Elif Ardianto
@kucing123 (81)
Jakarta, Indonesia • Age 39
Joined myLot 5 years ago
Responses (44)
Elif Ardianto's Responses
@DianneN (247183)
• United States
15 Jan 21

Just an announcement that I am deleting my Facebook account.
Most of my family is off now and they, along with my friends, know how to reach me.
I have an Instagram account and a Twitter account which will be deleted, too.
48 responses •
50 people
Michelle Renee Kidwell
@Michellekidwell (29459)
• Sonora, California
15 Jan 21

I used my Ninja, to make some pasta sauce today, I threw the ingredients into my Ninja, puréed it, and then simmered on the stove for awhile, and I must say it tasted good.
Now I’m going to focus on adding to my word count! And...
9 responses •
9 people
@Mbenieve (567)
• Kenya
22 Aug 20

Do you believe in what goes around comes around? Some people don't believe in karma, consequently, they end up doing whatever they want.
10 responses •
8 people
honesty and loyalty
@Merliva (3540)
• San Marino
22 Aug 20

When will it end..?
Yes you heard me just right!!
When will the virus end?
Because it feels like the world is ending and am failing to notice....
I have been hearing an increase in millions in America....
Did I hear right?
13 responses •
10 people

Elif Ardianto You're not alone in facing this @Merliva, the vaccine is in development. If we look back to the past, the Spanish-flu in 1918 ended in two years, but now we have more advanced technology, more scientists and more well educated people, so I hope this pandemic...
23 Aug 20
1 comment
1 person
José Valera
@jvicentevalera (13671)
• Santiago, Chile
22 Aug 20

Hello, hello, hello!
Lotters, today has been one of those days when one needs sort of a break from doing the same. Today I took a brief time off of mylot. Sometimes I need not to be in here, so I can miss it, it is a personal...
25 responses •
22 people
Eric Tsuma
@erictsuma (9726)
• Mombasa, Kenya
7 Aug 20

I like eating cassava alot it's a nice and a very delicious food because it's natural and healthy too.
I like eating healthy because it's good for my healthy living.
25 responses •
22 people
Kokil agarwal
@amitkokiladitya (171927)
• Agra, India
8 Aug 20

I hate when we stop getting good quality mangoes. They are about to end and we will have to wait for one full year to eat them again.
This is something I don't like about August. It takes away my favourite mangoes from me.
5 responses •
2 people
@Metsrock69 (3598)
• United States
7 Aug 20

I went into a national food restaurant today and I ordered some food. When I went to hand the employee the cash, she had informed me that they do not currently accept cash due to the covid 19 pandemic . The only issue that I had...
10 responses •
9 people
@Bensen32 (28178)
• United States
28 Jul 20

I know this is a weird question, but I thought about it yesterday with the interview. Do you think we will ever go back to shaking someone’s hand when we meet them? It has always been kind of weird, I don't know them, I have no...
7 responses •
7 people

Elif Ardianto Not only in the US, here in Indonesia as well handshake was the way to greet someone. Now we use "namaste" and fist bump as the new normal of greeting.
This pandemic has already changed our social habits. It's awkward at first but people will get used to it
28 Jul 20
1 comment
1 person
@nawala123 (20871)
• Indonesia
28 Jul 20

Wife is so scared of worm. Whe she sees it she she gonna scream loudly. It is very disturbing. She ever said to me that she will never cook and eat i fish and use worm the bait for the fis
Sad news for...
6 responses •
6 people
@Shavkat (140362)
• Philippines
10 Jul 20

Lately, my company is sending messages not to talk about China. Yes, you read it right. They are controlling us like a robot not to say issues about this country, such as COVID-19, politics, etc. Even if the students initiate the...
16 responses •
11 people
Babes Says
@BabeSays (8575)
• Mauritius
10 Jul 20

I’m nearly gonna be 30 yet still like playing games, drawing and Play with kids. I prefer playing with kids rather than spending time with grownup people.
Whenever I go to my sis in law, my niece run to me and request me to play...
5 responses •
5 people
Courtney Dutton
@MommyOfEli2013 (84609)
• Rupert, Idaho
10 Jul 20

Hey everyone, how are you all doing? I hope you're all doing well.
Things are going alright here. Been a laid back day here. Spending time with my mom right now. Will go home in a half hour and spend the evening with my husband...
15 responses •
13 people
@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
10 Jul 20

Was out photographing a few Rose of Sharon blooms yesterday in the front yard.
Kept noticing a male and female robin closeby. They were talking to me non stop. As if to warn me of something. We call these birds robin red breast....
30 responses •
31 people
@SHOHANA (16093)
• Bangladesh
8 Jul 20

Its nothing new to me. I'm always absent minded fellow since my childhood days. Today I left my charger in my office desk and I realise that when I've reached my hostel.
I called my colleague to take the charger and give it to...
15 responses •
13 people
@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
8 Jul 20

Have an appointment today. Have my mask on and waiting. Not touching anything except with my elbows. Door handles can have a lot of germs.
Sounds a little paranoid maybe but I do not want the virus. Ready to get back home....
28 responses •
26 people