The "N" Word
By BourderHouse
@BourderHouse (749)
March 9, 2007 4:27pm CST
So the city of New York banned the use of the word N_gger.
I would like to get everyones thought on this.
Here is what I think:At first; "well thats good, that is a bad word. its very heavy, and its history is very ridden with oppression. I can see why they would ban that."and then "Its really only African Americans who use it... I mean, of course that doesn't run across the board, and there are every type of person who have, and could use it. but for the most part.. hip hop, and the culture that has created. So who is that ban targeting? And in a free country, shouldn't I be allowed to say whatever I want even if its offensive? What other words are they going to ban? Is this a step forward in enlightenment, or a step backwards in our freedom of speech."what do you guys think?
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32 responses
@michelledarcy (5220)
9 Mar 07
I don't think you can successfully ban the use of any words, since there is no way of policing it.
I don't think that it is the words that are used that are the problem but the context in which they are used.
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@Artsimba (1334)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I just don't understand why it would HAVE to be banned. Nobody should be saying it anyway. It promotes negative feelings and makes people feel unwelcome to the culture of those who say it. The word is used in condescending tones and doesn't help any cause no matter what it is. It is offensive to all of us. I agree with you that using this language is a step backwards when everyone should be encouraging freedom to speak our thoughts, not vulgar language.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
10 Mar 07
That word should be banned for life and should be considered offensive to all. The "N" word is a word that refers to slaves, it is never okay for anyone to say. No one, no matter their race, should use that word.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
10 Mar 07
This word is still very painful to all people who have been through racism. I have been the victim of racism and I was told that I would be killed or exiled for ever using the "N" word because I am white. If it is not okay for me to say, then no one should say it. This word refers to Black slaves. Black SLAVES! HELLO! This is still a problem and it is the 21st century. Racism is still alive and well. It will not go away anytime soon. Come on people. This word is a Pandora's Box. It will lead to Hell if it is used.
@ironstruck (2298)
• Canada
9 Mar 07
Well, once you take that first step and make that word illegal to use, it opens a whole can of worms.
There is a derogatory name for pretty well every race of people in the world. Why not ban them all?
I don't want to use them on this forum, but I'm sure you can use your imagination.
@Blu_Aardvark (2)
• United States
10 Mar 07
My thoughts? Why can't the n******s leave well enough alone? But seriously, I believe that banning the use of offensive words can lead one down a slippery slope, until one reaches the point that anything that might be offensive to anyone becomes taboo.
(Oh, yay, the word is banned on Mylot, too. Go figure)
@Cephoozee (373)
• United States
14 Mar 07
You know what words I want banned? how about honkey, or redneck, or whitey, whitebread, you know? What the hell is up with that. Watch even here on mylot, even if I wanted to use the word be@ner, or wetba@ck..but I can say whitey, honkey and whitebread all I want..oh yeah, that's because only white people can be racist, right? (sarcasm)
@monica1981 (466)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't freedom of speech one of the rights guarunteed to us? I don't see how a city can ban the use of a word, unless they have tapped every building in the city, and even then it would be hard. What about songs on the radio? Would those that use the word be banned from broadcast? I agree that it's a word in poor taste, but I believe everyone should be allowed to express themselves however they choose.
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Well, from what I've heard, this ban is more of a suggestion. It's not really going to be enforce - there's no punishment involved if you get caught (thank god). However, that doesn't excuse the fact the New York is pushing it's boundries and trying to infringe upon it's citizens first amendment rights (though some would argue that it's slander).
It's not truly slander or libel - simply because for it to be slander and libel, you'd have to be using it to purposly and falsly to defame someone's reputation. Normally, it's usage is neutral (it can and has been used in greetings, friendly sentiments, and whatever else). However, sometimes it's used as derogatory slang towards a black person - in a way, it's an expression of one person's thoughts about another.
With both usages, there is no intent to defame someone's reputation. Therefore, it isn't slander, and is constitutionally protected.
@DuoMaxwell (953)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Earlier this week there was a new episode of South Park where Stan says the N-word on live, national television during Wheel of Fortune. After that, Stan's dad is humiliated so much people call him N-Boy. It was hilarious! That's the only thing I have heard of.
@Cephoozee (373)
• United States
14 Mar 07
It's a step backward for sure. and just to clarify, I'm not racist, which I know I will soon be called for that I just said. Thanks Jesse Jackson, ya' reverse racist sumbich
@gianena (256)
• Philippines
10 Mar 07
I've been taught and I've learned that using the N word is rude. But the problem is we can never stop anybody in using that word cause each one of us has the freedom to say what we want. It depends on the person whether he'll use the word or not. In my case, I don't use that word to show respect.
@rebelyell (17)
• United States
10 Mar 07
i think the liberals will soooo LOVE this!!!! more control and taking away our rights. how sad is this?
@rebelyell (17)
• United States
10 Mar 07
does anyone see anything beyond the fact that its just about this one word? but that it is about taking away our rights as Americans??? this is not a joke to me. i want to live in a FREE country. if we take small things lightly, i'm afraid we wont be living in a free country much longer. does anyone have any feelings on this or is this just a non-issue to people?
@susieq223 (3742)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Personally, I don't like the "n" word but sometimes it fits. There are African Americans or Blacks and there are "n,s" There are Caucasians or Whites and there is white trash. There are Hispanics and there are "sp..cs". What I mean to say is, sometimes a person's behavior seems to merit a derogatory term. It isn't really my place, though to judge a person and assign an insulting title. (I confess, I do it, though, in my head if not outloud!)
It is scary when laws are passed outlawing certain words or language. I wonder if that law will hold up under the constitution. Who the heck is going to enforce it? If certain words are going to be banned I can think of a lot I would put ahead of n. M...F... would be one of them!
@emeka4life (24)
• Nigeria
10 Mar 07
the ban of the n word is good.
but as you said, the use is among african american, sometime they think it's cool or a sign of belonging forgeting that this word was used as an insult during the time of there forefathers.
but the funny thing is that if an african american calls another african american the N word they believe its cool,but, if a white man makes the mistake of calling a african american that wow it may create a nasty scene.
the word shoulod be baned to promote morality
@shopperval (15)
• Canada
13 Mar 07
Personally, I think it will be very hard to enforce such a ban. I think it is actually appalling to think that things have become so bad that places have to consider such a ban. I think that if everyone shows each other respect and as parents we teach our children to embrace our diverse culture and to treat each other as equals, it should eliminate part of the problem. If we teach our children at a young age that words like that will not be tolerated and teach them proper language then I feel that things in society would be much better off.
Well, you can get into a lot of trouble for telling an "offensive" joke, so why should offensive terms be any different?
@koikoikoi (1246)
• United States
10 Mar 07
This is why I hate New York. I mean that's taking away our freedom of speech. And IT IS only black people that use it. They use that word a lot in music. Hip hop, rap. If you ask me they didn't really think this through. It is as if they were targeting the music industry. It's all about LA.
@livingtwist (410)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I'm sorry I just don't get it. Banning any word will not change the way folks think. The "N" work or any othere word will not change anything, it just adds fuel to the fire about racial bigotry. And thats by both sides of this issue. Our basic differences in thought and deal with each other is what must change. Until each of us just learn to respect each other and show the human respect we all want nothing will change. If you want this issue to get resolved between differences its for sure we can not have the government do it. We each must do our part and use basic common sense and values.
@Gigglygrrl (362)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I personally could never nor have ever used the term. I don't approve of the use of any racial slurs. But I do not feel that banning words is the right step. I understand certain communities wanting to "take back and reappropriate" certain terms such as this word and in the feminist community "bi*ch." It is a free country but you can't yell fire in a crowded theater which would incite panic. This word and others may need to be seen along those lines. I don't know. Interesting topic. Thanks.
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
10 Mar 07
did anyone watch south park last night?i dont usualy cause i dont care for it but was curious afer hearting the news they actualy used the N word over 40 times on public tellevission (Why was thas not banned in new york?
@terallion (37)
• India
10 Mar 07
Often "freedom" is misconstrued as being free to do anything. We must remember, our freedom ends where other person's freedom begins. We cannot misuse our freedom to abuse somebody's freedom. Put yourselves in the other person's shoes and then you will realize how it feels. Then God or Nature created every human being as equal. It is only we, the humans, who made some people more equal.
@cttjj2312 (69)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I live in a rural town and really don't know how people in New York use or don't use that word. I personally never say that word. I think it should've been banned a long time ago. Not that it will keep ignorant people from saying it anyway.