Could Mylot Help Its Community?
By Darkwing
@Darkwing (21583)
April 4, 2007 8:29am CST
Hi... I've been a Mylot Member for five months now, and I've seen quite a lot of change since becoming a member of its community.
To my mind, now the community has grown quite dramtically, to almost 85,000, the quality of the site has suffered. I remember not so long ago, that a lot of quality discussions could be found and responded to in a reasonable way, but of late, I fear this quality has suffered a big blow. The quality discussions are largely being replaced with one-line questions, or jokes, which can't be discussed and there's a free-for-all going on to post the most discussions in any one day. To my mind, this is pointless, and we're all suffering decreases in earnings as a result. So, I'm thinking of suggesting the following to Mylot, and thought I would discuss it with members first, to see what the general consensus was. I don't want to tread on toes or cause bad feeling amongst you, but please consider this.
With so many discussions going in from individuals.. in some cases over 100 a day, it's impossible to respond to all posts, as they disappear off the board too quickly. Therefore, I wondered what you would think to there being a limit placed on discussions, and indeed responses if necessary, to regulate the earnings. Let's say you were allowed to post ten discussions per day... you would have time to respond to others, discussions would be of high quality, and everybody's discussion would likely receive at least one response. In fact, if each of your ten discussions received fifty responses, at 1 cent each, you would have earned a basic $5 per day. Then, if your responses were limited to 25-30 per day, each member would respond to three discussions, thus the poster of the discussion benefiting. In turn, because the Mylot revenue was not having to be stretched so far, earnings rates per response, would possibly increase, so all in all, everybody would be better off.
What I would like is for as many of you as possible to give me your views on this, positive or negative, before I take it to Mylot, because as I said, support would be needed and I don't wish to tread on any toes. I just hope Mylot see fit not to withdraw this, as it is, I feel to their benefit as much as to the benefit of the Mylot Community. I love this site and it saddens me to see the battling going on. The friendly atmosphere is being lost as is quality and it's becoming a tooth and nail fight to enter most discussions in a day. This site is about sharing and enjoyment. Let's try to keep it that way, huh? I don't mind whether your response is positive or negative, just so long as we can weigh things up amicably and find what is best for this community. Thank you all for lending me an ear and I apologise for such a lengthy discussion. Your time is valuable, I know.
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25 responses
@aissha (2036)
• India
4 Apr 07
i agree with u completely ,it surprises me how one cant hink of some hundred discussions ,becaus i suppoose is not just question and answer it has to lil lengthy right ,but people are real fast. i guesss it will settle down and at last people who really like mylot and love discussions will reamain here .
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
4 Apr 07
From what I see they seem to find sites Copy and Paste and use it whether anyone can respond or not does not seem to be a bother to them.
I am sorry to be harsh about it but I have come across a lot like that and you can tell they are copied and pasted
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@Darkwing (21583)
4 Apr 07
Yes, it does make you wonder how they can come up with so many discussions in a few hours, doesn't it, Aissha? I also agree that question/answer posts are not really relevant to this site. It's a discussion site and you can't discuss a simple, short question. All you can do is give it a simple, short answer, and quality is out the window!
Thank you very much for your contribution, and brightest blessings.
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@deeeky (3667)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
4 Apr 07
Mylot did say many months ago that they needed quaulty discussions and your discussion brings it to the fore that nothing is being done and most are saying that the quality has been lost amongst the one liners and jokes. There are lots of joke sites so why don't the joke people joke off to somewhere else. you deserve some quality responses to this discussion and hope that mylot take heed.
Have a wonderfull day from Deeeky.
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@Darkwing (21583)
4 Apr 07
Ha ha ha ha ha... what a great response my friend, coated with the humour I enjoyed when I first joined Mylot.
I agree wholeheartedoy with your sentiments, especially the jokers "joking off" to a joke site! lol. Thank you for your compliment regarding the quality responses. In fact, so far, all the responses to this have been of great quality and I thank you for yours too. Fingers crossed that we get somewhere with this because I too have noticed a lot of disgruntled members saying they're getting bored with the site. These are quality debaters and we need to draw back their interest in Mylot to keep them here.
Brightest Blessings my dear friend and a good day to you as well.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
5 Apr 07
that is a really good idea... this way, we try to maintain the reputation of this site and hopefully increase our earnings as well... i just hope that mylot can do something as well about preventing people here who plagarises other people's ideas... i love this site as well and i don't want people like them tarnish the reputation of this site... thanks for taking time and effort to think about maintaining the well-being of this site...
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@Darkwing (21583)
5 Apr 07
You're very welcome Lingli and thank you for your quality, positive response. I love the site as well. I have found some nice friends here and there have been some really good quality discussions, in fact, there still are, if you can find them amongst the not-so-good.
Yes, people shouldn't respond to discussions or downrate them just because they don't agree with them. If they want to give their opinion then fair enough, but I've seen some pretty vindictive stuff of late, and I'm not to enamoured with that. This has always been a friendly, enjoyable site, where I have spent many a good hour, but I've been becoming frustrated of late, and cut down my time in here a little.
I hope Mylot will understand our feelings and will be able to make some positive changes, and I'd like to thank you very much again for your valuable input. Brightest Blessings.
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
4 Apr 07
I love this idea as long as we would be able to recieve one cent for every person who resoponded with a quality comment as one liners should still not qualify for anything as they are looking for quality answers as well as posts .
I love this site and would hate for any reason for it to have to go down .
I do find it hard to find quality discussions to answer to and it is true that so many are being lost because so many are being posted at the same time and when you are looking for one you have to wade through all the one line discussions to be able to find one that is good .
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@Darkwing (21583)
4 Apr 07
Thank you too Sam, for a quality, positive response. I think it stands to reason that if the greater proportion of members stayed with Mylot, the rewards would stay at 1 cent, at least, per response. In fact, with everybody having the chance of more responses to their discussions, it could even increase. However, that's not really my main concern; this is to end the back-biting and the battle to earn the most money. I'd like to see the site go back to the friendly, enjoyable community, who come here for just that reason, rather than to earn a quick buck.
Thank you again, and brightest blessings.
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@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
4 Apr 07
I have been a member for almost 2 months, I believe and I agree with you. Even a month ago, I found so many more "quality" discussions. I hate the jokes! I mean, I will read them once in a while and laugh, but there are several people who ONLY post jokes! Llike you said, there is no opportunity for discussion! I am not talking about a money making opportunity, but again, there is no way to discuss this. I love Mylot and not just to make money. I came here for the money, but stay because I love the different opinions I get...the different news stories I hear about...etc. But, more and more I can't find these great discussions because for every 1 quality discussion, there are 100 non-sense discussions that I have to wade thru.
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@Darkwing (21583)
4 Apr 07
Yes, firstly Chaygyl, let me thank you for a quality, positive response. You've hit the nail right on the head and I agree with everything you say, but sadly there are those that won't agree, because when it comes down to facts, some are only here to earn money. If these were controlled to an equal opportunity, they would either leave the site to seek more money elsewhere, or they would calm down and compete for ratings status, which can only be good for Mylot.
Once again, thank you very much and brightest blessings.
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@beaniefanatic13 (5076)
• Grand Junction, Colorado
4 Apr 07
While I do agree with what your trying to accomplish and that being the quality of the sight. I also do agree with lordwarwizard that it could have some damaging affects.
I think that a limit though for the nonsense posts and responses is needed. Since many of these are deleted anyway.
So my thought on this would be along the lines of your star reputation. You could lump them up into groups and the members with the higher stars of course can start as many discussions as they want and respond to as many discussions, since they show by their reputation. Ones with lower stars would have to earn the ability to be able to post more.
I do know that their are some isolated incidents that members have lower stars than they should because of voicing their opinions and this may not be acceptable either. However in seeing some of the very low star ratings and the numerous 1 liner responses they post one right after the other many of them with absolutely no responses and the chances of getting a response to most is highly unlikely. Many of them just violate the guidelines. That includes the jokes. According to an email that I received from mylot jokes are "meaningless discussions" they will be deleted.
I think that with less than 100 responses those members shouldn't be allowed more than 5 discussions being started. Since most of these are ridiculous anyways. I don't care that you have something you want to sell this isn't craigslist.
People don't get the copy/paste feature till they have 500 responses under their belt. NO reason why other limits couldn't be put in place. Some sort of levels that you have to get to based on reputation and responses even.
I don't post many discussions so limits for me mean nothing. Whether it be that I can start unlimited as I can now or whether I can only start 2 makes no difference. I have only one started 4 discussions in a day. They were all started at different times and not one right after the other. I say this for any others that think that because of my star I want special privileges. That isn't the case.
I'm open to limits of course within reason. I do have a few friends that start a number of discussions in a da that are quality. Unfortunately I have far more on my firneds list that start nonsense or 1 liners. I avoid them, as I don't want to waste my time giving a quality response to a post that could be deleted. I'm not here to waste my time. I want to learn and enjoy myself here. Not be disappointed by my well thought out responses being deleted.
As always this is just my 2 cents. You don't have to agree with me, but am entitled to my opinion. :) Sorry I do tend to ramble. :)
@Darkwing (21583)
5 Apr 07
Thank you so very much for such a detailed and valued response, Beanie. I too agree with some parts of your and not so much with others, and yes, everybody is quite entitled to their opinion. That is what a discussion is all about, in my book.
The point I don't particularly agree on is the star rating, as at least one friend of mine, went up from nine to ten one day, which meant his discussions were quality, and within twenty-four hours, he was back down to a five. How do you fathom that one... surely something is amiss with that? So, in the light of that, and probably several others who have suffered the same disappointment, I think to use the star rating would be a little unjust. But, as you say, that is your opinion, as this is mine. I'm open to criticism... I know I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, nor indeed, the "one voice", so feel free to knock me back! lol.
Once again, thank you so very much for taking the time to respond in such detail. I'm very grateful to you. Brightest Blessings.
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@beaniefanatic13 (5076)
• Grand Junction, Colorado
5 Apr 07
Thank you Darkwing, I agree that the stars sometime fluctuate quite drastically. I think that this is in part due to members misusing the ratings buttons. I have said in some other posts that when using the negative buttons a report box should be put into place the same as the abuse one that people would have to give a reason for marking a negative. This would cut down on people just marking a negative when they don't agree or for whatever the reason. An explanation should be needed the same way that the abuse button is used.
Just a thought but maybe that could be implemented also. I don't agree that people should mark a negative just because someone doesn't agree with them. Nor do I think that it should be marked negatively just because someone comes across rudely, I say this because when we can only read words sometimes the tone comes across a little harsher than it was intended. Some members are quick to jump to conclusions that the other was purposefully trying to be mean, I think in most cases it's just the wording of the sentence.
When ever my opinion maybe way off from others I try to always put in that it's my opinion or my 2 cents worth. That way if it was coming across stronger than I intended it explains my point a little better, not that I'm right just that it's what I think.
I agree that I'm open to bouncing ideas around. Some of the posts that I read are just so ridiculous and require no thought or no discussion. They can simply be answered with one or 2 words. Also the posts that aren't even clear as to what the poster even wants to know are another of my pet peeves.
What do you think on there having to be an explanation for a negative rating?
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
4 Apr 07
Darkwing I agree with you there I joined up in October and I have seen a great change here to and like you I am finding it hard now to find the decent Discussions
I also find there are a lot of Discussions that I can not answer to because they are copied and pasted about how to do this and how to avoid that
Yes sometimes it is a good thing as there are some Ideas but the Problem is that it does not require a response so I just skip it
@Darkwing (21583)
4 Apr 07
Yes, similar to what I do, but I feel that if it were regulated, it would encourage more time to be taken and better discussions. I don't think, as Wizard does, that people would leave because of it because I think it would create a much better atmosphere and perhaps more time to do things elsewhere.
Thank you for your input Gabs... good points. Brightest Blessings.
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@feralwoman (2199)
• Australia
4 Apr 07
Hi Darkwing - I've been here for 5 months too, when I joined the community was only 40,000 or so! I completely agree with you that the number of discussions posted in a day by one person should be limited. I just can't keep up with all my friends discussions let alone making quality responses to those and others. That would seem an excellent idea for me. They already have a limit on uploading photos - so why not implement one for other things too. Go for it - you have my full support! lol
@Darkwing (21583)
5 Apr 07
Another thing I didn't take into consideration, which goes to make other people's reactions to these discussions so worthwhile, was the photos. The limitation on those had slipped my mind.
Thank you very much for your well-considered and valuable response Feralwoman. Brightest Blessings.
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
4 Apr 07
Congratulations Darkwing.
I think a number of us have been very disillusioned with myLot in recent weeks: not with myLot itself, but with the enormous amount of "empty" discussions - if they can be called discussions.
Every day I seem to plow through pages and pages of discussions and can find nothing of substance. I'm sure there are good discussions there somewhere, but how are we expected to find them? The only way I've found some is by working from someone's profile, but I have to find a link to start with if they are not on my friends list.
I think your idea is great. The only suggestion I would have is to put the limit on PAID discussions and responses, and still allow for extra non-paid responses. This would allow for "friendship" comments like some of us like to indulge in. If only the first set number of responses received earnings, but we could still respond after that, we could still enjoy happy times with our friends.
I have often wondered if an extra line could be added to the "discussions" in the left panel. Something like "serious discussions" or "for serious debaters" or whatever. This would have to be managed by myLot and not counted as a category by the posters, because I have seen empty discussions in categories which should have meaty discussions in. So often people post their discussions in wrong categories.
Great ideas Darkwing. I certainly hope something can be done to preserve the quality and allow us to return to the types of friendly, courteous REAL discussions we had several weeks ago.
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
4 Apr 07
PS Maybe along with this, we could recommend deleting the "-" rating. I think the "+" and the "!" are quite sufficient and the "-" is open to abuse, sometimes intentional and sometimes out of ignorance.
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@KetanGulati (579)
• India
4 Apr 07
Hey Darkwing.... I would strongly agree to you...,mah fifth month on mylot is going on.... but I am still at less than 500..... you know why... I believe in quality, not quantity... and this is what I joined Mylot for...earlier I used to open any discussion and respond , coz actually all of them were quality and deserved attention--so i did,,,,now half of my allotd time for mylot goes for selecting the topic.....and i said the same thing to mylot too....that they should rather be seeing the work people are doing here on the site for lets say a month,,, and if that particular person is acutally workin with maintaining qualtiy, should only be sustained on the site for a longer time in future...I believe a joke once or twice is a good relaxation....but what is this....10 discussions on a page......2 to 3 jokes huh???? Is this what we call a commmunity sit?
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@Darkwing (21583)
4 Apr 07
Excellent points, Ketan. I couldn't have put it better myself. It's not only jokes, but people just asking have you seen this film, have you seen that film, etc. I don't go to the cinema and I doubt if I'm alone.
Thank you for your great and positive input my friend and brightest blessings.
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@sensesfail (2251)
• India
5 Apr 07
I agree to whatever you said about the quality thing cuz i started laughing when i saw some jokes making it to the top discussions.So you're totally right about that.But posing constraints on the number of posts thats i don't agree.
If responding to all the available discussions is what that concerns that not a problem at all.People will definitely get responses to their threads from their friends.
Also i kinda feel that the quality is kinda improving after the new mylot upgrade.So i suggest you give some time and if things don't improve you could think about taking it the admin.
@Darkwing (21583)
5 Apr 07
Hi Senses... thank you for your response. I don't know how many responses you've read but there was a suggestion way back that an hourly limit might control the number of discussions, which I thought was one very good suggestion. After all, this is a place where you are supposed to respond to others as well as post your own topics, just as you expect them to respond to yours. Posting 100 short and pointless discussions in the hope of making a quick buck from responses is not really the way the site should operate. The idea is more that each helps the other and the greed and lack of consideration in these actions is not really on, so ok, then, let's say we're only permitted to make one discussion per every five or ten responses we make, i.e. EARN the discussions and earn our money. That way, we help others whilst helping ourselves. Coming onto the site and posting quick discussions in the hope that responses will make you money is a lazy attitude to my mind. There's not enough give and take with some people. I don't mind... I'll trudge along responding to others BUT there's not too many quality discussions I can respond to and this is more my point!
Your suggestions are good and have been noted, and I thank you for these. Brightest Blessings.
@Bizziebod (3497)
5 Apr 07
Hi Darkwing, I for one wouldn't mind at all if discussions were limited per day. I do think this would stop alot of the spamming that goes on and therefore the quality of discussions would go up! At the moment I am really struggling to find decent discussions to participate in, tending to go back to my friends discussions each time as all of my friends have been hand picked for their quality discussions, however, I do feel this is a little unfair to other mylot users who are genuinely leaving good discussions, but I can't find them due to the amount of rubbish on here! If like one of your previous responders have stated that people will leave in droves, then surely that is a good thing? Mylot gets rid of alot of spam and rubbish therefore leaves us all with the usual discussions 'where has my money gone?' If Mylot were to limit posting discussions, then surely people would benefit as they would have more time to respond to others posts and reply to their own responders! (Hope all this makes sense lol!) P.S. Have sent you another PM, Hope you got it this time!
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@Darkwing (21583)
5 Apr 07
Yes, it does make sense, and I did get your second PM thank you, Bizzie.
I see this in the same way as you. It can only benefit us to work this way but I agree with the previous response which suggests an hourly limitation. That would allow the ones who have a lot of spare time on their hands, to stay around a little longer. Also, I would agree that if people who don't post quality discussions walk away, then it wouldn't really be a loss because I'm sure more would join, or the ones disgruntled with the quality of conversations and the minus ratings, who walked out previously, might come back and honour us with the quality discussions they're depriving us of. I really can't see that the site would cease to prosper because they limited the discussions. But then, each has their own opinion on this and I'm pretty open-minded to that. After all, that's what discussions are about, and what we need in here.
Thank you so very much for a quality response Bizzie. I really value your input here. Brightest Blessings, my friend.
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@nancyrowina (3850)
4 Apr 07
I think there should be limit to how many discussions you post in a day, or at least in the same hour, if you could only start 1 discussion an hour people would have to think more before posting new discussions.
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@Darkwing (21583)
4 Apr 07
Wow, yes, I didn't think of an hourly one. To my mind, that's a great idea because those willing to work harder and longer would have the opportunity to earn more for themselves... good thinking!
Thank you for a very well-thought-out response and brightest blessings.
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@complexvanilla (653)
• India
5 Apr 07
While I agree that there should be a ceiling on the number of topics that you can post in one day, I believe that there should not be any restriction on the number of replies that you can post. After all, it is replies that make a discussion active, and they should not be curtailed at any cost. Your points about the glut of random and meaningless posts are very valid. I have come across discussions like 'Why do you like the color green?' and things like that. A great many people also seem to be on a replying spree as hitting 500 replies means they can copy and paste entire articles from else where!! I see that a great many members who have over a five hundred posts do this routinely, especially when it comes to jokes.
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@Darkwing (21583)
5 Apr 07
Yes, thank you, Vanilla... perhaps the responses shouldn't be limited as a means of giving people the opportunity to support as many of their friends and other Mylotters as they wish. That's a good point.
The rest of what you've said is so very true, and the issue of the minus rating has come up in discussions elsewhere also. As for the cut and pasting, I have mixed feelings. One member had a really emotional response cut and pasted by one member, which caused great upset in his family. Agreed, Mylot acted very quickly on this, but what if the member hadn't noticed it for some while? The effect on him would have been devastating. Cut and pasting in moderation is ok, I feel, but those who do it regularly, should be paid less, to my mind, especially if they add none of their own content to the response or discussion.
Thank you very much for your input. You've made some valuable comments which I appreciate, Vanilla and you, like all the other quality responses will receive a + rating for your time and effort. Brightest Blessings.
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@lossforredwords (3620)
• Philippines
5 Apr 07
I appreciat your concern about the quality of this community but I think having that kind of limit with every member will limit too our creativeness in this community. Plus the fact that this is a money making site many members here will do much to reach a certain earning. Giving limit will kill the conversation and I think its not a healthy sign. On the contrary, I dont know if it jsut me but I think our earnings now are more good I think mylot increase our payment. Regarding the discussion, I think if you jsut dig more you can really find good quality post.
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@Darkwing (21583)
5 Apr 07
Hi Loss and thank you very much for your respons. There was a suggestion way back that an hourly limit might control the number of discussions, which I thought was one very good suggestion. After all, this is a place where you are supposed to respond to others as well as post your own topics, just as you expect them to respond to yours. Posting 100 short and pointless discussions in the hope of making a quick buck from responses is not really the way the site should operate. The idea is more that each helps the other and the greed and lack of consideration in these actions is not really on, so ok, then, let's say we're only permitted to make one discussion per every five or ten responses we make, i.e. EARN the discussions and earn our money. That way, we help others whilst helping ourselves. Coming onto the site and posting quick discussions in the hope that responses will make you money is a lazy attitude to my mind. There's not enough give and take with some people. I don't mind... I'll trudge along responding to others BUT there's not too many quality discussions I can respond to and this is more my point!
Thank you again for a very thoughtful, quality response and brightest blessings to you.
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
5 Apr 07
well thats a nice one but other sites have been doing that also limiting discussion to a certain number of post and responses but what happen to them now?? theyre gone! not able to sustained thats why theyre limiting discussions...i have been one of the member of those sites and until now not a cent been been coz they were suspended for not paying their dues to the server itself or whatever...mylot is fast growing forum and nobody can denied that..its the decrease in earning thats been the issue here i guess but what can i say i think the admin of this sites is just doing their job to strained quality discussions and posting plus the help of the members in reporting those scammers and cheaters..we are growing and yet stable lets put it that way always by reporting those cheaters and spammers..not on limiting on how many posts or whatever..
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@Darkwing (21583)
5 Apr 07
Thank you very much Vanities for those valid comments. I can see where you're coming from with the other sites being closed down but I feel Mylot is a much stronger community and that something needs to be changed to stop as you say, the cheats and spammers, but at this moment in time, whatever the method, it doesn't seem to be working. I have become tired of coming in here looking for a decent discussion and not finding one until I've surfed through four pages of new discussions. There are whole pages of one liners, jokes, and repetitive discussions. The quality of the site is going downhill and I don't really feel that limitations will have too much more effect on that issue.
However, you have given your opinion and I greatly appreciate the time and thought you have put into that. Thank you very much Vanities. I haven't seen a response I can't give a + rating to yet, you included. Thank you again and brightest blessings.
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@hassanchop (820)
• United States
5 Apr 07
Oh, come on. This site has been getting spam discussions all over the place ever since it began. Why does everybody feel some kind of irrational emotional attachment to "the good ole days"? Mylot has their own methods of finding the spam posts and discounting pay from them, and from finding spammers and banning them, so I'm pretty sure you don't need to worry about them, and how they do business.
@Darkwing (21583)
5 Apr 07
Hi Hassanchop. I have the feeling that you didn't read the discussion through. My initial point was nothing to do with spam... it was about quality discussions, or the lack of. It was about the one liner, five worded posts that people put up, time after time after time, like, "What colour are your eyes?" How can you make a discussion of that??? That's an unintelligent question, and you know it, because I've seen quite a few of your discussions and they are, I have to admit, good quality. Spamming annoys a lot of people, and I can't blame them for that, because other sites don't allow it, and it does make for a frustrating time of sifting through piles of discussions to find a decent one, what with one think and another. This is a discussion forum, in effect, so how do you discuss a joke, for instance... are you going to translate it, word for word? I think not.. you read and leave. There are a number of factors here, and the spamming is only bad in the opinions of some.
However, thank you for your input. I'll rate you also with a +, simply for your time and opinion, and hope you enjoy a long and happy life in Mylot. Brightest Blessings. :-)
@coolimrose (621)
• New Zealand
5 Apr 07
Hmm your writing does make sense to me so all i can say shoot a letter soon to mylot and help everyone.Yes the discussions some are a but lousy but its ok here are few brainies and more time passers.All The Best.
@Darkwing (21583)
5 Apr 07
Thank you very much for your response Coolimrose. I agree, Mylot is an OK site, but having to sift through all the mundane discussions to find a quality one that you can respond to is getting a little wearing.
Thank you again for your input. Brightest Blessings.
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@Darkwing (21583)
5 Apr 07
Yes, I agree with you Pengqing. There are some good ideas being put into these responses, and hopefully, one will be found which will help to restore the quality of discussions being posted and thus create a better place for us to come and air our views. Things seem to be slacking of late and my ideas are but few, but if everybody pitches in, there must be a solution somewhere.
Thank you very much for your input and brightest blessings.
@kayrod2 (1304)
• Australia
5 Apr 07
hi. i am new to mylot, only joined a few days ago. but i am really enjoying it. i agree with you on this subject. in the few days i have been on, i have noticed some real waste of time discussions or one liners and jokes. i dont really understand why these people bother. i enjoy the quality discussions, like this one, and they are the ones i reply to. i havent started any up yet, but i am sure i will. i am still learning about the site. i hope you put this point forward to mylot team.
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@Darkwing (21583)
5 Apr 07
Hi Kayrod, and welcome to Mylot. I'm very pleased to hear that so far, you're enjoying the site and finding some good quality discussions to answer.
Thank you for your comments... it just goes to show that when a new person joins the community, they do notice the quality and get the feel of the site very quickly. I think you'll go far and look forward to responding to some of your discussions. I will forward a request to join your friends list if you wouldn't mind to much, and support you as much as I can. I'm sure you'll find mylot, on the whole, a very happy and friendly community. We've just had a few issues of late with the number of poor discussions we have to sift through to find a quality, indeed debatable one.
Thank you very much for your excellent response. Good luck and brightest blessings.