Bill McAlpine
@ScotMac (1335)
Edinburgh, Scotland • Age 55
Joined myLot 6 years ago
A Scotsman through and through!
Bill McAlpine's Discussions
Bill McAlpine
@ScotMac (1335)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
20 Aug 22

After all that has been said and done concerning the coronavirus pandemic and, given the fact that we now have effective vaccines against it, does the threat of catching Covid-19 still concern you?
It seems like the virus is...
12 responses •
12 people
Bill McAlpine
@ScotMac (1335)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
15 Aug 22

I have returned to myLot after an absence of nearly two years. So what have I been doing?
Ok, I'm going to make a game of this! I will give five options and we will see who guesses correctly. The winner will receive, well, not...
18 responses •
16 people
Bill McAlpine
@ScotMac (1335)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
31 Oct 20

I found this bracket fungus growing on a dead tree stump in the garden of a derelict house near my home. It looks really creepy! Is there anything like this growing where you are?
5 responses •
5 people
Bill McAlpine
@ScotMac (1335)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
30 Oct 20

Not just birds but many creatures struggle to find enough food to survive a harsh winter and, with winter approaching, now is the time to consider making preparations to help them survive. In my area winters can be quite harsh...
9 responses •
8 people
Bill McAlpine
@ScotMac (1335)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
29 Oct 20

It could be anyone from any time period so let your imagination run wild! I have a few suggestions of my own which you may, or may not, agree with (in no particular order):
1. Socrates;
2. Winston Churchill;
3. Julius...
3 responses •
2 people
Bill McAlpine
@ScotMac (1335)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
28 Oct 20

It's not like I wasn't consulted but, for some reason, my opinion came at the bottom of a long list of reasons why a dog would be a good idea. It will be an excuse (more likely a reason) for daily walks which will keep 'us' fit...
12 responses •
11 people
Bill McAlpine
@ScotMac (1335)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
27 Oct 20

Sometimes, when I'm particularly down in the dumps it occurs to me that what I really need is a reset button. What if we could actually do that? What if we could rewind our lives back to that point in time when we made that...
13 responses •
13 people
Bill McAlpine
@ScotMac (1335)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
26 Oct 20

Don't you find that autocorrect is a real pain in the neck sometimes? It was invented to help us but sometimes (too often in my opinion) it alters what we type and turns into something rude, embarrassing, awkward or just plain...
12 responses •
11 people
Bill McAlpine
@ScotMac (1335)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
25 Oct 20

No, not my shopping list but the mantra my father used to repeat every morning before he left for work. This short saying ensured that he would take everything he needed for his day's work as an engineer in a shipyard workshop. He...
8 responses •
10 people
Bill McAlpine
@ScotMac (1335)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
25 Oct 20

I didn't notice it until I got into my car and my foot stuck to the carpet. A lump of chewing gum I must have picked up crossing the car park was firmly fixed to the sole of my shoe and the carpet of my car! I realise that some...
8 responses •
6 people
Bill McAlpine
@ScotMac (1335)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
25 Oct 20

When I make myself a slice of toast it must have a good dollop of real butter on it! Margarine, low-fat spreads or any other kind of (so-called) healthy spread is anathema to me - it's 'toast with butter' not 'toast with healthy,...
12 responses •
13 people
Bill McAlpine
@ScotMac (1335)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
25 Oct 20

Honestly, some people really have no shame! By people I mean, of course, scammers, cheats and online thiefs. The number of times in the past month or so I have been approached by these parasites on social media or by email is...
8 responses •
9 people
Bill McAlpine
@ScotMac (1335)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
23 Oct 20

No, we don't! We do celebrate (if that's the right word) Halloween but no true Scot will send their children out on All Hallows' Eve to go 'Trick or Treating' - we go 'Guising'! Nor would any true Scot dare to carve a pumpkin into...
11 responses •
12 people
Bill McAlpine
@ScotMac (1335)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
23 Oct 20

One way to keep in touch with relatives we can't visit in person is to contact them online but, sometimes, the conversation can run dry, especially with children. How can we solve this? One way is to play online games. There is a...
5 responses •
5 people
Bill McAlpine
@ScotMac (1335)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
17 Oct 20

So what do you think is the best invention that mankind has ever come up with? I have a few ideas - let's see if you agree:
1 - String: where would we be without string to tie up parcels;
2 - The pencil/pen: for writing lists or...
8 responses •
9 people
Bill McAlpine
@ScotMac (1335)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
15 Oct 20

Well, actually, we all do. Where would we be without our friends? They help us celebrate the good times and they commiserate with us over the bad times. A true friend isn't afraid to tell you when you've overstepped the mark or...
8 responses •
7 people
Bill McAlpine
@ScotMac (1335)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
14 Oct 20

At least according to the call I got the other day. This nice young lady phoned out of the blue to inform me that my Amazon account is about to expire and will be auto-renewed to the sum of £79.99 but if I didn't want it renewed...
6 responses •
6 people
Bill McAlpine
@ScotMac (1335)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
14 Oct 20

I spotted this Red Admiral butterfly on bushes near my home when I was walking our daughter's dog (he is staying with us on his holidays 'cos they couldn't take him with them to where they were going). Since it's now nearly the...
4 responses •
4 people
Bill McAlpine
@ScotMac (1335)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
14 Oct 20

I found this dead badger on a road near my home. There isn't a mark on it but it's obviously been hit by a car. I live in a semi-rural area and roadkill like this is quite common. Badgers are a frequent victim closely followed by...
3 responses •
3 people
Bill McAlpine
@ScotMac (1335)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
14 Oct 20

Both my wife and I suffer from chronic back pain. There is rarely a day when our backs don't give some sort of protest even if we don't provoke it. For most people age-related wear-and-tear is the main cause, which simply means...
2 responses •
2 people