Women can do anything a man can do????

October 27, 2008 1:13pm CST
How many of you agree or disagree with this and why???? For those who disagree let me start by saying stop living in the past LOL I am a 26 yr old single mother of 2 and I have found time to fix the motor of a washer. I have also just recently built the fence around my mothers deck including a gate. I am going to be insulating the pipes under my mothers trailer as well as insulating and fixing some holes under there as well. Now these may see like small things to those who disagree but you know what. When women accomplish something that society says we cannot do we feel like we can do anything and I think more women need to think they can do things rather than letting themselves be weak. So whats your opinion on this matter?
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32 responses
@debbie_ (11)
• Australia
28 Oct 08
uhuh,of course women can do anything men can do, we just most the time do it better then men n thats what they hate about us lol
@rebelann (113400)
• El Paso, Texas
23 Oct 19
I think it all depends upon the woman, some have the inclination to do what men do and some don't.
@Angelwriter (1954)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Yes and no. I can't do everything a man can do. But, honestly, I can't do everything every woman can do either. Some women can do anything some men can do -and some things better than some men. And vice versa. I say rather than thinking about it in terms of what a man can do, think about anything in whether it's possible within your capabilities. And, gender shouldn't limit a woman if she can prove herself. But, I don't think there's any shame in saying men and women in general are different. Equal doesn't mean exactly the same. Again, there are exceptions, so the best thing to do is judge people on an individual basis and have them prove where they fit in.
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@sunsham68 (1376)
• India
28 Oct 08
Amazingly well put, angelwriter. I so agree with you!
@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
28 Oct 08
Oh well said, Angelwriter. You said everything I meant.
@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
28 Oct 08
GO GIRL!!!! i am a single mom too of four children. and i am their dad and their mom at the same time. and i will dare any male out there to try and bring up four kids and be the dad and the mom at the same time. glad to say that they are all teens now and they can help me around the house. that was not easy but i Thank God that i did it and still can do it.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
27 Oct 08
I think it's great. When Hubby became disabled he couldn't do anymore of the household things that men normally do. I've learned to take down and rehang blinds, change toilet seats, move funiture and change my own lightbulbs and smoke alarm batteries. I spent a lot of years living with my Mom who was a single parent so we learned how to do alot of things for ourselves. She's great at doing her own fixing and patching...some of it is a little more patching then fixing but she always gets the job done. [b]~~IN SEARCH OF PEACE WITHIN~~ **AGAINST THE STORMS, I WILL STAND STRONG** [/b]
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@rebelann (113400)
• El Paso, Texas
23 Oct 19
It's all about what a woman is capable of, not all women are built the same so each will have her own special talent and limitations. It's the same for men, not all men are built the same and each has his special talent and limitation.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Oct 08
strawberrykisses hi I think a woman can do most anything that a man can do save lifting something very heavy. we can paint, and fix plumbing and we can learn to do things around the hou se that a man usually does. We like to learn to be self sufficient.
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@rebelann (113400)
• El Paso, Texas
23 Oct 19
Thats a good point, most women aren't built to lift really heavy objects.
• Indonesia
28 Oct 08
hmm...well for me, i'd rather accept that theres something that only a woman can do either only man can do. but that doesnt make a woman weaker than man at all. like one of us said there, maybe a woman can make it but just slower than man. ive done many things on my own too, n i think u women have done many things on ur own too without guyz help. there r many things that my man never done that b4 n im the one who knew bout it n done it earlier than him, but that doesnt make me degrade him n feel that im better than him. coz im sure there r still many things that i cant do without him lol.. 4 me its better to respect the differences and accept each goodnesses n weaknesses between a men n a women..but again, its just my opinion (wink)
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• Canada
28 Oct 08
You are right we should not degrade men because we can do what they do and it goes for men too. Thanx for your response
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@kholid78 (341)
• Indonesia
28 Oct 08
I 100% agree with your opinion, shalli, I think you've got best point here.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
28 Oct 08
i agree with you... nowadays, whatever men can do, women can do it as well... it is not like in the past where women depend on men to be the main breadwinner in the house and we women are required to stay at home and do the household works... the time has changed and now women are becoming more and more independent... in fact, i believe that women are stronger than men because we can get pregnant and give birth which men can't do... take care and have a nice day...
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@rebelann (113400)
• El Paso, Texas
23 Oct 19
I think it boils down to personalities, some women are much more comfortable not dealing with what men do, like hunting for instance. Women just need to determine what it is they want to do and then go do it.
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Its funny a friend and I were just talking about this. She has a new boyfriend who doesn't get it when we say we can do it!!! Let me give you a little background. Her and I met when I was 5 months pregant and just bought a house. I had a husband but well he is useless when it comes to doing any thing around the house. The house we purchansed needed some minor repairs. So my girlfriend and I got started! There I was 7 months pregnant putting new drywall in the attic, new floors down in the kitchen, new carpet in the living room and more. At her house we were putting hard wood floors, putting all new electrical wires in her house, doing plumbing and new kitchen cabinets! So she just bought a new place and there is a lot of work to be done. We started Saturday morning and got a ton of stuff done. Her new boyfriend got there in the early evening and couldn't belive how much we had done. He couldn't understand how we even knew how to do some of the stuff. Our answer was trial and error!!! We tried to explain to him that although we are girls we can do it and if we don't already know how to do it we will figur it out!!! He also couldn't understand how we did it all in heals!!! Funny I heard a saying... "a girl can do any thing a boy can do but in heals" OH SOOO TRUE!!
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• Canada
27 Oct 08
WOW and you havent gone to get a certificate in any of those things yet? LOL I probably would I was thinking of getting my carpentry. The home hardware store here offers the course in the store and you build for them and get paid and the course is free LOL thats how badly we need workers out here. YOu should consider something sounds like you would make alot of money especially in heel LMAO too cute I love to see another woman that thinks like me hugs, StrawberryKisses
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
28 Oct 08
Nahh none of this stuff is stuff that I like to do but I don't mind it when it needs to be done. We have a lot more to do at her house the next couple weekends but our hope is to have every thing done by Thanksgiving! Her new boyfriend says there is no way - gives us all the more reason to have it done!!!
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
30 Oct 08
women can do anything that they put their mind to. they just need to make a commitment to it and do it.
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
28 Oct 08
I would say that not all women can do everything a man can do. And that some women can. Much of what we've attributed to things only a man can do require strength, and some women will never have the kind of strength of a man. And many are happy that way. But as one who spent years as a single mom, I can say it's often easier to do things when you're not encumbered by a male. I know that my hubby makes such an issue about taking out the trash, cutting the grass, changing the oil in the car. When I was a single mom, those were just things I put on my list to do, I did them, and I crossed them off my list. I never thought they were things that one had to ponder for days first.
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@rebelann (113400)
• El Paso, Texas
23 Oct 19
Very well said. I suppose the only thing that cannot be shared across genders is giving birth with all that it entails.
• China
28 Oct 08
You are great,I agree with you,but ,sometimes,a single mom will suffer more stress than others,thanks for your discussion!
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• China
28 Oct 08
i disagree. in mordern society,moman is nearly has same position as man. they can both do company job, get same salary. but we have to admit that moman and man are different in physiology. it's a fact that moman is weaker than man.i'm a moman,i'm a strong willed moman. i experienced that in some field i can't win a man. that's destiny.
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• Canada
28 Oct 08
If we are weaker then why is it that god chose use to endure childbirth? I bet no man could ever endure that kind of pain.
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@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
27 Oct 08
A woman can do SOME things a man can do but not ANY thing. To deny that there are limits is ridiculous and I'm not going to break my back because I want to prove that I can be a man and lift the washing machine by myself.
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• Canada
27 Oct 08
Lifting a washing machine is something a man should not do. So for your to say that we can't do it all like they can is rediculous in itself. EVERYONE is equal so why do you depend on a man? Use a dolly to lift your washing machine, is that not practicle? I have done it why can't you? If you were in a wheel chair then I could see your limitations.
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• Philippines
28 Oct 08
Man and woman are created by God differently and for different roles. It is true that we can do whatever men can but maybe not as accurate as it should be because our bodily composition doesnt allow us to. the work that they are supposed to do might take us more time to finish because we are not really built for that. But there's no questioning that in our modern world,women can do what men can too. But there are still facts that remains untarnished that is that men can't give birth and women can't pee on one bottle all at the same time. lol.
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
28 Oct 08
I think women can do anything a man can do. Unfortunately girls are socialized at a very early age to act "girlie". I have a few friends that are elementary teachers abd they tell me some moms send their little girls to school with makeup and lipstick and nailpolish as young as 5 years old. What kind of message are these mothers teaching their girls? I think there are some physical limitations that prevent the majority of women to go into certain professions such as firemen and oil rig workers but that does not mean some women don't have the physical strenght to do those jobs. If they have that they should not be barred from those professions. Good for you to do all the things you described. Keep it up girl!
• Canada
28 Oct 08
We may have some limitations but I have seen many women in firefighting, 2 in fact just the other night, and here in alberta there are tons of women working in the oilfield. I think it is all on how disciplined you are in your life and that I believe stems from how you were raised. I can't believe mothers would send their 5 yr olds to school with make up on that is awful. Thanx for your response
@SViswan (12051)
• India
28 Oct 08
I wouldn't say women can do everything a man does.....and likewise..men can't do everything what a woman does. I'd like to see each persona as an individual. There are so many men who don't fit into the men stereotype (my huband's not a handyman around the house and can't fix anything for his life...I can)....and some women don't fit into the typical women stereotype. Having said that, I don't think a woman can't live alone and so what she wants to just because she's a woman. Many wives like me...still live with their husbands and manage things like single moms. I've got 2 kids (one of who is a toddler), I work as a kindergarten teacher, I'm also studying for my Psychology degree. I manage all the things in the house and also get things fixed that need to be. I wouldn't say it's impossible or that I don't have the time for everything. But I do find it hard to keep up with the energy of my toddler AND that of the kids in my class.....not that it stops me. Today, I think most women do KNOW that they can do what they want to do and don't really depend on men to do things for them.
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
28 Oct 08
Oh, I think a woman can do anything she puts her mind to but, I guess, I feel like there are things she really shouldn't have to do. Having said that, I believe it's time to pay women the same pay for doing the same job. In most places male teachers still make more than their counterparts. Even in Hollywood the pay scale tips heavily towards male actors. On the other hand it would be hard for a woman (though there probably are some) to be a fire fighter and being a soldier is just not my cup of tea. Though there is definitely jobs in the military women should be able to tackle. So . . . women can do anything a man can do? For the most part.
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
29 Oct 08
Mmmm, I don't want this discussion to get ugly. I don't know any lawyers but I do know a couple of surgeons, one male, one female. Ummm, yes. Male doctor makes more. I think companies get around the laws by saying things like . . . seniority, or the hospital where she works is smaller--of course, she might never reach the seniority goal. Anyway, here's an article if you're interested (you'll have to read the whole thing) . . . http://www.straightdope/columns/read/2411/are-women-paid-less-than-men-for-the-same-work But let's just say, it still happens. My bad, if this is besides the point.
• United States
28 Oct 08
Personally I do think women can do anything men can do. It is not that women are less capable than men. Although I agree with the statement, there are some differences between men and women. These differences do not stop women from doing what men are doing but they give limitations to women. As a simple example, to move a bed. Men can easily do this compared to women. As for women, we might need some helps to do the same thing. There are also other things men are seen to be dominating. In conclusion, women can do anything men can do with some limitations.
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@AmbiePam (96433)
• United States
30 Oct 08
I don't think women can pee standing up and get it all in the toilet. Of course have you ever been in a men's restroom? Sometimes they can't either.
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• Canada
30 Oct 08
Well if you were to stand over the toilet you probably could I dont find that most men can aim
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@AmbiePam (96433)
• United States
31 Oct 08
Men should be ashamed. If they are fortunate enough to be able to pee standing up, then they should use their powers for good!
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@jordan04n (463)
• United States
28 Oct 08
God made men and women different...the Bible says so...Can you give sperm?
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• Canada
28 Oct 08
I am talking about in the work field not in bed. Some women are lesbiens and can fulfil other women which means they are being the man you do not have to produce sperm to be a man. Some men don't produce it so are you saying a man that has a p3nis but no sperm is not a man?
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28 Oct 08
i sooooo agree with you if something is broke i'll have a go and fix it myself before i ask anyone else. two weeks ago the motor was blocked on my hoover i took apart fixed it and put it together again it makes me mad when i hear women say they cant even change a plug................. y?!
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• Canada
28 Oct 08
Oh I know what you are saying. It drives me insane when I hear a woman say they can't do something.