What was your labor/birthing experience like?
By Ashley731
@Ashley731 (4)
United States
7 responses
@DeenaD (2684)
• United States
6 Apr 07
I gave birth four times. First time with Demerol, second and third times with NO pain medication, and fourth time with an epidural. I sincerely regret having that epidural the last time, because even though it took away all my pain, it also took away all sensation, and I could not feel to push. Therefore,t he pushing phase of delivery lasted longer. I realize that everyone is different, but my personal suggestion would be to try to go without medication if you think you are able.
@lafavorito (2959)
• Philippines
6 Apr 07
Chilbirth without any medication at all? Wow you must be very brave because the thought never crossw my mind when I was pregnant. My husband offered to enroll in Lamaze classes but I'm not really up for the pain, haha. Here's a summary of my childbirth experience.
10 am - Check up with our OB, she found out that I'm already 4cm dilated and advised for me to stay in the hospital.
2 pm - Went into pre-labor room where I was prepped for labor this is where they asked me if I'm going through the childbirth without medication my answer was 'No way' I want epidural.
2:30 pm - They rolled my bed into the labor room where the nurse strapped a blood pressure monitor on my arm, put an IV on my hand, got some blood for tests and injected medicine into me to make labor faster (I requested it)
6 pm - I can't tolerate the contractions anymore so they injected the epidural medicine into me, I was already 6cm dilated then.
8:10 pm - Everybody rushed me to the nearest delivery room because I was already 10cm dilated and they can see my baby's head peeking out. haha!
8:17 pm - Welcome to the world my baby!
I hope you enjoyed my story.
@sabsta2006 (241)
3 Apr 07
I planned to also have mine without any medication but it got to a point where I couldn't have done it with out it. I didn't have an epidural, wasn't really keen on the idea of having a big needle shoved in my back but I had "gas and air" which was plenty enough pain relief for me.
@lovemydsdominik (282)
• United States
5 Apr 07
I had my son 9 days early- when I got to the hospital at 12:30 am I was 4 cm dilated, I got some nubane and requested my epidural about an hour later, got it at about 2:30am and had my son at 3:33am, so I didn't have it very long before I had him and still felt an immense amount of pressure- I think I am going to get an epidural next time too- I am due in October. Good luck with your labor and delivery!
@kerrypooh (283)
3 Apr 07
mine wasn't that nice i had to be induced because i was 2 week overdue so it lasted all day by the time i had my daughter i was so tired but i would say i would do it again
@dramaqn (1990)
• United States
4 Apr 07
Oh you have started a discussion about one of my favorite things to talk about. I take it this is your first. When are you due? I'm due May 15, 2days after mother's day. This is my 7th pregnancy. Well let's see where do I begin. I had my first When I was 18. I went natural. It was a breeze, I thought. My best friend and mom were there. I went to the hospital and got admitted about 1030am Sat. and born 33 minutes after midnight sunday morning. The only crazy thing was her head got stuck so they had to use the forceps, but that was no big deal. My 2nd one was 2weeks over due so I got induced. I didn't care for that too much because the contrations don't come at a natural pace. It's almost like you don't have time to catch your breath. If I remember correctly I think I began to hyperventilate and they had to give me the oxygen mask, which made me feel worse, so they had me hold it a few inches away from my face (that was much better) agian went natural. NOPE, no epi's for me. In labor about 10 hrs, she sure was stubborn. Then when they handed her to me, she peed on me. Child 3, born on her due date. I started going into labor while watching the Bulls game (they were trying to win their 5th champ ring in 1997) I think around the 3rd quarter. However, I was determined to finish watching the game before I went to hospital, after all it was my third. Who knew they would go into double overtime? Anyway, they won, and I finally went to the hospital around 1am. She was born 230pm. It was a smoothe delivery and my husband was very supportive. We'll skip child 4, it was same as other girls. Child 5, my only boy, so excited. I got induced 1 day after due date, so he could be born on his father's bday. I was so tired and excited and was anxious to see my only boy, I said to heck with it i'll get epidural. Well you know what? I should've stuck with what I'd done before...NATURAL. Why,becuase for one, it didn't take, and two after the doc was done putting it in I was ready to push. 2pushes he was out. The epi never did take effect. I was up walking around. So word to the wise, just because you get an epi, doesn't mean it was meant for you to have it. Because it just might not take. I can't wait to see what fun and exciting adventure is up ahead of me this time. But I know that I am goin NATURAL.
Good Luck with your delivery. Take Lamaze, take your favorite cd to help you relax, and don't panic. It will be fine.
@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
2 Apr 07
I had bad back labor and was so happy when they gave me the epidural. Yes you can't walk around but the pain was so bad that I couldn't walk around anyway. My husband tried to rub my back but he just got on my nerves instead of helping lol. Back labor is hell. I did wait until I was 5 cm before getting it and getting to 10 went faster. Your more relaxed once you have it so you go faster even though alot of women who had it in the past were told it slows everything down. Dr's now say its better to get it so you can start contracting more. I plan to do the same for this baby. I'm 29 weeks.