@hofferp (4734)
United States • Age 75
Joined myLot 15 years ago
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Responses (2771)
hofferp's Responses
@laglen (19759)
• United States
3 Jan 12

Marketers have been eavesdropping on members of social networks, to determine how to market to them. Do you think this is an invasion of privacy? I am very interested to hear both sides.
8 responses •
3 people
@laglen (19759)
• United States
29 Nov 11

He is retiring! Thank the Lord. He has decided not to run for re election. Could it be the new redistricting in Massachusetts? I don't really care, I am just happy to hear it.
4 responses •
1 person

hofferp I'm kind of sad to see him go this way... I was kind of hoping for an investigation, indictment and a long prison sentence...that's how corrupt I think Barney is. I'm tired of seeing people like Barney screw up horribly for their constituents..the American...
29 Nov 11
2 people
@laglen (19759)
• United States
29 Nov 11

Democrat Senator Clair McCaskill from Missouri has asked that Obama's wheel and deal with a major donor, costing tax payers $443 MILLION for a vaccine we don't use, be investigated.
This was a no bid contract for a small pox...
3 responses

hofferp All I can say is it's a start, but I'm betting there's hundreds and hundreds of similar deals, and unfortunately, it's been going on in this White House and I suspect earlier administrations (as well as nice deals going on in Congress too). I'd like to see all...
29 Nov 11
1 comment
1 person
@laglen (19759)
• United States
24 Nov 11

I just read an article about a survival shop and that business is hopping. People are getting prepared in the case of society...
7 responses •
3 people
@laglen (19759)
• United States
21 Nov 11

I actually have ex-in-laws and they are great friends of mine. Where my ex-husband falls short (which is most times), they are there for me. They are outstanding grandparents to my daughter, and great friends to me.
How do you...
6 responses •
2 people
@laglen (19759)
• United States
20 Nov 11

Ok, so say that you rented an apartment for $1000 per month. You had to change jobs and can no longer afford it. Do you move to a cheaper place? or do you demand that the government subsidize you?
I just posted a different...
9 responses •
1 person

hofferp When it comes to renting...find a cheaper place and move. When it comes to selling a home, it's a little more difficult in this economy, but I'd sure do that before asking my neighbors (through their taxes) to help me pay my mortgage.
OR buy a tent and move...
20 Nov 11
1 comment
1 person
@laglen (19759)
• United States
20 Nov 11

LMAO! doesn't the name say it all? Couldnt decide if this should go under politics or humor. But this is true!
[i]Harvard students are “occupying” the Yard to protest how the 1 percent keep the 99 percent in economic servitude....
3 responses •
1 person

hofferp If I'm not mistaken, Harvard and many of the "elite" schools have millions and millions and millions "invested" in Wall Street. AND many of the Harvard, et al, board members, high-level administrators, etc. are very very rich because of Wall Street and...I...
20 Nov 11
1 comment
1 person
@laglen (19759)
• United States
8 Nov 11

A coffee cart and a hotdog cart owners in Southern California have lost their business. The occupiers have been very effective. I am sure these cart owners are a part of the 1%. It seems after the cart owners could not afford to...
6 responses •
1 person
@laglen (19759)
• United States
3 Nov 11

I am bidding a job for breakfast burritos and am wondering what in your opinion makes the best.
The job calls for "authentic" burritos.
Would you use other meats or stick with chorizo? would you add beans? cheese? how would your...
5 responses •
2 people

hofferp My authentic breakfast burrito has to have egg, NM green chili, potato and bacon. Without the green chili, it's blah. And to get the green chili, you'd have to make a trip south once a year and stock up on hundreds of pounds of hot, very hot, and okay, some...
5 Nov 11
2 people
@laglen (19759)
• United States
30 Oct 11

In my opinion, that is what made the "American Dream". Self reliance, the ability to hit the wild frontier with out government involvement or intervention. To be able to make yourself, earn your way. To start your own business. To...
6 responses

hofferp I still believe in self-reliance, but the local, state and federal governments are making it extremely difficult. I seem to be carrying more and more of others' loads. For some (my own family/friends, the elderly, children...), of course, I don't mind, but for...
31 Oct 11
1 comment
1 person
@laglen (19759)
• United States
28 Oct 11

I think this about sums it up
This is disgraceful
Come on now people. the left is...
5 responses •
1 person

hofferp Hey, Laglen. Long time since I've posted, but I saw your discussion and couldn't resist. In response, I can't explain using the race card anytime. For most Americans, I don't believe it holds water. But I think it's going to get nastier and nastier over the...
28 Oct 11
1 comment
1 person
@laglen (19759)
• United States
9 Aug 11

Harry Truman said this. Wouldn't it be nice if our President would take some responsibility? Any responsibility?
Follow this link to 6 pages of Obama...
10 responses •
1 person
@laglen (19759)
• United States
3 Jun 11

No, it is worse than that. Our fearful leaders are doling out money to countries we borrow from, countries with more $ in the bank than we have. What the hell is wrong with our politicians?
U.S. handed out a total of $1.4 billion...
5 responses •
1 person

hofferp Well how do you think we get China, Brazil, India, Mexico, etc. to hold our treasury securities? We give them money and they buy our Treasury Securities... Makes perfect sense to me... I also think we should give more foreign aide to countries so they'll like...
3 Jun 11
1 comment
2 people
@laglen (19759)
• United States
2 Jun 11

If you have been under a rock for a few days, maybe you missed the big news about Representative Weiner having a picture of a guy in skivvies hacked into his twitter account. I have not delved too deeply into this. I have to ask,...
11 responses •
3 people
@laglen (19759)
• United States
31 May 11

Good golly! What is with people?
[i]The victim told deputies that he and Rhash "were...
7 responses •
2 people

hofferp I haven't been attacked with butter. But if it was my butter (and it would probably be margarine), along with charging her with buttery, I'd ask they charge her with butter theft and abuse. And depending on the cost of butter now days, that could be a felony....
31 May 11
2 people