How do you handle situations when you're not feeling well or tired

September 4, 2008 11:21pm CST
How do you handle situations when you're not feeling well or tired? Last weekend my husband and I were having all kinds of grief with a company hubby was dealing with over the purchase of a trailer. We were about to leave the city when I pulled into a co op gas bar. I needed gas and I chose co op because it was at the end of the day and I know they always pump the gas for you. Well I got in line and keep in mind I had a 15 or 20 minute wait as they were extremely busy. Finally it's my turn and I told the attendant what I wanted and my husband said because we would need to get change back it would be just as quick if he went in to pay for the gas, so I agreed. My husband stepped out of my van when right now a grouchie looking woman about my age comes up to my van and slaps the side window with her palm, scared the day lights out of me, I rolled down the window to see what her dilemma was and I have never seen such a crankie ol gal in my life. You want to talk body language she had the whole shoulder, neck and arm movements going on and with that she said, "Do you think you could take the time to pull your van ahead so I can get gas too?" Well it was the end of a long long long day for me as well. I looked at her and all I said was "No you can go sit and wait your turn like I did." I then put the window up and I waited for my husband to get back in the van and I didn't pull away till he was in and had his seat belt on. He had done a lot of walking that day he was tired and his feet were sore so why should I make him walk the other side of the parking lot for someone who was that rude??? What do you think???
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22 responses
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
6 Sep 08
i tend to be a very grumpy person when i feel tired or not feeling well... so better not to mess around with me when i am in such a foul mood... otherwise, i will explode and whoever it is will get it from me... anyway, i try to control my temper better nowadays as i know that getting angry easily is not good for my health... take care and have a nice day...
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• Philippines
5 Sep 08
first , i rest a little bit then take a shower to freshen up then go to bed..
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• Canada
5 Sep 08
Oakey doeky
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
5 Sep 08
You sound like a tough Granny, that will teach that ole biddy to have some manners.
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• Canada
5 Sep 08
Really??? Do you think? I was thinking I should feel sorry for the attendant because may the good lord take a liking to him if he didn't pump the gas just right. Bet she's single hehehe
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• Canada
5 Sep 08
I wish I could be more like you , I would love to have the nerve to say something when someone is being rude to me but always back down . I would have said yeah and just moved and then complained about it for the next week lol . You are right there is no reason your husband should have had to walk any further after working all day and being tired . And you did wait how long to get your gas so she could wait her turn just like everyone else , just like you told her . By the sounds of it she needed to be put in her place and you did a good job of it , you were not rude you were just matter of fact with her . I am sure that made her even madder but oh well :) I am a doormat when it comes to doing what others ask , I am too scared to stick up for myself . I have no problems sticking up for family or friends but when it comes to myself , I generally back down . If I ever get a backbone there are going to be some seriously shocked people .
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• Canada
5 Sep 08
Hard as it is to believe now I used to be the same way until I realized I had little to no self esteem. I had a terrible horrible child hood and I have always had to be an adult and took orders, worked hard and basically never had a say in anything, till I took a course in self esteem and that changed me forever into a much better person actually. There is very little I wouldn't do for anyone if it was possible but I won't be bullied or pushed around anymore.
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@belk89 (1103)
• Philippines
5 Sep 08
You did the right thing, me and my hubby had encountered rude people too. I guess we can never avoid it that some people are not that educated enough to act properly in public. Sometimes we just let it be coz we know how trashy they are but sometimes when it is too much you also have to stand for what is right. People like that need to learn some lesson too. Perhaps she was use to it that people just let her act that way knowing she is a low class type of person but sometimes we need to fight back too.
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• Canada
5 Sep 08
I didn't yell, scream or swear but be damed if I was going to be her puppet.
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@oyenkai (4394)
• Philippines
5 Sep 08
I handle it just how you did HA! I'd like to believe that I'm rational even though I'm cranky because I'm tired. I know I'm less considerate of people but it's the kind of time when I think that THEY should also be considerate of me. You did great :D
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• Canada
5 Sep 08
Thanks for you comments. I'm usually a nice person but I think we need to treat people half decent if we expect it in return, and you really had to see this ol boot.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
5 Sep 08
I think she was out of line, but I don't deal with stress very well anymore, I get sick all the time, and I just can't handle it.
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• Canada
5 Sep 08
Sorry you haven't been well. I've had my fair share too so I know what it's like. I can still be courteous to people but it sure makes it hard when people approach you in this manner. She did looked surpised at my response.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
5 Sep 08
She must have had a bad day and wanted to carry it on to anyone in her path. No, I would not have moved and I would have told her if she had been nice about it and asked nicely then I would have.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
5 Sep 08
Well, no doubt that lady was just down right rude rude rude and I would have been tempted to poke around inside and make her wait even longer for her gas :( shame on me but it's like the people who want to speed down the road and are rude to those going the speed limit - I just slow down a bit more :)
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• Canada
5 Sep 08
Isn't it the truth. People are in such a hurry these days to go nowhere basically.
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@KarenO52 (2950)
• United States
5 Sep 08
Good for you. That woman was very rude and inconsiderate. I'm sick of people like that, who seem to think that you should inconvenience yourself for them, like they should have some kind of special privilege.
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• Canada
5 Sep 08
Yes excately. People are getting so rude these days. If she'd have just said she was ill, not having time to wait or whatever the reason that's one thing but to act like a wild animal gives no one the right to consideration from anyone plain and simple.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
6 Sep 08
If I am tired I do have a hard time coping with problems or situations. And sometimes I do get short with people.....and when I am overtired I also have the trouble of feeling like I don't know what to do with myself. I also when extrememly overtired, feel sick. A quick nap though and I am a different person!
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
5 Sep 08
I think you did the right thing. That woman crossed the line when she slapped your window and showed sarcasm. If she had come up nicely and asked you politely I am sure you would have done everything to try to accommodate her. I think even if you had not felt tired your response still was appropriate.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Sep 08
I think that you were rude too as you were blocking her access to the pump, and you should not have been just sitting there since you had already got your gas. yes she was rude but right, I see so many people do this totally forgetting there is anyone else in the world but themselves, then they get ticked off if someone asks them to move. Perhaps it had been the end of a long day for her as well a nd your hogging the gaspump did nothing to endear you to her./that is my take.Why could you have driven awayh from the pump then parked closer to the station so your husband still would not have to walk so far. dont blame itall on the irate woman, blame it on yourself as you were not thinking of those behind you. you were like the lady in the supermarket line who argues over every tiny item while the restof us just wish she would come to an agreement, pay and get out so we could move up.
• Canada
6 Sep 08
You're never done at the pump until your gas is paid for where I live in Canada. This is a fabulous forum because we are allowed to give our opinion in the manner we see it. This is your opinion, I respect you for that but because you weren't there and you didn't see the way she presented herself your comments appear a bit harsh. I am not a passive person I do have self esteem and I think I did well. It's sure a pity that people think they're in such a big hurry to go nowhere. Remember when we didn't have fast moving cars, big paying jobs, people on welfare, cell phones, power, television and the list goes on. I think people were happier back then. Everybody worked, everybody made an effort to help one another, people shared what they had.
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
5 Sep 08
Sounds as if you and hubby were not the only ones having a bad day. Good for you for sticking up for yourself.
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• Canada
5 Sep 08
Thank You and Yes I suppose the ol gal was having a terrible day, good point.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
5 Sep 08
Oh people can be so rude & hateful and i don;t like that shoulder & head movements some use,that just makes me sick,and makes me want to tell them off.I think you did the right thing though just telling her what you did...Sometimes when i am tired i just want to say to much to a rude person like that but you know anyone with that much brass is apt to throw a blow at you or even it you so you did the right thing.It sure can be an annoyance though thats for sure..Hope you have a better day today...
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
25 Sep 08
if it were me and I was tired I think yes I would have done the same I mean you have been waiting for 20 mins for your turn, so why should someone else not wait for their turn? Who knows what the other person in front of you had done, to make you wait for 20 mins in the first place? There are times I have to stand up for my husband, but there are also times he can stand up for himself but if I am tired for sure I won't just make everyone else's day by sacrificing mine especially if I have 'paid my dues' so why can't others do the same?
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@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
5 Sep 08
First question...were you at the pump when she approached you or a line waiting to get to the pump? Second where was she? Now, I think she was very rude to approach you that way. Around here she could have been shot. We don't take kindly to people who touch our vehicles.On the other hand I know you were tired and I understand your retort. That's how I nearly got in a fight with a woman in WalMart over her kids. I guess you could have just said I can't move right now...blah,blah. As far as I am concerned she is lucky she is lucky you didn't smack her.
• United States
7 Sep 08
Exactly! So many people try to bully their way around thinking we will give in.
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• Canada
6 Sep 08
I was at the pump in line and she came over as soon as my husband went inside to pay the attendant was just finishing putting the cap back on my tank when she came to my window. She was in line behind me. We teach children better manners than this, or at least I did.
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• United States
5 Sep 08
Hi Grandmaof2, I think you handled the situation just fine!! If someone want to be rude to ou, then I think they deserved to be treated the same way. If you had been approached in a nicer manner, I'm sure you could have been more co-operative. But as it was, I think you handled it just fine. I believe people should treat people the way they want to be treated. Otherwise expect what you get!
• Canada
5 Sep 08
Yes I agree and Thank You for being here.
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• Singapore
5 Sep 08
If I'm feeling not too well during work or something, there's a best way and a smelly ways of doing it. Try hiding into the toilet and take a short rest, it's not my idea as i heard it from one of the stations saying it. It's the best suggestion that i can give maybe it's not a good but and effective way to worth trying it.
@landaloo (57)
• United States
5 Sep 08
Yes you where right waiting for your husband. I would have taking a lot longer to go than you did. And I think you were a lot nicer than I would have been.