does not discourage them to proceed with their dreams in life but will teach them a valuable lesson.It is hard out here,I am single mother,how well i know.
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• Canada
1 Mar 07
Well,let me jump on the other side of the fence here.I was 15 years old when i found out i was pregnant with my daughter,she is now 6 turning 7.And now i also have a gorgeous little baby boy (9 months old). Back then i had to do alot of growing up,and my parents were astounded at first,you see my mom was 17 when she had my sister,so it was history repeating for her.But eventually they became very supportive as they saw how determined abd mature i'd become.Her father did'nt stick around but i edventually found an amazing man and we have been engaged for two years-he's the only daddy shes ever known and she loves him to pieces,you see,sometimes thing happen and we think it's going to be disaterous when actually everything turns out ok.All i can say is try to be supportive and help them out as much as you can.And when you see that tiny little baby,you will fall in love all over again.Congrats and all the best of luck to you and your family! Carin-
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@aretha (2538)
• United States
1 Mar 07
gonna be a grandma. i was 18 when i got pregnet and no one thought we could do it, other then my mom. no one was really happy about it but us and my mom. at first i did need some advice but we did good and those people that cut us down and said we couldn't do it seen real soon that we could. my mom helped alot just by being there for us and being happy and making it sound like a good thing and not a bad thing like every one else. so i think if they have someone behind them it will be ok. its gonna be hard at first but if they put their mind to it they will be just fine you just help them be happy about it. if everyone makes it out to be a mistake thats how their gonna look at that baby. good luck grandma
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
2 Mar 07
i understand totally how you feel... it will very painful and hurt to hear the news... but at the same time, nothing can be done anymore... you just have to accept the fact and support both of them... life has to go on and there is no use in keeping on blaming them... it will make matters even worst... they are being punished enough i think by having to bear a responsibility as a parent at such a young age... so let them learn the valuable lesson while you are at their side supporting them... keep on praying... take care and good luck...
@Melizzy (1381)
• United States
1 Mar 07
You have my sympathies. However, why is it always the 'model, sensible" children who get into "trouble?" There are options. Several of them. If your son fell out with shock, he doesn't sound ready to be a father. They are too young and while she's smiling now, she won't be when the kid has colic and is up all night and she has had no sleep and has to go to work/school the next day and she's only 17 and realizes that while others are picking out prom dresses, she's cleaning up baby spit. Be very frank with both of them. They are no adults. Not children.
@erikssion (109)
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
i know a case where the boy is just 15yrs old while the girl is 18yrs. old. On that of this, both have no work. What is surprising is that the parents of the boy had no choice but to support their son. To make the situation worst, before the boy impregnated the girl, the boy's sister was already 2 months pregnant. The same situation, the sister is only 16. Both still have no work. They even haven't even finish school yet. It might be very good to just lend them some support. I think you will be happy upon seeing your grandson or grand-daugther after a few months.
• Canada
2 Mar 07
Wow .... as a parent I haven't been through this because mine are so young, but you're obviously devastated. I have to applaud their maturity in coming to you right away and telling you about it. They could have hidden it from you until it became more obvious. I think the only thing you can do here is support whatever decision they make. It's going to be tough and I'm sure there'll be a lot of tears before this is over with. Support their decisions and be there when they want your advice. They'll thank you for it later. Here's hoping things get sorted soon.
• United States
2 Mar 07
Well, they aparently didn't use protection so the question needs to arrise. They may both be very smart, but this is what they get if they didn't use protection. The best thing for them right now is to have tons of support, because the more family and support, the more likely everything will be fine and healthy and result well, instead of a divorced/unmarried/broken up mess that too many situations turn into. The fact that they have been together for two years is a good sign. They can handle this. They arn't ready for it, but they can handle it. The thing is, learning to deal with something so unexpected and wrongly timed will make them both and those around them stronger people. Remember everything happens for a reason. There are many reasons. This baby will not only teach her and your son true responsibility and knowledge, but it will bring a happiness to their lives that they could never imagine. Yes, anybody in that situation would be upset. BUT- think of the positives. At least they've both been together for two years, you know her, he aparently loves her, they are both going somewhere, and they have you! And the rest of the family. So the only bad thing in this situation is timing, and reaction, really. As long as you focus on the positive, and think, "well, it happened and you can't take it back" you can get into grandmother-mode. Get ready, get it all out, have all those talks, reassure eachother, and then simply start getting excited for the beautiful baby on the way! Make the best of the situation. hope that helps.
• India
2 Mar 07
I don't know the rules and regulations followed at your end and about your culture... but one thing I must say that your son is not innocent. He is equally responsible for what happened between them... So he should take this responsibilty and marry this girl if he like her and as you said he is into a fantastic job then I guess there is no problem in marriage as well...
@kimmy716 (24)
• United States
2 Mar 07
First of all, you have obviously done a wonderful job of being a mother to your son. The fact that he would come to you and be open and honest with you about what is going on is something to be proud of. At least now you can maybe you can help guide them on what the right thing to do is. Have they decided what to do yet? You said she smiled, but I can't fathom that 16 year old would be excited about what I assume was an unplanned pregnancy. Maybe they could consider adoption? There are so many couples out there who are desperate for a baby. But I don't know... Each family is different, and each family has to make the decision for itself. I will keep you and your son in my prayers and hope that your family and the girl's family can come to a decision that is right for all of you!
• Canada
2 Mar 07
hmmm well i'd say just give them your support and i don't mean like money wise per say just try your best to remain positive about the whole situation!
@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
1 Mar 07
I say talk a lot to them both together about what they are about to face. You as a mother know what she is going to go through and how hard life will be for them. Support them and love them and the baby. A great support system will help them be better parents. My cousin was very young when she had her babies and her parents made her raise them but they gave her a great support system to help her through it and she has a great family, a great job, a great husband and they are all the better for it. Don't cut them off it would be the worst thing you could do to them. They have to be responsible for their actions but they will need lots of help to get started. One thing that needs to be talked about is the health issues that can come about for her as a young mother. Read about what she needs and make sure that her doctors and she both are up on the same information. The female body according to WHO is designed to have children between the ages of 19-40; any earlier or older there are health issues for both mother and child that need to be addressed and watched closely. DON'T let the doctors brush her off if she feels something is up with the pregnancy.
• United States
1 Mar 07
Let your children live their lives. This was their mistake, let them take responsibility for it. There was really nothing you could do to stop them. Kids are going to do the things they want regardless. Good Luck... that's about the best advice I can offer.
@kareng (69193)
• United States
1 Mar 07
It sounds like you are remaining pretty calm or at least to them. There is nothing you can do to change the situation, you just need to accept it and deal with it. We had this happen to a single mom here at work. She was embarrassed at first but they got through it. Now this baby is the joy of her life. Your son and his girlfriend will have a lot of growing up to do real fast. If everyone remains calm, civil and kind to one another things will be much smoother. Good luck!
@Y3110w (113)
• United States
1 Mar 07
Since I am Pro-choice my first response would me "abortion" but it doesn't seem as though that's the answer you're looking for. She doesn't seem to care...I don't understand why, she should care, getting pregnant is a HUGE step. No matter what she says she's not ready.