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@zahoor007 (273)
India • Age 45
Joined myLot 17 years ago
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zahoor007's Discussions
Earn money it is so easy
19 Jun 07
Hi friends i have found a new place to earn money with no minimum payout try it best of luck. http://www.soredtherose.net/pages/index.php?refid=y2k
earn money so easy
1 response
Every body gets brain washed
8 May 07
Do you know that every body gets brain washed in his childhood, If he is from a hindu family they tell him to worship idols, and if he is from a christen family they usually tell him to worship Jesus and maryem, and if he is from...
come out of it
1 response
Do you think Egg veg or non veg
2 May 07
some people say that egg is veg while others say that no egg is non veg, what do you think about it, even i have heard from some people that fertilized egg is non veg, while the unfertilized one is veg, do you agree with it or do...
egg veg or non veg
3 responses
Watching TV during Exams
1 May 07
Do you think we must watch TV during our exams, in my opinion i think we must watch TV, as during exams, we have to study so many things, we have to cover a big syllabus, so that means loads of stress on us, i think we must study...
watching relaxing and studding
Every body has to die
1 May 07
who so ever is present on this earth will die, no body knows, when and were a person will die may be after one min or hour or after few months or few years,some people just spend there life wasting all the time, what do you feel...
death is near start preparing
2 responses
1 person
How to keep over body fit
1 May 07
I think overeating leads to fatness, and a person becomes lethargic, means he becomes very lazy, i think eating again and again, in small quantity leads to fatness, we must no eat repeatedly in small amount, we must eat at...
eat good feel fit
2 responses
Do you like any other game than Road rash
1 May 07
Road rash is a good game but, still there are so many other games which are also interesting to play, with latest graphics, and new characters, except road which game do you like to play in your spare time, how many times in a...
road rash and other games
2 responses
Reason for fittness
30 Apr 07
i think having good thoughts in your mind, and also dtermination, interest are responsible for the your frehness, what in your view is reswponsible for keeping a person fresh all the time, do you think the same way, or do you...
there must be some reason
2 responses
stem cell research
30 Apr 07
how far to you think that stem cell research will help human beings in curing a disease have you any idea about stem cells, this stem cell research i think is the most important work going on in various labs, Imagine a single...
stem cell
stem cell is really working
stem cell research
2 responses
How long will you wish to live
30 Apr 07
If God will ask you how long will you wish to live on this earth what will be your answer, will you like to live for ever or will you wish for the normal age, what will be the best reply in your opionion, If it would have been...
too long life span too many sins
4 responses
1 person
nature of singers
27 Apr 07
have you ever observed the actions of various singers, do you think they behave in a different manner as compare to normal people, what will be the reason for there different temperament is it the profession that matter or do you...
shakira may have this
2 responses
comparing religions
27 Apr 07
comparing Religions what do you think about it, do you think that it is ok to compare religions in your view, or do you think that we must not compare religion. would you like to share some thing with me
comparing various religions wright or wrong
4 responses
1 person
Learnig Cooking
27 Apr 07
Do you like cooking, how did you learned cooking, who was your first guide, do you think cooking is easy or difficult who was your first guide in cooking, do you think recipies given on TV and other sources work or do you think...
learning cooking need or not a guide
2 responses
do you know how to make money
27 Apr 07
hello friends do you know how to make money online do you know anything about it, and also if you will send me some information regarding it dont forget to send me the links thanks latter on if i will get benifited , i will also...
money on line respond
1 response
do you agree with poets
27 Apr 07
some times while explaining life, poets, break all the limits, and say some thing which is never possible some times it is easy to say anything, but same thing becomes diffcult while trying to explain it to other people
poets blunder and still conti
4 responses
1 person
what will you do in such a situation
27 Apr 07
some times in your life you think that you are right but all other people staying with you or intouch with you say you are wrong, but you are sure that you are right and you are speaking truth only, what do you think we...
situation friends comp or avoid
1 response
do you like your neighbours
27 Apr 07
hi friends i just want to ask you one thing do you like your neighbours or not or do you hate them, what do you think about maintening a good relation with your neighbours. do you think it will be helpful in some way or...
neighbour relation yes or no
4 responses
2 people
I crossed 2 dollars
27 Apr 07
hi friends today i crossed 2 dollar on mylot, i it very exciting what about you, what do you think is the most interesting part in my lot. how were you feeling on your first payment form mylot how much time do you spend on...
yes i did it
It was really bad
26 Apr 07
do you saw the match how South Africa lost the match, it was really bad, the way they lost the match, it also show how strong the Australian team is, how long do you think our team will take to become as strong as...
strength of a and our team
2 responses
More spicy food more complications
26 Apr 07
i think we must not add too much of spice to our food, or we must not be addicted to too much of spice, as if we are adding too much of spice it leads to weakening of our stomach and also effects our taste buds, and also kidney...
kidney stone
kidney stone formation by spicy food