@Kunal11 (28)
India • Age 33
Joined myLot 18 years ago
Kunal11's Responses
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
1 Oct 07

Ok, I don't remember which one of my wonderful friends turned me on to TextAdLinks, but THANK YOU!!!
I was sitting here printing off an article to have my psych prof approve for the abstract I'm supposed to write for her class...
8 responses •
3 people

Kunal11 alright now all of this is getting a little confusing so i cant understand that what is going on around here so i can only hope that you keep us updated i mean if you don't remember the link or if there is no link then there must be some way of getting there...
2 Oct 07
1 comment
2 people
@moviesnmusik (211)
• India
2 Oct 07

I have account with clixnCash where I have reached minimum payout.
While withdrawing it is asking me to enter account id. So what is that account Id?
Please help me as I am withdrawing for the first time with PayPal ?
And how...
7 responses •
1 person
@lexridley (231)
• Tokelau
2 Oct 07

It is so IRRITATING!!! I just want to punch them, and they always take up the whole side walk! And you just cannot get past. What do you think?
7 responses •
1 person

Kunal11 yeah it is damn irritating especially when it is some young couple or those window shoppers i mean if their is some senior citizen they can be excused it is fine to me then they are okay and no problem but when these 'groups of friends' and all that if you...
2 Oct 07
1 person
@njrealestategirl (369)
• United States
1 Oct 07

wrestling and was sometimes more into than other times but since having my kids in 1999 I kind of lost interest or didn't have the time if you know what I mean. Anyway, since my 8 year old is a wrestling fan now we watch it...
2 responses •
2 people
@shiloh_222 (5479)
• Philippines
2 Oct 07

hi... i am into the tradition. i use mine of my left wrist... i just can't feel comfortable on my right... how about you?
24 responses •
6 people

Kunal11 well i am a left handed i mean i write with my left hand and so on and that is why i wear my wrist watch on my right hand by the way where does tradition fall in this i mean what is the connection? anyways many people have commented on me wearing my watch on...
2 Oct 07
2 people
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
1 Oct 07

Ok, I don't remember which one of my wonderful friends turned me on to TextAdLinks, but THANK YOU!!!
I was sitting here printing off an article to have my psych prof approve for the abstract I'm supposed to write for her class...
8 responses •
3 people
@iamsree (440)
• India
1 Oct 07

Which TNA superstar would you like to see in a WWE ring?personally i would like to see chris sabin and sonjay dutt in a wwe ring.they could make a nice rivalry feud betwween them and the team of paul london and Brian kendrick.
9 responses

Kunal11 i would love to watch sonjay dutt kurt angle and sting who has never wrestled in wwe ring i guess perform in wwe they would be a nice blend in the current roster of wwe basically i would love to watch every top tna superstar in wwe like samoa joe fallen angel...
1 Oct 07
1 person
@jcj_111776 (3216)
• Philippines
30 Sep 07

Someone said, "He who angers you, controls you." And whoever said that knew what they were talking about.
In my whole life, when someone made me so mad, either I swallow that anger and try to take deep breaths. But when I got...
17 responses •
6 people

Kunal11 it is hard to control anger but lemme tell you it is the best thing to do and you know what they say "kill anger before it kills you" knowing this anybody sensible enough would want to control anger but wanting wont help will power will i try to control it to...
30 Sep 07
1 comment
1 person
@kaplya (1578)
• India
30 Sep 07

yes i guess i sound too rude but that's what i am wishing to tell all those guests who come to our house without even calling us beforehand! especially this is a habit of our relatives. i don't mind it in case of some near...
9 responses •
4 people

Kunal11 yeah quite true and i dont think it is being rude it is the right thing on their behalf to call n then visit it not only prepares us but also gives us time to make some arrangements if we are suppose to morever just coming without calling is also like invading...
30 Sep 07
1 comment
1 person
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
28 Sep 07

I always just wanted to be a follower. Go about my business and not be anything but a spot on the wall. Well life has a way of making you something you never thought you would be. In my case it is being a leader. I never wanted to...
13 responses •
2 people
@gamedocs (56)
• Canada
31 Jul 07

i still play gameboy as a pass time, who else does? and if you do, which one do you play, and whats your fav game?
3 responses
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
3 Aug 07

The tragedy of the Chris Benoit incident has caused members of the congress to start asking some questions about the WWE's policy toward drug testing. A copy of the three-page letter was submitted to the media making the request....
8 responses •
3 people

Kunal11 well i feel it is really sad that those drugs are tested or even taken by wrestlers that too by such high profiled n highly skilled wrestlers like benoit and maybe even a few others GOD knows but i think it is a part of their business i mean the more we- the...
4 Aug 07
1 comment
1 person
@gamedocs (56)
• Canada
31 Jul 07

i still play gameboy as a pass time, who else does? and if you do, which one do you play, and whats your fav game?
3 responses