@Mygermanizedife (94)
Joined myLot 6 years ago
I feel at home on both sides of the world and my goal is to become a digital nomad so I can travel as I please. I'm always interested in sharing my experiences

Alex's Likes

Alex liked this  8 Feb 18
Who wants to travel the world?
Alex liked this  8 Feb 18
What's your favorite travel activity?
Alex liked this  8 Feb 18
What's your favorite travel activity?
Alex liked this  7 Feb 18
What's your favorite travel activity?
Alex liked this  7 Feb 18
What's your favorite travel activity?
Alex liked this  7 Feb 18
What's your favorite travel activity?
Alex liked this  7 Feb 18
What a difference a day makes
Alex liked this  7 Feb 18
What's your favorite travel activity?
Alex liked this  7 Feb 18
What's your favorite travel activity?
Alex liked this  7 Feb 18
What's your favorite travel activity?
Alex liked this  7 Feb 18
What's your favorite travel activity?
Alex liked this  7 Feb 18
What's your favorite travel activity?
Alex liked this  7 Feb 18
Am I The Only One?
Alex liked this  7 Feb 18
Will you be my Valentine..!
Alex liked this  7 Feb 18
6 Years Later
Alex liked this  7 Feb 18
Which country is a good idea to travel to?
Alex liked this  7 Feb 18
You're all wet
Alex liked this  7 Feb 18
Let me introduce myself!
Alex liked this  7 Feb 18
Let me introduce myself!