@ruperto (1552)
Philippines • Age 63
Joined myLot 16 years ago
Attitude Makes the Difference; Life-long Learning Revalidates Attitude

ruperto's Likes

ruperto liked this  26 Oct 12
Teacher...My Spiritual Gift?
ruperto liked this  12 Oct 12
The Root Create the Fruits
ruperto liked this  5 Oct 12
I Want To Quit Smoking
ruperto liked this  24 Aug 12
i want something to pass time
ruperto liked this  26 May 12
i feel that i dont feel anything
ruperto liked this  4 May 12
Java Programming (object-oriented)
ruperto liked this  4 May 12
How do we find God ?
ruperto liked this  4 May 12
How do we find God ?
ruperto liked this  3 May 12
we are born to be rich...
ruperto liked this  1 May 12
We will never get a new kitchen!
ruperto liked this  30 Apr 12
the gift of LIFE (a thought to share)
ruperto liked this  30 Apr 12
ruperto liked this  6 Apr 12
Christians will be persecuted.
ruperto liked this  6 Apr 12
How can I get a BMW ?
ruperto liked this  5 Apr 12
Java Programming (object-oriented)