Tom Lucas
@Luke35 (81)
United States • Age 53
Joined myLot 8 years ago
I am: Husband, Father, Son, and Brother; Believer in God and Jesus Christ & Lover of Life. Attorney, sports fan, family historian & many other interests.

Tom Lucas's Likes

Tom Lucas liked this  21 Aug 17
Thugs with Guns
Tom Lucas liked this  21 Aug 17
Thugs with Guns
Tom Lucas liked this  24 Jul 17
Glad it was a small bird!
Tom Lucas liked this  24 Jul 17
This company microchips its employees
Tom Lucas liked this  24 Jul 17
This company microchips its employees
Tom Lucas liked this  24 Jul 17
This company microchips its employees
Tom Lucas liked this  24 Jul 17
This company microchips its employees
Tom Lucas liked this  24 Jul 17
This company microchips its employees
Tom Lucas liked this  24 Jul 17
This company microchips its employees
Tom Lucas liked this  24 Jul 17
This company microchips its employees
Tom Lucas liked this  24 Jul 17
This company microchips its employees
Tom Lucas liked this  24 Jul 17
This company microchips its employees
Tom Lucas liked this  24 Jul 17
This company microchips its employees
Tom Lucas liked this  16 Jul 17
Bad Tippers!
Tom Lucas liked this  16 Jul 17
Bad Tippers!
Tom Lucas liked this  14 Jul 17
Bad Tippers!
Tom Lucas liked this  14 Jul 17
Bad Tippers!
Tom Lucas liked this  14 Jul 17
Bad Tippers!
Tom Lucas liked this  14 Jul 17
Bad Tippers!